On a ship within the habor of Marineford.

Captain Suracao on this ship is talking to someone.

“I see, General…

Yes, I know how to do it.

It’s very simple to do some small actions.

I heard that several ships have been sunk…

So to be honest, I didn’t want to perform such a task, because the risk factor is too high.


After Den Den Mushi’s voice confessed a few more words, Sura hung up the call. Then he walked out of the cabin and looked up at the gloomy sky outside. After a while, he laughed out as if he couldn’t help it:

“A Seaman student…”



Almost at the same time, on the Seaman school side, Mo Fei is listening to the most famous “lipstick” of the entire Marine system introducing the current situation.

At this time, all the students of Class A are sitting in the same classroom, even the most unreliable people who usually perform are all attentive…For many people, Next they are likely to receive their first mission since they became Marine officers.

Branniu took the of materials and explained to everyone:

“Since the war at the top, Marine Headquarters has been dealing with the follow-up matters of the war.

During the Top War, we accomplished the main goal, which is to solve Whitebeard and Fire Fist Ace, but judging from the result, the Top War is an incomplete war.

Based on a certain For these obstacles, we did not completely destroy Whitebeard Pirates. After the war, in fact, Whitebeard Pirates lost only Whitebeard himself and his appeal and influence. The main force of Pirates still exists, and most of its Pirates have also fled.

So Marine Headquarters has been pursuing the remnant forces of Whitebeard Pirates in the New World. Up to this point, Whitebeard Pirates has been completely maimed. At this time, it can be said that the’Whitebeard forces’ have been destroyed in the New World, and what remains is We need to make up for the final fatal blow.

However, at this time, something that could change the deployment of our military power occurred-the Red Hair Pirates, which is also the’Yonko’ with Whitebeard, once again From New World back to the first half of the Grand Line.

Based on what we know about Akagami, that person It shouldn’t be a violent conflict with Marine Headquarters, especially at this timing. So he returned to Grand We speculate that the reason for the first half of the Line is most likely to attract the attention of our army and disrupt our army’s next force deployment, hoping to win the opportunity for the remnants of Whitebeard Pirates to struggle on whilst at death’s door.

Help Whitebeard Pirates at this last moment. Based on Akagami’s personality, he will do this kind of thing.

Assess the threat level of the Red Hair Pirates group and judge Marine Headquarters should fight against another’Yonko’, this is something that the executives need to consider, but before that, there is one thing we have to do…We must not let the Red Hair Pirates team leave us in the first half of the Grand Line Monitoring.

Everyone, this is your mission…”

While Whitebeard was alive, Akagami Shanks certainly wouldn’t be so idle to worry about the siege of Whitebeard Pirates… well, at that time No one will besiege Whitebeard Pirates… In fact, “Yonko” is constantly at friction, and they are hostile to each other.

But things were different after Whitebeard died. Akagami might indeed help a group of Whitebeard Pirates out of “righteousness”. He shouldn’t want to see Whitebeard Pirates completely destroyed.

In fact, it was the entry of the Red Hair Pirates group that ended the war on top.

So Red Hair Pirates did not stay obediently and honestly in New World and suddenly returned to the first half of the Grand Line.

Although Brannew did not explain, in fact, it was not only Marine Headquarters who cleaned up the Whitebeard Pirates remnants, but also Blackbeard Pirates, Pirate Edward Weibull, who called himself “Whitebeard Jr.”. These three parties were The main force, as for the others… Kaido and Charlotte Linlin certainly don’t mind invading and dividing Whitebeard’s original sphere of influence.

Up to now, the remaining Whitebeard Pirates are very likely to be really unable to hold on, and their survival is only between the lines.

As for the Red Hair Pirates group that is making trouble at this time, what kind of control measures should be adopted is currently under discussion at the upper level of Marine Headquarters, but Akagami’s whereabouts must be closely monitored.

But now Marine Headquarters has insufficient strength and limited manpower in the first half of the Grand Line, so that it is time to use students like Mo Fei… When Akagami returns to the first half of the Grand Line, Almost all the Marine surveillance ships were sunk along the way. This kind of thing is familiar to the Red Hair Pirates group.

So Mo Fei listened and understood…monitoring Akagami? They took a big job.

After Brannew completed the task explanation, other officers soon began to issue specific combat instructions.

Soon after, an officer handed over a letter of instruction to Mo Fei. The above command is not complicated, that is, they are required to command a surveillance ship to go to a certain Sea Territory for surveillance. Once they find the Red Hair Pirates group, they will keep an eye on the other party.

But the problem is…

“Am I the main commander? Warrant Officer Afriel F. Delta is Lieutenant Commander?” Mo Fei soon discovered the instruction book Unreasonable in.

Because he had done tricks when he was in the group before, he and Afriel were in a group. This is no problem, but if you want to separate the main and deputy from the two, the main The official should be Afriel… Whether it is qualifications or grades, Afriel is better than Mo Fei.

“Is there any problem?” The officer who was about to turn and leave heard Mo Fei’s doubts and stopped.

“No…no.” The order is the order. As a soldier, there is no room for bargaining on this thing. Mo Fei can only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart.

Boarding the Battleship as a commander or even the highest commander, Mo Fei didn’t think there was any problem. Anyway, as long as Marine Headquarters dared to give him the ship, he would dare to command… The problem.

It is really an important and dangerous task to monitor the Red Hair Pirates group.

Moreover, it makes people totally unprepared, even the task requires them to board the Battleship and leave Hong Kong within two hours.

So Mo Fei and Afriel quickly left the school, and then separated temporarily, preparing to gather at the port in half an hour.

Next, he returned to his residence, put on a formal military uniform with military rank, and packed up the personal items to be used on the ship.

Then there are weapons…

A short sword “Bedwell” is horizontally behind the waist, and a long sword “TS-0” is inserted diagonally on the left side of the body. A flintlock pistol is stuck on the other side… well, it’s kind of like that.

Leave a note to Albertine Court Academecian stating that he cannot go to the laboratory for the time being. Then Mo Fei took the telex and instruction book and ran to the port.

At this time, many Battleships were parked in the harbor of Marineford, and soon, Mo Fei’s line of sight was fixed on a tall mast…The ship under that mast was him. The place to go.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

Pirate Ship basically belongs to two types of ships, Spanish galleon (Galen ship) or Clark sailing ship; Marine surveillance ship They look a bit like flying shears, and they all have the characteristics of sailing ships.

But if you want to ask what type of ship is Marine’s main battleship, this is completely beyond my understanding.

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