A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 58 - 58. Steadily Moving On

It has been a week since my fight with Rory and things have been slow for the most part. I have taken Rory out on our first date together at Mistral thanks to the semblance I managed to create on a blank soul crystal. I based it off on Raven's semblance "Kindred Link" but instead of going to people it goes to places that have importance to me and I call the semblance "Where the Heart Resides".

Currently, I am in front of Pietro's clinic because he called me here for a talk and I can guess what it's about. I entered through the front door and saw Pietro working on a patient's artificial arm and decided to wait until he's done. He soon sent the patient off after he finished tuning the metal arm and turned towards me. Seeing me he had a solemn expression and said.

Pietro: Silva, please follow me into the back.

I nodded and he leads the way. After closing the door behinds us I saw Penny sitting and she greeted me.

Penny: Salutations, Silva, how have you been?

I smiled and replied.

Silva: I have been fine Penny thanks for asking.

Pietro faked coughed to get our attention and then said to me.

Pietro: Silva... Penny has told me about your meeting with the White Fang and I want to hear your thoughts on the matter.

I sighed and told the truth.

Silva: While I may disagree with most of the White Fang's current methods I do intend on helping them free Faunus that have been forced into labor because it is the right thing to do.

I continue to explain my reasons to him so that he better understands why I am doing this.

Silva: The reason I am doing this instead of going to the legal authorities is that at least a portion of them either supports this or doesn't care about enough to do anything about it. So I will help the White Fang in this particular endeavor but nothing else.

Pietro then told me with a serious look on his face.

Pietro: I am aware of that and I have no intention of stopping you but the main reason I called you here is because of my little girl's d.e.s.i.r.e to participate in freeing the enslaved Faunus.

Silva: What are your thoughts on the matter?

Pietro sighed and told me in a solemn tone.

Pietro: I am not naive enough to think that Penny won't ever reach this sort of situation or that people will not view her as a weapon so if she wants to I won't stop her because it will allow her to see the darker side of people... However, I ask you that you look out for her for me as much as you can.

I smiled at him and spoke from my heart.

Silva: I would've done so anyway without you asking me so no worries there.

Pietro looked relieved and Penny then asked.

Penny: So I can go?

Pietro: Oh, Silva before I forget I wanted to let you know that I got all the necessary materials to construct a body for your friend and we can start when you're ready.

Silva: Thank you, Pietro, you have no idea how much this means to me and I am ready now...

Pietro: Excellent, lets head to my lab and get started on making the blueprint for starters.

Me and Pietro with Penny in tow start on designing the Grimm girl Lucifer's body and I hold the black soul crystal which contains her soul essence but not her memories. Pietro showed me Penny's blueprint which for some reason made the android embarrassed which I guess is like looking at a nude photo of her or an embarrassing childhood picture. After teasing her a little I went back to work with Pietro on designing the body.

Time flowed quickly as we worked and night soon followed for the day. Arthur Watts's knowledge has been invaluable in upgrading the design as much as possible and Pietro even asked me if he could use some of the ideas to upgrade Penny. To which I agreed easily after finishing the rough draft I bid them good night and head back to my apartment. As I was walking I received a call on my scroll and saw that it was Winter so I answered.

Silva: Hey, Winter what up?

Winter kept silent on the scroll for a moment then said.

Winter: Can you meet me at my place, Silva.

Silva: Sure I will be right there so expect a portal.

Silva: Hello, Rory.

Rory: Hello my heart of hearts.

I rolled my eyes at Rory because she is still trying to find an affectionate nickname for me that she likes since we started dating. I turned around to find Winter looking a little peeved and said to her while giving her my undivided attention.

Silva: Hello Winter... So what do you want to talk about?

Winter spoke with a slight edge in her voice.

Winter: What am I to you... a toy or trophy or even just a s.e.x.u.a.l outlet for you even if we haven't done the deed. You withheld the fact you are in a relationship with multiple women and what are they to you?

