A Serenade for the Innocent
50 Breaking Carol
When Carol passed out, the man couldn't help himself but let his happiness out. With the sleeping prey helpless on the predator's lap, it felt as if the darkness of the world laughed along with him. He very well expects that she will not be an easy target. He knew that Carol is smart, outstanding kind of lass and that she can see right through people's bullshit. That's a part of her job, after all, and she managed to utilize that perk of hers rather well. That's why the ghastliness of the man's laughter wouldn't seem to cease anytime soon, for Carol danced through his plans easier than he expected.
Prince charming threw all his anxiety away as he carries the light body of sleeping beauty to his castle. Thus, the bed will be very busy again soon.
The man chained Carol's body like a weakened circus pet caged on a metallic cube encasement. Everywhere within his mobile home were riddled with images of his dead victims plastered all over the walls. The man peered through the pictures of his young prey while he plowed the insides of Carol mercilessly with his magnum dong.
At the first week, the man decided to take it easy and take care of Carol whilst keeping her gagged, chained, bound, and slightly sedated. Her body is stretched out using chains on each of her limbs. A position like this formed her stretched body into that of an X shape as she occupied the entirety of the man's bed. As a way of assurance that the man meant well, he did not sleep on his bed for two days, he didn't even touch Carol, and that meant he didn't feed her either. For two days straight, the man did not give Carol the liberty to move, speak, leave, eat, or drink. To top it all off, The man would occasionally give Carol aphrodisiac drugs about three times a day on her arm. The man also did not allow her to wear clothes. Thus, in the entirety of her stay in his mobile home, she remained naked, shamed, and cold. In addition to all these mental strain he's giving Carol, the man is even pushing her further into the edge. To do so, he disallowed her to use the toilet even if the poor innocent lady begged for it. Thus, the bed remained covered in... well, piss, cum, and shit. I know I am expected to dial-up my tone on these word choices, but it is paramount for me to be as straightforward as I can in describing what had happened on this van and this woman.
You see, the objective of this man in doing this is to make Carol feel helpless and scared. Now, we can argue all day long as to why he did this to Carol, although he hadn't done any of these straining torture to his other victims. However, I refuse to be a part of such a dialogue, for that would just be a waste of time. What I'm trying to point out here is that the man is more than willing to work with people regardless of how unsanitary they might seem. Also, the man is even willing and not at all reluctant to perform harrowing things to people if push comes to shove. Some of us do not have the same stomach as Subject 1, and to be quite honest, that indifference of his in seeing graphic sceneries of people suffering from their excrement is something lacking in the Organization at present. This means that Subject 1 is perfect, not only on the prospect of being the face of our group, but he's also capable as a leader that can handle backdoor deals. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.
Back on track, the man started feeding Carol in her third day chained on the man's bed. The poor innocent lady felt afraid, tired, humiliated, hungry, and thirsty. Among all those complaints that she had, she's also feeling extremely horny after receiving nine shots of aphrodisiac drugs through the syringes. Soon, instead of food, Carol started begging the man to scratch the itch lurking within the deep confines of her female member. She also started to feel a bit of a peculiar craving, but not for the taste of a good meal. It seemed that the more she licked her ball gag, the more she wanted to have something bigger, something better, something longer and something sweeter to lick profusely, though, his stomach is growling so. All this time, the man ignored all of the qualms and protestations that Carol has. She would remain there begging to have her holes touched while she craved to lick something she couldn't understand. As time passes, instead of asking for food, Carol would instead beg to have more of the man's syringes, which he complied every time she asked. This would prove to be a bad idea for Carol because it just made the itchiness in her body to strengthen in ways she never imagined. Seeing this is also such a huge pain in the ass for the man. After all, Carol would jump around the bed and squirm like a newly caught fish while continually begging to be scratched deep inside her hole as more aphrodisiac doses were given to her as she requested.
Again, this further proved my point that the man would be a good face for our Organization. And I mean, look at him! Remember, you guys, the customer is always right! He's just demonstrating that! Look at him! Such an excellent work of customer service he's showing us. Not to mention, we do sell a lot of drugs and other related paraphernalia in our shops. He's more than knowledgeable in drug-related products than we had first thought, and the repulsive behavior of his customer does not taunt him. He remained calm throughout the process, taking notes of her behavior along the way, and giving himself a proper reflection as to what approached he would do next, but not going against her wishes.
On the fourth day of his endeavors with Carol, the man decided to feed her a proper meal finally. Bacon, eggs, three-layer pancakes, a toast with butter on top, and two pieces of luncheon meat. A big, heavy meal, enough to feed a person who's hungry enough to devour an entire horse.
However, the man does not intend to give this to her easily.
See, he has a plan. He did not really think of it thoroughly, but nonetheless, it surprisingly worked. Perhaps we can attribute this to the already fallen psyche of Carol.
"Do you want to eat, Carol?" The man asked, while deliberately putting the breakfast plate a few inches away from her nose. This made her smell the intoxicating aroma of the food she had never seen nor tasted for quite a while. "I bet you're hungry, huh?"
Finally realizing how hungry she was, Carol begged while groaning and moaning with her ball gag on her mouth. Seeing this made the man chuckle, showing her his irresistible smile, which made the itch within Carol to intensify. After smelling the meal in front of her and after seeing the man's refreshing smile, Carol finally could not take the strength of the itch she's feeling all over her body. Thus, she thrashed about all over the bed once again. This reckless action of hers made her hit the plate in front of her with her head. Thus, the food that she's about to eat fell on the bed.
