The time is a little bit forward.

Mo Fei quickly stuffed the eight-round torpedo into the launch tube, and then left the silo and walked outside.

However, he suddenly step one stopped as he walked, and at the same time a strong sense of crisis developed in his heart. It was like a beast that was addicted to people suddenly appeared in the cramped interior space, in the narrow corridor of the ship, behind him.

Mo Fei held almost subconsciously with one hand on the sword hilt behind him, and he turned his head abruptly, but as he turned around, he felt the back of his head fiercely Suffered a sap.

He shook his body slightly, barely holding on to the wall to stabilize his figure.

Behind…Of course there is nothing.

Mo Fei shook his head vigorously, trying to drive the dizziness away from his brain. After a little bit of relaxation, he realized what kind of attack he had been attacked-could it be “Haoshoku” Haki?

It seems to be an undefended impact of consciousness. Unless the person who is impacted has the corresponding courage, imposing manner, will, and mind, he can only lie down with his eyes rolled.

The legendary “eyes to kill” is roughly the same.

From a more “idealistic” perspective, it should probably be “I am not worse than you” or “I will not be worse than you in the future” so that Mo Fei can handle this sudden change. The attack that appears.

Mo Fei continued to walk forward. After a while, he saw Sergeant Robert who had fainted in the ship.

“Robert, Robert, Luo! Burt!”

Mo Fei yelled and went up and gave the other two slap in the flace, but even if he was slapped Face, Robert still did not wake up.

“It’s a bit troublesome.”

Mo Fei discarded Robert and rushed into the main gun turret at the fastest speed.

The main gun has not been loaded yet, because the shells can only be “raided” by the Mo Fei stuffed into the cannon, and Aphrel fainted behind the main gun.

“Afriel, Afriel…”

Mo Fei half-supported Afriel, and then shook her shoulders…what to do ? At this time, the gunner fainted.

Mo Fei is not good at firing, but after all, he is unprofessional, and the vision in the smoke is not good, so there is only one chance. If it hits the fly, it will be a waste of effort.

So he flattened Afriel’s body again. At this time, he really needed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration.

Mo Fei moved the knuckles of the right hand, and then he was about to stretch his hand forward… It’s a bit outrageous. How can someone just stretch out one hand when doing CPR?

And at this moment, Afriel suddenly opened her eyes. It seemed that her subconscious external perception ability and keen sense of crisis played a role, so Mo Fei’s hand could only froze. On the way.

“It’s a pity…Ah, no, it’s very good, Afriel, you finally woke up.”

Mo Fei’s arm naturally supported her shoulder , And then helped her up.

“I am…what’s the matter?”

“It’s Haoshoku Haki of Akagami. It’s not the time to talk about this… The opportunity is fleeting, Afril, no Is it a problem? I’m up to you next.”

“No problem.” Aphrel remembered that she still had a mission to fire a cannon.

In spite of that, it was still a little difficult for Aphrel to stand up, and she had to hold Mo Fei’s arm.

The next thing to do is relatively simple. Mo Fei is responsible for filling the ammunition and gunpowder. After closing the gun door, Afriel aims at the target and…fires.

The shell left the barrel at a very exaggerated speed, leaped over a small Sea Territory in a time beyond the common sense of the overwhelming majority, and finally successfully hit the bow of the Pirate Ship of the Red Hair Pirates regiment. on.

The sacrifice of torpedoes is not entirely meaningless.

Then time came to the present, Mo Fei and Aphrel came to the deck of the surveillance ship.

The Sheshui Yu was too close to the Pirate Ship, and the people on the opposite side were almost clearly visible. So just after the two appeared, the ship under their feet was bombarded. A dozen solid guns fell on the surveillance ship.

A shell hit the turret of the main gun, and after a harsh metal crash, it flew out next to Mo Fei.

Mo Fei raised his head and looked at Red Force. First of all, he confirmed that he had achieved his goal. Three shells tore through the bow of Pirate Ship without any suspense.

Secondly, he saw a Pirate grabbing the arm of another Pirate. After the former rounded the latter for a few laps, he suddenly let go, so the latter was like a cannonball, straight right. The Sheshui Yu smashed over.


The opponent’s body carried a high speed, so when he landed, he looked a little embarrassed. Under the action of inertia, he broke several barrels one after another. After several laps on Sheshuiyu’s deck, this stopped her figure…Pirate finally reached the “destination” successfully.

This…Well, it can also be regarded as a “jumping gang fight”, that is, the enemy jumps a bit far.

After hitting the bow of the Pirate Ship, someone rushed over without the slightest hesitation. If this is the Pirate flag, it is likely that the entire ship will skip over.

“Seaman, do you know what you did?”

Pirate, who rushed to the Battleship, was not the main cadre of the Red Hair Pirates group, but it was obvious. When he was very angry.

While speaking, the other party has already pulled out a long knife with both hands…Pirate’s body seems to be very strong, so naturally he won’t be hurt by his companion.

“Marine fights Pirate, are there any doubts in the middle?”

