A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 32 - 32. Life in the Menagerie

As I make my way back to Kuo Kuana with Ghira and the guard I answer his questions, once we made it to Kuo Kuana I followed Ghira back to his home then he said.

Ghira: So, let me get this straight you met my wife at Azure Island then she dragged you home. While I was getting ready to fight the Grimm horde only to find out that it stopped moving because you wanted to help out by fighting them by yourself and you managed to do so to the point that the horde was a fraction of its size.

I nodded and replied.

Silva: Yep and you came with the guard when I was getting ready to leave so I stuck around till they were all dead.

When we reached the Belladonna home Ghira stopped at the door then gave me a complicated look and said.

Ghira: I'm not sure if I should applaud your bravery and skill or scold you for your recklessness.

I shrugged and replied casually.

Silva: Why not do both? But in my defense, I wasn't reckless because I know my abilities well enough plus I could leave easily after cutting the Grimm's numbers down plus it wasn't as nearly as dangerous as some of the things I've done.

Ghira looked ready to question what exactly I've been doing that's so dangerous but the door opened and revealed Kali. She grabbed her husband in a tight hug and when she noticed me she let her husband go and gave me a hug as well. I looked at Ghira confused as to why she's hugging me and he had a helpless smile on his face then shrugged off my confusion. I looked at Kali and joked.

Silva: Kali, if you keep on hugging me in front of Mr. Belladonna he might misunderstand our relationship or become jealous that his wife is giving some else a longer hug then him.

Ghira just chuckled, Kali then broke off her hug then gave me a glare that told me I was in trouble and she spoke softly.

Kali: Do you have any idea how worry I was that the nice young man I just met went and rushed off to a large group of the creatures of Grimm then didn't return till hours later.

I kept my mouth shut and scratched the back of my head looking sheepish from the guilt of worrying her despite me being a tiger Faunus. Kali seeing this sighed then grabbed me and Ghira's arms then proceed to drag us into the house, she's a lot stronger then she looks. Ghira just had a wry smile at his wife's antics then told me in a whisper that only I could hear.

Ghira: There is one thing you should know about Kali if anything else is that even if she has faith in the people she cares about returning safe and sound. She still worries a great deal about them and seeing how she's taken a liking to you try to do dangerous things in a more restrained manner as not to worry her too much, alright.

I just numbly nodded thinking that it really was worth coming here after all.

( A month later)

My alarm that I set up on my scroll rung waking me taking a moment to stretch and rub my eyes before turning off my alarm. I got out of my bed then started to stretch my whole body, finishing my morning stretches with popping my back I look around my room. It still doesn't feel real, the fact I'm now living in the Belladonna home for the time being, after getting dressed I head outside to start my morning jog, the sun was just starting to rise in the horizon. I was dressed in a pair of blake shorts with a cyan-colored sash hanging on the side with some white shoes that were the bottom was black. Along with a sleeveless tunic that was gray with white tiger stripes on the back plus my ring and locket that I got from Miltia and Melanie hanging together on a chain around my neck.

Starting my jog to the docks, I made it to the early morning fish market on the side of the docks and I ran into Kali there she then noticed me and said.

Kali: Oh, Silva good morning care to join me in shopping for the meals for the day.

I agreed then start watching Kali haggle for every fish that got her interest today and the end result was me carrying everything for her, not that I really mind. We then got in line at the only bakery in Kuo Kuana, which doubles as a bar in the evening, which is thankfully short due to it being early in the morning after an hour the bakery opened and the line got a lot longer. When we got to the front of the bakery I smiled at the appearance of the owner Lemiel a honey badger Faunus. She was wearing her usual attire a maid uniform, it was a 2 piece design with the top as a black tube top with white frills on the bottom and the bottom was a black short skirt with more frills on the edges of it with a white frilly apron over it. She also had the maid headpiece on her honey blonde hair behind her cute little black badger ears, her accessories were a pair of white cuffs on her wrists and a black choker that covered her neck with white frills on the edges of it. She was almost as short as Neo, she turned her honey brown eyes towards me and Kali clearly still tired then said.

Lemiel: Morn'n, Kali, and Silva, right?

I and Kali returned her greeting then she said after yawning.

Lemiel: Right, you want your usual of honey danishes for you and berry muffins for Ghira right?

Kali nodded and thanked her, I then asked.

Silva: Any fire jelly rolls today Lemiel?

I was fond of her fire jelly rolls, they were sweet rolls filled with a smoky, spicy, sweet jelly that she makes. Lemiel shook her head side to side and replied.

Lemiel: Sorry but I won't be able to make them till my next expedition to get ingredients

I looked at her curiously then parroted in a questioning tone.

Silva: Expedition?

Lemiel: Yes I go out to get ingredients throughout the Menagerie every couple of months to use for my food and grab a couple of other high-value items that are unique to here to sell for some extra cash. Speaking of which you wouldn't happen to be interested in joining my team next week to start the expedition, would you?

Before I could answer Kali interrupted me and said.

Kali: SIlva, if you are planning on going let me give you some advice. First, you know that the Menagerie is full of poisonous plants and animals right, so you need to stock up on various antidotes before heading out. Secondly, Lemeil's expeditions take several weeks and that is not including that there is no guarantee that she will find everything she needs. Lastly, her team is mainly comprised of Faunus that have resistance or immunity to the poisons and venoms that are in the jungle and desert even then some of them still die.

Clearly Kali doesn't want me to go on this expedition but I still want to because I can guarantee my life so long as nothing ridiculous happens due to me having magic and training my aura to protect me while I sleep. I told Kali that I have a resistance to poison plus that I know how to make antidotes due to my studies, she sighed out of exasperation and asked me to be careful to which I promised her. Lemiel was happy at the fact, as she put it, of having an extra pair of hands to carry everything back to Kuo Kuana. It looks like I have an adventure next week to attend to and I'm honestly glad that I travel to the Menagerie here even if Blake isn't here.

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