A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 73 - 73. CFVY Anyone?

Silva POV

Another month passed by and the start of Beacon's semester begins. Only a year left until the start of the canon if my influence hasn't thrown it out the window already. Well, either the plot exists or it doesn't but aside from removing Mercury and Emerald from Cinder, I think things will play out like in the show for the most part or at least I hope so.

Anyway, Coco became quick friends with the twins and Emerald so she made herself at home at Castle Nightwall before attending Beacon. Currently, I am working on making weapons out of aura through a technical medium to define their shape. I started on swords which are starting to look more and more like lightsabers from Star Wars as I work on them.

I started on the aura batteries as a base then work my way up. First, I started designing a channeling chamber to focus and condense in a single direction while equipping an open charge port to fuel it as I use it. It became an overgrown flashlight with just the channeling chamber so my next focus is an emitter part that better translates aura into a solid mass while shaping it.

I tested a few things to see what influences aura produced by the channeling chamber and found the materials that a certain level of transparency either interrupts the beam of aura or distorts it. With this in mind, I tested different materials for lenses to manipulate the beam of aura from the channeling chamber. I focused on non-dust infused materials because it would defeat the purpose of why I am designing these in the first place.

Which is weaponry that is not reliant on dust to make it more effective but anyway after a lot of trial and error I managed to figure out how to make it work. It requires multiply lenses that further focus the beam of aura like a magnifying glass with sunlight which is a combination of crystals and gemstones. I smiled at my first finished product and picked it up.

I went with a smooth and sleek grip made out of slivery metal material for simplicity's sake. I pumped my aura into the weapon and pressed the switch to turn it on revealing a thin iron-colored blade made from my aura. I tested it on a practice dummy that I had nearby with a slash and I felt like laughing like a mad man for it works just as well as a solid metal weapon. Now for a real test.

I channeled my semblance Echo Tremor on the blade of aura and slashed at the dummy again cutting it clean in half. My smile just got bigger as I increased the power of my semblance on the blade until it reached my max power. Not only cracks in the air appeared around the blade it also twisted and distorted space itself slightly. All the while the now dubbed Aura Saber held together far better than any melee weapon I designed before.

I swung it to see what would happen and I sent out a destructive wave damaging the wall in front of me. I winced seeing the damage I caused by being a bit careless but regardless I think I can call this a success. My next step is to design different forms for it like axes, maces, and any other melee weapon then turn aura into projectiles through technology. For now, I will call it a day and take the next couple of days to relax before moving on.

( A few days later)

I am laying down on a comfortable couch while listening to some smooth jazz and munching on some donuts that my robot chefs made. Overall I am in a complete chill mode as I read Ninjas of Love. All I will say about the book is that it is quite kinky and I am going to have a lot of fun with Blake in the future. As I felt aroused reading the book and imagining reenacting some scenes with Blake in the future the doorbell rang, repeatedly.

I sigh feeling annoyed at the interruption and put Ninjas of Love away in a lockbox because I would be hard-pressed to explain why I have such a book. I am fairly sure that Miltia and Melanie would be turned off by the sort of plays in the book, after all, they are not m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic nor would like to be tied up, well maybe Melanie. I went to the door to see who is ringing the doorbell but I swear if someone is playing ding-dong-ditch I will make them suffer.

I opened the door to see Coco and a few others at the door which make up team CFVY. Coco had a smirk as she said to me.

Coco: Hey Silva, I came by to introduce you to my teammates.

Coco put her hand on the shoulder of a dark skin guy with red hair that has milky white eyes indicating that he is blind and introduced him first.

Coco: This is Fox Alistair.

He gave me an awkward smile and said.

Coco then wrapped her arm around a brown-haired, brown-eyed, rabbit Faunus with bunny ears and a pale white complexion then introduced her next.

Coco: This adorable package is Velvet Scarlatina. Oh! And I am not giving her to you, so don't ask! Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #.-(rwby-fan-fic)_15795991305970905/chapter-73.-cfvy-anyone_51798407618021298 for visiting.

I rolled my eyes at Coco's claim and Velvet's reply to Coco was.

Velvet: Coco!

