The three-day break is fleeting, and Mo Fei is about to go to Seaman School.

It should be said that the reason why he chose to join Marine is essentially for such a specialized learning institution. There was Zephyr before and Garp now. This place can be described as “strong teachers”.

“Mo Fei, do you want to go? It is said that there is a simple entrance ceremony.” Gerant said to Mo Fei.

“Well, but it’s a bit imperfect…If you can carry another backpack, it will feel more atmosphere.” Mo Fei said.

The two people set off from the dormitory and met to go to “school”. For Mo Fei, this is really a long-lost feeling.

According to the understanding of the past few days, Mo Fei knows that the study period at Seaman School is generally three years, but this is not pure “study at school” and the time is not completely fixed.

The actual situation is just the opposite, because Marine Headquarters pursues the strategy of training Seaman based on the principle of utilitarianism, so the sooner Seaman can come in handy, the better, so the “internship” in the training process is the most important of.

Mo Fei also roughly figured out the differences between the different classes he enrolled in. One is the difference in teaching. The content of his B class professor is more comprehensive and strict; the other is the difference in treatment. As long as Mo Fei’s Class B can graduate successfully, the students can also obtain the rank of warrant officer at the minimum, which means that he is in a training class for officers.

In contrast, Gerant’s class is just the Seaman training class. It’s not that he didn’t have the chance to become an officer, but the process in the middle will definitely be more tortuous and complicated… It’s just that the starting point of the two sides is different.

Now Mo Fei is in Class B. As the lieutenant who came to give the notice said, this is the class with the highest priority. The teaching content and the level of attention it receives are the same as those in Class A. Both The difference is only in the learning progress…or should I say that after Class A graduates, Class B will automatically be “promoted” to Class A.

Seaman school is a place for cultivating battle strength after all. It will not strictly implement the semester, regular admission and advancement system like real schools.

The two came to Seaman School and found that there were already a lot of people standing on the small playground in the school. They looked at each other and then consciously lined up in the queue.

Mo Fei glanced roughly and found that there must be less than a hundred people present.

After a while, Vice Admiral Garp stepped on a point and walked in front of the crowd, and then he stood at the front of the queue…it was different from the happily expression on his face. Likewise, his expression was unusually serious at this time.

Vice Admiral Garp’s eyes patrolled the people for several times. It was taken in the imposing manner of “Hero of the Marines”, and the new recruits were so scared that they didn’t dare to come out.

After a while, he said, “new recruits… screwed up.”


There was such a sentence in the brain, and no one knew what he was talking about.

Is anyone in new recruit messing up?

“Broken up…new recruit selection assessment, I messed up.”

Vice Admiral Garp slapped himself in the face and continued, “Three The trainees who win the round can pass the exam, and as a result, they passed more than 100 people. I thought there were only 60 people… Obviously I have always been confident in my arithmetic ability.”

” Therefore, due to helplessness, they had to return forty people again.

Neither passed nor failed. A compromise is to let them stay in Marineford and give them another chance to participate in the next assessment.

I was severely scolded, and the senbei… all were confiscated.

Well, that’s all I want to say, now I’m finished, disband “

Vice Admiral Garp turned and left here, making Mo Fei and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Mo Fei said in his heart that what are you saying about this occasion, isn’t it just a few words of encouragement? Although Vice Admiral Garp is more bad luck, this kind of bad luck has nothing to do with the students, right?

Hero of the Marines, really… well, maverick.

After the team was disbanded, Mo Fei quickly found his own class. Class B seems to have only 30 students in total, and Mo Fei’s situation belongs to the added “transfer students”. Then he You have to take time to catch up with the progress of your classmates.

After entering the class and taking a casual glance, Mo Fei was stunned for a moment… He saw Afril again.

Hey, the next study life is quite worth looking forward to.

He went to the back of the classroom and sat down. According to the course schedule, this morning seemed to be a rather boring indoor class.

After a while, a certain military officer and teacher came to the classroom. The military rank on the other’s shoulder was Commodore-Marine Headquarters Commodore, Brandy, who was mainly in charge of intelligence work. He was The central frontline officer of genuine.

“Today continue the previous topic, the content is the pre-arrangement and on-the-spot adjustment of our army in the war.”

He doesn’t talk nonsense, and cuts directly to the topic…Neither did he That many time is nonsense. Compared to teaching, the work of Marine Headquarters is more important.

This kind of course is a part of officer training, and the people involved in the war deployment will tell the content in person. In theory, this is a very precious opportunity. However, the problem is that first, in the battle of “Superman”, the tactical arrangement is not so important; second, in the top war, Marine Headquarters can be called the “highest” tactical level, in fact, it is really that… It’s not worth talking about.

Mo Fei listened, just wandering away from things, and began to think about his own business.

How to improve personal strength is the most important thing. What is there to hear about this broken lesson?

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

My junior high school physics failed, but in my impression, “buoyancy” describes the effect of force, “gravity” It is the nature of force.

In this respect, it is not easy to say that “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” is the lower level of “fruitful”. The most important difference between the two is that the ability of “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” can only be manifested by objects, but the “fruitful” is completely unnecessary. Its ability can be activated by the “force field”.

In terms of power, the direct performance of “Fruit Heavy” is stronger than “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi”, and it has a considerable degree of coverage of “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” in terms of function.

Personally, I feel that the two are a bit like the difference between light cavalry and heavy cavalry. “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” is very light and agile, and “heavy fruits” is powerful, but slightly cumbersome.

Fujitora also seems to be unable to fly directly.

As for the evolution direction of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi’s ability, although it seems a bit early to talk about these things, it is definitely not a loss to think about these things early.

One is similar to “heavy fruits”, that is, to realize the “field” arrangement of abilities, even in the empty area, the abilities can still be arranged, and then all objects passing through this “field” “Floating up” directly.

The other is a wider range of launches. In terms of composition, the world or the universe is composed of two elements, namely energy and information. The former carries the latter, while matter is a conventional form of energy. “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” means energy and information. The ability to float.

In other words, “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” should evolve like this…

As long as it exists, I can get up and show it to you.

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