“Cervantes Gert lost consciousness and Elidel Mo Fei won.” The examiner’s voice came from a loudspeaker somewhere in the “Ruins.” The result of the battle was announced.

Mo Fei secretly nodded, um, he has saved his seat in Class B…the winner is him, there is no doubt about it.

Just as Mo Fei turned and left here, several tall and strong “medical soldiers” came here and carried away the wounded.

In the first battle, Mo Fei only tried to test his own style, and a little ignored the question of how much damage those styles would bring to the opponent… Isn’t there a big problem?

Mo Fei immediately shook the head, and he felt that he was thinking too much.

Think positively about everything. Look at the Mr. Cervantes. He looks like a person with skin is rough and flesh is thick, like a “Tekkai” person, so In theory, what is the big problem with It shouldn’t be.

Probably the whole body aches for a few days, and it may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other minor symptoms, just like food poisoning… well, I can only say that Mo Fei thinks a bit too positively Up.

After walking out of the examination room, he ran into Roland head-on.

“Congratulations on passing…it seems too polite to say that, anyway, your passing is also expected.” Roland smiled and slapped Mo Fei’s shoulder with a light hammer, then said.

“It’s not that simple. I tried my best to win the battle. I managed to keep my place in Class B.” Mo Fei said.

After getting along for a long time, Mo Fei always feels that Roland has something vaguely wrong, but it’s just a feeling…It’s not that the other party has any obvious weird behavior, but Roland’s attitude Not so easy to understand.

In the environment of Seaman School, people like Roland who are “salted fish” seem to be a bit contrary…so is this really “salted fish” or a kind of “easyness” hidden deep “? This is hard to judge.

Maybe he is comfortable with everything.

In addition, Roland happened to be stuck in the 19th place in this exam, which made Mo Fei feel that this is the case.

Just like Mo Fei concealing his Devil Fruit, he felt that even if Roland also concealed something, it didn’t matter… Mo Fei was just curious, but curiosity didn’t mean that he had to ask questions.

“Whatever you say.” Roland shrugged, Mo Fei said casually, and he just listened to it casually.

“No matter how you win, it’s good to win anyway, and…should you divide it into three to seven?”

“What three to seven is divided into?”

“Did you not open this time?”

“…no time.”

“Loss a lot…”

I can only say these two The personal thoughts are quite close. In fact, it is not important whether to make a profit or not. What they think is just to cheat others… As long as the group of believers infallible can feel uncomfortable for a while, they will be very happy.

After Mo Fei passed the exam, he and Roland didn’t care about the rest of the game.

Just when the two returned to the Academy and passed by a public notice board by accident, Mo Fei saw a strange recruitment message posted on it… “So-and-so Lab” recruited testers, information It is very general, neither explains what to test specifically, nor does it impose any requirements on the so-called testers.

“Can this kind of small advertisement be posted in schools?”

Mo Fei some curiously asked, he felt that such things shouldn’t be posted in military academies.

“This? There is always something, compared to the formal Seaman, the students in the school have more time, and…you can toss about it casually.” Roland explained casually.

“It seems to be good to be able to get in touch with Peak technology on the world, especially military technology…” said Mo Fei looking thoughtful.

In this world, the technological level gap between different places and different forces is too large. World Government and Marine undoubtedly have the most advanced technology. It’s just that even if Mo Fei is someone who knows the “original plot”, he can’t judge the specific technical level of World Government.

Let’s say superb, Marine’s main ship is still a sailing ship, say weak, fully automatic robots can already serve as individual soldiers and participate in wars.

So if there is a chance, Mo Fei would like to take a closer look.


Not long after returning to school, Mo Fei suddenly received a notice…Vice Admiral Garp seemed to be looking for him.

Suddenly received such summon, Mo Fei’s first thought was the “Garp voucher” issue. He said to his heart that this incident was disgusted by Vice Admiral Garp?

Is the ascendant “securities market” facing the danger of being banned?

No, Vice Admiral Garp was originally a person with a more detached personality. It shouldn’t be to care about this little thing. Mo Fei is quite good at watching people order dishes, so he played “Garp coupons”, not “Zephyr coupons”, let alone “Akainu coupons”.

Mo Fei went to Vice Admiral Garp.

A Battleship with a sharp dog head at the bow of the ship stopped in the port of Marineford. This was the ship of Vice Admiral Garp.

This is also a rather outrageous thing. Vice Admiral Garp has clearly retired from the first-line War Section team and is in a semi-retired state. However, in this case, the entire Battleship membership and establishment are still with him. Under the command of… Marine Headquarters’ military system makes Mo Fei puzzled from time to time.

From the front of the Seaman School all the way to the back, Vice Admiral Garp’s “office” is over there…not so much an office, it is actually a small independent courtyard.

Compared with the full concrete architectural style of the first half of the school, the environment in the back part is much better. It can be seen that it has been carefully designed and has a garden-like feeling… After all, it is “high-ranking” work place.

At this time, Vice Admiral Garp was not indoors. He was sitting on the steps of the wooden floor corridor with a bamboo sword in his hand, so Mo Fei saw him from a distance.

Next, Mo Fei saw two youngsters fighting fiercely in the open area of ​​the yard.

The two are not tall, one with pink hair and the other with yellow hair.

After seeing these two people, Mo Fei’s footsteps paused for a while before moving on. Needless to say, these two people are fellows of Monkey D. Luffy, Coby and…the little one who has an important role at the beginning of the “story”.

Despite the guidance of Vice Admiral Garp, to be honest, the improvement of the strength of these two people is also quite outrageous.

…………Devil Fruit’s notes…………

When did the legend of the “Great Secret Treasure” begin, it seems unverifiable, but since Roger confirmed its existence In the past two decades, people’s expectations for it have become higher and higher…In this sense, when the real veil of the “big secret treasure” is lifted, many people are almost destined to be disappointed.

The pants are all taken off, this is it?

Only the non-existent and undiscovered things can truly exceed people’s imagination and reach the level of perfection.

The closest thing to the “big secret treasure” is Yonko, which means that Yonko is the one with the highest “task completion”, but in fact the most uncomfortable thing is also Yonko… If you compare the search for the “big secret treasure” to one When downloading tasks, Yonko’s progress bar is stuck at 99%.

No wonder some of them blamed their insanity when they looked at it.

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