I sighed and felt that this going to be a long day then spoke to her without hiding anything.

Silva: To answer your questions in the order you are someone I have found that I care a lot about and have romantic intentions towards and no, no, and no again you are not any of these to me because I am serious about being in a relationship with you for its ups and downs. Now for your final question every woman I am in a relationship with I am every bit as serious with them as I am with you and I'm a greedy and selfish man.

Winter sighed looking tired and asked.

I just smiled and told her my resolve.

Silva: It is either everything or not at all because I don't intend on giving up one for the other.

Winter closed her eyes then asked.

Winter: How many? How many other " girlfriends" do you have?

Silva: Counting you 5 with at least a dozen other candidates that I intend on pursuing maybe more.

Winter opened her eyes and looked me with a bit of shock.

Winter: Over a dozen... Really?

I nodded and Winter collapsed onto her couch looking like she was developing a headache. I took a seat next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder to which she tensed up a bit. I whispered into her ear with all my heart.

Silva: Winter, I love with all my heart and I intend to be you with now and until you drive me away I am not letting you go...

Winter: That is playing dirty Silva...

She said that then relaxed a little and started to snuggle up against me then asked.

Winter: Can you promise to love not only me but everybody equally?

Silva: No, because relationsh.i.p.s are full of ups and downs... At some point, we may get angry at each other but at other points, we may also fall deeper in love with one another so I can't make you that promise. However, I can promise that every one of you is important and invaluable in my heart and that I will always love you.

Winter leaned up against me and kissed me then said.

Winter: You're lucky that you're very good at conveying your sincerity or I would've drawn my weapon on you.

I shrugged and kissed her back not saying anything. I heard a low whistle from Rory as she then said.

Rory: And here I was expecting a bloodbath, not a sickening pink scene like this which is honestly making me more than a little jealous, you, Big Bad Tiger.

Winter tensed up remembering Rory is here and I just rolled my eyes then told her.

Winter gave me a sweet smile and replied.

Winter: I would like that, Silva.

After making plans with Winter while I escorted Rory home and interrogated her because she is likely the one that told Winter about my other relationsh.i.p.s. While I did plan on letting her know however it would be on my terms but all that ends well.

Silva: So Rory, explain why exactly you were at Winter's.

Rory smirked and said.

Rory: You did say you were in a relationship with other women so I was naturally curious who and I found Winter out then introduced myself to her as a fellow harem member.

I sigh exasperatedly at her and just walked with her in silence towards her home. As I stopped in front of the gate of her mansion and bid her farewell.

Silva: Good night, Rory.

Just as I turned away to leave Rory pulled me into a kiss which I returned. When broke off from the kiss she then said.

Rory: Why don't you stay for the night Silva and we can have quite a bit of fun...

She pressed her amble b.r.e.a.s.t up against me and she looked at me seductively. If she hadn't pulled that stunt with Winter I would have given her a sleepless night however she did so I flicked her in the forehead along with using Echo Tremor to make it hurt. As she clutched her now red forehead and held her chin then told her feeling a bit peeved with her.

Silva: You're going to have wait until I want it, you naughty little girl.

I opened a portal with Where the Heart Resides to my apartment down in Mantle leaving Rory hanging.

Rory POV

That... That evil little. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d at Silva not only turning down my invitation but fl.i.c.k.i.n.g my forehead in such a painful way. How the heck can a flick hurt that much. I may have gone behind his back with Winter sure but I did tell him I wasn't going to simply accept every girl he is interested in. And calling me a naughty little girl along with telling to wait until he wants, while a little hot still aggravates me to no end.

I start making plans to lure him into bed but first I need to see if he has any fetishes though he is probably a sadist considering he left me like that. I lick my lips still tasting him on them making me smile but enough happy thoughts I need to make a battle plan to seduce him because while I may have to share him doesn't mean I will without a fight. I started getting my contacts to find his origins for starters and work from there to give me a better idea of how his mind works.

