A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 27 - 27. A Trail of Bodies

As I kill the little monster a hushed silence filled the settlement then the women screamed of bloody murder then the men shout for the guards to appear but they are already dead. I summoned Senshi to help me wipeout these flesh eaters and I also summoned Scourge to set this evil place ablaze. Senshi went after the ones that were running away while I deal with the ones that are trying to stop me from killing every last one of them and Scourge was already shooting out balls of fire throughout the settlement. I swung my halberd ending 3 men's lives for they just charged at me, Senshi already ended most of the ones that were running away and Scourge has already set fire to half of the settlement already. With each moment I killed several men, women, and children along with my summons and I will not allow even one of these monsters to escape my wrath. Soon the creatures of Grimm came to help themselves to the disaster I have started they attack with pure savagery not even letting one of the residents escaped with their lives. I used my sonar to find any of them hiding in cellars or bas.e.m.e.nts and ended them regardless of their pleas of mercy and I was sure the last of them were dead I canceled my summons then summoned a pair of Nevermore wings on my back to fly away.

I flew to the mountains in the east until I found a cave where I set my bag down then spoke the password to it and I entered the storage slash entry room then made my way to the living room were I just collapse on the couch. Leaning back against it the fatigue I built up hit me all at once both physical and mental then my cat Noctem came up on my l.a.p. I just started to stroke him than he immediately started to purr for me as I stroked his silky soft fur I ask myself do I regret my actions at all for this slaughter. As I think back on my actions my eyelids felt heavier and heavier with time I soon close them entering a dreamless sleep lost in thought.

( Weeks later)

In the weeks that followed the people I killed only increased with another cannibalistic settlement but with fanus eating humans then a cult of human supremacists know as the children of the brothers. In this cult which was based on ancient texts of when the brothers walked on Remnant and gifted humanity with magic, humans being the creations of gods decided everything, and the fanus was nothing but a mistake to be rectified and this wasn't even the worse of it. When I first run into them in the mountains they tried to capture me but fail then moved on to kill me but failing that too. I got one of them then read their mind and what I found out was something that made me want to wipe this cult off the face of the planet. They were enslaving fanus, breaking them with drugs to make them into toys and laborers for their amus.e.m.e.nt, once I found this out I started to hunt down the various encampments come temples to end these bastards.

As I took out the cult one cell at a time I freed a number of fanus that were thankfully still normal, but most of the slaves were just broken, and there was nothing I could do but put them out of their misery. With each of the cults cells that I erased the amount of blood on my hands increased greatly but I couldn't stop till this cult was gone for good. I continued till I finally found the main temple where the last of them was holding up at mounting a desperate defense trying to stop me. I assaulted the temple without mercy ending the cultists and broken fanus alike till I finally found their so-called pope condemning me with a self-righteous speech on how I should bow down and end my life for the glory of the brothers. I didn't even bother to retorting to this fool and ended him with one swing of my halberd, after checking his memories to see if there were any other cells to which it seems I manage to get them all, I was relieved that I ended this cult for good and even saved a few lives in the process. I helped the few fanus that was still normal to set up a few airsh.i.p.s back to their homes which were in the Menagerie surprisingly enough, once I saw them off I made my way out of the mountains.

After a couple of days later I ran into another settlement as I made my way to the savanna in the east to check out the wildlife there and see if I can find any interesting metals or dust plus check out the exotic wildlife. I went to the settlement ready for a fight just in case it's hostile like my previous encounters in the wildlands. As I drew closer someone shouted.

???: HALT!!!

I looked around and saw a number of guns pointed at me behind a crude barricade, I stop getting any closer but had my halberd ready to start cutting down if necessary. After a couple of moments, I heard a lot of hush whispering then someone asked.

???: What is your business here stranger?

I replied calmly and dryly.

Silva: I'm just passing through and hoping to get some supplies from here.

???: How do we know you aren't a bandit, cultist, or worse cannibal?

I was being patient with them because so far they seemed normal compared to my previous encounters but I didn't let my guard down and replied.

Silva: You have nothing but my word that I'm not and if I can't enter your settlement can I still buy some food and drink off you before I leave?

The residents broke into whispers again then one of them asked.

???: How much food and drink do you need?

My reply was a couple of weeks worth and they quickly gave me a price to which I agreed. An after a couple of minutes passed after passing my lein to them they tossed me a bag filled with supplies and after checking for any harmful subtense to which I thankfully didn't find any. I thank them and walked off heading east leaving the settlement behind feeling relieved that there is at least one normal place in the wildlands. After walking off for a few minutes I heard someone shouting at me.


I turned around and saw someone running after me, when the guy got up to me he spoke hurriedly.

???: Look, stranger sorry for our unneighbourly attitude before but we have been having some problems as of late with a cult and some cannibals that have been attacking us.

Silva: It fine in fact I ran into those very problems as I passed through the mountains so I understand your caution.

The guy looked at me surprised and asked if I was okay and I told him I'm fine, he then invited me back to the settlement which I accepted. As we walked back to the settlement there's this one question that's on my mind that I asked him.

Silva: Um, why are you n.a.k.e.d?

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