A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 50 - 50. Bandit Festival

I bailed out Qrow the next day after I explained that Qrow was my relative and Winter was my friend so the police didn't give me too much trouble. When Qrow asked why I didn't bail him out sooner I told him.

Silva: The person you got into a fight with while drunk was a friend of mine. So do you have any idea how embarrassed I was when I found you were to blame for getting her sent to a holding cell?

Qrow just chuckled sheepishly and asked a question of his own.

Qrow: So is that ice queen a friend or a "friend"?

Qrow held out his pinky to signify a more intimate relationship between me and Winter. While I hope in the future to be so right now we can be at most friends but I didn't answer his question and just rolled my eyes at him. Qrow chuckled some more at my reaction and he then which to a more serious tone.

Qrow: So tiger how are we going to get to Cocytus Plains?

I gestured to Qrow to follow me and made my way to the edge of Atlas. After a 30 minute walk, we made it to the edge and Qrow asked.

Qrow: So tiger, why are we here? Are we waiting for an airship to show up or what?

I just summoned Skyfire in front of him which surprised him at first then he said.

Qrow: Nice ride but how fast is it?

I just told him.

Silva: Fast enough.

I hopped and Qrow soon followed and we head off north of Atlas.

( A few days later)

I am definitely not giving Qrow another ride on Skyfire unless I have to because I let him drive one time and he won't stop pestering me to let him do so again. To make matters worse he became a back seat driver and a drunken one at that which made me feel tempted more than once to kick him off and let him plummet to the ground.

Qrow thankfully is out cold from drinking too much since I gave him extra that I had in my blue jade ring to shut him up. As he was snoozing we made it to the far corner of Cocytus Plains and beneath us was an ice cave that was hosting the bandit gathering. I decided to wake Qrow up by kicking off my summon when I got closer to the ground and he face-planted on the ground which woke him up.

Qrow sprung right back up with his weapon in hand looking around for a fight and I told him with a satisfied smile on my face.

Silva: We are here Qrow so get your act together.

I unsummoned Skyfire and crouched down on the ground then used Echo Tremor to map out the ice caves in my head. I also made note of the weak points of the caves to make it easier to collapse on the bandit's heads. Once I was done I summoned a group of Centinels and gave them some explosives then had them start digging at their designated spots to further weaken the caves.

I got out some cloaks and poor weaponry that bandits are known to use then handed some to Qrow to disguise ourselves. Qrow and I quickly put them on and headed for an entrance I found after putting away our weapons in my blue jade ring. We made our way to the entrance that was guarded by a pair of shivering bandits. The guards stopped us from going any further.

Guard 1: Hold it right there what's the password.

I just rolled my eyes and replied annoyed after checking their minds.

Silva: There is no password you idiot so let us in from this brother's forsaken cold.

The other guard spoke while warming his hands against the heater they have.

I head-on in with Qrow shadowing me from behind after a few steps I primed a bomb and set its timer for 3 hours then placed on the side of the wall. I quickly used magic to cover the explosive with the surrounding ice and further made our way down while stopping here and there to plant more explosives. We made it to the large area where most of the bandits are concentrated at and it numerous support pillars to help hold it up because it was clearly expanded by the bandits.

There was a large dip in the ground that had a stage and we head towards it due to the rock music playing. Not only was there a band playing that soon stopped a giant of a man and a petite woman showed up the 8-foot tall man roared out at the crowd.


Another bandit brought out a tied up and gagged man on to the stage. The pale white giant with his dark gray hair looked at the tied up man with his dark blue eyes in excitement. What happened next filled me with rage the giant man pulled out his greatsword and slit the throat of the man killing him. I may be cold-blooded myself with the amount of slaughter I have committed but I don't turn it into a spectacle like this animal.

The Giant roared out at the cheering crowd.

Giant: As the head of the Skoll tribe Ymir Skoll I declare the festival started.

As I clench my fist Qrow put his hand on my shoulder and said to me.

Qrow: Don't worry tiger that will be their last victim if we have anything to say about it.

I replied with rage in my heart burning and gritted teeth.

Qrow nodded and then said.

Qrow: Before that, we need to see if there anyone else here that isn't a bandit and save them if we can.