Coco just smirked at the slightly fl.u.s.tered rabbit Faunus then gestured towards a small mountain of a guy with lightly tanned skin with buzz-cut black hair and brown eyes, finishing her introductions.

Coco: And this big guy is Yatsuhashi Daichi or just Yatsu for short. Together we form team CFVY ( coffee).

I made a joke at their expense.

Silva: Are you instant, regular, or gourmet?

Fox snickered at my joke and replied.

Coco looked towards Fox and disagreed.

Coco: Please! Fox, we are definitely gourmet.

As they started a rather silly argument I looked toward Velvet and gestured for her to come closer. When she got closer I asked her quietly.

Silva: Would you like to come in?

She looked unsure and looked back at her teammates with Yatsu trying to mediate their silly argument, unsuccessfully. I smiled and told her.

Silva: I can give you a tour of the castle and I will leave the door unlocked for them when they're done arguing.

After a few moments, she decided to come in and I closed the door quietly leaving the rest of the team CFVY behind. I am still a bit peeved at them for interrupting my me-time but I got to meet Velvet so I won't lock them out or turn on the security system for a bit of petty payback. I look towards the shy-looking rabbit girl and asked her.

Silva: Would you like to see my workshop/lab where I design weapons?

Velvet quickly shed her shyness and looked at me excited as she asked.

I chuckled and told her.

Silva: Come see for yourself.

( A little bit later)

Coco POV

I know this argument with Fox is stupid but I refuse to consider team CFVY, instant coffee. Fox presented his argument.

Fox: I mean we were thrown together without rhyme or reason that sounds like instant coffee to me.

I countered, slightly feeling this argument is getting out of hand.

Coco: Your only half right Fox but we are a delicious blend of several different kinds of coffee and that makes us gourmet!

Yatsu interjected with his opinion.

I look towards him and said even though he is right.

Coco: That is beside the point and Velvet what is your opinion on the matter?

I decide to make this a team activity by dragging Velvet into the argument but when I did not hear her, I looked to see that she is gone along with Silva that started this silly argument with his joke. I asked out loud.

Coco: Where's Velvet?

Then it hit me the only person who would bunny-nap Velvet that is not here is Silva. Miltia and Melanie told me all about his escapades, I feel that they left out a few details for some reason, and realize he is seducing Velvet right now. I kicked down the door feeling the urgency of finding her before she gets eaten by that big bad tiger if the stories the twins told me are even half true. I started frantically searching for Velvet because the only one allowed to tease her is ME!

General POV

Yatsuhashi and Fox looked at their team leader in mild shock at her breaking the door down and Fox asked his giant teammate.

Fox: Um, did Coco just go loco?

Yatsu answered looking confused.

Fox shrugged then said.

Fox: Well might as well let ourselves in and find somewhere to wait for our host. I think I smell something sweet that way.

Yatsuhashi felt this was bad manners but went the way Fox pointed to anyway because he felt a bit hungry and could always ask for forgiveness later.

Back to Coco, she is frantically searching for her favorite rabbit Faunus due to the half-true stories the twins told her about his l.u.s.tfulness. She found a door labeled as Workshop and heard someone talking from behind the door.

???: Come on you know you want to...

Coco realized it was Silva she was hearing and she soon heard Velvet reply.

Velvet: Um, I am not sure isn't it a bit too big? Will it even fit?

Coco quickly assumed what they are talking about and took out her weapon Gianduja and as it shifted to its Gatling gun form she kicked the door open and said.


I looked at Coco wondering if she hit her head a few times a Beacon because first, it was that silly argument, and now she has her weapon out pointed at me for some reason. She is not acting like her usual cool and confident self maybe she is just stressed being made a team leader. I handed the weapon modules to Velvet and walked towards Coco feeling a bit concerned then asked her.

Silva: Coco are you alright?

Coco looked towards me then Velvet looking confused then started to blush slightly. I can kinda guess why but I won't bring it up because the innuendos did not escape me when I was talking to Velvet about weapons. Coco made her weapon compact back into its handbag form, I have to admit it is a stylish weapon combination. She then faked coughed and asked.

Coco: So what are you talking about you two?

I decided not to bring up her "hands off the bunny" comment and told her truthfully.

