A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 80 - 80. Concessions

Raven POV

When Silva left the tribe, I knew it was for good because I failed to get him to see the Branwen tribe as family. I still kept an eye on him as I do with Yang, and through his journey, I felt pride. He continuously got stronger and stronger, but I also saw how he helped the Menagerie and set up the settlement, Oath, outside of Atlas, which showed me what could have been if I got him to care about the tribe.

However, some things did stick to him, like the cruelty I instilled into him through my time with him. He wiped out two settlements filled with those that are the flesh of people down to the last woman and child. He also destroyed that cult that broke the Faunus' minds they captured that they then used for labor or as playthings. I may be a bandit, but even I have lines that I won't cross.

I saw him put those weak, unfortunate souls out of their misery because there was no helping them if the Faunus were broken mentally beyond repair. I saw a rare bout of vulnerability from Silva there at his actions; it almost, ALMOST, made me want to comfort him, but he got up and moved on by himself. As he continued his journey, overcoming the odds stacked against him, facing heartbreak, and bettering himself, I started to compare him and Yang.

While I do check on Yang now and then so I know she has lived a normal childhood and life. While Yang has shown to be kind to the point of weakness, Silva has shown kindness but not any fault. He raised a thief girl he picked up in Vale and made her loyal to him in just a few months. Before that, he set up a new home for the Faunus of Solitas for his involvement with the White Fang's large-scale operation and now has a base that gives him safe harbor, plus from what I have seen of the militia, they are likely to become a force to be reckoned with in the future.

And throughout Anima, he has wiped out other bandit tribes and in Atlas as well. He has blood on his hands, but it does not stop him from moving forward, and I am not sure my daughter could do the same as him. Putting that aside right now, I have decided to appear before him to alleviate a fear that he will destroy the Branwen tribe out on principle because he may have born a bandit, but he became something else entirely.

Silva POV

Okay, I was not expecting Raven to show up, but whatever. I then asked her.

Silva: Would you like some tea while we chat?

Raven gave me a curt nod, and I sent the message to robot chefs to make some tea and snacks for the roof patio. We took a seat at one of the tables I set up, and I waited for fir Raven to tell me what she wants to talk about now. She kept silent as we waited for the tea and snacks to show up, and I ignored the building tension between us as I analyze her body language.

Though she kept her expression neutral, her body language showed that she was nervous for some reason and ready for a fight. I was tempted to peek in her mind but decided to hold off on it until she started talking. The tea and snacks showed up shortly, and after Raven enjoyed her first cup of tea, she then said to me.

Raven: I am aware that you have no intentions of returning to the tribe, but I am not here for that.

Silva: What is it you want to talk about exactly?

I took up one of the finger sandwiches and ate it as she asked me with surprising bluntness.

Raven: What would it take for you not to seek out the destruction of the Branwen tribe?

I arched an eyebrow at her and told her truthfully.

Silva: I doubt you have anything that interests me enough to stop me from ending another bandit tribe.

She gave me a slight smirk and made her offer.

Raven: Even if I were to offer you the Relic of Knowledge?

I thought about it for a moment and told her.

Silva: Even if you were to get your hands on it, the only value it has to me is an overgrown paperweight at this moment.

Well, that, and keeping it out of Salem's hands to prevent the Brothers' final judgment for the people of Remnant, but she does not need to know that yet. What she did next almost made me laugh out of scorn.

Raven: Surely, you wouldn't wipe out the people that raised you.

I just smiled at her use of the nostalgia card and told her curtly.

Silva: Yes, I would.

As she was about to draw her Odachi, I then told her.

Silva: You are a fool, Raven.

She narrowed her eyes at me and asked curtly.

Raven: And what makes you say that?

I then explained to her.

Silva: Yes, Salem is immortal, but I know her end game.

Raven: An that is?

I took a sip of my tea then told her.

Silva: She wants to die.

Raven looked at me wide-eyed and asked.

Raven: But why does she want the relics so severely?

I then thoroughly explained to her all the details on Ozma and Salem and what would happen if she got all four relics together. Her already pale skin turned paler from fright, and she slumped back down into the patio chair and asked me with a bit of desperation.

Raven: Is what you are telling me true?

She was hoping I was lying, but I told her the source of my information, which is technically true.

Silva: I know this because I get my intel right from the Relic of Knowledge itself.

