After the Battleship left, Mo Fei began to pinch his chin and wondered why the elite Marine Headquarters like Smoker appeared in South Blue.

As for the almost “exposed” things, to be honest, Mo Fei doesn’t care. Taking a 10,000 step back, even if he was taken to the Battleship, the hostage Young Lady described his experience these days based on facts, and you can find that Mo Fei has actually done nothing about “violating the law and discipline” at all… with special Bad attitude towards the noble Young Lady, is this a major event?

At least not a major event for Marine generals like Smoker.

As for Pirate, isn’t Pirate as it should be by rights everyone is condemned? Mo Fei killing a Pirate leader is meritorious and worthy of praise.

“Is Pirate a bit too active, so that Marine Headquarters had to draw power from the’Grand Line’ back to the world…”

Mo Fei only thought of the reason South Blue saw Smoker.

Since the “War on the Top”, Pirates all over the world have become restless, “Yonko” Whitebeard died, Ding Ding Daimyo’s “Whitebeard Pirates” was defeated by Marine and then fell apart. Although it was shocking, the phrase “ONEPIECE exists” that Whitebeard was willing to live under Pirate King Roger before his death played a very important role.

Twenty years after Roger’s death, the “Great Secret Treasure” still had no trace. At this time, many people thought that the legend was nothing more than a legend, but Whitebeard’s words once again boosted the morale of the Pirates.

Whitebeard has been fighting with Roger for a lifetime. He himself is a person who is not interested in “ONEPIECE”, but before he died, he made an annotation and endorsement for Roger… The more arrogant the person, the more Trustworthy, there are people in the world who respect Whitebeard, people who resent Whitebeard, and people who have no feelings for him, but no matter what kind of people they will not think that Whitebeard will lie before death.

So “Great Age of Pirates” was able to continue, and ushered in another peak.

Although Pirate from all over the world is suddenly active, no matter how much they toss about, they are always small movements. Now the “New World” in the second half of “Grand Line” is really a dance of demons, and most of the elite forces of Marine Headquarters go to New World dealt with the Pirate riot, not to mention Rear Admiral Vice Admiral, even the three Admiral were forced to start frequently.

In the case of Marine’s strength, they can’t completely ignore the situation of the world, so the guys like Smoker who are neither too big nor too small are thrown out to perform the task…say he is amazing. , That’s really amazing. After all, Logia is very young and wealthy, but the gap between him and the real Marine peak military strength is almost naked eye.

I just don’t know how long this person will stay in South Blue.

Seeing someone like Smoker up close, Mo Fei still feels quite shocked. On the one hand, this is the first time he has actually seen a “character”; on the other hand, it is because of the Commodore. Mr. Imposing manner is pressing. He is tall, wearing a white jacket, bare chest, bulging muscles, and looks…

Like a basketball player practicing fitness.

When Mo Fei was thinking about things, Rasmussen Affening, who understood her own situation, was also thinking about things, and her mood was much more complicated than Mo Fei…because It is very likely that the “Rasmussen” in front of her name will lose its effect.

After much deliberation, considering the pitiful brain capacity of this aristocratic Young Lady who has always eaten and drank without worry, she certainly can’t think of a good way to… Under the premise of understanding, she suddenly realized another very frightening fact-at this time, the only people she could rely on seemed to be the guy who was staying in the same boat with her now.

Yes, think about it carefully, Afnin and Mo Fei actually have no grudges. The person who attacked and kidnapped her was a group of Pirate, and the person who killed His Highness the Prince was also Pirate. Mo Fei was just a bad luck “ordinary people” who “shared joys and sorrows” with her. Even Mo Fei killed the group of Pirate. The captain, this is tantamount to helping her get revenge, isn’t that the benefactor?

That’s how people are. Once she has some special ideas, she starts to lean over there actively. For this reason, she doesn’t hesitate to brainwash herself… Mo Fei didn’t think she had ever taken the initiative to help. Funing’s thoughts, even the His Highness the Prince was originally thrown into the sea by him.

At this moment, Afnin has no memory of her bodyguard once did not regard Mo Fei as a human being, or she never knew such a thing, because at that time she as it should No one who be by rights has seen Mo Fei.

After a short time with each other, Affening felt that Mo Fei was a very thoughtful and “deep-minded” person, so maybe he would have a way? She had to find a way to get him to help herself.


The encounter with Smoker Commodore at sea is just an episode. Mo Fei didn’t care much. After crossing the Battleship, he continued to follow his own Act in pace.

Mo Fei controlled the boat back to the normal route, and then you can see a lot of ships passing by. However, passenger ships, cargo ships, or Battleships are not the ships he wants to see. At this time, all he wants to see is Pirate Ship… Everything is for his “funding plan”.

There are definitely a lot of Pirate Ships on the sea, but things are often like this. When I really look for them, I can’t find them… Fortunately, Mo Fei’s luck is not bad. On the evening of the fifth day, He finally found a Pirate Ship.

In Affnin’s horrified sight, the boat began to approach the Pirate Ship little by little.

“Sell as I taught you.” Mo Fei hiding in the cabin said to her like this.

Affnin stood on the boat and bit her lip, she began to shout, “Help, someone, who can come to save me…”

Noble background She has never done such a thing in her life.

“Is it okay to invest in feelings, the voice won’t make people a little bit more,” Mo Fei thought for a while, felt that aristocratic education does not necessarily teach this, so he doesn’t really ask for it, “Anyway, the voice should be louder. , Shouting while beckoning, let them see the handcuffs on your hand.”

No way, Affnin can only continue to shout.

It doesn’t matter if the sound is not sound. As long as it can attract Pirate’s attention, they have no reason not to come…Mo Fei is indeed “entrapment”, but his bait is too tempting, so it doesn’t I’m worried about any fish that won’t take the bait.

Affnin only needs to wear her Knight uniform to stop here, without unbuttoning the front button or deliberately doing any show off, Pirate will come to “rescue” her 100%.

“Hey, there seems to be a woman killed in the sea…”

“Let me see…”


“Go and inform the boss, turn, turn right now…”

Sure enough, after noticing the movement on Afnin’s side, Pirate Ship immediately changed its original voyage.

Then the Pirates drove on, and something strange happened-the Pirate Ship shook violently, and then the bottom of the ship started to flood without knowing why.

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