A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 1,690 The conference begins!

When Chen Muyu heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said to himself, senior brother, just be happy.

"Xu Xu Tu Zhi?"

Chen Muyu shook his head, "Senior brother, you should already know about the spiritual veins, right?"

At the mention of spiritual pulse, Yang Lin frowned slightly, and the expression on his face became serious.

Chen Muyu said, "The storage capacity of the three spiritual veins can only be used for 300 years. If no new energy supply can be found within three hundred years, the Jidao Palace will face a situation where there is no energy available. There is no development to speak of.”

Yang Lin nodded slightly, "I know this matter well and will find a way."

"What are you going to do, senior brother?"

Chen Muyu asked directly.

Those three spiritual veins were all preserved from the Hongmeng Era. Where can I find spiritual veins that are comparable to them now?

The chaotic world is so big, and there are countless spiritual veins. Even if there are some large mineral veins, there is still a big gap compared with the spiritual veins in the Hongmeng period.

What can Yang Lin do?

Yang Lin took a deep breath and said, "I am going to hold another sacrificial ceremony in a while. At that time, I will explain my relationship to Master and ask Master to give me some instructions."

Chen Muyu opened his mouth slightly, a little petrified.

No, my good senior brother, is this the method you mentioned?

Just hand the ball to your master and let the Jida come up with a solution for you?

I can't laugh or cry.

If he were the Supreme Dao, Chen Muyu felt that if he had such a disciple, he would probably die of exhaustion, right?

Yang Lin seemed unaware, "Junior brother, you don't need to worry about the energy issue. You are here to find a solution for the brotherhood."

Chen Muyu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he still didn't say anything.

"never mind."

In the end, Chen Muyu shook his head and said, "Brother, as long as you have an idea, if I can secure my position as the master of Tianquan Palace, I will also help find a solution."

Yang Lin nodded, "When the time comes, you and I will ask Master together. I believe Master will not ignore it."


Chen Muyu almost vomited blood. I dare you to help you find a solution. In your opinion, we are just pursuing the ultimate path together.


Thinking about it from Yang Lin's perspective, it seems that this can only be the case. After all, in his view, Chen Muyu is just his junior brother, a disciple who has just been accepted as a disciple by his master and has just broken through to the ninth level. What ability can he have? , is there any way to help him?

What he can do is not to work with himself to help seek master?

Chen Muyu didn't say much, just let Yang Lin think whatever he wanted.

What he originally thought was that his system could connect to Hongmeng World. If necessary, he could find a way to get some spiritual veins from Hongmeng World.

However, this is difficult.

After all, there are many powerful people in the Hongmeng world, and slightly larger spiritual veins all have owners. For example, the spiritual veins at the level of Jidao Palace have long been occupied by some super powerful forces who want to build a super large spiritual vein. Coming back means confronting some super powerful forces.

Of course, if the Jidao Palace can provide the ultimate help and a large number of ninth-level powerhouses join, this matter will still have some success.

But the premise of all this is that Chen Muyu can secure his position as the Lord of Tianquan Palace.

If he is kicked off the position of Tianquan Palace Master today, he will have no shame to stay in Jidao Palace. He will not have the shame to take over the position of Peak Master. He will have to clean up when the time comes. Just leave.

At that time, if you want him to work for the benefit of the Jidao Palace, then forget it.


At this time, the masters of each vein arrived one after another.

In the Zhengyang Hall, two rows sat facing each other, and everyone was vaguely divided into two camps.

Including the Jidao Peak, there are five palaces and eight peaks, and there are five palaces and six peaks.

The master of Zizhu Peak Zhu Qianqian and the master of Bamboo Peak Shen Piaopiao have not arrived yet. Together with Chen Muyu, the twelve people are sitting like this. No one speaks, they just drink tea calmly and wait.

Until noon, Zhu Qianqian and Shen Piaopiao did not appear.

"Everyone, the two peak masters may be delayed. I don't think there's any need to wait any longer. Let's get down to the topic." Yang Lin smiled faintly and spoke first, breaking the awkward atmosphere in Zhengyang Hall.


When Hu Tiehan and others heard this, a playful smile appeared on their lips.

This Yang Lin really knows how to pretend.

Do you really think that everyone is a fool? Do you think that no one knows about the little tricks you do?

Why can't Zhu Qianqian and Shen Piaopiao come? Don't you have any ideas in mind?

Hu Tiehan put down his tea cup and glanced sideways at Yang Lin who was sitting on the throne. "Palace Master, I think it's better to wait a little longer, or send a few people to Zizhu Peak and Spotted Bamboo Peak to have a look, especially these two peak masters." Something happened, or I was trapped by some people with ulterior motives and using some dirty means."

Hearing this, Yang Lin frowned slightly.

This guy doesn't use curse words when he curses.

The Lord of the Heavenly Tribulation Palace, Mo Yijie, took over and said, "Yes, Palace Lord, it was agreed that the Five Palaces and Eight Peaks Conference would be held. Now that two peaks are missing, is there any point in holding it?"

Dong Changwen, the master of Tianshui Palace, then said, "Reconsideration, I also think that without the two peaks, this conference will be meaningless."

How can you use such dirty methods to trap the two peak masters here and prevent them from coming to the conference? Do you think we don't have some countermeasures?

The five palaces and eight peaks are missing one vein, and this conference will not count.

If the two peak masters don't come for an hour, we will wait for an hour. If they don't come for a day, we will wait here for a day to see who can rely on the other.

When Yang Lin heard this, his expression turned gloomy.

He really has no experience in dealing with this kind of thing, or in other words, in terms of playing tricks, he simply can't play with these guys.

In fact, Yang Lin is only in a higher realm than these palace masters and peak masters. In other aspects, even in age, Yang Lin is much younger than them.

Yang Lin was selected by the Jida and became a disciple of the Jida after the Hongmeng Tribulation. After the Jidao Palace was established, the fifth elder did not want to be implicated in his cultivation by the common affairs in the palace, so the position of the master of the Jidao Palace was reserved. It was handed into his hands.

The fifth elders retreated behind the scenes and delegated some powers to their direct disciples to check and balance Yang Lin.

Many of these direct disciples were recruited during the Hongmeng era. Therefore, to these direct disciples, Yang Lin was more like a latecomer.

In name, he is a master uncle, but in fact, in their hearts, he is just like a younger brother. Because of this, the chiefs of each line have basically formed a tacit understanding and have friendship with Yang Lin as his peers.

What a shame it is for the grandchildren to have friends with their sons and peers, but Yang Lin doesn't care and completely accepts this setting. It is conceivable that Yang Lin has been living in the shadow of the fifth elder in recent years. How frustrating.

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