A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 6 - 6. A Strange Coincidence

In the middle of the Branwen tribes main camp the sound of wood hitting wood could be heard which has become a familiar sound in the camp, the sound was coming from mine and Raven sparring match using wooden swords. It has been a year since I have become Raven adopted son now I am 8 years old and I still call the reason Raven took me in bull which was that I reminded her of an old friend of hers that has gone missing, presumed KIA(killed in action). She was talking about Ruby's mother Summer Rose, Ruby should be 6 now and Yang 8 like me I wonder when I'll meet them. As the sparring match continued Raven gave me a order.

Raven: Enough that's it for today go clean yourself up and get ready to do some hunting.

All that I can say is that Raven is a harsh taskmaster and teacher when it comes to training me, I was a little peeved at the fact that I couldn't still land a clean blow on her but I obeyed. Currently the main camp is in a part of Anima that has natural hot springs which I have gotten addicted to because in my previous life I didn't get a chance to enter one before but before I go clean up I went out to the woods to find me some quial eggs to boil in the hot spring. It didn't take me long because I knew of a couple nests because I go out hunting most days then as I was on my way back I ran into a lone Beowolf. The beast pounced at me immediately I couldn't help but smile as I clenched my free right hand into a fist and socked it right into the kisser and sent it tumbling backward. I have gotten a lot stronger since I got my aura after a year, as the beast got up I kicked its legs out from under it then stepped on its head holding it down then crushing it till the grimm died.

I made to the hot spring that Raven reserved for herself and me I quickly stripped down and eased my self in with the eggs finding my usual spot to get comfortable. I heard foot steps heading my way and I looked to see Raven stripping down showing her womanly assets, I can't help think that Yang definitely takes after her in this aspect which I filed away for later, stupid kid body can't fully enjoy the view yet. Raven entered the hot spring enjoying the heat from it she looked to me and saw my neutral expression can't have getting have her getting suspicious can I. Raven used a condescending tone to speak to me.

Raven: Your foot work has improved but could still be better and you need to better plan your attack so that they can transition from one blow to the next more smoothly and have you gotten any closer to unlocking your semblance.

Silva: Not yet Mommy Dearest.

Ravens disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at being called that was visible to me and I smiled at her mischievously at calling her that to annoy her. She got up and walked to me then proceeded to pull my right tiger ear, I just snickered at her for getting a rise out of her so easily. Raven spoke in a annoyed tone.

Raven: How many times do I have to you not call me that or any other nickname you come up with you are to call me chief, leader, ma'am, or just Mom in private.

Silva: Always one more time Mom.

I said matter-of-factly Raven just sighed out of helplessness at the fact she may have made a mistake making me her son too easily. She sat back down in the hot spring next to me after letting me go then noticed the quail eggs that I was boiling in the and reached for them. I didn't stop her because they should be done by now and I took a couple then started to peel the shells off making sure not drop the shells in to the water. After finishing up the eggs and cleaning myself I went to Ravens and my tent to get my rifle also taking my new chisa katana that Raven gifted to me. Raven walked into the tent I asked her.

Raven: Hmm, if you find another bear or what was that bird you made one time, dodo I think you said would be good.

I managed to brush up my cooking skills from past life and got Raven hooked it so that I have a bargaining chip. My hunting outfit is made up of brown pants, combat boots, a green t-shirt, and a camouflaged cloak to blend into the surrounding area. As I head out one of the female bandits asked if I was still interested in the cooking supplies she got from the last raid after some negotiations she will past it along to Ravens tent for some of my cooking. Now then can I find me a bear or dodo to try and get Raven to let me see Yang at least once. She let it slip about her other family one night after talking with about some bandit brothers that did something stupid during a raid. Remnants ego system amazes me with the fact that there animals that would be extinct back on earth still lives here it might be because human and faunus civilization are limited by the threat of grimm so animals have more space and they thrived because grimm generally don't have an interest in them for the most part.


My hunt was a great success with finding both a bear and dodo, I just finished dinner with Raven then made her tea now for the hard part.

Silva: Mom?

Raven: Hmm.

Raven sipped her tea waiting for what I wanted to say.

Silva: Can I meet Yang?

Raven stopped sipping her tea and spoke in exasperation.

Silva: Why not?

Raven:*sigh* You aren't going to let this go are you?

Silva: Nope.

Raven expression showed that she regretted telling about Yang then it changed into a solemn one.

Raven: If I let you meet her what will you do?

Silva: Mainly observe her to get to know her because you clearly don't want me to meet her face to face.

Raven was satisfied with my response and allowed me to do that starting tomorrow.

(Late morning on Patch island)

After getting her to agree to let me see Yang I then managed to convince her to let me be here alone so that I can focus on staying undetected, after going though her portal I checked my surrounding and found a lone raven that was most likely Raven herself in her bird form. She is probably testing me to see if I will keep my word to her about not making contact with Yang for the week figures. I was good with that because seeing young Yang and Ruby is worth it by itself if she starts to trusting me more and granting me more freedom. The first day was hard because after seeing how cute Ruby is made me want to go and hug her, the next day was easier, scratch that Yang is cute too. It was harder then I thought because the fan in me wants to meet them while the pragmatic part of me see the need to earn Ravens trust in order to enact my plans for the future, it was the third day Qrow came by an he almost spotted me so I had to keep a further distance as to not be found by him because unlike Taiyang Xaio Long the girls father he is highly prospective.

