Mo Fei walked out of the bank in a relaxed suit.

In this fragmented and turbulent world within the realm, it is of course not safe to put money in the bank. Pirate can do everything, but…

It should be said that banks are not the same as banks. The bank Mo Fei just stayed with is a public bank under the World Government. Although the credibility of the World Government is also very limited, this bank is still the safest bank.

More importantly, it exists in all major cities in the world, and it is more convenient to withdraw.

In addition, the amount of money Mo Fei deposited in the bank is actually the same, and he does not deserve to worry too much about the safety of the bank.

Next, Mo Fei plans to find a place to take care of his hair and change into clothes that can be seen through.

Compared with the lifeless Tyrol, this prosperous commercial port can make people feel its vitality, and Mo Fei will also have a day when shopping is an interesting thing.

However, everything is scored for what it looks like on the surface and what it actually is. What Mo Fei doesn’t know is that he has been spotted when he just walked out of the bank.

Then when he was about to cross a certain alley, he found himself stuck in it back and forth.

In broad daylight, outside is a lively street, foreign world, here is an unmanned alley, three little rascals with knives, and a crossed over who has no power to bind chickens… this scene How does it make people feel familiar?

“Foreigners, if you don’t want to get hurt, don’t want to have faulty parts, hand over your money. We just saw you walk into the bank.” One of the leaders said.

Three to one, they still have weapons on their bodies, so there seems to be reason to be arrogant.

“Then your eyes are pretty good.” Mo Fei is thinking about things right now, so he didn’t think much about this group of people.

So is this kind of thing he is encountering now a common phenomenon, or is he extraordinarily bad luck?


Because the robbers did not get the expected response and did not prepare other lines, they were a bit stuck in the face of Mo Fei… I don’t know how to proceed with the dialogue.

“I think you guys don’t like to watch the show, do you?” Mo Fei felt that if the three of them were in the port before, now It shouldn’t be trying to rob him, who is very good at “fishing.” Fisherman.

“In the future, remember to read more books and newspapers. People with low IQ will have a better tomorrow.”

Mo Fei stretched out his arms to the sides while saying this. His palms just stuck to the walls on both sides of the narrow alley.


After seeing this untimely posture, the robbers subconsciously thought it was surrendering.

“No, there should be no chance to surrender.”

Then the robbers only felt that their eyes were dark, and the next moment they saw the walls on both sides collapsed toward the middle. A large pile of slabs buried them.

The precondition for the ability of “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” to be activated is for the Ability User to make contact with the target object.

This kind of contact can be roughly divided into three categories. The first is direct physical contact, which is well understood;

The second is close range contact, such as Mo When Fei steps on the ground, the fruit power will spread out along the feet, and then can lift a large area of ​​the ground.

The scope of ability is related to the development and exercise of the fruit. For example, the current Mo Fei, he estimated that the scope of influence of his ability should be between 40 and 50 meters. This distance seems Not short, but actually a bit embarrassing.

If there is a one-hundred-meter-long boat and he wants to float the boat at once, he can only stand in the middle of the boat, otherwise he will score twice and use it ability.

The range of influence of this ability is very important, because “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” floats something, has nothing to do with the weight of such a thing, it is only limited by the range of influence of the fruit— —From this perspective, “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” can indeed be classified as the Paramecia fruit of the cream of the crop.

Because of its Ability User launching and maintaining ability, the cost to pay is very small, almost negligible. The floated things can float forever, and there is almost no consumption in the middle… So the elderly Shiki can still play the majestic “City in the Sky”.

Another issue is the duration of the ability before it is activated. For Mo Fei, the current time is only a short five minutes. In other words, for example, if Mo Fei applies the fruit ability to a brick, he can choose to float it immediately, or it can float within five minutes, but if it exceeds five minutes, the ability will be invalid, and he can only Can reapply the fruit effect.

Although things that float can float for a long time, the time between applying the ability and floating is very limited-the “standby time” is limited.

The third type of contact is a long-distance beacon-style indirect contact. Shiki can control the target and activate the fruit ability with the flying sword aura, but Mo Fei is obviously far away from this point… …Not to mention using sword aura to control the target, he doesn’t even know what sword aura is now.

Of course, all this “control” is not on the creature, except for the Ability User itself, “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” has no effect on the creature.

Teaching the robbers a little bit, Mo Fei continued shopping.

After finishing his hair, he bought some clothes and shoes, and then he bought a few newspapers, and he randomly found a store to eat while reading the newspaper…

News, he folded a copy of the newspaper and stuffed it into his pocket, as if it recorded something useful.

When he returned to the port, the Sea King had already disappeared, and only his small fishing boat was still standing there alone.

“All the tasks are completed, so…Go home first.”

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

①If there is one Cerebral palsy (tentatively called cerebral palsy) threw me into this World, and he even prepared me “performance props” on the “stage”-Paramecia Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.

It’s so gentle…

I really want to kill him.

②After getting the fruits, I seem to be a little brazen. This kind of emotion is obviously problematic. It is an imbalance of mentality and needs to be restrained… Don’t become an extrajudicial fanatic.


Please support, I need some support.

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