“Cui Delier” Cao Chang should be Mo Fei’s next direct supervisor…if it is not surprising that it is also possible to train Instructor for new recruits. In general, Mr. Cao Chang is still very important in places like the military where the upper and lower classes are particularly emphasized.

“Considering that some of you are native islanders, and some are remote islanders from afar, the situation is different, so the upper level of the base decided to let you go back to deal with personal affairs before officially starting the training.

Give you three days. After three days, you must return to the base to report before ten o’clock in the morning… The time has been given quite enough, I hope you will not be late when the time comes.

A friendly reminder, now that you have become Seaman, so don’t try to challenge Marine’s rules.”

Didn’t expect the 54 branch here is quite humane, Mo Fei thinks the assessment is complete After that, they will directly pass the qualified person to the base… In fact, he still thinks too much. His common sense and inherent impression have caused a small problem in his judgment.

Mo Fei subconsciously believes that the military is a very demanding place, especially the “technical service” such as Marine. There is nothing wrong with this idea, but it still has to be analyzed in detail.

If it is Marine Headquarters, then his idea is 100% correct, but if it is in the Marine branch outside of the Grand Line… Frankly speaking, this is not called “humanization”, but called “lax management”. .

Mo Fei quietly took a look at this Cao Chang. The opponent looked about forty years old, and his height was similar to Mo Fei. As a soldier, his skin was pale and his face slightly slightly Obese, a bit blessed… Actually, there is a feeling of lack of exercise.

But Mo Fei is not incapable of understanding this kind of person. Cao Chang is also a sergeant, but the sergeant is not an officer, but a soldier. To put it more simply, Treadley is equivalent to a blue-collar who has worked in a certain company for 20 years… at most equivalent to the team leader.

The “professional attitude” of a person like generally speaking is easy to figure out. Going to work means going to work. He will do what he should do, and he has no interest in interfering with what he should not do.

“Do you understand? If you understand, you can disband.”

Sure enough, after just a few words, Tridlier announced the dissolution.

Maybe because this Sir acted too succinctly. After he announced his dissolution, for a while, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they all wondered if it would be good to just leave like this.

Mo Fei was the first one to stand up and walk out the door. And when he passed by Cao Chang’s side, he smelled a very obvious smell of tobacco and a little alcohol… Oh, so he could really understand how he should get along with this Sir.

Mo Fei left the Marine base and went straight to some “brand shops” in the port area. He bought a box of good cigarettes and a bottle of red wine in the wooden box, and he spent a huge sum of about 300,000 Beli.

After shopping, he hurried back to the base…Of course, Mo Fei had no problems with his brain, so he wouldn’t do the stupid thing of standing in front of the base with his things.

Tridlier may stay in the base all the time, but Mo Fei thinks that the opponent will go out in the evening, so he is going to try to wait… wait and see, it’s okay if you can’t wait. loss.

Human relations, that’s how it is.

Of course Chang Cui Delier Cao Chang has the probability of being a man of noble character and no sand in his eyes, but how great is this probability?

When the new recruits all left the base, and when the sun was about to set, Tridley walked out from the door as expected. Fortunately, he came out alone, so he would be more accessible. Up.

“Chang Cui Delil…”

After Mr. Chang moved away from the base, Mo Fei stopped him from behind.

“You are…

Oh, I remember your name is Elindel.”

Mo Fei should be in this batch of new recruits The one with the best quality, so Tridlier was a little impressed with him, but when he was called from outside the base, Mr. Cao Chang’s first reaction was not very happy. The reason was simple…because he had already left work.

Seeing the other party obviously didn’t have too much patience to listen to his nonsense, so Mo Fei straight to the point said, “Cao Chang, I will move to the base soon. After I start my life as Seaman, these I don’t need things anymore, and I’m from a remote island, so can these things be temporarily stored with Cao Changyou?”

As long as Tridlier’s brain is fully developed, he will naturally understand that Mo Fei is in Say what.

Tridlier glanced at the two boxes Mo Fei was holding in his arms. He naturally recognized the nameplates on the outside… If he didn’t recognize it, then he could only say that Mo Fei’s 300,000 pieces were white flowers. Up.

“Walking and talking.” Tridlier has lived for several decades, and of course he will not directly take his subordinates… Everything must be “prelude”.

The two walked near a coffee shop. Tridlier motioned to Mo Fei to sit at an open-air table, and Mo Fei was winking and ordered two cups of coffee.

“I remember that you are from the Kingdom of Hildegard, right?” Mr. Cao Chang began to chat with Mo Fei.

“Yes, Chang Cao.

I came to Ganimetis after I accidentally read about the recruitment of the 54th branch in the newspaper. So I said I Although I passed the assessment relatively smoothly, I actually don’t know much about 54 branches.” Mo Fei said.

“The completely unfamiliar environment makes people uncomfortable? Don’t worry, as long as you can abide by Marine’s rules, then your Seaman life will go smoothly… the military’s interpersonal relationship is very simple, you don’t It’s too complicated to think about things.

As for the taboos in the branch…it didn’t matter before, but now, Gurred Commodore hates tall and huge bodies, especially people with big faces.

It is said that it is the psychological shadow left by the previous participation in the war on the top. You have no problem in this regard. You only need to pay attention to the word’shemale’ without the premise of Commodore.”

Um, “Ivan Sauce”… Mo Fei’s mind involuntarily came up with an image of a person.

“Monster King” Ambrio Ivankov is indeed a person who easily leaves a psychological shadow on others. On the one hand, his image is very problematic, and on the other hand, his strength is very strong.

But this should be considered a more useful piece of information. Since the first Chief-In-Charge of the 54th Division, Goode Fran Commodore, can be called up to the top of the battlefield, it means he To be a capable person is certainly not a waste at least.

As for the problem that Mr. Commodore is likely to be violently beaten by the “Monster King” on the battlefield, this is a normal phenomenon… At the top of the war, Ivankov can be won on the battlefield. There are a lot of people, but it certainly does not include “Commodore”.

After chatting with Cao Chang for a few more words, Mo Fei left at the right time. As for the thing he just held, of course he accidentally forgot to stay where he was… before he left, he settled the account.

Tide Lier finished his coffee at a moderate pace bar, and then left here with two things in his arms. The things sent out must be heard, it depends on whether Mr. Cao Chang understands the rules.

For Mo Fei, having a good relationship with his Sir is neither completely unnecessary nor particularly necessary, but again, there is no harm in having a good relationship with the other party… the only hidden danger It was because he was more generous, and I was afraid that Tridley was an insatiable person, but that didn’t matter, it was enough to change the way of coping when the time came.

This is the first time that Mo Fei knew that someone had participated in the famous war in such a close place.

…………Devil Fruit’s notes…………

Pirate King Luffy, Three Sword Liu Zoro, if there is an opportunity, I would like to meet them.

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