2nd day afternoon, Mo Fei went to Vice Admiral Garp.

“Mr. Mo Fei, hello.”

However, Garp is not there for the time being, and the two dísciples he brought came here just like Mo Fei.

“Coby Cao Chang, I have heard of you.”

Mo Fei smiled and said hello to the other party.

Coby can be considered a person who has been in the news once or twice. He is more or less well-known, especially when he was on the top of the war… Uh, in principle, he didn’t do anything in the war. , But it actually caused a certain impact.

Although everyone has to be considered as a period of strength growth, in fact, there are still certain differences between the two sides-Mo Fei belongs to the academy System, and now accepts officer education, while Coby takes the soldier path. Follow Garp to upgrade step by step.

“Following that Old Master training, I really don’t know if it is lucky or unlucky. Anyway, you should be mentally prepared.” Helmeppo sitting aside said.

Leave aside Coby. On the whole, Helmeppo has a friendly attitude towards Mo Fei, who has just joined the “newbie”. Well, it can’t be a person who is stabbed and uncomfortable after seeing him, there is no such reason.

“It should be lucky, it is Vice Admiral Garp after all.” Mo Fei chose a more polite statement.

“Well, Vice Admiral Garp hasn’t come here yet. Do you want to practice your hands first? It just so happens that we also understand your strength.” Then Helmeppo said again.

They are both “good students”. It is normal to talk to each other, but Mo Fei shook the head, “The time I entered Marine is too short, and it doesn’t make much sense to fight with the two. After all, The strength is not at the same level… I heard that the two of you can already use Haki?”

“Um, I can indeed use Kenbunshoku’s Haki, although I don’t know how it is Awakening…Mo Mr. Fei actually knows such a thing?” Coby felt a little curious, but then he naturally and humanly thought that this kind of news came from Garp, “That’s right, then Helmeppo, let’s start.”

“OK, Coby.”

Then these two went to independent training.

Mo Fei watched first. Well, he didn’t choose to fight against these two people. Of course it was not because of the so-called imbalance of strength, but because… the opportunity to fight against people of similar strength required There are as many as there are, but the opportunity to train with Garp is never sufficient.

The meaning of Mo Fei’s coming here is to get Garp’s training. As for Coby and Helmeppo… there is no need to fight each other.

After waiting for a while, Vice Admiral Garp walked out while yawning.

“Everyone is here?”

Speaking, he took off his suit and saw that Coby and Helmeppo were training on their own, so he first said to Mo Fei “Mo Fei, I heard that you have been worrying about your physical fitness problems, right? Indeed, by comparison, humans’ physical fitness is inherently inferior to those of Fishman races, but… don’t worry, after my training, you will definitely not I’m worried about this problem, and soon you will become stronger than Fishman.”

While speaking, Vice Admiral Garp raised his fist, then opened his mouth and breathed on it.

“Let’s start with you today, the name of the training subject… well, free fighting.”

“Yes, Vice Admiral Garp.”

Mo Fei stepped forward. His concept at this time was still based on the kind of guided training in the previous class, but he didn’t expect that when he was about to launch an attack, he was instantly punched by Vice Admiral Garp.


It’s not just a bludgeoning. At this moment, Mo Fei felt an exaggerated sense of tearing. The pain that penetrated into the body made his breath One is stagnant.

Causing, disabling blows?

In a daze, Mo Fei seemed to understand something—Vice Admiral Garp’s attack just now used Busoshoku Haki. Although it is very weak, it is indeed Busoshoku Haki.

Then he understood what Vice Admiral Garp said just now, isn’t it? If Garp likes people always use Busoshoku Haki hammers, then Mo Fei will definitely become “fleshly tight” and transcend Fishman is completely nothing difficult.

It can only be said that it is Vice Admiral Garp.

But the problem is…

It’s really painful to get such a punch.


Mo Fei went to be beaten by Garp on the first night, and on the 2nd day night he went to Albertine’s laboratory to participate in the “Peace Pacifista” After the test, the time after that is so reciprocating.

The so-called test is that he will take various attack methods against “Peace Pacifista” to test the opponent’s coping ability…Of course, under the condition of limiting the attack power of “Peace Pacifista”.

I have to say that that thing is a very good “sandbag” and a good measure. If one day Mo Fei can defeat the “Peace Pacifista” head-on, then his strength will pass.

The painful and happy time passed very quickly, and two months passed in a blink of an eye.

A more important thing happened in Seaman School during the period, that is, Class A graduated suddenly without warning. All the students in Class A became official Seaman and joined the first-line War Section team.

So Class B was naturally upgraded to the new Class A… This rapid change is most likely due to the lack of talent in Marine Headquarters.

At the same time as being promoted to Class A, Mo Fei, who was a trainee of Seaman and all other original Class B members, adjusted their ranks to Warrant Officer at the same time. This upgrade seems to be a routine, and it also marks Mo Fei won’t stay in Seaman School for the rest of the time… He is likely to be on the ship for internship.

And not as a new recruit to board the ship, most likely to board as a secondary commander.

The new Marine Headquarters is under construction, a new command system needs to be established, and talents need to be dispatched and supplemented… Various signs indicate that the “world conscription” is about to begin, and now there is only a lack of important It’s just an opportunity.

On this day, Mo Fei left Vice Admiral Garp with a cardboard box, ready to go to the classroom.

I just ran into Roland on the road.

“Mo Fei, what is this?” Roland curiously asked.

“Next, the students of Class A should be grouped in pairs and form partners. If they will train in Battleship later, they will also be based on the group… This carton is used for grouping and drawing lots, and the grouping follows random Principles show fairness and justice.” Mo Fei said.

“Fair and just? This thing is clearly a black box.” It might have been fair and just, but after Mo Fei handled it, Roland felt that things must have gone bad.

Some people are bound to perform black-box operations.

“Our two good friends, are you sure they will be grouped together?”

“Of course, if you watch it carefully, it will be over.” Mo Fei nodded said.

What Mo Fei didn’t know was that when he and Roland were chatting and returning to the classroom, Mr. Cervantes Gert in the corner not far away was watching with a gloomy gaze. Looking behind him.

Two things happened that surprised Roland.

First, he is in a group with passerby A, and Mo Fei is in a group with Afril F. Delta Warrant Officer.

Second, they boarded the ship much earlier than expected.

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