A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 56 - 56. Weapon Design

I woke up feeling refreshed from my date last night with Winter and was pleasantly surprised how much we clicked. My only real concerns now are Winter's reaction to sharing me in a harem possibly with her sister as well and my upcoming fight with Rory, well, and Pyrrha as well. I thought about Pyrrha's reaction to my past, while I'm hoping for the best, I'm preparing for the worse. I decided to get started on finally building my weapon and I got out of bed had a quick breakfast then head to Pietro's clinic to see if he will let me borrow his forge and equipment to make my weapon.

It didn't take me long to reach Pietro's clinic and before I knocked on the door Penny opened it then greeted me.

Penny: Salutations, Silva. What brings you here on this fine day?

Silva: Is your father in right now?

Penny: Currently, he is up in Atlas gathering materials and he won't be back for a while.

I sighed and tried giving him a call on my scroll but I heard ringing in the clinic at the same time. Penny went to get the scroll ringing in the clinic and the next moment, I heard Penny's voice from my scroll.

Penny: Salutations, who is speaking?

I hung up realizing that Pietro forgot his scroll at his clinic and Penny came back to the door then said.

Penny: There was no one on the other side of the call and Silva what did you need to see father about?

Silva: I was hoping to borrow his equipment to design my weapon but seeing that he is not here I will see about renting out a forge for the time being.

Silva: You can come but don't you need to watch the clinic while your father is away?

Penny: Not really and currently I am on standby without a task to full fill.

I shrugged and told her.

Silva: Okay then feel free to come along but leave a note so that Pietro knows where you are in case he comes back and finds you missing.

Penny went off to make said note and soon came back then said.

Penny: I am combat-ready.

I gave her a wry smile and said while shaking my head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Silva: I'm sure you are Penny...

I went off to a nearby weapon shop to see if it had a forge for rent as I entered the store I saw the owner and was surprised to the owner was a Faunus as well. In Atlas, Faunus discrimination is high like in some parts of Mistal so a Faunus owning a store is rare, to say the least. He was a deer Faunus with deer ears on the side of his head with brown hair, brown eyes, and tall. He saw me enter his store and said.

Silva: I was wondering if you have a forge for rent if baring that, know where to find one for rent.

The owner smiled and told me.

Owner: You're in luck I do have a forge for rent plus it is last year's model of the Hephaestus series.

I was pleasantly surprised because the Hephaestus series fabrication forges are one of the best forges to use due to it not only being sophisticated but also user friendly. I asked the owner feeling excited.

Silva: How much to rent?

The owner told me with a professional smile.

Owner: 10000 Lein for a day and 5000 for 2 hours.

The price is reasonable because 10000 Lein is roughly about 100 dollars back on Earth in America basing it on my past life. I took out my money and paid the owner then he showed me where the forge was in the back. He then handed me the manual to operate the fabrication forge and asked.

Owner: Do you have your materials or would you like to make use of what I have in stock?

The owner nodded and left me here as I go through the manual to make use of the fabrication forge with Penny examining the forge itself. After finishing the manual I took out all the materials I was going to use for the 2 weapons I have in mind and I decided to start on the hard one first. It is a large handgun that is a rail gun which I have a decent amount of experience building I based it's designed off of Devil May Cry's Nero's gun Blue Rose with its double barrels.

The overall framework wasn't difficult to make but the hard part was the power source and the lining of the barrels to magnetizing them so that they don't interfere with each other. I already had a blueprint in my head I just needed to build it, test it, and refine it for improvements. Penny watch me quietly for the most part and occasionally pointed out some problems plus improvements to it. After several hours of building, testing it at the firing range in the weapon shop, and reworking it I finally finished it.

It was a silver-white large handgun with a rifle stock on it to hold the power source with 2 vertical barrels. The pros for it are high kinetic potential damage, great range, high accuracy, and its rounds can penetrate through several obstacles, making it a satisfying piece. Now the cons however are, I need to wait 3 seconds in between shots for it to charge then fire, regular complex maintenance, and it requires custom ammo that I need to make by hand, making it a bit annoying to work with.

Overall, I was pleased with it and decided to call it Devil Rose concerning its inspiration from Nero's Blue Rose. I heard my stomach growl and decided to take a break for lunch. Penny looked at Devil Rose intently and said.

Penny: Silva, that is a lovely gun you have made there.

Feeling a bit tired from all the work I just did I replied shortly.

Silva: Thanks...

The owner saw me leaving and asked.

Owner: Are you done, young man?

Owner: Sure I will keep it warm for you. By the way, is that a rail gun you built there?

I nodded and the deer Faunus then asked.

Owner: May I see it?

I handed him Devil Rose and he starts to examine it. He looked it over thoroughly and said looking impressed.

Owner: This is an impressive piece of work I doubt anyone one of those snooty brats up in Atlas could design such a complex but terrifyingly effective weapon. Oh, and if you're looking for something to eat there is a nice little place down the street that makes the best sandwiches in Mantle.

I thanked him for letting me know and made my way to the place he told me about. As I head down the street I noticed that Penny was being pretty quiet and turned to see her looking at a store's window display. I went over to her and saw she was looking intently at a cute teddy bear with gear-shaped glasses on with a green bow tie. I head into the shop while Penny is distracted and got the same teddy bear for her.

As I head out of the shop I saw Penny looking around and she saw me and said.

Penny: There you are Silva. Oh, what's in the bag?

Silva: I'm not sure if I'm too late or way too early but happy birthday Penny.

