In the dormitory.

The roommate Gerante has not yet returned, only Mo Fei is here.

At this moment, I saw Mo Fei holding the dagger in his hand, then lightly touched a teacup on the table with the front end of the sword blade, and then, I saw the teacup slowly The ground floated… This was something he couldn’t do before.

After several experiments, Mo Fei is convinced that his fruiting ability has evolved a little bit.

Speaking normally, if he wants to make the teacup float, he needs to touch the teacup with his body, so that the ability can be transmitted through-“contact” is Fuwa Fuwa no The conditions under which Mi’s ability can be activated.

But now, Mo Fei covers the dagger with the power of fruit, and then touches the teacup with the dagger. As a result, the teacup can also be controlled by the power… There is no doubt that this is a kind of Indirect contact.

When fighting against Pirate of the Red Hair Pirates group on the Battleship, Mo Fei bounced the opponent’s weapon in this way.

This kind of evolution should be said to be very practical, which means that Mo Fei’s limbs have been extended…because there are always things that cannot be touched by the body.

After several more experiments, Mo Fei found that this indirect contact is also conditional.

First, the “carrier” in the middle must be solid. Short swords can be used, but air can’t. Mo Fei thought very well. If his ability can spread to other objects using air as a carrier, then the versatility of this indirect contact will undoubtedly expand ten times.

However…no, things are not as good as he thought, or the development of his fruit ability is not enough.

Second, Mo Fei has no way to throw the attached short sword to hit something, and then let the hit thing float. He has to hold the “carrier” in his hand.

The development of fruit ability is step by step. It seems that there is no way to do it overnight, but Mo Fei believes that his ability will become more convenient over time.

Monitoring Akagami is a sudden task. Mo Fei’s current main business is still studying in Seaman School, so he thinks that he will continue to focus on happy cultivation for the next period of time, but in fact Things are not that simple.


The Red Hair Pirates group enters the first half of the Grand Line and then returns to New World. This operation looks very confusing on the surface, but it actually shows the New World A very important change of the “Yonko” forces shortly after Akagami returned to the New World.

Although many Captain-level Pirates have survived, as a whole force, Whitebeard Pirates has been destroyed under the joint strangulation of Marine and other Pirates.

After completing this mission, Marine forces temporarily retreated, and this retreat led to the Pirate struggle in New World and the struggle between Great Pirate in particular intensified.

In order to be among the Yonko, the Great Pirates will naturally start fighting with each other. For Marine, it is not as it should be by rights to go back and watch the dogs bite between the Pirates?

However, the result of this kind of battle should be doomed at first. Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach and his Blackbeard Pirates group, who took away the ability of Gura Gura no Mi, replaced Whitebeard. The new Yonko should be almost a certainty.

Only because of a Red Line mainland barrier, Marineford does not seem to be able to feel the battle that is erupting in New World, but under this background, a series of chain reactions have occurred. .

That night, when Mo Fei finished his training at Vice Admiral Garp and was about to return to his dormitory to rest, someone suddenly blocked his way.

“Alindell Mo Fei, the rank…has been promoted to major, right?”

“It’s me.”

The opponent is a deep A woman with blue hair and a tall figure, her appearance makes Mo Fei slightly frowned… Ain, one of the closest students who has been following the original Marine Headquarter Zephyr, Zephyr’s right-hand man, the “Pirate Safari” founded by Zephyr The members and cadres of, the witnesses and survivors of the murder of the training ship 10 years ago, and the “regressive fruits” Ability User.

If such an elder sister comes to ask Mo Fei to have tea and chat, he will be extremely happy, but obviously, this is impossible.

“Please follow me, Zephyr-sensei has something to look for you.”

After saying this, Ain didn’t wait for Mo Fei’s response, so he turned to move forward. Go… can this be regarded as leading the way?

Mo Fei thought for a while, after all, he followed the other side.

At this time, he already understood that something must have happened in Marine…Although not so sure, Mo Fei vaguely felt like this.

Ain took Mo Fei to the stronghold of the “safari team” and let him enter a Conference Hall.

After Mo Fei entered, he found that there were already some people waiting inside, so he temporarily found a place to sit back.

After a while, many people came here. These people were all students from the Seaman School. After Mo Fei identified them a little bit, they found a common feature in them. … are all “popular factions”.

Including Mo Fei, it seems that everyone is a commoner background.

After the others arrived, Zephyr walked in with his assistants.

Zephyr stood in front of the podium in the Conference Hall, behind him stood Ain, Binz, and Shuzo.

Shuzo, proficient in Rokushiki and Double Haki, long hand tribe, Commodore rank.

Binz, “Lush Fruit” Ability User.

Leave aside Shuzo, when I saw Binz, Mo Fei especially wanted to remind you…Cauldron, your Mu Dun is different from what I have seen before, Mu Dun does not use drops like that. .

After seeing this situation, Mo Fei already knew what was about to happen next.

Zephyr’s face is very ugly at this time, it seems that there is a feeling of anger in his heart that cannot be suppressed, it is not at all his usual serious and kind expressions.

He looked around for a week, and then said in a very low voice, “Just a few hours ago, World Government and Marine executives confirmed one thing…Whitebeard Pirates was completely destroyed.

In the process of the destruction of Whitebeard’s forces, although it was not a coordinated operation, several Pirates played a vital role-Blackbeard Teach, and…”

Speaking, Zephyr I snapped a photo to the wall behind me, and said in the voice of gnashing teeth:

“Edward Weibull, now Pirate who calls himself’Whitebeard Jr.'”

The scene was very quiet, only Zephyr’s angry voice rang through the Conference Hall.

After easing his emotions a bit, he continued, “In view of his role and strong deterrence in the eradication of Whitebeard Pirates, the World Government decided to invite him to become the new Shichibukai, Marine Headquarters… …Recognize the decision of the World Government in principle!”

Edward Weibull, the prisoner who killed hundreds of Zephyr students and cut off his arm ten years ago, is now about to become his “Companion”.

So this matter is actually very simple…Zephyr-sensei has been betrayed.

Betrayed by his lifelong career, Marine Headquarters, and… “justice”.


The 20,000 words are over.

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