First of all, make it clear that even if it is also Vice Admiral, the “quality” and battle strength levels of Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters and Marine Vice Admiral of other places are different; secondly, Revolutionary The battle strength of Army Chief of Staff Sabo is hard to say compared with Admiral, but at least he is completely above the Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral…

So the Vice Admiral was dealt with as soon as he showed up. This is normal, because there is water in his rank. Not every Vice Admiral is called Garp.

Although Mr. Vice Admiral’s determination and courage to take the initiative to confront Sabo is commendable, if you can describe it in an unceremonious way, his behavior is tantamount to giving away his head, successfully creating an implementation for the enemy Opportunity for “Beheading Operation”.

Fortunately, Sabo appeared in this country not to kill, so Vice Admiral was just knocked out instead of being killed.

“Vice Admiral!”

“Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral were solved in an instant!”

“What should I do?”

Seeing that the highest commander was eliminated in this way, the morale of the large number of Seaman concentrated in front of the palace was also shaken, first surprised and even frightened, and then…

“The enemy is only one person, don’t be afraid .”

“The artillery team, fire!”

Because of the lack of unified command and the panic of our own side, the sound of the guns pi li pa la seemed very messy, even the firepower was projected. Without concentration, it’s hard to imagine how this kind of coping style will have an effect on Sabo’s expert.

However, for “ordinary soldiers” like Mo Fei, shooting at this time is actually their only means of coping. Otherwise, what else can they do? Didn’t you see that Vice Admiral was killed instantly?

But launching a long-range attack is by no means a good choice. Firstly, the opponent can avoid it completely, and secondly, the opponent’s way of avoiding…Sabo, standing on the square of the palace, rushed into the Seaman crowd in the next instant Among.

In this case, everyone can only stop, because random shooting will only cause accidental injuries.

“Seaman, I can only say that you chose the wrong opponent.”

After rushing into the crowd, Sabo said.

“Revolutionary Army, what are the reasons for your presence in this country?”

Someone in Seaman shouted to Sabo.

“What do you think? With this method, there is no way to get information from the enemy.”

The number of Seaman near the palace is more than two thousand, but they are standing in the enemy crowd. Among them, Sabo seemed calm… This person has been staying here obviously to attract attention and delay time.

Mo Fei from start to finish also did not see other Revolutionary Army.

If you are playing games, two thousand people will definitely be enough for a while.

When facing a powerful enemy, some people will be unable to act because of fear, and some people will become impulsive because of an imbalance in their mentality. At this time, in the circle of Seaman standing around Sabo, someone rushed towards him without getting any orders.

Then they were just fiddled with by Sabo, and then they fell to the ground.

Mo Fei, who was on the outside, looked at him for a while, and said to his Cao Chang, “Cao Chang, are you going to try it?”


Don’t mess around.”

Trid Lier was a little dazed by this sudden question.

Just now he was blaming Mo Fei for not daring to shoot, and now he feels Mo Fei’s brain is sick…”strength to bully the weak” is an important criterion for military operations, and this reverse operation is an illustration what?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Tridrill’s idea, but from Mo Fei’s point of view, it is another matter…he just wants to give it a try.

Try to see if your style can take effect.

“Cao Chang, the enemy did not resort to over-killing attacks. Seaman who faced him only broke a few bones at most.” Mo Fei explained to Cui Delier, and then he added a whisper. , “As ordinary Seaman, we have few chances of being able to’heroically meet’ the second person in Revolutionary Army.”

At the reminder of Mo Fei, Tridlier turned his attention to the Seaman who fell around Sabo. As a result, he found that one of those goods called worse than one, and one more confident.

Cao Chang fell into deep thought, then he looked around him again and found that the lieutenant no longer knew where to go, so he could direct his soldier directly.

“New recruits, listen to my orders!

All the staff raise their guns and aim…

Needless to say, the enemy is only trifling! New recruits , It’s time to show courage!”

The prestige of training Instructor is still there. After kicking the procrastinator’s butt twice, ten new recruits lined up under the command of Cao Chang. Rushed towards Sabo.

Soon, under the gaze of all the friendly forces, this eleven-man squad came to the forefront, and then they lined up in crescent floss around the enemy.

“Raise the gun…” Cao Chang ordered again, and then slammed his arm downwards, “Fire!”

The gunshots of ten muskets and the flames of the muzzle were neat Uniformly, this kind of “mantis trying to stop a chariot” action even highlights a kind of “heroic” atmosphere, and then…

ten out of eleven people were hit instantly fall down.

The only one who didn’t fall to the ground…Sabo probably recognized Mo Fei, so he gave him some special treatment.

Seeing that his teammates had joined the ranks of the screams, Mo Fei threw the rifle to the ground, and then drew the short sword behind him.

“Mr. Seaman, do you know swordsmanship?”

Sabo’s tone brought a certain kind of real curiosity, because the gap between the two sides was too big at this time, so he took a glance It can be seen that Mo Fei’s level of strength comes… Simply put, it is no level.

“I don’t understand very much, but I am going to create a new Sect.”

Of course, this is not a place to chat, so the two of them only have one sentence each, and then follow the process Mo Fei should also be on the street.

Mo Fei’s line of sight can’t capture Sabo’s movements at all, but he knows that the next moment the opponent’s attack is coming.

So, something surprising happened to Sabo’s.

Originally, he wanted to hit Mo Fei’s shoulder with a punch, but I don’t know why his hand couldn’t fall…like something blocked his arm from below. .

No, it wasn’t just blocking, some kind of strong air current made his arm “flick away”.

Mo Fei propped up the defensive “barrier”. He used Fuwa Fuwa no Mi’s ability to make the air around him instantly lifted up, because the upward speed was too fast, so the oncoming resistance Like a wall being pushed.

“A little…a little surprise?” Mo Fei said.

“Very interesting style.”

Sabo didn’t know what Mo Fei did just now, he only knew that his attack was blocked.

“Well, this is called’Hidden King·3rd-layer walnut’.”

The first time I used such a trick, Sabo’s attack was prevented, but Mo Fei did not I don’t think there is anything to care about… Others just casually tie A with a playful attitude, but he has already begun to develop “skills”.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

The prefix is ​​used to indicate the different “application series” of the fruit, the number is used to indicate the number of times the fruit can be activated instantly, and the suffix is It is a beautified “visualization nominal.”

So the actual name of this move should be like this…

Fuwa Fuwa no Mi Application Series I. The ability is activated three times in an instant. High nuts

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