Penny: Thank you, Silva I love it.

As I smiled at her it became cramped with what she did next. She took off the gear-shaped glasses that the teddy was wearing and put them on herself. I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry but putting that aside she surprisingly looks good in those gear-shaped glasses so I just shook my head in amus.e.m.e.nt. Went off to the sandwich shop for lunch with Penny in tow and asked her when we got in line.

Silva: Is there anything you want Penny?

Penny had a thinking look on her face and answered.

Penny: Well, while I would like some upgrades but Father is currently away so it will have to wait.

I just gave her a deadpan look then remembered that Penny most likely doesn't need to eat and I felt like smacking myself for forgetting. I just waited in line get me a sandwich and it was soon my turn and I ordered.

Silva: I would like a 12 inches meatball sub with saute mushrooms, please.

Penny to my surprise also ordered.

Penny: For me, I would like turkey pastrami on rye with a bit of honey mustard with extra pickles.

Cashier: That will be, 1550 Lein in total.

I paid for the sandwiches and we head out of the store then asked Penny.

Silva: Penny why did you order a sandwich?

Penny: It's for father for when he gets back. Should I not have?

Silva: It's fine I was just curious.

Her answer made me smile and I dropped the subject thinking Pietro has a good daughter. When I made it back to the weapon shop I saw the owner argue with a cloaked woman.

Owner: I told you no... It's too risky for me to get wrapped up in that business, do you have any idea how difficult it is for a Faunus to set up a store...

The cloaked woman: This is for all Faunus don't you understand?

Owner: My answer is still no, I never approved the change since Ghira stepped down and believe in the old way still.

Hearing a familiar name I realize they were talking about the White Fang. I asked Penny to hold my sandwich and told her to wait outside for a moment. As I walked up to the cloaked woman I asked the owner.

Silva: Is she bothering you, sir?

Owner: She was just leaving... Now.

The owner glared at the cloaked figure but what I heard next surprised me.

Cloaked Woman: Silva what are you doing here?

Silva: Do I know you?

The cloaked woman took down her hood revealing Sienna Kahn making my eyes widen in surprise and said.

Silva: I never expected to see you again in Atlas of all places Ms.Kahn...

Sienna just looked at me then appraised me and said.

Sienna: You have grown since you left the Menagerie and those projects and funds you left Ghira have improved the Kuo Kuana greatly, thanks to you.

Silva: While nice to hear the Kuo Kuana is doing well, what are you doing here miss high leader?

Owner: Wait a minute you're the guy who built that dam that is now powering all of the Menagerie and has set up the construction for making Kuo Kuana less crowded.

Hearing that I ask him.

Silva: Where did you hear that?

Owner: I heard from my brother at the Menagerie about you and even sent a picture of you, I just didn't make the connection till just now. I would like to personally thank you for all you have done for helping out the Faunus more than the current White Fang ever has.

He directed a look to Sienna but she said ignoring it.

Sienna: True, you have improved life at the Menagerie better than anyone thought possible and I would like to ask for your help.

I quirked an eyebrow at her asking for my help and she continued.

Sienna: Currently, Atlas's branch of the White Fang has a massive operation underway that has multiply parts to it that has other branches helping it.

I peaked into her head with magic and found that this operation includes the assassination of high ranking officials, freeing Faunus slaves, and destroying property of businesses that make use of Faunus labor. I almost wanted to kill her because Weiss, Winter, and Rory are on the assassination list. My bloodl.u.s.t escaped me and Sienna backed away from me from feeling my ill intent. Told her, no ordered her.

Silva: You will take the Schnee girls and Rory Eis off the assassination list or I will pry the location of all White Fang bases out your head and will wipe out every single one of them personally.

Sienna looked at me shocked and asked with an edge in her voice.

Sienna: How do you know that?

I gave my excuse so she knows I can back up my promise on destroying the White Fang.

Silva: My semblance allows me to copy or imitate other semblances and I just read your mind so I know everything.

Sienna looked me surprised and then said.

Sienna: I see... I can be persuaded to remove those you just mention if you help out this operation.

I just laughed at her making Sienna frown and I explained why.

Silva: You are sorely mistaken thinking you can barter with me because as I said I know everything about your operation and can dismantle it easily myself.

Sienna bellowed with rage at my threat.


I just smiled and told her.

Silva: I prioritize those I care about above strangers and I can get them out of slavery far more easily than you and even send them home effortlessly.

This is all true with not only Raven's semblance copied on to a soul crystal plus another semblance I figured out from Raven's semblance but instead of people its places that I can open portals to. Sienna grit her teeth and f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y calmed herself then said.

Sienna: Very well they're off the list...

I was surprised that she gave in that easily and she then said.

Sienna: However, if what you said is true then what will it take for you to help the White Fang free the Faunus from slavery...

I sighed and decided to help despite my personal feeling about the White Fang because no one deserves to be a slave.

Silva: Just give me the time and place of the operation and I will give a hand.

Sienna visibly relaxed and told me while taking out her scroll.

Sienna: Here. This is everything you need.

My scroll received the information from Sienna and she pulled up her good then left the weapon store. Penny then came into the store and the owner then asked me.

Owner: Did you mean what you said about destroying them if they harmed those girls.

I nodded then made my way to the forge to make the other weapon I have in mind and overheard the owner mutter.

Owner: A will of steel and willing to shed blood to protect those he cares about, the world might be a better place if there were more people like him especially for the Faunus.

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