Mo Fei walked towards the opponent, and Afriel drew out two pistols, and then retreated a little later A few steps… She is not the type of close combat.

Mo Fei’s answer is “justified”, but the other party obviously does not accept this statement.

As a member of the Red Hair Pirates group, this Pirate is naturally proud of it, but Mo Fei’s statement is obviously “defying” Yonko…that’s Yonko, how can Yonko be the same as ordinary Pirate? ?

So at the next moment, the plank under Pirate’s feet suddenly exploded. In the blink of an eye, he had jumped to the top of Mo Fei’s head, and the two knives were directed at Mo Fei’s head without hesitation. .

Mo Fei pulled out the long sword with one hand and faced the opponent’s blade.

But on the way to a big open and close attack, Pirate had to make a change…Six gunshots came from behind Mo Fei, and six bullets were shot into the air. Pirate’s head, chest and lower abdomen.

So Pirate could only use the long knife in his left hand to smash Afriel’s bullet, and Mo Fei blocked the attack of another Saber with one hand.


The impact from the top of the head made Mo Fei lean back… fierce and heavy. This is Pirate’s Sword Art.

Is a good practice object.

Although Mo Fei became Seaman for a short time, don’t forget that he has been beaten by Vice Admiral Garp for more than two months. The so-called “famous teacher and high apprentice”, even if he is a piece of scrap iron, two Months are enough to temper him into billets.

Turn left and right. Amid the enemy’s swift and violent offensive (wind 9 torrential rain), Mo Fei’s figure initially appeared to be a little wind and rain, but soon, he became light and agile. Like a falcon.

Mo Fei resisted at the front, and there was a shooter in the back who was constantly harassing. Blocking bullets seemed very simple, but in fact, the attacked person is required to keep concentrates one’s mind, so this At that time even a fool knew what to do-regardless of the fighter, kill AD first.

In an instant, Pirate’s offensive was stagnant, and then his silhouette appeared beside Afril.

The knives are on the left and right, and the blades are up and down. Pirate’s scissors seem to cut Afriel into three in an instant.

In fact, Mo Fei’s statement is absolutely correct, no matter which Pirate of Pirate, Pirate is Pirate.


Mo Fei’s silhouette stood in front of Aphrel, and the long sword in his hand blocked him from side to side.

Pirate’s attack was blocked, and not only that, at this moment, Pirate felt that the weapon in his hand seemed to be “infested” by some unknown force. It was obviously only a very ordinary force. Blocked, but then the two long knives in his hand were shot out uncontrollably.

Mo Fei…It seems a little emotional.

His left hand is lifting in a flash. At a very close distance, the muzzle of the black hole points to Pirate’s eyebrows. In an instant, a super-heavy bullet will be out of common sense. The speed rushed out of the muzzle.

Pirate, who was still wondering why his weapon would be bounced off, only felt a dull pain in his eyebrows at this time.

Not good! Danger!

However, Mo Fei did not pull the trigger after all, because…At this moment, just because of a very clear footstep, he made his fingers impossible to move even a little bit.

Step by step, this is an indescribable deterrent.

Mo Fei’s pistol was still pointing at Pirate’s eyebrows, he slowly turned his head to the side, and then he saw a red-haired man walking from the stern of Pirate Ship to the ship head.

Great Pirate, Yonko, Akagami Shanks, are slowly approaching.

This person’s sense of existence is really very strong.

At this time, the little Sea Territory between the two ships was not a hindrance to Shanks.

Mo Fei slowly adjusted his body, with the long sword in his hand pointed firmly in the direction of the bow of the Pirate Ship.

red hair, the iconic left eye scar, and even ordinary people can see the full body of Haki, there is no doubt that this person is the youngest among Yonko, Akagami Shanks.

This is a person with a very strong sense of presence and visual impact, strong enough to make people “be eager to have a try”.

Shanks came to the bow, and the air here was filled with a burnt smell. He first looked at the interrupted bow, and then looked towards the Marine surveillance ship not far away. … He glanced across Aphrel, and then froze on Mo Fei.

The young Seaman opposite, dashing eyebrows like a sword, eyes like electricity, bloodthirsty like a tiger…


The strength of the two sides is judged such as cloud and mud, and the gap is like a moat, but even so, the young Seaman is still pointing his sword at himself.


Akagami stared at Mo Fei for a while, then…


I don’t know why he suddenly laughed heartily, and even laughed and laughed. The laughter turned into a wild laugh.

Akagami squatted down while holding his belly, tears bursting from the corners of his eyes.

Mo Fei: WTF?

Is this the legendary “extraordinary people do extraordinary things”? What is this sudden laugh? Mo Fei felt a little confused.

It’s not just Mo Fei, everyone doesn’t understand what Akagami is pumping at this time, but his laughter echoes all over the sea… The person’s Haki and personal image seem to be completely destroyed Up.

After laughing for a long time, he finally stopped the laughter and stood up again.

“Sorry, Seaman, I’m not laughing at you, I just think…Time is really a trancesome thing, it can make a person’s stand upside down completely.”