Silva: We were talking about the various weapon designs I have and how to improve and modify them. I was also about to ask her opinion on my latest project.

Velvet asked curiously.

Velvet: What project?

I smiled at her and took out my Aura Saber and switched it on. Velvet gasped at what she saw and Coco asked not understanding what she is looking at.

Coco: What is it?

Velvet then explained to Coco.

Velvet: Coco, that is a weapon that is projecting aura into a physical form.

Coco then asked still not getting it.

Coco: And that means?

Velvet just looks at her team leader incredulously at not understanding the implications of manipulating aura through technology. Well in her defense she is not a weapon-nut like me, Velvet, or Ruby so I explained it in a way that she better understands just how amazing this tech is.

Silva: Coco you understand that a lot can be done with just pure aura right?

Coco nodded understanding that and gave a few examples.

Coco: Aside from protecting us from usually fatal attacks there is also physical enhancement, protecting us from intense weather conditions like heat and cold, improved healing rate, and Fox can sense aura from a distance by using his aura which is hard to learn.

I nodded in agreement and further explain to her.

Silva: That is correct and all those applications of aura take time to learn and even longer to master due to the difficulty of those techniques especially since semblances are quicker and easier to master than advanced aura techniques. This is why this Aura Saber as I call it is so impressive because it represents that aura can be used in a wide variety of ways with the application of technology.

Coco's eyes widen behind her sunglasses as it finally dawned on her that this is highly advanced tech even compared to Atlas and she asked me.

Coco: Silva, just who in the heck are you?

( Sometime later)

Right now team CFVY has reunited at the dining room and we are all enjoying some fresh hot pizzas the robot chefs made. Yatsuhashi is on his third one, Fox is going with a Vacuo style pizza meaning it has sand in it, which isn't bad but I would not eat it regularly, for Coco and myself we are enjoying a classic pepperoni pizza and for Velvet veggie lovers with carrots added to it. Emerald and Morgans soon joined us after finishing the lessons that I set up for them to properly educate them.

Morgana exclaimed excitedly.

Morgana: PIZZA!!!

Morgana quickly started to dig in and Emerald asked me in an exasperated tone.

Emerald: Let me get this straight not only were you relaxing and entertaining guests while I was stuck on that complicated science project you assigned me for self-study because you said so but you also made pizza while I was banging my head against the wall at the high standard you set for a passing grade for that science project.

Emerald took a seat next to me and grabbed the uneaten pizza slice out of my hand then said.

Emerald: I hate you...

Emerald just started to munch on the pizza slice as I chuckled at her comment then made my own.

Silva: Love you to Em.

Emerald just snorted at me using her nickname as she proceeds to ignore me making my smile bigger. Coco commented at the scene in front of her.

Coco: Well, you are certainly smooth, Silva.

I just shrugged not caring and chowed down along with everyone else until we were full. Yatsuhashi belched and said.

Yatsuhashi: Ah, how I have missed the taste of home, the food of Vale is a bit bland compared to Mistral's. Needs more Mistral spices overall.

Coco replied pointing out to Yatsu.

Coco: Yatsu you always say everything needs more Mistral spices.

Yatsuhashi scratched the back of his sheepishly and Fox joked.

Fox: There is always a need for more Vacuo sand in food, am I right?

Everyone in the room replied united.

Everyone: NO!!!

Everyone broke out into chuckles and I then offered.

Silva: Since everyone is full how about some after-dinner exercise to burn off the calories, sparring practice anyone?

I got up and lead them to the training room in the castle for a bit of sparring practice because team CFVY is one of the best teams in Beacon or will be in the future so I want to see just how good they are. Plus, I have been itching for a good fight for a while now so this a good chance to break a sweat. We all soon reached the training room and I started to stretch a bit and asked team CFVY.

Silva: So team CFVY how about all of you against little old me?

Coco looked at me feeling a bit offended by my arrogant remark and replied.

Coco: Silva, while I have heard you're pretty strong from your girlfriends don't you think you're looking down on us too much...

I then told her.

Silva: I am not looking down on you but if you feel that I am being arrogant then come and knock me down a peg or two, if you can that is...

That riled up Coco easily enough and she took her weapon and said sounding aggressive.