I hope Qrow isn't going to be here long but seeing how he is there I'll head back to my camp for the day and see if he's still there tomorrow. My camp is half underground to better hide it along with several bushes around it, the only real problem is that I can't start a fire out of fear of being found so my rations are unfortunately cold. The next day rolled around I went to see if Qrow was still there at the Xiao Long log cabin I noticed that he was there so I have to keep my distance today till he leaves. After awhile he finally leaves at late morning followed by Tai with this I can get a better look at the girls with ease but I will stick to being in the trees as to not leave foot prints for them to find.

It didn't take long for Yang to come out of the log cabin with Ruby in toll, Yang pulled out a little red wagon and put a tired Ruby in it. Yang then headed out to somewhere I naturally followed them as Yang journey went on I noticed that even if she's tired she still moves forward, Ruby long fell asleep in the wagon wrapped in her iconic red hood. I started to get a bad feeling as Yang went deeper and deeper into the forest path she was following it made me think of a certain part of the show where she confronted Blake and told her about a story were she learns about Raven and heads out to follow a lead only to find grimm, I hope I'm wrong here. Hours passed by, Yang reached an old decrepit building she fell to her knees too tired to get up at the moment then a loud growling sound could be heard coming from the building, a single thought crossed my mind.

Silva's thoughts: I hate it when I'm right.

Come on Qrow get here soon, I watch as 4 Beowolfs came out surrounding the girls, Qrow get your drunken hide out here now, I kept my ears perked hoping to hear someone or something to show up and save the girls already. As the grimm circled around the two Yang covered Ruby with her body trying to protect her, I couldn't stand it any longer so I rushed to them as quickly as I could but it wasn't fast enough for me, I felt the need to go faster then I felt something clicked in me. A glyph appeared under me, no time to feel excited I need to reach the girls fast, as I used my new found semblance to propel me towards the grimm I drew my katana and cut one of them down. The other beowolfs looked to my direction I wasn't going to let them harm one hair on the girls heads I went to the next one nearest to me beheading it in a instant. The last 2 ignored Yang and Ruby then went to pounce on me I ended them in a single stroke of my sword, I turned to the 2 girls and asked.

Silva: Are you 2 alright?

Yang and Ruby looked to me then started to cry, I sheathed my chisa katana then went to them I gave both of them a hug they hugged back I spoke a few words of reassurance that everything going to be fine. They cried for a good 5 minutes before they calmed down I let them go then wiped away there tears for them and brought out a pair of handkerchiefs for them to use. The girls blew their noses and tried to give back the handkerchiefs I told them that they are theirs to keep. I saw that the wagon was broken during the fight and ask them.

Silva: Can you girls stand and walk?

Ruby raised her hand like she was in class and Yang shook her head side to side seeing their answers I proceeded to give Yang a piggy back ride then extend my hand to Ruby to hold. This reminds me of my past life taking care of the girls when they were younger, as I walked with them in hand I introduced myself as this might be my only chance in a long while after breaking my promise with Raven.

Silva: My name is Silva can I know yours and can you tell me where you live.

Ruby: Ruby.

The girls might be calmer but they are still shaken up from facing the grimm, I can only hope to keep them talking to keep their minds off of things for now.

Silva: So Ruby, Yang what are your favorite things to eat.

Ruby/Yang: Cookies.

They quickly brighten up and started to talk more and more. Yang kept giving directions as we talked a little about everything we can think of I was careful to be vague about my situation as avoid answering any uncomfortable questions. Ruby started to ask questions about my sword and wanted to hold it I told when she's older Ruby started to give me puppy dog eyes I still refused with some difficulty, that's almost cheating with how cute she is. Yang was the one that really needed my attention because she is blaming herself most likely about what happen, I even tried to make puns even if they were terrible to keep her distracted I was not meeting with much success if this approach doesn't work I need to directly deal with the issue.

Silva: Yang?

Yang: ...

Silva: Yang what were you doing out there?

Yang knew what I was talking about and she tighten her grip around me.

Silva: Yang I may not have known you for long but I do want to help you if you will let me.

I spoke with as much sincerity as I could seriously muster without revealing anything.

Silva: Do you know where to look or who to talk to.

Yang: No, no one tells me if I ask.

Silva: Do you know what could have happen if I didn't show up.

Yang: Yes.

I felt something wet on my back Yang was probably getting ready to cry again.

Silva: Yang do you love your family?

Yang: Yes more then anything.

Silva: Yang you know if you hurt yourself you also hurt the people who care about you.

Silva: Yang to care about other people you also need to take care of yourself because otherwise its pointless because you will hurt them instead but Yang if you want find your mother go for it just make sure that you remember that you have people who love you and worry about you, okay.

Yang pressed her body up against me and started to cry silently Ruby started to rub Yang's back. After an hour we made it to the Xiao Long household I went up and rang the doorbell almost immediately thundering foot steps could be heard. The door nearly came off its hinges with the force Taiyang Xiao Long open it, Tai looking worry sick saw us and pulled his little girls and me unfortunately then said with tears in his eyes.

Taiyang: Do you have any idea how worry I was, but I'm glad to see your alright.

Taiyang wiped away his tears then looked at his angels then finally noticed me and said with a frown on his face.

Taiyang: Who are you and gave you permission to touch my sunny little dragon and rosebud.

Oh boy, I was not expecting to deal with an overprotective father so soon in this life.

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