How familiar is this situation and scene? ,

That was about twenty-five-six years ago. Akagami is only fourteen or five years old. He holds a single knife in his hand, and Buggy holds a dagger in his hand. On the boats of Roger Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates During the conflict, the two rushed to Moby Dick and rushed to Whitebeard.

Buggy is yelling “Finally found you old fart”, Shanks is yelling “Whitebeard, I’m going to fix your head”.


What kind of overestimate one’s capabilities, what kind of high-spirited and vigorous.

For Akagami, this memory is really clear, everything is like yesterday.

Although Kizaru has a ridiculous face and is used to speaking in an eccentric tone, some things he said are still very reasonable, such as… “It’s really terrifying, this It’s young”.

It’s a pity that the past is going all the way.

At this time, Whitebeard is dead, and Akagami Shanks did not point the knife at Whitebeard’s youngster, but became the person pointed at by the youngster.

Old Guys, after all, they got in the way of youngster.

He Shanks can point at Whitebeard, and naturally someone will point at him.

After the laugh, the imposing manner just now returned to Akagami Shanks. He said to the Pirate on the Marine surveillance ship, “Come back, don’t fight meaningless.”

Then he stopped paying attention to Mo Fei, and then stepped back to the stern side.

“Akainu, precognition, we don’t mean to fight. Now that you have found the trail, it doesn’t make much sense to stay here… The Red Hair Pirates group is ready to return to the New World.” Shanks Shouted to the Battleship behind.

“Akagami, is it really the back garden in the first half of the Grand Line, come as you want, leave as you like?” Akainu over there said.

“Why, does Marine want to fight with us now?”

“In that case, you will never want to return to the nest of New World.”

“That’s not necessarily, don’t try to see who knows what the outcome of the battle will be?”

Akagami is chatting with Akinu. These two people are equal conversation partners. As for Mo Fei… Not qualified to communicate with Akagami, and not qualified to let Akagami take action.

It’s like Akagami and Buggy were not qualified to let Whitebeard take the shot.

But the two sides are just talking, because they both know that they can’t fight, and Akagami has decided to return to New World.

Akagami turned sideways to the Navigator next to him and gave orders, and Pirate Ship, whose bow was still smoking, began to turn.

After talking nonsense with each other, Akainu also chose to let the ship leave.


“ha ha ha, messed up, I returned to the first half of the Grand Line from New World, but returned quickly and desperately, which seemed a bit embarrassing… ha ha ha.”

After leaving the battleship’s field of vision, Akagami sat down on the deck and then laughed heartily up again.

“Captain, is this something funny? The ship was also injured. Who knows how the news tomorrow will be written?”

“Yes, just think about it. Big head, Captain, what are you doing.”

“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited, come, take a drink and calm down…”

“Captain, pay attention to your attitude !”

“Sorry, sorry, didn’t I apologize?”

“Did our actions work, Marco can they escape?”

“It works. Didn’t you see that Akainu is back…”

Shanks continued to haha ​​with his crew. Of course, he did not return because of Mo Fei, but because of precognition. Akainu came back to the voyage, otherwise he would really have to die with Marine Headquarter… Akainu also left New World, then the Red Hair Pirates group’s actions played a role.

“Whitebeard is dead, will we become the new Whitebeard? No, this seems to be beyond our control. The wave of the times always moves forward layer by layer, and the back wave overwhelms the front wave.

The wheels of history are rolling forward…

In front of this wheel, what can’Yonko’ be?

It’s been eight hundred years, and it’s finally time to’the stormy waves hit the shore’ ‘Is it time?

Is it, Captain Roger?

Is that right, Luffy.”

Shanks thought about this in silence.

Akagami is certainly not admiring Mo Fei, he is Pirate and Mo Fei is Marine, but the young and fearless appearance of Mo Fei just now arouses his a little empathy.

And the extended expectations for the younger generation… The person Akagami admires is Monkey D. Luffy, who is as young as Mo Fei.

“Luffy is here to defeat us, right?”

Shanks suddenly asked such a question without thinking.

After mentioning the topic of Luffy, the crew members who had been to East Blue Foosha Village immediately became more talkative.

“Of course, Captain.”

“I don’t know where Luffy is now. He has disappeared for a long time.”

“Captain, After Luffy arrives in the New World, don’t show mercy.”

“Of course, I’m Pirate…Red Hair Pirates team vs. Straw Hat Pirates, when the time comes, of course, they will try their best to defeat them. . After that, even if Luffy cry loudly, it’s useless, I won’t comfort him.”

“Captain, you didn’t comfort him when Luffy cried before, you kept laughing at him. “

“Is there? As a senior and an elder, how can I treat a little child…”

“Captain, don’t over-beautify your image in your memories. “

Shanks, Ben Beckman, Yasopp, Lucky Lu looked at each other, and then laughed heartily at the same time.

Well, do you understand the attitude conveyed by Pirates…

Mo Fei is a fart.

Tossing for a long time, and then being ignored. In a sense, this is “the clown is actually myself”.

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