A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 35 - 35. The Poina Desert

In the last few days while everyone else was gathering things of value in this unforgiving jungle I and Tsukuyomi were guarding the camp because I finished my quota a few times over. The white wolf Faunus didn't really speak much despite my best efforts but I did manage to get to know her a little better plus she is now more willing to answer my questions in detail than before. However, I think I ticked her off because she now wants to have a spar before we leave for the Poina desert tomorrow, and right now everyone else is off gathering. Not that I'm against fighting her but I hope it would be under better circ.u.mstances so before we started I asked her.

Silva: Um, Tsukuyomi did I offend you in any way if so I'm sorry.

Tsukuyomi kept her silence while checking her weapon. Her weapon was a pair of white gauntlets that several chambers filled with different kinds of dust that rotated. She did a couple of different kinds of hand signs that made her different dust chambers rotate to the central part of her gauntlets. From what I'm getting from my sonar is that her weapon isn't too complex but I really can't see any offensive capabilities, her gauntlets don't seem to fire off the dust in it or use it in any active capacity. I'm now curious about how she fights along with what purpose her weapon serves this spar is starting to look interesting. Tsukuyomi looked at me and asked in a neutral tone.

Tsukuyomi: Ready?

I drew Kodoku and entered my fighting stance waiting for Tsukuyomi to make the first move. What she did next surprised me she sent a hail of ice lances at me like magic if I didn't know any better. I slashed at the ice lances while using magic to see if she has a magic of her own but my search came up negative. I decide to take a more defensive approach against her to try and understand how she did that. Tsukuyomi's next move was to send a wave of dirt at me I decide to use Echo Tremor to smash her attack because I wanted to see what other tricks she has. Seeing her attack break down against me her face stayed passive while she sent a small tornado next that had lighting thrown in the mix. As the electricity twister came closer to me I still didn't understand how she's doing this, I then made my katana vibrate at high speeds and cut her tornado in half.

Tsukuyomi actually looked surprised at how easily I was handling her magic-like attacks, she then asked.

Tsukuyomi: How?

My reply was.

Silva: If you tell me how you're doing that in the first place I'll tell you.

Tsukuyomi: My semblance is dust manipulation.

I facepalmed myself for not thinking of something so obvious, Tsukuyomi looked at me intently waiting for me to hold up my end. Sighing I told her.

Silva: My semblance allows me to generate vibrations and when I generate ones strong enough they become shockwaves that can break through most things.

While it's not everything I can do with my semblance it is what I did to beat her dust manipulation attacks. I quickly used my magic to scan her soul for future reference in my experiments to recreate certain semblances. Tsukuyomi looked like she was thinking so I decided to call the spar to an end and sheath Kodoku. Everyone came back from gathering in the jungle Lemiel looked pleased with her haul along with Drake, Moria looked in desperate need of a shower considering that the monkeys seem to like harassing him the most and Akilah had a small haul but valuable haul. After Lemiel made dinner everybody went off to sleep but I found Tsukuyomi in my tent for some reason. I asked confused.

Silva: Um, why are you here Tsukuyomi?

Her yellow eyes shined as she walked up to me till she was right in my face, she stared intently into my eyes. Still unsure of what she wants I stared back in the next moment she wraps her arms around my neck. I start thinking that she wants to kiss me or something but I've only known her for a little over a week so it can't be that can it? She then... FREAKING BIT ME on the collar bone!!! I felt the impulse to push her away but suppressed it till she was done biting me then demand an explanation.


Tsukuyomi had a bit of my blood drip from her mouth and then she pressed my blood against her lips and applied it like lipstick. I'll admit that looked a little seductive but I still glared at her waiting for her explanation. After a moment or 2, she spoke.

Tsukuyomi: I was taught to make my mark on my mate as soon as I was sure that I wanted them in my life. Plus the fact that you didn't resist only makes my decision seem more right in choosing you.

This is the reason I only wanted above average looks and not drop dead handsome because I didn't want to attract a bunch of girls aside from the ones in RWBY that are my favorites. Feeling a headache coming I asked her a question.

Silva: Okay, why me thou? We've only known each other for a little over a week.

Tsukuyomi gave me one of her rare smiles and answered.

Tsukuyomi: You see the biggest reason is the fact that you have more than one animal characteristics your ears and tail. While it isn't unheard of, it is very rare and it is considered a sign of good luck and fertility.

Hearing this for the first time saying I was surprised is an understatement plus I think it is utter bull because I have had assassins come after me for a bounty, escape a group of cannibals, and let's not forget I'm from bandit descent so how in the heck am I lucky. Sighing I asked my next question.

Silva: So how do you feel about me having more than one wife?

I don't mind Tsukuyomi she's beautiful with a quiet temperament which a big plus in my book. Her smile disappeared and she answered with finality with her wolf ears flatten down.

Tsukuyomi: No...

Well, things just got complicated.

(The next day)

As the convoy made its way out of the jungle I saw the Poina desert in all its horror but rather than endless sand over the horizon it was closer toward the Australian outback back on Earth with various shrubs all over the place. Seeing it first hand I was starting to dread the heat even with my aura protecting me from the climate and Tsukuyomi trying to make me give up my harem plans doesn't help. Sighing I looked towards her, she had a passive look on her face while keeping her eyes open for any trouble which was heading our way right now. A pack of Beowolf lead by an Alpha Beowolf was coming at us I was about to draw Kodoku but Tsukuyomi stopped me. Looking at her confused as to why she stopped me she pointed towards the charging figure of Lemiel.

Lemiel charged at the Grimm with her cleaver-like greatsword and when the 2 opposing forces met limbs went flying, the Grimm's anyway. I focused on Lemiel seeing her smile like a manic as she chopped up the Grimm like vegetables I looked at Tsukuyomi and asked.

Silva: Did she really leave the White Fang after they started using more violent methods?

Tsukuyomi actually chuckled and answered with a light smile.

Tsukuyomi: Lemiel always enjoys a good fight but she does have principles that she follows.

I asked curiously.

Silva: And those are?

Tsukuyomi replied while still smiling.

Tsukuyomi: Kill Grimm on sight, don't pick fights with weaklings, and only fight for an organization if the leadership is trustworthy. She has never liked Sienna or those that follow her especially Adam and I wished I listened to her sooner about leaving.

The last part of her sentence made her smile fade as she watches Lemiel butcher the Grimm and I made mental note to myself not to piss off Lemiel.

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