A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 69 - 69. A Small Bad Luck Charm

Silva POV

Emerald: No more...

Emerald collapsed in front of me after completing the training program I came up with for her to better develop muscle mass and flexibility. This included extensive stretching close to yoga, lots of running with me taking potshots at her to develop her sense of her surroundings, a complete workout with gravity bracers and anklets that increase the gravity pressure on her body, and to finish it up a great deal of sparring practice at the end of it to make her learn to use efficient body movement to limit her openings.

I also set up a proper nutrition plan for her to help her "fill out" in the right places while making sure she does not develop any unnecessary bulk. I have been a month since Emerald joined me and I am making my way to the city of Vale by a scenic route that avoids towns and settlements to isolate Emerald and make her less inclined to run away. I learned one interesting fact about her and that is she does not like camping.

She would rather sleep in the truck than in a sleeping bag in a tent. Along with training her to defend herself or attend Beacon with me ( she has not decided yet), I am also teaching her basic education like math, history, science, plus weapon design with some survival skills here and there. I looked down toward her as she panted in complete exhaustion barely able to move. She looked at me and said curtly.

Emerald: I hate you!

I just smiled because she does not mean it she is just venting and I replied.

Silva: Love you to Emerald.

She looked exasperated at my reply then turned herself over on her back then asked herself.

Emerald: Why did I ever think coming with you was a good idea?

I just shrugged with a bit of mirth then said.

Silva: I'll get started making lunch.

She commented sounding tired.

I chuckled and commented.

Silva: I can always spoon feed you.

She sighed sounding defeated and I went to get started on lunch. I got some fish from a nearby river so I think I will make a hearty fish soup with some noodles.

Emerald POV

My body hurts all over from the torture that bastard Silva has been putting me through the last month. I pick myself up even as my body screamed at me to stop and made my way to the portable shower Silva set up for me. I stripped down then started a nice hot shower to ease my worn-out body as I washed myself absence mindedly I looked at my b.r.e.a.s.ts that have increased size after joining the tiger Faunus and him feeding me.

I may have less than pleasant thoughts about him and his so-called training at times but I can't deny the results plus he is a great cook that makes me look forward to waking up and is also been teaching me everything I need to know on a basic level and then some. I don't know if I want to join him at the Huntsmen Academy of Beacon but so far I am leaning towards yes on the matter. I finished my shower and got dressed in a green sports bra with tight white spats.

I look forward to him fulfilling his promise to me on taking me on an extensive shopping trip at Vale when we get there especially since he can store away everything I get in a pocket dimension. The thought of his semblance made me a bit jealous of him, after all being able to copy any other semblance to use makes things pretty convenient. As I walked over to the dining area I caught a whiff of what he is cooking and it made my stomach growl.

I am beginning to think that agreeing to come along with him was probably the best decision of my life, not that I would ever admit it to him. He would just become insufferable if I told him that from what I got from his personality being with him for about a month, he can be annoying like that at times. He likes to tease me which I don't hate but I have never really had anyone tease me before it's a strange feeling...

Silva POV

I have her create illusionary barriers around animals then guide them into a tree that is hidden by her semblance knocking them out. With the occasional Grimm, we run into as we hunt it turns out her semblance does work on the creatures of Grimm which I have her experiment what she can do with it against them. One time she made a pair of Beowolfs fight against each other which made for a good show.

Soon another month passed by and reached a nearby city close to Vale which made her quite happy because in her own words she said, " Never want to go camping again unless I have to".

I found a nice hotel for us to stay in for a few days before heading to the city of Vale and Emerald immediately crashed onto the bed not getting up for the rest of the day. While she took a well-deserved rest, I explored the city to kill some time plus buy a few gifts for Melanie and Miltia for an overdue reunion. I hope they don't leave me hanging after making me promise to save my first time ( in this life) for them.

After all, they are my first girlfriends and they agreed to my selfish request for a harem. After finding some accessories along with some designer clothes in their favorite colors, I asked Lil' Miss Malachite, their mother, for their current measurements. Did not take much to convince her to keep my visit a surprise for them, she also gave me the heads up on where to find them and when. I already knew from the show that they are working at Junior's club as bodyguards.

As I wandered around I saw an unpleasant sight of some guys ganging up on a kid, I just ignore it because I don't believe in indiscriminate kindness because, in the end, that kind of kindness is half-ass and does more harm than good. Emerald is an example of my idea of kindness which was to everything in my power to help her rise through her ability do that she can look after herself. As the saying goes, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

As I walked away I overheard what that kid is saying, stupid heightened senses.

???: Stay away I don't want to hurt you!

One of the men surrounding her replied.

???: Brat you are nothing but a curse after all it is your fault your mother died, you misfortune bringing thing. But not to worry soon you won't ever hurt anyone again like my son or your mother.

???: I know *sob* it's my fault mommy died *sob* but I don't want to die.

Another one of the men said.

???: Selfish little bit*h just do this town a favor and die quietly.