I nodded while Qrow goes scouting to find any prisoners here I'm going to be setting the explosive charges on the support pillars and the roof of the cave. I used my magic to make invisible then took out some gravity dust and infused it with my aura to manipulate it to make me float. It took extremely fine and delicate control of my aura to ensure I don't fall to the ground or hit my head against the cave ceiling.

In an hour or so I planted my explosives and guided my summons to dig through the earth to weaken the structural integrity of the caves. I got a call from Qrow.

Qrow: Hey tiger I found all the prisoners are you done yet setting the charges do that we can get out of here?

My response to Qrow was.

Silva: I'm nearly done so don't get your p.a.n.t.i.e.s in a twist and Qrow do not I repeat do not start drinking or so help me you will wake up in the arms of a very muscular man while handcuffed to a bed.

Qrow stayed quiet for a few moments and replied indignantly.

Qrow: Tiger I know better than to drink on the job plus you have a very warp imagination and I have a number of inappropriate stories to show just how much of a ladies man I am so at least make it very kinky woman.

I just rolled my eyes and placed the last charge on the ceiling then head toward Qrow's location. I met Qrow outside of an area that has a lot of cages full of not only people but Grimm and animals as well. Qrow already dealt with the guards here and got the keys so I immediately open a portal with the soul crystal that has a copy of Raven's semblance on it. We started hurrying the prisoners out here and after the last one left I closed the portal.

With less than an hour to go, I and Qrow head out of the caves quietly to avoid attention. So far the plan has gone off without a hitch which is nice but I hope to get out of here soon and see the ground collapse to tie-up any loose ends here. As we made our way out we reached the entrance without any trouble and I asked Qrow.

Silva: Qrow, do you think this plan went a little too smoothly?

Qrow looked at me and answered.

Qrow: I agree that it went too well but there are no signs of anything that this plan of yours will fail so just wait and see for the time being.

I summoned Skyfire and we took to the air and from there we saw Atlesian warsh.i.p.s head our way. I sigh and said to no one in particular.

Silva: I knew it was too easy.

Qrow cursed in anger.

Qrow: Damn it, Jimmy, you just had to send your marching band here to let half of Solitas know you are here.

I looked at Qrow and asked.

Qrow sighed and took a sip from his flask then said.

Qrow: Depends on who the on-sight commander is. If we're lucky it be an old but stupid friend of mine but don't hold your breath.

I made my way to the lead airship and soon landed on the deck surround by the soldiers with their weapons trained on us. Qrow hopped off of Skyfire and spoke to the soldiers.

Qrow: Look I'm a licensed Huntsmen and I would like to speak to your commanding officer, alright.

I heard a too familiar voice speak out.

???: That would be me, Huntsmen. I am Specialist General Rory Eis and I would like to know why you are interfering with my operation.

I really don't want to deal with her right now but before I could even think of escaping Rory called out to me.

Rory: Dear, why are you here?

Qrow looked at me then to Rory and said to me with a snigger.

Qrow: Looks like you have been busy nephew why don't you introduce me to your girlfriend.

I just sighed and reminded Qrow why we are here.

Silva: Qrow, the explosives remember.

Qrow remembered then gave Rory a quick rundown of what we been up to and she replied with a smile.

Rory: My word no wonder you didn't want to come with me to my gala but you really should have invited me to your little venture. Anyway, when due the explosives go off?

I checked my timer I set on my scroll and told her.

Silva: In roughly 45 minutes.

Rory nodded then ordered her troops.

Rory: You heard my man hold your positions and get ready for some fireworks. Now, dear, I'm truly tempted to have you stay in the holding cells so that we can have some alone time together but let's see if your plan works first.

I felt a chill go down my spine that had nothing to do with Solitas's cold climate and everything to do with Rory's idea of quality time together. I really just want to open a portal to Atlas and get away from her because that look in her eyes unnerves me for some reason. However, I need to see this through to the end so I stayed much to my misery and Rory's delight. Minutes passed and the explosions could be heard as the ground below collapsed and Rory commented.

Rory: Well that is one less problem to worry about time to head back and file a report. Oh, Silva won't you follow me to my quarters I like your side of the story and so much more.

Before I could leave to get away from her a loud roar could be heard and I looked for the source. A giant black fist with patches of white on it popped out the ground that served as a tomb to the bandits. Seeing this all I could say was.

Silva: I knew it was too easy.

(A/N: Check out the other fanfic I'm writing on the side.)

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