A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 19 - 19. The Wrath of a Dragon

I woke up in pain, I guess even with a protection spell taking up most of the brunt of the fall it can't take all the damage. I focus on my magic to see how long I've been out for, from the looks of it I have been out cold for over a day. Considering that I'm still alive means that either that assassin is dead from my last trick, which I think is unlikely, or she assumes that I am dead from the fall, either way, I'm good for the time being. First things first I used my magic to heal any broken bones or fractures, then any internal injuries, and finally removing the scars on my right arm from freezing it with that desperate attack of mine. Next, I use Echo Tremor to scan my surroundings what I find makes me want to burst out laughing because I freaking found the Ryujin, but it's a lot bigger then what I expected and I mean I was expecting it to be at least be as big as a Leviathan but I'm only picking only a part of it.

As I got closer to it the size of it was making me break out in a cold sweat because from what I'm getting off my sonar is that it's at least 60 feet long and its body has a diameter of 15 feet. I'm beginning to think I'm biting off more than I can chew with this Grimm even with my silver eyes but I might as well investigate to see if I can come up with a plan. For starters, it seems that this Grimm is buried under this valley but not too very deep so I can dig it out to have a closer look, I summon a pack of Beowolfs to start digging at a couple different spots. The first spot fully dug up is one of its 5 sets of wings that also resembles an outstretched claw, the wing webbing is actually easy to cut off so I can ground this beast making it seem like killing it is a realistic possibility. The next spot is something I found odd about it, it's one of the 7 giant spikes on its back, I took a closer look at it and that there several small holes in it plus from I'm sensing these holes lead to a liquid in its body that I'm guessing is the dark water that makes up the lesser Grimm that it generates. The final spot is its head or rather its mouth to see if I can plant explosives in the beast's body while it sleeps so that I don't have to fight it directly and from the looks of it I can do just that.

Alright, I have a plan A now I better make a plan B just in case things go south but first let's hunt down one of those Oni goats for a meal because I just realize I'm staving.

( Later in the week at Kakureta Kiri <Hidden Mist>)

I'm currently at Kakureta Kiri a settlement south of Akuma no Owan getting my order from the local blacksmith to re-arm myself because a weapon of my specific requirements takes a while to forge. I walk into the weapon shop the smith is hammering out some red hot metal while his apprentice is watching the store, the both of them are not as muscular as you would think because the both of them use aura to enhance their bodies. As I walk up to the apprentice he has a frown directed to me I then spoke.

Silva: I'm here for my order is it ready?

Apprentice: Yeah it's ready I'll get it.

The apprentice answered to me with disdain and a little disgust, unfortunately, this whole settlement is a little racist against fanus at least they don't refuse my money. He brought out a crate then opened it revealing a knife-like greatsword known as an Atlesian Grosse Messer sword, I picked up then examine it closely. After I finish expecting it, I used Echo Tremor to see if it's as durable as I asked, I frowned then held it up in front of the apprentice and strengthen myself with my aura then snapped the sword. It was a clean break and that's bad because this sword is a simple iron sword coated in another metal to make look like it's made of a more durable alloy but this sword would break after a couple of hits on Grimm. I bellowed in rage at the to so-called blacksmiths.


The smith stopped hammering then looked to me and said.

Smith: That sword is good enough for an animal like you.

His answer just made me angrier because if I was anyone else a weapon breaking in a fight especially against the creatures of Grimm is often fatal, these two were trying to kill me. I decide to just break their arms because killing them would just bring me unnecessary trouble and after I did that I knock them out then used magic to make them forget me. I went into the smith's storage room to find a weapon to make do, for the time being, I searched the storage most of what's stored here is farming tools but once I used my sonar I found something interesting it was a large buried c.h.e.s.t in the storage room. I dug it up then opened it after breaking the lock it revealed a giant halberd, the pole is 5 feet long with a spearhead at each end and the ax blade is curved and serrated that was 2 feet in length, all of it is a dark gray color that weighed at least over five hundred pounds. I used Echo Tremor to make it vibrate and I continuously amped up the power to find that it was holding up nicely, while I'm more familiar with single-edge swords this will do till either I can forge my own or hire a good blacksmith to make it for me.

