“You mean the method of body refinement, right?

Although a person’s body state is largely determined from birth , It is true that many people are born and powerful, but this does not mean that they are invincible.

Even people with ordinary physique and not outstanding physical strength can only go through the system and scientific methods. Train hard, and then you can become stronger.

As for the method, in simple terms, it is the cyclic use of’Seimei Kikan’…Seimei Kikan, everyone should understand what it means.


‘Seimei Kikan’ can not only increase a person’s recovery ability, it can also enable a person to control his body shape.

As long as you keep exercising, a person’s muscles and strength You will get corresponding growth. The degree of growth is related to the training method and intensity, but there is theoretically a limit to this growth.

And as the exercise progresses, a person’s muscles and body shape will also A corresponding increase…Thin people can grow into robust man. So far, they are all obvious facts in the world.

The next step is to use’Seimei Kikan’ to control the body. Ability to restore this’strong’ to a well-proportioned figure, and then maintain it.

Third Step, on the basis of this’maintain’, restart exercise, muscles and strength will be gained Growth again.

Then there is a continuous cycle of two or three steps. After such thousands hammers, hundred refinements, one person can continue to grow.

And through this In this way, a person’s growth rate often goes through the four stages of fast, stable, continuous, and slow. More importantly…in theory, this kind of’growth’ can continue to be carried out after removing the influence of age. There is no limit.”

After thinking a little bit, Zephyr answered Mo Fei’s question.

This statement sounds like the use of folding and forging to temper pattern steel. It sounds very simple, but in fact it should be very difficult to operate.

Using “Seimei Kikan” to tighten and maintain a huge body shape, but in this regard is extremely difficult. It sounds a bit like Rob Lucci’s “Seimei Kikan · Kami-e Bushin”, but it’s not the same, because Lucci’s practice of tightening body shape and reducing power to increase speed.

“You are still very young, your body is not yet mature, and your own strength has not grown to the limit, so you don’t need to consider this approach for the time being. This path is still too early for you.”

After a little explanation, Zephyr said again, reminding Mo Fei and others not to seek instant benefit.

Mo Fei nodded, which means I can understand. Just know that there is such a method, how to exercise is just a follow-up.

“The second question, this is more important…What is’Haki’?”

This is a question that Mo Fei has to figure out, and in his question After asking, almost everyone in the class stared wide-eyed and stretched their ears.

“Oh…It seems that everyone is more interested in this question. What is Haki? According to the normal teaching schedule, this is far from what you should be concerned about, but…

Since everyone is very interested, it is not impossible to give you some simple explanations.”

The so-called blocking is better than sparse. Seeing that everyone is interested in this question after all , So Zephyr decided to explain a little bit… The students in Marine Headquarters have heard that “Haki” is a normal thing. After hearing about this magical power, they will naturally be curious.

Zephyr step by step walked to Mo Fei’s side, and then said, “Pay attention to the concentration one’s mind.”

Absolute silence in the classroom, a kind of tension gradually filled the air Feeling, Mo Fei’s emotions also tightened involuntarily.

Suddenly, Zephyr threw a jab. Although Mo Fei had no time to evade, he already had this awareness first. In the extremely nervous mood, he “predicted” Zephyr’s Attack, it’s just too late to evade.

Zephyr certainly didn’t really strike out with a heavy punch. He stopped the offensive, touched Mo Fei’s chest lightly with his fist, and said:

“In daily life Almost everyone has had the idea of’Ah, dangerous’. This kind of premonition or prediction is the original form of Haki. Maintaining and using this sudden feeling like a “nerve knife” for a long time, this is Kenbunshoku’s Haki.

As for Busoshoku’s Haki, it is based on a sense of’self-arming’.

You should be learning Rokushiki? In comparison, Rokushiki is pure While Haki refers to the use of’breath’ or simply the use of’breath’, there is an essential difference between the two. Feeling the breath, tempering the breath, using the breath for perception or winding, this is Haki, compared to Rokushiki’s exercise of the body, Haki is based on the use of breath or certain special energy.