Coco: Oh, it is on now... Fox, Yatsu, Velvet get ready to teach Silva a lesson.

She is surprisingly hot-headed but whatever. I stood opposite of team CFVY and Emerald was managing the aura monitors as we were going with the tournament platform for the sparring match. I entered my stance ready to fight and Velvet asked.

Velvet: Um, Silva where is your weapon?

I smiled then replied.

Silva: I will use it if I need to.

This offended the rest of the team before me which removed any hesitation they had to fight me 4-on-1. Well, I am not being overly arrogant because my semblance is overkill and I do put a lot of emphasis on unarmed fighting because I am not always going to have a weapon on hand. Emerald started the timer for the fight to start in 30 seconds and team CFVY set up with Fox and Yatsu upfront then Coco behind them followed by Velvet.






The bell rang for the match to start.

I made the first move and aimed for the weakest link which is Fox, his blindness is nothing but a deficiency in a combat situation. While he may compensate with his semblance "Telepathy" plus his ability to sense aura and his Accessibility Dialog Assistant or ADA for short which sees his surroundings for him and tells him what's around him. I charged my feet with aura and sent myself flying with Flash Step right behind him.

I raised my leg high to give him an ax kick and Coco warned him.

Coco: Fox watch out!

Fox raised his arms to block my kick and put him down to his knees cracking the ground beneath him. Yatsuhashi came up from my left flank swings his sword and I quickly used Fox as a springboard to propel myself towards Coco evading Yatsu's attack. Coco started up her Gatling gun but I was too close for her to use it effectively and I delivered a quick series of punches knocking her back.

Velvet leaped into action as I knocked her team leader away with a flurry of kicks which I dodged except for the last one where she overcommitted and I grappled her leg. I then tossed her towards Yatsu and Fox pushing them back a bit. I charged at Yatsu next and he swung his weapon Fulcrum at me which I caught in between both of my hands. I kicked his knees fast and hard bring him down then gave him a punch that sent him flying.

Fox came at me wanting payback and used the blades of his weapon Sharp Retribution he came at me with elbow strikes powered by the recoil of his built-in shotguns. I grabbed his forearm and sent several mid-kicks to his lower abdomen then kicked him towards Velvet spartan style. Coco aimed her gun at me and fired a continuous volley and my counter was to focus my aura on the back of my right hand and block her shots at me by reading the trajectory of her line of fire with my sonar.

Coco kept on firing at me as I blocked shots with my fist which is eating up a good chunk of my aura. Coco suddenly stopped firing and Velvet came at me with a flying kick and I ducked then charged at Coco. Yatsuhashi showed up to stop me but I slipped under his legs and made it to Coco. I delivered a high kick to Coco's head making her stagger and before I could send another blow to her Fox came at me.

He kept on pressuring me from seeking out his other teammates and with every attack he made I made 2 to counter then finished him with a punch to the gut breaking his aura. Coco reloaded her weapon and I started to quickly circle her as her Gatling started to spin. Her gunshots followed me at my heels and I soon reached her then grabbed her minigun at the barrel and sent a flurry of punches at her breaking her aura.

Yatsuhashi came at me with his sword held high and I grabbed his elbows then lifted myself to give him a powerful kick with both my legs. I knocked him back a few meters and Velvet showed up and engaged me in close-quarters combat. She was perfectly imitating my fighting style so I changed it up by adding elbow and knee strikes which threw her off for a moment as I got a few hits in before she adapted and was meeting me blow for blow.

I decided to fight dirty by raising my hand in front of her eyes and delivering a quick uppercut. Disoriented I placed my left hand on the side of her head then punched the other side with my right fist. I grabbed her face then held her up separating her from the ground and punched her to the ground with my free hand breaking her aura. I look towards Yatsuhashi with a smile then went at him.

He came at me with a wide swipe of his sword and I slipped through his attack range. I leaped and grabbed his head then slammed my knee into his face. He grabbed me and threw me away I then quickly got my balance back. Yatsu swung his sword overhead and I met it with my fist concentrated with aura on one of my knuckles. I knocked his sword out of his hand and finished him off with several fast punches, ending the match.

I looked over the beaten team CFVY and asked feeling a bit tired.

Silva: Anyone up for dessert?

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