Winter POV

I can't believe that I just accepted sharing Silva just like that... Though he knows I have a soft spot for whispering sweet nothings it was cheating. While I feel the need for a drink even though I don't drink that often I can't help but wonder who else fell for him. Though at least he won't be having multiple mistresses to cheat on with me like my father is with mother. I hope I am not making a mistake by continuing to date him despite having to share him.

Though finding out he got to Specialist General Eis was more than a surprise considering the Eis family tradition of henpecking the grooms so that they won't go against the brides after they marry. Especially since it seems like he is in charge of the relationship between the 2. It made me think of one romance novel I bought by mistake as it was geared more towards men than women with a harem situation along with some very smutty scenes of multiple women.

If he ever found out that I got that and kept it for whatever reason I can easily see him never letting me live it down. Better burn it to just be safe, I went to dig it out of the bookshelf and could not find it. I hope it doesn't reappear at an inconvenient moment as if Silva stays the night.

Silva POV

My alarm went off as I woke up for the morning, after turning it off I set the book I borrowed from Winter because it caught my eye on the drawer. I smiled looking at it because its contents were different than what Winter usually reads and it is going to make great teasing material. I snigger at imagining Winter fl.u.s.tered when I ask her about this particular book which is about a harem and very graphic scenes.

As I have breakfast I got a call from Weiss which is unusual because she rarely calls me for anything I picked up my scroll to answer.

Silva: Hey Weiss what's up? You usually don't call me.

Weiss: Is it true?

Silva: You're going to have to be specific, Weiss.

Weiss: Did you really break up with Pyrrha?

My mood turned down a bit and I told her the truth.

Silva: She technically broke up with me but why do you ask?

Weiss turned silent for a few moments and then asked instead.

Weiss: Why did Pyrrha break up with you?

I sighed and decided to be patient with her despite her lack of tact on the matter.

Silva: I told her a bit about my past and she didn't approve of it so she broke with me over it. And before you ask I won't tell you the details at least not right now since I'm still a bit sore over the breakup.

Weiss: Sorry about being ins.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e over your situation...

I was pleasantly surprised that she apologized and it looks like being friends with Pyrrha has been a good influence on her. It still hurts when I think about Pyrrha let alone talk about her but I will live. I ask the heiress feeling a bit down, not how I wanted to start my morning.

Silva: Is that all Weiss?

Weiss: There is one other thing...

I felt curious about what else she wants to talk about and I wait for her to continue.

Weiss: I need your help...

Now I am really curious about what she wants because while we know each other we are not that close right now but I hope to be. So I gave her a positive response.

Silva: Sure, what do you need?

Weiss stayed silent for a moment then told me sounding hesitant.

Weiss: I need you to be my boyfriend for a week or 2...

Silva: Excuse me!?

Weiss quickly explained that she is being bothered by some annoying guy in class and she said that she already has a boyfriend and he didn't believe her. So she arranged a meeting time for them except for the problem that Weiss does not have a boyfriend in the first place so she is now calling me. I have to admit that this is close to the last thing I expected her to ask me. I then asked her while thinking of a simple solution.

Silva: You know I could just break his legs and act the part of a jealous boyfriend.

Great, I'm starting to sound like Nora but whatever.

Weiss: He may be annoying but he doesn't deserve that.

I then pointed out one problem with her plan.

Silva: Weiss... How are you going to explain you have a Faunus boyfriend considering most of those up in Atlas don't exactly have a positive view about them.

Weiss turned silent realizing I'm right but I gave some good news.

Silva: Hey don't worry I have a couple of tricks to hide my tiger ears and tail without drawing any suspicion.

Weiss sighed in relief and I then asked her.

Silva: Now, how do we want to do this? Because the more thorough we are in this act the more likely the guy is to buy it.

Weiss: Any suggestions?

I and Weiss started to hammer out the detail of our little play and I think I am going to have a fair bit of fun with this.

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