“I saw you before…Uh, what is the selection exam called, the time you broke your Instructor. I happened to be watching the excitement on the spot.” Albertine explained why she knew Mo Fei.

“so that’s how it is…Hello, Dr. Albertine.” Mo Fei said.

Obviously, it was this incident that left a deep impression on Albertine, so she could remember Mo Fei.

Mo Fei said in his heart that the major Instructor is really “soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed”. Why hasn’t he completely retired until now?

Well, how can there be such a reason, he sent the family violently to the hospital, and after that, he had to count the follow-up impact of the incident as the Instructor’s fault?

“By the way, Court Academecian, about my impression is a good impression or a bad impression?”

There is a question, this sentence asks a question.

Albertini just glanced at him, and then said, “Many of the training department and those related to the training department do not like the major, and I am one of them.”


She didn’t struggle with this question much, “You should be a student of Seaman School now, why are you interested in Devil Fruit?”

The topic returned to the “eavesdropping” aspect.

“I’m not interested in Devil Fruit…well, not just in Devil Fruit.

Because I’m from South Blue, I don’t know the level of technology of Grand Line What is it like, even after becoming Seaman, that’s why you are interested in Dr. Albertini’s conversation just now.” Mo Fei explained truthfully.

“Oh, do you care about the level of technology in the world… It is rare. The average Seaman students often only know how to train muscles.” Albertine praised Mo Fei in a way that praised the younger generation. One sentence.

Well, there is no problem. The age gap between the two parties is about ten years old.

“If you talk about the most cutting-edge science and technology, I don’t actually know it very well now. In some respects, the world’s progress is rapid and rapid, and I have left the first place two years ago. Online scientific research team.

Now I am mainly responsible for testing, feedback and research on some of the technical achievements that have been applied.”

It may be because I am idle or I am idle, So Albertine chatted with Mo Fei.

Although the other party was just chatting casually, Mo Fei’s reaction was very keen. He instantly grasped the point of the other party’s words-she had been in the front-line scientific research team.

Combined with what she said to the female Seaman before…

So Mo Fei immediately guessed and said, “Dr. Albertine, do you know Begapunk? “

This question made Albertini stunned, and she chuckled, “You seem to be very smart, but… I don’t know the legendary scientist.”

Well, I can’t believe what a woman said. Mo Fei still thinks this person is very likely to know Vegapunk, maybe she has a deep relationship with Vegapunk… Maybe she is the daughter of Vegapunk, also Maybe she is Begapunk’s lover.

But since the other party has denied it, the topic of Begapunk can’t go on-even though Mo Fei is very interested in the scientist who claims to be “500 years ahead of the world”.

“Sorry, I think too much.” Mo Fei can only apologize again.

Albertini waved her hand and said that it doesn’t matter, “If you are interested in this aspect…Would you like to come to my laboratory to help, or to visit first, now I The laboratory is recruiting testers.”

These words reminded Mo Fei of the “small advertisement” he saw at school this afternoon.

“The advertisement for recruiting testers in Seaman School was originally posted by Dr. Albertine?”

“It was me,” Albertine nodded said.

“Testers, what are they testing?”

“The extreme performance of some weapons, or the shortcomings in use.”

“…” Mo Fei still felt that Albertine’s statement was a bit vague, so he asked, “Dr. Albertine, can I visit your laboratory first?”

“Of course… …Then let’s go.”

Speaking, Albertine drank the wine in her glass in one gulp, then stood up.

“Uh, now?”

“Of course, otherwise?”

Mo Fei had to follow the woman Court Academecian.

Towards the evening, two people of the right age, a man and a woman, actually met to visit the laboratory…Well, going to the laboratory is indeed quite exciting, but if you go to other places, you will It’s even more exciting.

The two left the bar one after the other, and then went down to her workplace under Albertine’s leadership.

By the way, after Albertine stood up, Mo Fei realized that with high heels, she was at least half a head taller than herself. She must be more than 1.9 meters tall-this elder sister, The legs are really long.

Not long after they left, the two of them came to a house that looked ordinary on the outside. Apart from the large and wide door, the house had no other special place… and there was no hanging outside. The last “unit name”.

Albertini opened a small door that opened on the front door, and then motioned for Mo Fei to follow.

After closing the door again, Albertine turned on the lights, and introduced Mo Fei as he walked:

“During the previous war, this place was almost destroyed by an earthquake. Fortunately, the anti-damage index of this laboratory was exceptionally high when it was originally designed.

Didn’t you mention Begapunk just now, in fact, he used it for a while…As for the mysterious now Where exactly the scientists are, probably only the highest level of World Government knows.”

While talking and walking in, Mo Fei passed through one security door after another.

How to put it, this laboratory seems to be in a semi-abandoned state, the overall space design is very solid, but now a considerable part of it has been evacuated, and it appears empty.

This underutilization situation just corresponds to Albertine’s statement that “Begapunk used to be here, but has now moved away”-when this woman was in the bar Putting on an attitude that he is completely unrelated to Begapunk, but now he is using the laboratory left by the scientist…

When passing by a certain room, Mo Fei saw it Some display screens, as well as the mechanical buttons under the screen, look like old versions of computers.

Keyboard? It’s so kind to look at.

After reaching the innermost point, Mo Fei saw the last door…no, should it be said that it was a huge elevator car?

“The elevator has to wait a while, you can visit here… some bauble, feel free to watch.” Albertine said after operating the elevator panel.

Mo Fei said in his heart that it looks like a utility room, what should I visit?

Although he thought so, he still walked towards a pile of debris in the mood of “Taobao”.

After reaching a certain position, Mo Fei immediately saw a long sword inserted in a cardboard box.

At this time, he didn’t think too much, he just reached out and prepared to pick up the thing.

As a result, Albertine said, “Be careful, it is a toy made by Begapunk, the main body is a special alloy, and it is also mixed with Kairoseki.”

Mo Fei’s outstretched hand paused slightly, but then he took the sword without hesitation and pulled it out of the carton.

…………Devil Fruit’s notes…………

Sometimes it is unexpected characters and his unexpected inventions that bring about drastic changes to the world… …

Such as the “white iron” Wapol wave and his Wapol metal.

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