Invest 100% of energy to perceive the surrounding situation, arm yourself with the strongest belief, so-called Haki is what it is. That’s it… Can you understand it?”

Mo Fei is looking thoughtful first, then nodded, “It seems to understand.”

Unlike’Rokushiki’, it is a kind of seeing For things that are tangible, Haki sounds a bit “metaphysical”.

“It seems that you have a strong sense of’becoming stronger’, because all you ask are’super-class’ questions that you don’t need to ask in the first stage…Well, you can’t say that. There are already people who can use Haki proficiently.”

Zephyr said half-cracking a joke, and then returned to the front podium.

Someone in this class can use Haki?

Mo Fei sat back in his seat, he finished asking questions, and then other students also began to ask Zephyr to answer questions for themselves

The time for this class passed quickly After the get out of class ended, Zephyr didn’t leave for the time being, and when Mo Fei passed by him to get out of the classroom, he was stopped by Zephyr.

“Mo Fei, in addition to these two common types of Haki, there is also a special type of Haki called Haoshoku Haki, how about it, would you like to know?” Zephyr asked with a smile.

“No, Zephyr-sensei, Haoshoku Haki. I have probably heard of what happened, and after adding Zephyr-sensei’s explanation just now, I don’t think I need to continue to understand…Haoshoku Haki, although it is rare, I can use it when it is really needed.

Because I am a person who stands above ten thousand people.”

There is no problem with this statement, unless the second Earth person can be found in this world.

Zephyr: “It seems…you really understand.”

The so-called “Haki”, in the simplest terms, is actually the “Haki” that “Haki exposed” “There is no essential difference between the two.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

“I want to be the number one in the world”, this kind of words can be said by anyone, but the result is overwhelming majority Both are untrustworthy. The person who said this would forget his own rhetoric within two days. If there is no evidence of the owner’s determination, the grand goal would be a joke.

However, in this World, the “physical evidence” that can prove a person’s words and goals exists, and that is Haoshoku’s Haki.

Haoshoku can prove a person’s capacity and true determination. If an Awakening person says that he wants to be the number one in the world, it means that he really wants to be the number one in the world and is willing to pay absolute for his goals. s hard work.

So everyone, including World Government, attaches great importance to people who own Haoshoku Haki. The existence of this kind of Haki is naturally a kind of proof.

Haoshoku also comes from the beliefs of Awakening people.

For example, Wang Luffy, when he went out to sea, although there were so many people on the sea who were stronger than him, and Pirate who was closer to the “big secret treasure” than him was too numerous to list, he just believed that he could become a Pirate King. There is no reason for this self-confidence, but he is unwavering.

He has always upheld this belief. This is the so-called “quantity”… Luffy was shaken only once, after the death of Ace at the top of the war. Fortunately, he has a blue fatty who can Help him regain his faith.

So blue fatty is a good thing. Who doesn’t want a blue fatty?


Two points.

1. Regarding the role of guns and cannons in One Piece World, it is not as useless as many people think. It should be said that it is useless if it is not hit. Except for the iron man like Franky, the rubber man like Luffy, and Logia, there is basically no use of hard lead and cannonballs. In fact, everyone has to avoid…Although the way of hiding is relatively nonsense, Sanji can be kicked away. Cannonballs and the like.

Even Whitebeard was beaten and devastated.

This can also be seen clearly from Luffy’s style naming method. Rubber pistols, rubber rocket launchers, etc., mean that the power of the fist is more powerful than the pistol. If the pistol is a waste, it is not Luffy I yelled “rubber waste” every time.

As for the situation where many people who were sifted by guns were dying, and then jumped alive in a blink of an eye, that is another problem, which belongs to another view of One Piece World.

I personally think that there is nothing wrong with using a gun to kill people in the view of One Piece World. It only represents a personal point of view.

2, this is one point that I have to say every time I write a fan: all fan authors need to make a second design, but don’t use other people’s second design to correct my second design, especially the righteousness Blame… Some comics, TV settings and all kinds of messy settings are indistinguishable friends, read the book carefully.

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