After the new recruit’s life lasted for five days, all the newly qualified Seaman became lively and relaxed, because after a few days, even the dull people were already aware Here comes the fact that being Seaman doesn’t seem to be such a serious matter.

At least Mo Fei this squad is like this, because Chief Cui Deli only cares about his duties, not people at all.

Limited by intensity, the training of new recruits in the 54th branch is not hard, but a little boring. In addition, there is actually nothing in the Marine base, so the most common means of entertainment after the training is completed every day is small talk, and some people are mixed and mixed.

After the training of this day, many of the Seaman who stood for a day sat directly on the ground, and then either complained or talked and laughed.

“Be more lenient than self-discipline”, this kind of thing couldn’t be more common. The training of new recruits has nothing to do with it. If you can get through it during training… I just don’t know if this group of people will laugh when they meet Pirate.

But this kind of thing doesn’t seem to be particularly worrying. Although there are many Pirate Ships at sea, 90% of them will directly choose to escape when they encounter Battleship.

However, “accidental” will always happen. Battleship and Pirate Ship will always meet on the sea. Seaman will also have violent conflicts with Pirate… For Mo Fei, if In the case of “either you bleed or I bleed”, it is of course “you bleed”.

But other people don’t seem to be so aware.

Mo Fei’s involuntarily shook the head, and when he was about to leave the playground, go for a meal and continue training, suddenly someone stopped him behind him.

“Mr. Mo Fei.”

Mo Fei stopped, he turned his head, and saw a slightly familiar person.

“You are…”

“My name is Deville, Mr. Mo Fei, thank you for helping me on the day of the assessment.” The other party continued.

Mo Fei just remembered. This man was a short man who was pushed down by Lucio on the day of the assessment. He didn’t do anything at the time, but just pulled the opponent up easily. This is so worthy of thanks. Thing?

“It’s just a small matter, you don’t need to care…and didn’t you thank you at that time?”

“hehe,” Deville stretched out his hand and scratched his head, “I’m honored to follow Mr. Mo Fei is in the same team that trains Instructor. The past few days I have always wanted to talk to you, but I haven’t found the right opportunity… You don’t seem to realize that we are in the same team.”

This man smiled shyly, but he felt that his words were very problematic, making others seem to have to remember him… Mo Fei said you who are you, I care if you are with me In the team.

De Weir looks younger than Mo Fei, of course, it may also be because of his limited height that gives people the illusion of youth.

“Just call my name directly. We are peers and we are still in the same period. Don’t be so polite.”

“Then…Mo Fei, meet again, I am Di Wei Yeah.”


Mo Fei was just being polite with the other party, didn’t expect this person to be quite polite. To be honest, everyone is a new recruit, and of course the status is equal, but… I am really unfamiliar with you, at least please respect my “exam first” status?

He doesn’t want to engage in messy intrigue in such a place, but things like “Chi Qian Wang Duo” seem to be out of his control.

After a few words with the other party, Mo Fei is ready to leave here, because this kind of dialogue is meaningless. However, he seems to be bad luck today, and he is destined to have no way to get out so easily.

It may be that after a few days in the Marine base, everyone started to idle a little bit pain… Anyway, Lucio walked towards Mo Fei.

The people around avoided the “robust man” involuntarily, but Deville, who had suffered a loss once, simply hid directly to the side. He was just watching the situation here from a distance.

Luccio went round Mo Fei and kept talking.

“Didn’t expect you actually dare to blatantly mix into the Marine base…”

“Fuck? Ah, thanks to your blessing, Mr. Lucio.”

Yes, Mo Fei had to cooperate.

Lucio stopped abruptly. He stared at Mo Fei with a vicious look, “Although I don’t know what you have done, it’s impossible for someone like you to be so strong. Strength…I’m a little curious, how did you fool the examiner?”

He can’t understand why Mo Fei is stronger than himself, especially in terms of strength. How could Mo Fei have such a physique of bean sprouts? Strong wrist strength? So after thinking about it, he came to a conclusion-Mo Fei cheated.

The magic is that this conclusion is actually correct.

“If you doubt the fairness of the exam, then you shouldn’t come to me… Isn’t it better to go to the Commodore? I can’t solve the problem, but Commodore can definitely.”

“I didn’t say that,” Lucio is not that his brain is underdeveloped, how could he go to the Chief-In-Charge of the base because of this kind of thing.

The man rolled his eyes and said after putting on a smiley face, “Mr. Mo Fei, do you want to compare with me… This kind of small test does not violate the rules of the base, it is Please advise.”

Speaking, he made a wrist-wrestling motion.

The other’s expression management is not brilliant, Mo Fei caught a glimpse of cruelty in the corners of his mouth and eyes when he spoke. Lucio asked for such a test, probably wanting to break Mo Fei’s arm…at least one arm while breaking his wrist.

So what kind of hatred is this?

Mo Fei followed laughed and said, “Of course it can, but if it’s just a little game like this, it doesn’t make much sense. Why…Shall we add some chips and bet on something?

Two hundred Wan Beli or…

How about a finger?”

These words made the expression on Lucio’s face quickly converge, and his face became gloomy and uncertain. Get up…Because the bet is too big, Mo Fei’s attitude is too confident, so he is a little undecided.

If Mo Fei had cheated during the assessment, there would be something wrong-Lucio was afraid of self-defeating.

Seeing this, Mo Fei seemed ready to take a step back, so he said, “It’s just cracking a joke. .”

Speaking, he walked out of the playground.

However, when he was passing by the other person, he said in a very small voice that was not heard by people watching the excitement around him:

“Neither has money, nor dared to fight. , Then you say a hammer.


Cerebral palsy, can you be bluffed? I did cheat during the exam, but do you have any evidence? “

Mo Fei’s mockery based on facts made the opponent a little unbearable, and Lucio suddenly clenched his fists.

On the contrary, Mo Fei decided to play a monkey and have fun.

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