I walked out of the weapon shop then headed to the back of the general store to get to the local black market to see if my explosives came in, then my scroll started to ring if there is one thing I have come to love about Remnant is that there are no telemarketers here. I answered my scroll to see that it's Lil'Miss calling me.

Lil'Miss: Can you confirm that you are phantom?

I smiled and replied.

Silva: Melanie is fun to tease and don't ever make Miltia angry.

Lil'Miss: It's good to hear that your death is exaggerated but business first I have good news, bad news, and really bad news, which do you want to hear first?

I sighed then replied.

Silva: Good news first, please.

Lil'Miss: Well the good news is that Shiroyami the one who claimed to have killed you won't come after you again. The reason for that is because of her policy of not coming after anyone again if they escape from her once, this earned her the nickname "No-Second-Strike" because the people that manage to successfully escape her can be counted on one hand including you and she's one of the top assassins in Mistral that have the highest kill count.

I do want revenge against that cheat of a bunny for nearly killing me but I felt relieved that she won't be coming after me, Lil'Miss continues.

Lil'Miss: The bad news is that you still have a substantial bounty on your head in the underworld and the really bad news is that because you survived against the infamous "No-Second-Strike" every would-be hotshot assassin in Mistral is gunning for you for the fame of killing someone that Shiroyami couldn't.

I sighed exasperatedly then Lil' Miss added.

Lil'Miss: I sent the girls to a friend in Vale to protect them under the disguise of a bodyguard job and I told them not to contact you so that they aren't targeted by assassins that want to lure you.

A thought crossed my mind then said.

Silva: Lil'Miss if your selling info on me I expect a cut because I will tell you where I'm going and my current location.

Lil'Miss chuckled then replied.

Lil'Miss: Of course I have been doing business with you for a while now so I know that you are a good business partner, so how does 20 percent sound?

I thought about it for a minute then agreed after bargaining for a 30 percent instead which she agreed to. I went to the local black market and got everything that I asked for a good amount of Lein then made my way to the misty valley to the Ryujin pulling a large cart full of ordnance to blast the Grimm sky-high.

( The valley that the Ryujin rests)

Currently, I'm sitting next to the Ryujin's mouth using my summons in their miniaturized forms to apply adhesive than the explosives all along the Grimm's insides while also using them to cover the spikes on it's back to prevent it from creating lesser Grimm plus cutting off its wing webbing to ground it. The last of the bombs have been set, now I'm double-checking the turrets that I have set up to fire on it just in case the explosives aren't enough, well everything is in place now I wait for my aura to recharge. After a couple of hours, my aura is now full and I'm ready to start my operation but first, the final touches wrapping a chain around its mouth then applying a sealant to cover its still close eyes. I have the detonator ready to blow this monster sky-high in t-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

All the explosives went off both inside the Ryujin and out, but what happens next filled me with dread because the great Grimm shot up into the sky the despite me removing its wing webbing, the chain closing its mouth broke then it shot out a blazing hot fire that created a new valley. The turrets came online then started to fire away at the beast but to no effect except annoying it, the Ryujin roar, its roar shook the sky and land making the mist dispersed. The Grimm suddenly crashed down on the ground, as the nightmarish beast got up it was building up a fire in its mouth, it released its fire all around it causing the valley to be wider and destroying the turrets and nearly killing me in one blow. I despaired and hated myself for my arrogance thinking I defeat this monstrosity, as the expression goes "let sleeping beasts lie", just as I was trying to figure out what to do next the beast started to fade away in black particles, I felt relief that my plan worked but ultimately I became depressed because even if its added to my summons I can't actually summon it, it's too strong and my aura reserves are nowhere near enough to summon it for any real effect, with this its back to the drawing board.

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