A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 75 - 75. Kyuu

Silva POV

After I finished getting what I wanted out of those soon-to-be-dead men I made my way to the truck ignoring my little tag-a-long. My thoughts were preoccupied with what I learned from those bastards. For starters, the fox girl's name is Kyuu or 9 in one of the old Mistral dialects ( Japanese) and they decided her name by rolling some dice. I took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to kill them because I am trying to keep my hands clean here in Vale to avoid unnecessary trouble. Kyuu's origins are that she is the niece of those 2 monsters and they are originally from one of the more racist parts of Mistral.

Her story is that their brother or rather Kyuu's father was a huntsman that teamed up with her mother and he got over his racism. They even got married much to those 2 idiots' disappointment and Kyu was soon born. However, things took a dark turn when Kyuu's father died during a mission and her mother died during childbirth. Those 2 were Kyuu's only living relatives and it is a miracle she is still alive because those 2 barely took care of her when she was a baby.

What made me want those 2 to die a slow and painful death was their plans for her. When she reached puberty or rather if she reached puberty they planned on whoring her out. Thankfully they decided to toss her out when she stopped moving and responding to them. Kyu just gave up living, learning this broke my heart much to my surprise and I then decided to fully take her in.

I sigh thinking that it might be better just to erase her memories for her sake but I will hold off on that for now. If she does not show any sign of improvement after a year then I will erase her memories and give her a fresh start. Now for my unseen tail that is following me, my sonar picked her up, and when I used the last of my magic to find out who it is, I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was Neopolitan.

I am a little disappointed that I just ran out of magic so I can not Neo's and Roman's relationship status by checking her memories or why she is following me now. As I got into the truck to head home Neo hopped on the bed of it and I drive my way back home. I decided to park in the courtyard instead of the garage to confront Neo to see how I hold up against her.

She is undoubtedly one of the very best fighters in the show because she easily outclassed Oscar, Ren, Nora, and Jaune when facing them 4 to 1. If I remember correctly she is business-like and sadistic plus loves to taunt her opponents silently. She likes games, ice cream, and Roman for the most part from the bits and pieces I picked up from volume 1-3 of the series plus behind-the-scenes info.

I parked at the courtyard and got out of the truck with Neo also getting out of the bed of the truck while hiding with her semblance. I turned towards her as she remained hidden by her semblance and said.

Silva: So are you going to introduce yourself or am I going to have to force you to reveal yourself?

Silva: Force it is then...

I launched myself at her by releasing a shockwave from my feet and broke through her semblance. She has her distinctive pink and brown hair with streaks of white on the pink half of her hair with a pale complexion and different colored eyes one pink the other brown. Neo wears a white cropped wide, broad-tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single gold button, and large pink cuffs. She wears brown pants with a dark belt that has a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt under it. Under her jacket is a brown corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her h.i.p.s. She also wears a multitude of black beaded necklaces, which hang haphazardly around her neck. Neo also wears black and white spat-styled under-the-knee boots alongside black gloves.

I towered over her with her only being about 5 feet tall and asked her.

Silva: So who are you?

She just looks at me wide-eyed at the fact that I saw through her semblance which is making physical but fragile illusions. As I wait for her to answer any way she can she took a single step back thinking of running but I then told her.

Silva: I wouldn't recommend running because you do not want me to chase you and find you because I will not be as pleasant as I am now.

She then walked up to me and gestured that she wants to tell me something. I bent down a bit going along with whatever she has in mind because I know she is mute. She puts her hands around her mouth like she wants to whisper to me and as I perked my ear towards her she tries to kick me down in surprise but unfortunately for her, I saw it coming.

I grabbed her ankle as she kicked me near my c.h.e.s.t and asked her.

Silva: Do you not want to tell me who you are that bad?

Silva: I am only going to ask this one more time. Who are you?

She made a sign appear that said.

Neopolitan: Neopolitan now put me down, right NOW!

I smirked and put her down gently then said.

Silva: Now was that so hard, but anyway why did you follow me to my home Neopolitan?

She silently huffed annoyed as she got back on her feet and made another sign appear that said.

Neopolitan: SECRET.

I commented in a dull tone.

Silva: Cute but not acceptable.

Silva: I will ask one last time and if you do not give me a good reason as to why you followed me or I will treat you with hostility.

I may like Neo but that does not mean I am going to trust her not to strike me if Roman orders it for some reason, after all, we just met. Neo puts on a mock thinking look but I noticed she is breaking out in a cold sweat then replies with another sign.

Neopolitan: How about no?

She draws her sword from her parasol and charges at me and I decided to knock her out for the time being. As I blocked her sword with my aura-protected hand I noticed one of her irises turned white. I sigh feeling a bit annoyed but whatever I blasted her with a shockwave and sent her flying. She opened her parasol and gently landed then looked at me with surprise.

Ordinarily, I would like to avoid using my semblance to test how I hold up against her because it is usually overkill but I haven't slept for over 24 hours due to healing Kyuu as much as I could and dealing with those sc.u.mbag relatives of hers. I decided to go all out to end this quickly.