Raven: Just what have I been doing all these years?

I bluntly answered her without mercy.

Silva: You were running away from something that could not be outrun and led a pathetic bandit tribe to make yourself feel strong and safe when you were anything but that. You abandoned those that would put their lives on the line for yours and gave a damn about you. So I repeat myself, you are a fool.

She grit her teeth and clenched her fists, then bellowed at me with fury and magic lighting up her eyes.


The patio furniture got sent flying with a blast of icy cold magic from Raven, and I told her.

Silva: Raven, listen, Salem is just unkillable, not unbeatable, and unlike Ozma, I am willing to destroy one of the relics if need be to prevent judgment day.

Raven calmed down enough that magic in her eyes faded, and she asked.

Raven: How?

Silva: For starts using the Staff of Creation to make an unbreakable prison to lock away Salem or to open a portal to the sun to toss her in. Or using the Sword of Destruction to destroy one of the other relics if my semblance is not enough. Then another idea is to change Salem herself and help her learn the value of life.

While she snorted at my last idea, she did say.

Raven: Those could work if you could get your hands on relics yourself.

I shrugged, and I told her honestly.

Silva: I probably can but won't at this moment. I am waiting for a few things to be set in motion first.

She took a seat back down and asked me bluntly.

Raven: So, what is your plan exactly?

I smiled and asked.

Silva: Why should I tell you? After all, even if I am unwilling to kill you, unlike the rest of the tribe, that does not mean we are allies.

Raven: If I don't stand in your way as you destroy the tribe, can you guarantee my safety? Because even if what you say is genuine, I rather not face Salem and be involved with Ozpin again.

I was a bit surprised how easily she tossed the Branwen tribe under the bus, but not entirely because she did leave Yang shortly after she was born for her selfish reasons. I then told her honestly.

Silva: No, I can not offer you any guarantees, but I promise you if you ally with me, I will give you everything I got to either protect you or fight by your side.

She looked at me and said.

Raven: Well, at least you don't withhold anything like Ozpin, which is a plus in your favor. However, I have one more question, well, two more.

I gestured towards her to ask away.

Raven: How did you access the Relic of Knowledge? An are you willing to spare one other person amongst the tribe?

I answered her first question vaguely.

Silva: Let's say Ozpin is not as clever as he thinks he is, and leave it at that because while you be on my side starting now, you will have to earn my trust as I will with you in the future. As for your second question, it depends on who.

She then explained the girl that took up Vernal's name to be a decoy for her, which makes sense. If the girl looks similar enough to the previous Spring Maiden and takes up her name, Ozpin and Lionheart wouldn't expect Raven to be the current Spring Maiden. I thought about the Vernal I knew, the one who did not want to fight at all and saved my life. I felt a bit of fury at Raven taking Vernal's memory in vain with this decoy plan of hers, but I put it aside for now.

I take a deep breath to calm myself and ask her.

Silva: Why do you want her spared?

Raven's answer was.

Raven: She is still useful as a decoy and is more loyal to me than the tribe.

She has a point, and it will help to leave a breadcrumb trail for Cinder to follow to lure her to Haven in the future, where she will be the one to be ambushed, not the other way around if I play my cards right. It never hurts to have several aces up your sleeves, and I told her.

Silva: Very well, settle your affairs and pick up your decoy; after that, we can set up a place for you to stay for my plans because I want Salem's pawns to find you and try to get the relic at Haven on my terms rather than their's. And before you ask, I will not fill you in because, in the end, the only reason you're allying yourself with me because I have a half-decent plan to handle Salem. However, if it works, Salem will not place you in her eyes because with the Relic of Knowledge out the vault, she will not need the Spring Maiden, so with that, you will be relatively free.

She frowned and asked me.

Raven: Truly?

I nodded, and Raven sighed then said.

Raven: Very well, but I expect you to hold up your end.

I chuckled, and half-jokingly said.

Silva: I will even throw in an exclusive tropical getaway on a deserted island with all the amenities you need to relax and forget the world.

She gave me a slight smile and opened a portal leaving me. Now I can act on my other plans, like getting a place at Patch Island to retire to or raise a family, later on, checking out the Emerald Forest ruins to see if they are from the age of the Brothers, and finally a contemporary but crazy idea of going to the Land of Darkness to test myself against Salem. I may not be able to kill her, but that does not mean I can't beat her up to sharpen my skills or run away if things get dicey.

