“The Red Hair Pirates group was forced to return to the New World!”

2nd day, the headline of the “World Economic News” as it should be by rights Such headings are used.

The photo at the top is the scene where the Red Hair Pirates group on Red ·Force confronts two Admirals standing on the bow of the Battleship…Marine Headquarters confronts Yonko. Although the news is important , But to be honest, it doesn’t make people feel new, because the frequency of this kind of thing is actually not low.

even more how, there is Admiral vs. Whitebeard in front of it. That’s exciting. It is also the highest battle strength of Marine Headquarters and Yonko. If you compare the top battle, what is this small confrontation?

But the other related news below the headline appears Interesting.

There are two photos side by side below. One photo is Red Force with its head missing, and the other is a deck scene of a Marine surveillance ship…a ​​young ship sitting on the side of the ship. Long, the female Seaman standing behind him, and a certain piece of “waste wood” in the background.

The comment below the photo is like this:

“The interim captain of the Sheshuiyu Marine surveillance ship, Alliedl Mo Fei, Warrant Officer (left), Lieutenant Commander, Afriel Warrant Lieutenant F. Delta (right) and Red Force’s bow blown off by cannon.

During the conflict yesterday, Warrant Lieutenant Elidal led the Fearless Fearless towards Pirates in Yonko. , Implemented lightning strike tactics.”

The subsequent report explained in detail what happened. This small conflict was regarded as Marine’s victory by as it should be by rights because of Yonko’s Pirate. The Ship was injured, and Marine still had evidence in his hand… The head of the ship would be familiar to anyone familiar with the Red Hair Pirates group.

So Mo Fei has received a considerable degree of “positive coverage”, plus the quotations of his interview published in the newspaper…To be exaggerated, there seems to be a “new star” in Marine that is gradually raised .

The first time I set sail, I dared to attack Yonko, and almost implemented lightning strike and angle attack tactics at the same time, and achieved certain results. Such reports can still bluff many people.

In addition, Mo Fei’s photos used to appear in South Blue’s local reports, and when interviewed by a reporter from the World Economic News, Mo Fei “inadvertently” said something else Thing, so the World Economic News also learned that he had “frontally” confronted the Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff Sabo not long ago…

To be honest, separate these two things separately In fact, it can be said that it is accidental and impulsive. This kind of soldier can’t be called is great, but if the two things are connected…two-phase proof, it is completely 1+12.

First face Sabo and then face Yonko. Mo Fei is just a melee soldier, but he is already challenging local hero units… In order to create gimmicks, the newspapers even use the phrase “Being Justice” on Mo Fei. “People” is such an exaggerated title.

In short, the name and appearance of Alindell Mo Fei, this day, with the homepage report of the World Economic News, spread to the entire world for the first time, and was by some interested people I remember it in my heart-seeing the old faces of Akainu precognition Kizaru Sengoku Garp every day, normal people will have visual fatigue, of course everyone wants to see something new.


South Blue, the Kingdom of Hildegard, the royal capital.

In the courtyard of a nobleman’s house, a maid handed today’s newspaper to Eldest Miss, who was drinking black tea in the garden pavilion… The maid was not responsible for this before. Work, but now she has to do it.

Because this Young Lady never paid attention to anything in the newspaper before, but since the other party experienced something, she has understood the meaning of paying attention to some major news.

If I knew that Pirate activities around the world had become more rampant because of the death of Whitebeard, would she still sail on a civilian ship?

Originally, there are very few channels to understand the world situation. As long as people with a little brain, they will not actively reject this channel… It can only be said that the noble Young Lady had no brains before, but later he has brains.

People will always learn to grow.

Previously, it was almost equivalent to brain damage, but now, among all the noble women of marriageable age, she is the most “extremely powerful and arrogant” flower of Gaoling.

As it should be by rights, the surname of this aristocratic Young Lady is Rasmussen, and the name is Afnin.

It doesn’t matter what she experienced when she went to sea, because the “truth” can always be covered up and whitewashed by “hype.” Intellectual and elegant attitude returned to the upper class… She used to only know how to use her noble status, but now she knows how to package herself.

At this time, when she saw the photo in the newspaper, she almost poured out the black tea in the cup-she really didn’t expect to see this familiar face when she read a newspaper.

Then Afnin stabilized his mind and began to read the contents of the newspaper.

“Fight against Yonko…a good and trustworthy partner…what…”

Then, her gaze was fixed on Afriel behind Mo Fei.

“The face looks like…”

Avenin is stuck, okay, Afriel does not look hard and black.