I caused a small earthquake towards Neo and she had trouble keeping her balance I then sent out another shockwave at her knocking her back. I kept on firing shockwaves at her as she tried to get up and soon her aura flickered at the punishment I deal out. She soon made a sign appear that said.

Neopolitan: I SURRENDER!

I ignored it and shattered her aura with another shockwave. I walked up to her and she tried to get away from me with a panicked look. I grabbed her head and sent a small vibration through it to shake her brain. She went unconscious and I put her on my shoulder to take her to one of the rooms in the castle that I designed to double as a nice cell to hold prisoners like Neo.

After that, I need to sleep and I am not worried about Kyuu because she is being taken care of by the nurse-bots in the medical bay. I better tell Morgana and Emerald that they need to tell the Robo-chefs to make them something because I have had a long day.

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed looking at an unknown ceiling with a pounding headache. I quickly remembered that I got knocked out by that tiger Faunus and examined my surroundings. It was a fairly nice room with a TV and a strange console computer that was labeled Room service. I tried to take out my scroll to see how long I was out for only to find that it is missing.

I noticed a note at a small nearby table and looked through it. I picked it up and it read.

[ To Neopolitan,

If you are reading this that means you woke up before me so allow me to explain your current situation. You are in one of the nicer cells I made to hold people and before you ask I made it on a whim I did not expect to use it. There is a TV and gaming system for entertainment plus a console to order room service so enjoy your forced stay until I wake up.

When I get up you will have 2 options either answer my questions truthfully or I find out by other means. I also confiscated your possessions for the time being which you will get back after you answered my questions.


Silva Cloud]

I reread the note a few times to be sure but it looks like I got caught instead of Roman and I am likely to have to count on myself to escape because Roman does not know where to look for me. I also doubt that he would succeed in breaking me out here, I silently sigh and looked to see if I can get out. First, no windows or large air vents for me to slip through and there is only the door to the room I am in plus a bathroom.

I walked up to the door and it was locked, unsurprisingly. I tried kicking the door open only for it to not budge an inch nor get a single scratch on it. After trying a few more attempts I gave up feeling frustrated with myself for underestimating that guy called Silva. Might as well see what's on the menu since I am feeling hungry and there was a pretty good variety on there.

I picked up the tray and tried the coconut milk ice cream first. The plastic spoon that came with it easily scooped up the soft ice cream and I tried the vanilla flavor first. It was creamy with a mellow sweetness was different from normal ice cream. I soon found all the ice creams served to me quickly replacing my brand favorites and I made a mental note to myself to steal the recipes for these ice creams.

This is the nicest cell I have ever been to which is quite a few that I know of to bust Roman out when he gets caught. Looks like I got some bragging rights now because the first time I get caught I am treated way better than Roman. I smile looking forward to rubbing it in his face but first I need to get out of here first which from the looks of it won't happen unless I tell that guy what he wants.

That put a damper on my mood and I hope he does not ask anything I can't answer but might as well enjoy my stay for the time being. Let's see what sort of games there are to play and maybe order a pizza while I am at it. Hopefully Roman won't get into too much trouble while I am gone because despite his claims of being a criminal mastermind he gets caught quite a lot. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #.-(rwby-fan-fic)_15795991305970905/chapter-75.-kyuu_52122294843145543 for visiting.

Silva POV

I got up from bed feeling rested and started to stretch my body. After a bit, I checked the time and it is morning so I slept from yesterday afternoon to the next morning. I remembered that I caught Neo following me for some reason and I facepalmed myself thinking I could've handled my first meeting with Neopolitan better, I sighed thinking no use crying over spilled milk.

I got myself a quick breakfast then head towards the cell block I locked Neo up in, well at least I put her in one of the nicer cells despite me not thinking clearly from exhaustion. I opened the multiply sets of hidden doors that lead underground and made my way to Neo's cell. I used my sonar to see what she is doing and from I could tell she was playing video games to kill time.

I entered the cell and she stopped playing her game. I looked towards her and asked.

Silva: Are you now willing to answer my questions?

She curtly nodded and I took a seat at one of the chairs in the cell. I quickly used some of the magic I have recharged from my sleep to peer into her mind to get my answers beforehand plus find out how she feels about Roman. Okay, she followed me because those 2 sc.u.mbags owe Roman money and she felt that she should get information about me to tell Roman to give me a wide berth. Now, her relationship with Roman is purely platonic which means I have a chance, a very one but a chance nonetheless.

Silva: So why did you follow me in the first place?

She silently sighed and made a sign appear with her semblance saying.

Neopolitan: I was trying to find out more about you because you got me curious.

While true it is not the whole truth so I let it slide and then asked her.

Silva: So what would you do after you found out more about me?

She flipped her sign and it said.

Neopolitan: Either give you a wide berth or maybe make a connection with you at a later date. You set off quite a few warning bells off in my head and I trust my instincts.

True but she is avoiding mentioning anything related to her that could link her to Roman or any crime for that matter. I asked her my final question.

Silva: So what do we do now?

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