( A month later)

I got off the airship and set foot on Patch Island for the second time in my new life. I went through the docks and felt an odd wave of nostalgia for some reason. I went to the real estate agency on Patch to get some land on the town's outskirts. It was a quick affair because I made an appointment in advance, so after I finished the paperwork, I decided to head towards the Rose/Xiao Long residence to see if anyone remembers me while pretending to be asking for directions.

It did not take me long to reach the residence, and as I walked up to the door, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I started to ring the doorbell, and a minute later, Taiyang, Yang's, and Ruby's father opened the door and asked.

Taiyang: Can I help you?

I gave a light smile and gave my excuse.

Silva: Yes, I just arrived 9n the island today, and I seem to be a bit lost, and I was hoping to ask for directions to this address.

I took out a paper with an address near the plot of land I just bought. Taiyang looked at the address for a few moments and gave some directions.

Taiyang: If you take that road down that way and hang a left, you should reach your direction without trouble.

I nodded and thanked him.

Silva: Thank you and have a nice day, Mister?

He quickly introduced himself.

Taiyang: Taiyang Xiao Long, you can call me Tai.

I thanked him once more.

Silva: Thank you again, Tai, and have a nice day.

As I was about to leave feeling just a slight bit of disappointment at not being recognized, but whatever I expected it honestly, he stopped me.

Taiyang: Hey, do I know you? You look familiar.

I just shrugged and replied while introducing myself.

Silva: I have one of those faces, and my name is Silva Cloud.

I decided against outright reminding him who I am to see how long it would take for him to recognize me. I walked off following his directions, and I suddenly heard gunshots being fired nearby. I went to check it out and saw an Ursa attacking someone. As I charged at the person, I took out my rail gun Devil Rose and destroyed the Grimm with a headshot. I went up to the person and asked.

Silva: Are you alright?

As I finished my question, I recognized the person in front of me. It was Ruby Rose. Well, coincidences do happen, and I then saw a blur of yellow attack the fellow sliver-eyed warrior, which turned out to be Yang. She gushes at her sister, worried.

Yang: Oh, Ruby, are you alright? Did you get hurt? Were you scared?

She hugs the living daylights out of Ruby, and she barely squeaked out a reply.

Ruby: Yang... Can't... Breath.

The blond let go of her younger sibling and then turns to me then says with a smile.

Yang: Thanks for the help, big guy. Are you new here? I have not seen you before.

I told her.

Silva: While this is not my first time on Patch, it has been a long while since I have been here.

Before Yang could say anything else, Ruby bombard me with questions.

Ruby: Oh my gosh, is that a rail gun compacted into a hand cannon!? How did you get it that small? What kind of coils do you use to polarize the ammo? What's its name?

She kept asking me questions before I could answer any of them, and I was starting to get overwhelmed. Yang promptly covered her sister's mouth with her hand and apologized on her behalf.

Yang: Sorry about Ruby here; she tends to get overly excited about weapons.

I chuckled and told her.

Silva: No problem, I know another girl who is the same way, and by the way, my name is Silva Cloud.

I extended my hand out to Yang, and she took it then shake it as she introduced herself.

Yang: Yang Xiao Long and this is Ruby.

Ruby finally removed her sister's hand from over her mouth and said.

Ruby: Right, my name is Ruby, and you have a really cool gun.

I just smiled at her antics and answered one of her questions.

Silva: To answer one of your questions from before, this is Devil Rose, a double-barrel railgun that I managed to shrink down into the compact form before you.

I offered my gun to her to closely inspect it herself, and that was all the excuse she needed to grab it, then disappeared with a burst of petals. Yang sighed at her sister's antics and told me with a slightly embarrassed smile.

Yang: You might not be getting that gun back, sorry.

I shrugged, not caring because I plan to replace it anyway, and told her as I wrote down my address on some paper I have on hand.

Silva: It's OK, no big deal, but here is my address so that you can mail it back to me later.

I gave her the slip of paper, and she looked at me curiously then asked.

Yang: You're not bothered by it?

I shook my head and jokingly told her.

Silva: I was planning on making a new gun anyway, but if you feel guilty about it, how about a date as compensation, beautiful.

She smirked and gave me a playful punch on the arm, then said.

Yang: Smooth big guy, but why not.

Well, I got my first date with Yang pretty easily.

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