A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 86 - 86. The Way Forward

Silva POV

I sighed, coming to terms with the fact I am likely immortal like Salem, and thought about what I want. Ultimately, I d.e.s.i.r.ed or instead still wish to have a large family, so I will continue making bonds with the beautiful women of this world. The only problem right now is I will outlive them and our children as well.

So I need to figure out how to share my immortality with them, and as for that idiotic task the God of Darkness gave me. I can side with either Ozpin or Salem in their shadow war to speed up the process. With Ozpin, I don't like him in general because while he still tries to complete the task given to him, he holds back on his methods.

While he can't kill Salem, he sure as heck could imprison her with a jail cell made by the Staff of Creation. I mean, come on, making a city float that feeds the human ego that they are superior to others, idiotic. Plus, he could have used the other relics to make his job easier but instead hides them in the Academies.

Salem, however, though her goal is misguided, has shown a certain level of cruelty and cunning that makes her a better leader overall. I have to convince her that I offer a better alternative than her current plans and that she will not get what she wants if she unites the four relics. My idea with working with her is to destroy the other kingdoms and make them more divided than they already are and slowly and steadily conquer them one by one.

All the while fueling conflicts to reduce the total population to make it easier to unite them with few numbers. But unfortunately, a number of my target love interests will oppose this plan which is fine because this plan is a last resort. If it does not work despite my best efforts, I will stop wasting my time and end this miserable mess that the gods left behind because I will not endure eternity.

First things first, get to Salem and see if I can reason with her and get her on board with uniting Remnant by softer means first before just resetting everything and starting from scratch by any means necessary. I summoned Skyfire and hopped on it and had it fly to see if I can find Salem's castle.

As I exited Labon's den, I saw that the Grimm that initially surrounded me are now gone without a trace. I picked a direction and flew towards it in hopes of finding Salem, but if I couldn't, I would double back and use Labon's den as a landmark to find my way around.

( Days later)

While I finally found Salem's castle, things have been different than what I was expecting. For starters, the Grimm has not been actively attacking me aside from the odd stray, which leads me to believe that Salem was aware of my presence before, which was why all those the Grimm attacked me so much when I first entered the Land of Darkness. It made me wonder effective her surveillance was in the Land of Darkness.

Putting that aside, for now, I landed on the dock, she has set up at her castle then I used my semblance Echo Tremor to create a mental map of the place. Two places drew my attention. One was deep underground, and the other had some odd barrier around it I can't perceive through. I head for the underground area first because I had some suspicions about what it might be.

After going through several corridors and stairs while evading any of the jellyfish-like Seers that patrol the castle, I found the entrance to the underground area. As I head down, I spread my ability to sense magic to avoid any magical traps or physical ones. Initially, I could only sense magic at close range, but now I can even feel magic, less than a mile away.

As I head deeper without any trouble, I saw the stairs open up to a room just ahead of me. I then saw the giant lab tubes filled with black liquid. There were only two of them, and as I approached the one on the left, then touched it. A white faceplate rammed against the lab tube but to no effect. I recognized the faceplate; the Hound's that Salem created from the silver eye Faunus she captured then turned into a Grimm.

Another thing caught my attention, and it was my reflection; I did not have my scars on my face anymore. I looked down in my shirt and saw my b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t that no longer had the old scar I got from fire breathing Beowolf all those years ago. I shake my head, putting it aside as it was not important right now.

I went to the other lab tube and examined it with my semblance. I found that inside it was female, which made me have a bit of hope in who it might be. I struck the lab tube and shattered it. As the black liquid drained from it, I saw a black-haired with over half her body turned into a Grimm. I got her out of it and took a closer look at her.

It confirmed my suspicions; it is Summer Rose, Ruby's mother; I stored her away in my haven bag to later treat her if I can. Now for the other room, then Salem, because I am not optimistic about convincing her to work with me, but if I can, I will apologize to her for taking her experiment but not return it. I got out of the underground area and made my way to the room with a barrier around it.

I also kept on scanning the castle to keep track of Salem, and she is currently residing in her throne room. After evading the Seers, I made it to the entrance of the blocked-off area, which is disguised as another wall. I focused my magic on the opposing wall and found an unusual reaction coming from it.

After several minutes the wall moved aside, revealing giant double doors. As I pushed the door open, what greeted me was four large paintings of different girls that looked similar to one another. It took me a few minutes to recognize them; they were Salem's daughters that she had with Ozma's first incarnation.

The room also has four coffins plus various items that were likely theirs when they were alive. At the same time, I felt tempted to look through the room. It showed that Salem still had some human sentiments because it was impeccably clean without a sign of dust, but I decided not to. I may have entered uninvited, but I understand some of her sorrow, so I left the room untouched.

Now for the throne room where Salem resides right now, it did not take me long to reach it. I swallowed my saliva, feeling anxious, then took a deep breath to calm my nerves and opened the doors to Salem's throne room. I saw Salem with her head supported by her right hand with her eyes closed and breathing slowly. She was sleeping!?

Now I feel silly for worrying so much about our first meeting face to face. I sighed and took a seat at one of the empty chairs in front of Salem's throne as she sleeps because I am in no rush right now. Still, I never expected to see Salem sleeping in our first encounter; I guess life is funny like that.

( Hours later)

Salem POV

I opened my eyes, feeling unable to sleep anymore, and saw an unexpected sight. The silver-eyed Faunus entered the Land of Darkness and supposedly died fighting Labon. His appearance was slightly different than before because he was without his scars on his face anymore. He noticed I was awake then asked me.

