When Afnin came over, Mo Fei was actually a little surprised. It was not that she was surprised that she had not left the island after half a month, but that she was surprised. Actually leaned forward… shouldn’t everyone pretend not to know each other at this time?

Of course, this encounter was accidental, just because everyone happened to be around the port. After parting with Affening, Mo Fei didn’t plan to meet her again.

“Is there any problem?” Affnin asked when Mo Fei stopped.

“It’s nothing, it just feels like you have become a little different from before.” Mo Fei said, and then let Affnin hold himself, he walked forward.

“After so many things, I have to learn something.” Affnin said, she seems to have grown a lot…mainly manifested in the level of psychological maturity.

Recall that when Mo Fei first met Affening, her pretentious look was totally different from what she is now.

“It’s you, are you really just going to be Seaman?” Affnin looked up and down Mo Fei’s clothes, and then continued to ask with some curiosity, “Aren’t you quite capable?”

Mo Fei was very clean when solving Pirate. When Affening wanted this kind of strength, he should be able to directly serve as an officer.

“Because in this world many places are more taboo to’bring an art investor’, they prefer the new account, the former is easy to make people suspect that there is a problem with loyalty… like you The little girl doesn’t understand this aspect.”

If it comes to the “strength” aspect, Mo Fei will take the initiative to expose “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” unless he has a bag in his head.

On the one hand, the former owner Shiki killed quite a lot of Marine with this fruit. He almost captured Marine Headquarters Marineford. Shiki must have killed more Marines than Mo Fei had seen. Ghosts know Marine. Will it “hate the house and the black” because of this kind of thing.

On the other hand, and also the most important aspect, the value of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi is undoubtedly worthy of the Blackbeard Pirates team dispatched two or three Captain-level battle strengths, and even collectively dispatched to attack Mo Fei .

Then the question is, will Marine deploy corresponding forces to protect him? One Admiral, five or six Vice Admiral, protect him as a new recruit around the clock? What is your dream, Marine is so trustworthy?

Mo Fei chooses to believe in himself, because only he is trustworthy.

Listening to Mo Fei’s words, Afnin didn’t refute, she was very obedient and nodded…What’s the matter with such a good girl?

“Is there anything coming out?”

Mo Fei stopped talking about his own affairs, but asked Afnin.

“It’s just shopping.”

“It’s best not to come out by yourself, especially at this time.”

Mo Fei looked around, A woman like Affening is very attractive when walking on the street, especially the combination of a man and a woman with him will be more attractive. Thanks to this, Mo Fei noticed that someone behind him was quietly following him.

After thinking for a while, he probably guessed the identity of the person behind him, but he still decided to scare this unsuspecting noble Young Lady.

“Although outstanding appearance is not a sin, it can easily become a motive for other people to commit crimes…Someone is already watching you, so you don’t want to experience any strange things before going home.”

These words made Affnin’s arms holding Mo Fei’s arms suddenly clenched…Although Mo Fei was deceiving her at this time, she chose to believe him.

“It’s better to stay obediently and honestly in the hotel before the person who greets you. If you want to buy something, you can continue to entrust the clerk to help.”

” It’s because my boat is coming soon, so I…” Avnin whispered against Mo Fei’s ear.

“So sighed in relief?” Mo Fei shook the head, as if dissatisfied with her naivety, “Come with me, I will take you back to the hotel.”

Talking about him He hugged Affnin’s waist and quickly walked into the side alley, then hugged her up and left the area at an exaggerated speed… Throwing away people like Lúcio It’s not difficult.

Affnin only felt her feet lifted off the ground and then landed on the ground. In a very short period of time, she had already arrived at the door of the hotel.

“A few more days…when will the ship arrive?”

Mo Fei asked, standing in front of the steps.

“Three days later, everything in the royal capital was arranged, so it took a while.”

Affnin said this first, and then she stepped forward. And just before she was about to enter the hotel, she didn’t know what her mentality was, she stopped, turned around and asked Mo Fei, “In the afternoon three days later, will you come to see you off?”

“…If you have time.” Mo Fei gave an ambiguous answer, and then, without waiting for Afnin to say anything, he turned around and left here.

Affnin opened her mouth, but she looked at his back, after all, she didn’t speak again.

After Mo Fei left the hotel, he was about to turn around and go back to clean up the guys who followed him…it was still too idle to train all the time, he was going to find something to do.

While walking and observing the surrounding situation, Mo Fei wanted to pick out the few people as quickly as possible. However, when he passed a bazaar and his eyes swept over someone inadvertently, his footsteps Suddenly stopped.

“Uncle, give me a copy of this apple.”

The other party is standing in front of an apple stand buying apples.

Mo Fei was a little skeptical at first, but gradually his doubts began to fade, and finally became convinced.

It was a youngster with golden curly hair. He wore a certain black top hat on his head. There was a hideous wound on his face from the front of his forehead to his left cheek…More importantly, that The guy carried a steel pipe behind his back.

It can only be said to be very distinctive.

Mo Fei only came out for a walk because he was a little bored. Didn’t expect inadvertently seemed to have really encountered a “great character”-the kind of great character with a very valuable head.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

If a person stays in a limited space with a familiar face for a long time, one time will become boring, two Then everyone’s shortcomings will be magnified, Marine base is like this, even more how is a small boat.

So Luffy’s adventurous character is not incomprehensible.

The number one thug on the boat has been autistic for a long time, either sleeping or punching iron.

The ship doctor is a wild beast with a strong body odor. He loses hair every day. What’s more outrageous is that he has the right to bathe with female crew members.

Navigator makes a careful calculation for deducting a dime, and what he is best at is stealing things and selling teammates.

The archaeologists have a gloomy personality, do not speak human words, and have the ability to peep around anytime, anywhere.

The chef is a greasy licking dog, licking it regardless of the enemy or me. The battle strength has fallen out of the first echelon without knowing it.

Musicians should have entered the soil a long time ago, but they live very blatantly every day, sexually harassing female crew members from time to time.

The boatman is simply a metamorphosis and cannot be evaluated by human standards.

The most outrageous is the sniper. If you have nothing to do, just lie, do what you can’t do, run away from the first place, and even more outrageous than the most outrageous is that the “protagonist halo” of cerebral palsy is much brighter than the protagonist .

In this case, who doesn’t want to run outside?

As the captain, Comrade Wang Luffy is under great pressure.


Of course, if you look at this captain from the standpoint of other people…

Uh, let’s live it out anyway , How can you stay away?


Seeking collection, seeking recommendation votes.

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