I sighed thinking that I am too soft-hearted at the strangest times, getting involved with an issue in this town that I just came to today. I turned around and walked to the men surrounding the girl which judging from her size is 9, 10 years old. As one of the men raised a pipe in the air with the intent of killing the poor girl I slammed all 3 men into the walls with a shockwave, knocking them out. I took a closer look at the girl I decided to take in, she has short spikey black hair, pale skin, and dull red eyes.

She looked a little too familiar to be a coincidence so I asked her.

Silva: Kid, do you know the name of your father?

The girl looked around not understanding what just happened and I told her.

Silva: Kid, answer my question.

She looked towards me and replied with a bit of a stutter.

Her answer made me chuckle a bit and I then asked her. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #.-(rwby-fan-fic)_15795991305970905/chapter-69.-a-small-bad-luck-charm_51141955421259371 for visiting.

Silva: That bird's name wouldn't happen to be Qrow would it?

She looked at me surprised and asked after confirming my query.

???: Yes! How did you know?

I sighed thinking now I can't ignore her even if I was not planning to after saving her. I then told her as I examine her soul with magic to confirm my suspicion about her.

Silva: I just happen to know your father or at least I think so because you look far too much like him to not be related to him.

I found out her soul is structured similar enough to Qrow's to confirm my worry, her semblance is the same as his or at least very similar to Qrow's Misfortune semblance. Looks like I need to up my efforts to modify souls to change their semblances connected to them because I can't leave her alone with that curse of a semblance now. She looked at me with wide eyes then asked.

???: Can you take me to him?

I replied feeling oddly tired for some reason.

???: Morgana, my name is Morgana...

How oddly appropriate for the daughter of that drunken bird-brain to have a name related to crows.

( Sometime later)

I took Morgana with me to the hotel I am staying at with Emerald and during that trip, I nearly got ran over twice, a flower pot almost hit my head from above, and I ran into a few racist assholes that I had to beat up to make them buzz off. She inherited Qrow's semblance alright and she hasn't even unlocked her aura yet. She apologized throughout the incidents that happen to me feeling guilty for the bad luck she brings.

I told her it was alright and when we finally reached my hotel room I had her sit down so that I can awaken her aura so that she can better protect herself. Even if it will make the bad luck she causes stronger it's better to have it unlocked to make it easier for me to modify her semblance through my magic and protect herself. The chant that is used to unlock aura does serve a purpose, the words echo within the soul of the aura-less person making them slightly more inclined to do good but just slightly because a person's nature is their own to follow or resist.

I used a modified chant to unlock Morgana's aura to make her more inclined to follow her happiness over duty.

Silva: With This, I Awaken You From Your Slumber To Follow Your Own Path.

Face Your Foes, Overcome The Odds Stacked Against You, And Live For Yourself.

Be A Paragon Of Virtue Or A Shameless Villian Or Follower Of Neutrality For Your Life Is Your Own.

I felt slightly drained from unlocking her aura but it is just a drop in a bucket compared to my reserves. Her dark red aura covered her body as she looked at her aura cloaked hands in wonder. I took out Marcus Black's soul crystal and told her.

Silva: Morgana, listen this is important.

Morgana looked at me with her undivided attention as I explained her situation.

Silva: What I just did Morgana was unlocked your aura with my own which gives you a bit of control over your semblance which is what causes the bad luck around you but not much since you just unlocked it.

She looked at me wide-eyed as I continued.

Silva: Now you have a choice in what to do next, you can wait for me to figure out how to make it so that you turn off your misfortune, or I can take away your semblance right now but understand this I can give you no guarantee that I will be able to give it back. Regardless of how you feel about your semblance, it is a part of you so I recommend that you wait because while your semblance is harmful it can protect you from harm by hurting those who have nothing but ill-will towards you.

Morgana looked down and had a thinking expression on her face then asked.

Morgana: Can you really make it so that I can't hurt people unless I want to?

I nodded in reply and she then said.

Morgana: Alright then.

I gave her a soft smile then Emerald just happened to wake up and ask.

Emerald: Um, who's the kid, Silva?

I replied simply.

Silva: Long story which I will tell you in a bit after we get a bite to eat.

After a quick lunch, I gave a brief explanation of my relation to Qrow without going into details about me being born into a bandit tribe. Because Qrow is barely ever sober I can't say I am not surprised at him having a bastard child with him having the occasional one-night stands, he must have forgotten protection against pregnancy at least a few times. I also explained Morgana's semblance to Emerald and this made her look at the girl with a bit of pity.

I decided to cut our rest here in this town short because I need to head to Vale for gathering test subjects for semblance modification. Luckily, there is a large prison near Vale that has all the lab rats I need to work out the process because I generally extract the soul then modify it instead of modifying it while it is still in someone. I also better get a place set up away from the city itself to give Morgana some peace of mind so that her semblance does not harm anyone that does not have aura.

So much work ahead of me yet so little time, I sigh thinking that at least life is not boring.

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