Silva: Enjoyed your rest Salem?

I blinked a few times to see if I was hallucinating but to no avail; he was very much here in front of me. I considered for a moment that I was dreaming. Still, I immediately discarded that notion because I don't dream anymore of anything after falling into the pools of destruction left behind by the God of Darkness.

I looked towards him, feeling a faint bit of curiosity, and asked.

Salem: Who are you? Why are you here?

He gave me a slight smile as he answered me.

Silva: My name is Silva Cloud, and as for why I am here, well, there are a few reasons, but the most immediate is to offer a proposal to you.

I raised an eyebrow at him in a curious manner as I analysis him. Young has not lived over two decades, confident, but it is not a facade with a warrior's temperament from the way he holds himself, but most interesting, he is undoubtedly aware of where he stands and who I am and is not afraid. Not the kind of bravery seen in facing an enemy or monster but rather does not see any reason to be scared.

He is either a fool or a potential ally; let's see what he wants.

Salem: Oh? And what kind of proposal do you have in mind?

He then said.

Silva: An offer of an alliance.

A fool he is then, and I have no need for a fool, nor do I have the patience even to consider entertaining a fool for offering me something as pathetic as an alliance when I do not need allies but pieces that move at my command, which I currently have plenty of at this juncture. I conjured some destructive magic and sent it to him to break his aura and then capture him for my experiments.

I blasted the upper part of his body clean off; much to my surprise, he did not use aura to protect himself. A fool died a fool's death, as I was about to summon some Grimm to clean up this mess. What I saw next stunned me. His headless body rises, and a flurry of iron-colored smoke surrounded him, then revealed him unharmed by my previous attack as if he was like me.

My eyes widen in shock as I demanded.

Salem: HOW?

He cracked his neck as he commented.

He had a bloodthirsty smile as the air around his raised fist distorted with a loud hum.

General POV

Viewing Salem's castle at a distance when suddenly part of it collapsed, Silva, sent Salem flying through the air. Salem quickly manipulated the air around her to stabilize herself and grant her flight. Silva soon appeared in front of her and unleashed a shockwave at her, which further knocked her back from her castle.

Salem showed a furious expression and sent a destructive beam of magic against Silva. The silver-eyed warrior used his semblance on his fist and smashed the beam aside as he charged at Salem by launching himself with shockwave from his shoulders and calves. Salem conjured a barrier in front of her, which stopped Silva's charge, but Silva soon bombarded Salem's barrier with his semblance-powered fists.

Salem's defense against Silva cracked them, broke against the tiger Faunus assault just as Salem was preparing her counterattack, the clouds covering the Land of Darkness gathered by Silva's magic. Lighting soon formed, and Silva gathered it in his hand into a condensed orb then slammed it into Salem, forcing her to crash into the ground. For a moment, Silva looked at his hand, marveled how easy it was to use elemental magic like that lighting just now.

He quickly refocused his fight with Salem. He landed near where Salem crashed, and when he touched the ground, it darkens, then black tentacled hands shot up from the earth to catch him. He immediately used a shockwave to bash them away, and Salem pulled herself from the crater, gnashing her teeth in a fury.

Silva then made lighting rain down on the fellow immortal, and she countered by sending a steady stream of energy against it making the lighting split apart. Silva smashed his fist on the ground, creating a fissure from his semblance, making Salem lose her balance for a moment. Salem made herself levitate to prevent herself from falling.

Silva used his magic to dig deep beneath the earth and forced molten magma to erupt beneath Salem. Salem saw it coming and flew up higher, but Silva baited her into doing so. Silva made lighting strike Salem as she evaded the molten rock, and it struck her, which added to her rage. Silva did not let up and launched himself at her, then punched her with his vibration-covered knuckle right into the magma he just brought up.

Salem soon emerged from the molten rock as she rabidly recovered from the burns she got. Salem looked at Silva with glowing red irises and narrowed eyes as she demanded.

Silva responded calmly.

Silva: I will answer your questions later, but right now, I need to make a point.

Silva conjured lighting in his hand, and it changed color from the previous blue to purple, then formed it into a spear. Salem wasn't idle as she created a sphere of dark unstable energy and fired it at Silva while he sent his lighting at her. The two attacks clashed then quietly canceled each other out.

The two immortals engaged in a staredown for a single moment then clashed again. Silva decided to see what effect silver eyes have against Salem. His mind quickly remembered the time he spent with all the women he loves, and his silver eyes glowed then shrouded Salem in a silver-colored light. The light dissipated and revealed Salem covered in burn-like wounds glaring at Silva.

While she was recovering her wounds, it was slower than before, Silva then commented.

Silva: So silver eyes harm you to a greater extent than conventional means, but it is still negligible because I can see you are recovering from it.

He shrugged and put aside using his eyes more than necessary while Salem sent blades of wind at Silva. Silva countered with his shockwaves, and Salem's eyes glowed ominously. Silva soon heard screeching, roaring, and various other sounds as Grimm came in droves towards him. Silva summoned his Tiger Rex, Senshi, Cerberus, Skyfire, and finally Labon.

Silva was surprised at how quickly Labon was draining his aura reserves but used it anyway. His summons promptly went to work on the incoming hoard of Grimm as he continued his fight with Salem. As black and gray clashed, Silva took out his prototype weapon and had its aura blade at maximum length.

Silva charged at Salem, and the immortal conjured a wall of tornados which the silver-eyed warrior cut through them like a hot knife through butter. He then proceeded to hack at Salem directly, and when the blade impaled, as Salem recovered from her injuries, she sent a black web at Silva to hold him down.

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