A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 30 - 30. Azure Island

After recovering from my fight with that gate like Grimm which I've named Tartarus I experimented with Echo Tremor to see what changes have happened to it. For starters, it's easier to control the vibrations I generate to the point I can infuse them into bullets making them several times more lethal and I can now fuse dust with my semblance unlike before when it was just flat out incompatible with my semblance. I also captured animals to awaken their aura and to modified their semblance with magic with some success but when I tried to change it altogether they well for lack of a better word broke because they didn't die, at least not immediately. When I finally made it to Anima's southern swamps I found a small fishing village with a barkeep at the tavern with a really short skirt to the point it could have been called a mini skirt, which for some reason makes me feel like I'm forgetting something and for the life of me I can't remember what, all well must have not been important if I can't remember even with a fair bit of trying. After restocking my supplies and resting for the night I made my way to the coast to get to the island in between Anima and the Menagerie which I found out was called Azure Island.

Along the way, I had to deal with some gator like Grimm called Trap-Maws plus some less the reputable Huntsmen and thugs that were after my bounty which apparently increased, on the plus side I captured them to experiment on them with modifying or changing their semblance with little to no remorse with them being sc.u.m from what got from their minds. I also tried to do to them what I did to my sword which I called soul crystallization to see if I can use their semblance through them or find other uses. I have an idea that if I do this well enough I might be able to extract Lucifer's or Luci's as I'm now calling the Grimm girl soul and place in a body like Penny's which means I may have to head to Atlas in the future and pick a couple of scientists brains for a couple of projects of my own aside from Luci's new possible body. When I finally made it to the coast I took out my map and compass to see if I'm at the right spot to which Azure Island would be a straight shot from my position and from the looks of it I'm close enough. I summoned a Nevermore to ride then took off to find the island because if my memory it was mention in one of the RWBY DC comics that Blake and her mom went to where they got a giant fish which sounds really good right about now.

(Hours later)

I finally made it to Azure Island, landing on the northern beachfront I used my sonar to map out the island in my head and to quickly deal with any Grimm residing here. My first few hours were spent on taking out the local Grimm which were few in number one of which was a leopard-like Grimm know as a Shadow-Cat that had the ability to camouflage its self and another was a group of jellyfish Grimm called Man-O-War unlike the Seers that Salem uses these Grimm were as large as Ursa and they produce a lethal poison that coats their whole body making dealing with them at close range hazardous. Plus their bodies were hardy and tough but thankfully they are slow-moving floating type Grimm that relies on their numbers to surround their prey. After dealing with the Grimm, I fished a couple of good-sized fish and grilled them after letting out my cat Noctem which was now as big as a medium-sized dog plus Luci to enjoy a short vacation on this uninhabited island before heading to the Menagerie or more accurately Kuo Kuana.

( Days later)

My little holiday on the island has been good with fishing and drinking coconut milk mixed with local fruit juices I definitely want to come back here in the future. As I rest in the hammock that I made from weaving grasses together cracking open another coconut I heard gunshots in the distance. I got up to go and investigate grabbing my travel bag that has Luci and Noctem resting inside because they aren't really fond of sleeping outdoors compared to the comfort of the dimensional space linked to the bag. As I drew closer to the gunshots I saw a large group of Man-O-Wars surrounding someone, I got out a handgun from my new inventory ring that I made from a blue jade-like substance that I found exploring the surrounding waters. I infused my vibrations in the bullets and shot down 2 of the Grimm surrounding the person I shouted towards them to head my way with the opening I made. After reaching the higher ground the 2 of us started to shoot at the Jellyfish like Grimm in less than an hour the last of them was gone and I turned to see who was the unlucky person to get cornered by the Grimm.

I was honestly surprised to see a face I was familiar with, it was Kali Belladonna Blake's mom, well this is a pleasant surprise. She was dressed in a black hakama and sandals with white tabi socks. Over her outfit, she wears a black shrug with a long right sleeve and a short left sleeve, gold-leaf trim adorning the opening on the front. She wears long, black arm warmers that extend to the middle finger. The left warmer has a purple band tied around the top and a pair of gold bangles around the wrist. Around her waist is a black and gold sash that trails behind her, with a gold flower-shaped buckle at the end. I asked her.

Silva: Are you alright miss?

Kali looked at me and replied.

Kali: I'm fine thanks for asking.

I extended my hand towards her and introduced myself.

Silva: Well, my name is Silva Cloud its a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you, and may I know your name?

She took my hand and shook it then replied.

Kali: My name is Kali, Kali Belladonna, and may I know what you are doing on Azure Island?

I explained that I'm Mistral making my way to Kuo Kuana to see what it's like and to get away from the racism for a spell before planning my next destination in my journey across Remnant. I then asked her why she came here and her response was to catch a large fish to celebrate her daughter's birthday even though she isn't around right now, I made note of Blake's birthday for future reference. I asked her.

Silva: If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean your daughter isn't around?

Kali sighed looking dejected and worried then replied.

Kali: I don't mind telling you, you see she stayed with the White Fang after it changed leadership and methods. I and my husband Ghira tried to convince her to leave along with us but she didn't want to and we got into an argument resulting in her not contracting us from who knows where now but thankfully we still have a few friends in the White Fang to lets us know if she's alright.

As I listen to Kali tell her story I had a wry smile on my lips because my main reason for heading to the Menagerie namely Blake isn't even there right now. She then asked me seeing that I was around Blake's age that if I had any family that is concerned about me traveling to which I replied.

Silva: I have an adoptive mother that raised me but she's well complicated, to say the least, so if she is worried about me she shows it in a way only she knows and I don't think she too worried since I passed her test to get her blessing for my journey.

Kali looked at me with a serious expression and said.

Kali: I'm sure she is worried about you.

As we talked I agreed to help her get a good-sized tuna that I know is swimming around which took a couple of hours to find and catch. After killing it I helped load it on to Kali's boat and she offered me a lift to Kuo Kuana since I'm heading there anyway and I hopped on. Along the way, I was wondering what I should do in Kuo Kuana because flirting with Blake is no longer on the agenda with her running around with the White Fang with that spiteful bull fanus Adam Taurus, well I'm sure I'll figure something out when I get there.

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