Rasmussen Versailles Avnin: “Well, except for the very thin upper body, there is nothing wrong…”

She found the right one after all Black spots.

“Young Lady, I’m going to attend the royal banquet in the afternoon, now is the time to start preparing.”

After a short while, another maid came over and said.

“I got it.”

Affnin looked at the newspaper again, and finally threw it aside… It’s just a fresh look, it’s not one after all people of the world.


New World, G5Marine base, Smoker Commodore office.

“Smoker Commodore, look at today’s newspaper!”

Tashigi rushed in with a newspaper energetic and bustling.

“What is it like to panic, Tashigi.” Smoker doesn’t seem to be very angry, he just habitually scolds Tashigi, this guy is actually quite straight.

“Is there any important news in today’s newspaper?” Then Smoker snatched the newspaper over. “The two Admiral drove Akagami back? Isn’t this as it should be by rights? Akagami was originally a very sensible person. Since knowing that there is no real all-out war with Marine Headquarters, there is no need for meaningless temptations… They will naturally return to the New World.”

Smoker commented on this boring news, then folded the newspaper and started to read the second half of the page, and then…

“Uh, Mo Fei?”

“That’s right That person.”

Tashigi nodded fiercely, this is what she wants Smoker to see.

“Lightning strike tactics? A hit? If the report to Dao Foundation is true, it can be said that he did a very good job. He didn’t have any foundation before.” Smoker made a fair statement. At this time, he There was a sense of identity in my heart-it was Smoker who brought Mo Fei from South Blue to Grand Line.

But Tashigi seemed to jump in anxiously, “It’s not this, Smoker Commodore. We misunderstood the person. Look at him and then look at the female Seaman next to him, don’t you understand?”

Tashigi means that Mo Fei’s character is not good… In her eyes, Mo Fei first became unfathomable mystery who became loyal to love, and then unfathomable mystery became a betrayer of love.

Although no one has said that, Tashigi especially wants to ask at this time… Isn’t he determined to say yes?

Smoker glanced at the female Seaman, and then said, “Tashigi, if you have time, remember to go to the hospital to treat your brain.”

In fact, although Tashigi’s statement is a bit exaggerated, But the kernel is basically in line with the facts… Mo Fei’s character is really not good.

The reasoning relies on guessing, and I guessed it quite right. It can be seen that the love brain is also useful.


Marineford, Marine Headquarters, Information Room.

“This record…what’s going on?”

In the intelligence room, I received the voyage record of the Sheshuiyu. Originally, this thing should be submitted after returning to the voyage. Yes, but because the Sheshuiyu was involved in the conflict with Yonko, the intelligence office asked Mo Fei to report in advance.

“Marineford departed from Hong Kong at 22:15 on the 14th.

At 01:30 on the 15th, the second officer Rasu Cao fell into the sea and disappeared.

At 09:20, I arrived at the mission Sea Territory and performed the search mission.

At 11:00, the mission Sea Territory was changed.

At 15:10, the Red Hair Pirates group was found and approached for investigation. Take the lead in the artillery battle.

At 18:40, Admiral arrived and decided to carry out lightning operations.

At 18:45, he arrived and fired torpedoes.

18:48 , Was stunned by Haoshoku Haki. Except for the captain and Lieutenant Commander, all crew members lost consciousness.

At 18:50, four torpedoes were intercepted, and four torpedoes nearly exploded.

At 18:50, the main gun fired with a strong charge, hitting the bow of the Red ·Force, and the main gun was damaged.

At 18:50, the ship was invaded by the enemy Pirate, the captain, the Lieutenant Commander and The fight began.

At 19:00, the Red Hair Pirates group took the initiative to retreat.


The problem with this record is……


First, when a surveillance ship faced Yonko, it was a bit too aggressive. You are playing Yonko and not hunting. Why are you so bold?

Secondly, when the surveillance ship launches an impact in the final stage, it sails, launches torpedoes, fires, and so on. All things are actually done by two people. Two people, one boat, rushing to Yonko…Why are they so fantasy?

The people in the intelligence room looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally someone said, “The trainee officers on the ship are all Vice Admiral Garp students.”

” en? Well, it turned out to be Vice Admiral Garp…”

It turned out to be Vice Admiral Garp. That’s okay, what I want is this tossing energy.

Vice Admiral Garp, just like this, Hero of the Marines can actually play this role.

But this is no way. Who makes Vice Admiral Garp’s “famous” always like this? From this perspective, Mo Fei is indeed a qualified student.

Now the officers in the intelligence room only hope that all students in the Seaman School must not become qualified students.

Is there any problem in transferring Vice Admiral Garp to the training department?

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