The origin corpse that was approaching was instantly blasted open with a gap.

Some weak original corpses were directly killed by the sword energy, leaving no bones left.

The original corpse energy escaped, causing the surrounding corpses to become even more crazy.

The umbrella took the opportunity to cross the gap, turned into a line of light and shadow, and escaped outside.

Behind them, several powerful Origin Corpses tried to pounce to stop them, but they were too late to react.

After losing the lives of dozens of original zombies, he watched helplessly as the umbrella escaped.


A shocking roar.

A large number of origin corpses once again poured out of the tomb.

Outside the tomb, the umbrella paused for a moment.

Mu Yi showed up and originally wanted to seal the tomb, but when he saw the group of origin corpses pouring out crazily, Mu Yi couldn't help but retreat.

It's not that she doesn't have the ability. Currently, the strongest among the corpses is only at the peak of the Holy Lord Realm. She wants to take care of him, but it's not really difficult.

She is mainly afraid of the original corpse. If you accidentally get a little bit of corpse energy, it will affect your cultivation.

Obviously, compared with one's own cultivation, any hidden dangers or disasters brought to the outside world are nothing at all.

This is Kuishan Mountain, which is the boundary of the Divine Kingdom of Qiankui. It should be the Divine Kingdom of Qiankui that should have the headache.

Mu Yi took a deep breath. If he didn't leave now, he would wait until later.

He immediately ignored everything and turned around, turning into a rainbow and flying away.


However, it didn't take long when she flew out.

Suddenly, a curtain of light suddenly appeared in front of her, like an invisible wall, and Mu Yi ran directly into it.

I felt dizzy and dizzy for a moment.

The force of the repulsion sent her flying far away.

An origin corpse rushed up from behind and almost took the opportunity to bite her.

Fortunately, he was quick to see the opportunity, dodged, and struck out with a palm, killing the original corpse.

At this time, Mu Yi raised his head and looked into the sky. A vague barrier completely covered the entire mountain gate of Kuishan Sect.

The laws above were flowing, and she had no doubt about the strength of this barrier.

"Mountain Protection Formation?"

Mu Yi's face changed slightly, and he almost subconsciously thought of it.

This is the mountain protection formation of the Kuishan Sect.

what happened?

Mu Yi felt a little cold in her heart. When she just came out, she had a vague feeling that something was wrong. She never expected that the Kuishan Sect's mountain protection formation would actually be activated.


Mu Yi snorted coldly, flew out the umbrella in his hand, and directly bombarded the formation.

There was a bang.

Fire appeared on the barrier.

However, the bombardment did not shake the mountain guard formation at all.

At this moment, Mu Yi's face looked quite ugly, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.


Biting her teeth tightly, she really couldn't figure out how the mountain-protecting formation could be activated.

Doesn't this trap her again?

It's just trapped. The key point is that there are so many origin zombies here. Isn't this forcing myself to duel with them?

Countless origin corpses swarmed towards her.

Mu Yi had no choice but to move out of the way and play hide-and-seek with the group of origin zombies.

At this moment, figures outside the mountain flashed.

But two figures appeared outside the mountain.

Mu Yi glanced at it and saw that it was not unfamiliar.

In the Southern Alliance, they are Mo Wu, the clan elder of the Black Hell Kingdom, and Mous, the clan elder of the Tal Kingdom.

Both of them are at the pinnacle of the Holy Lord Realm.

I just met two of the peak-level people following Kuihou some time ago.

The existence of the peak realm can be regarded as a prestigious peak figure in the Eastern Continent. Although they are from the Southern Alliance, as one of the two saints of Hongmeng Palace, Mu Yi has no reason not to know them.

"May I ask who you are, the Master of Muyi Palace of Hongmeng Palace?"

When the two people outside saw the situation inside the Kuishan Sect's mountain gate, they were also shocked. Especially when they saw Mu Yi trapped in the mountain protection formation, they screamed in surprise.

Mu Yi frowned and looked coldly at the two people outside the formation through the void.

"Hmph, you opened the mountain protection formation?" Mu Yi's voice was full of anger.

When the two heard this, they looked at each other.

Mo Wu stepped forward and replied, "No, no, Palace Master Mu Yi, this mountain protection formation was started by Brother Kuihou... Palace Master, be careful..."

Following Mo Wu's exclamation, Mu Yi also felt the crisis.

Looking back, he saw an origin corpse in the late stage of the Holy Lord Realm, opening its bloody mouth and rushing towards him. The corpses behind it were even more overwhelming.


Mu Yi snorted coldly and hid quickly.

He teleported away dangerously, and chose an open position again.

"Why don't you quickly close the mountain protection formation?"

Mu Yi looked outside the mountain and his tone was completely commanding.

When the two people outside the mountain saw this, their faces showed embarrassment.

Mu Si said, "Palace Master Muyi, we are just here to take care of you. We don't have the ability to tamper with this mountain-protecting formation."

In the current situation, even if they had the ability to break through the formation and welcome Mu Yi out, they would not dare.

As soon as Mu Yi came out, didn't those original corpses also come out? How will it end then?

You survived, but how many lives in our Southern Alliance countries will lose their lives for this?

Hearing this, Mu Yi's face turned extremely dark, "If you are so presumptuous, turn off the formation immediately, otherwise, when I go out, you will be able to see me."

At this moment, there were Origin corpses everywhere inside the mountain gate, and everyone was frantically looking for her traces. Mu Yi was already feeling the pressure.

The two people outside the mountain had black lines all over their faces.

Sister, you are the one who is in danger now, and you are the one begging us. Do you think you are begging for help?

"Palace Master Mu Yi."

Mousse said, "Just hold on for a while. We will inform Brother Kuihou now and let Brother Kuihou deal with it."

After saying that, the two of them ran away without looking back.


Mu Yi gritted his teeth and opened his eyes angrily. That beautiful face was filled with only anger.



In Qingtian Town, Chen Muyu was completing today's training when Kuihou suddenly asked for a meeting in a panic.

Mu Yi was trapped in Kuishan Sect.

When he heard the news, Chen Muyu was briefly surprised, then felt it was reasonable, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Is this woman cursed? Why is she always locked up in a cage no matter where she runs?"

Chen Muyu said something dumbfounded.

"It seems that our guess is correct. The Demon Suppressing Monument was indeed destroyed by this woman. Hehe, it can be considered as his own fault."

Ancestor Donglai said immediately, with a smile on his face. It could be seen that he seemed to be in a good mood after hearing the news.

Kuihou touched the black line on his forehead and said, "Master, if this woman dies here, Mu Jia will definitely go crazy."


Ancestor Donglai snorted coldly, "It's none of our business. It's her own death. She deserves to die. No matter how domineering Mu Jia is, she can't be indiscriminate."

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