"Aw, shucks." The man said with a sarcastic tone as he showed an exaggerated frown. "That's too bad! Now you don't get to eat anymore. Bad girl. Bad, bad girl."
Carol squirmed as if begging for the man's forgiveness.
"Aww! Poor girl! Do you want me to cook for you again?" The man said, still with that mocking, sarcastic tone of his.
Carol nodded profusely with her eyes wide open as if it was about to pop out of her skull.
"You want it so bad, girl? You want to eat?" The man said with a more monotonous tone but with a hint of excitement on his eyes.
He then placed three of his fingertips on her flat stomach, making the poor lady twitch as if she had just received a dose of an electric shock. Seeing this had excited the man so much, more than he had previously expected. Thus, while the woman twitches and groans softly with his fingertips on her stomach, he slowly moved his hands until the tip of his fingers were caressing the smooth yet sweaty skin of Carol, further exciting the woman. When his fingers finally reached the few spaces above her pubic hair, she started to raise her upper body along with her bottoms while trying her hardest to push her head back onto the surface of the bed.
"The man then climbed on top of Carol's breast and knelt in front of her face. He took a pillow from below the bed and pushed it below her head, forcing her to face the outline of his hardened bulge. Okay, bear with me here, guys; I know this looks weird, but we are still conducting a company-related presentation. This is not porn. I repeat, this is not porn.
The man then took the woman's ball gag out of her mouth, and the first thing she did was to gasp as hard as she could before closing her mouth shut. The man then pulled his zipper down, revealing to her the great length of his member. He saw that Carol still had her lips tightened shut while the man reached out for a jar of peanut butter on top of a nearby cabinet. The man then smeared the peanut butter on the skin of his hardened genitalia, taking a few deep breaths as he spread it all over it. Okay, yeah, fine, this part is not needed in my report, but I don't know, I wanted to add it in, okay? I get it, it looks like porn, but we had to suffer seeing this sight over and over for the past few months, and we're just asking for some reciprocity by making you guys see it too! This is how adults do things, okay? I swear, this is going somewhere. Moving on, the man continued to smear the peanut butter all over his... uh, god, I'm starting to lose ways of describing dicks without actually saying the word, you know, dick or penis or... gah, whatever, you get the point! He spread all the peanut butter all over his dick. Okay? Not a really good thing to see, right? Are you still gonna complain that your jobs are harder than us? I don't think so, right? Can we move on? Okay, we're moving on now, jeez.
"If you want to eat," The man intoned as he grabbed Carol's chin with his peanut butter-filled hands. "Then, you have to clean my cock really well first, and then we can talk properly about the things you need."
Look at that, ladies and gentlemen! If that is not what business-minded person sounds like, then I don't know what is! See! I told you I was going somewhere! Take that HR! Hah! Moving on this bitch!
Yeah anyway, Carol sucked his dick. It's kinda big, so she had a hard time doing the thing, so she ended up choking on it a lot, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda. I mean, you don't want me to demonstrate how women choke on huge dicks, right? No? Okay, HR told me to be ready for a choking demo. Glad that's unneeded. Anyway, next slide, yeah. So, when he started gobbling on the man's dick, that was when she realized that the thing she wanted to lick is something as big as the man's dick.
You might be aware that this is the effect of the aphrodisiac that the man gave Carol. So yeah, yadda, yadda, yadda, lots of sex. Oh, also, the man gave Carol thirty-three syringe shots of that same aphrodisiac drug, and like, isn't that fucking insane!? I thought she's gonna die on the twentieth one, but she ended up begging for more instead of dying! But yeah, that's not really important, next slide, please. Yeah, more sex, you know the drill with this guy. Blah, blah, blah, next slide please, not really important daily lives stuff. Okay, yeah, stop on this slide, this one's pretty important. So in week two, the man decided to take Carol's chains off, and interestingly, she didn't escape, which I think is super stupid! But whatevz, next slide, please. Oh, and by the way, he tortured the poor innocent lady for almost three straight weeks.
And yeah. She died.
What? You're expecting this to have a good ending? Come on; you're better than that!
Also, some of you might have noted that I said 'almost' earlier. Yeah, that's true, the man did torture Carol for almost three weeks. Almost because on the day when it was about to hit the third week, Carol killed herself by sucking a large tube lying around the van, killing her after she sucked on the damn thing until it crushed her heart.
Prince charming threw all his anxiety away as he carries the light body of sleeping beauty to his castle. Thus, the bed will be very busy again soon.
The man chained Carol's body like a weakened circus pet caged on a metallic cube encasement. Everywhere within his mobile home were riddled with images of his dead victims plastered all over the walls. The man peered through the pictures of his young prey while he plowed the insides of Carol mercilessly with his magnum dong.
At the first week, the man decided to take it easy and take care of Carol whilst keeping her gagged, chained, bound, and slightly sedated. Her body is stretched out using chains on each of her limbs. A position like this formed her stretched body into that of an X shape as she occupied the entirety of the man's bed. As a way of assurance that the man meant well, he did not sleep on his bed for two days, he didn't even touch Carol, and that meant he didn't feed her either. For two days straight, the man did not give Carol the liberty to move, speak, leave, eat, or drink. To top it all off, The man would occasionally give Carol aphrodisiac drugs about three times a day on her arm. The man also did not allow her to wear clothes. Thus, in the entirety of her stay in his mobile home, she remained naked, shamed, and cold. In addition to all these mental strain he's giving Carol, the man is even pushing her further into the edge. To do so, he disallowed her to use the toilet even if the poor innocent lady begged for it. Thus, the bed remained covered in... well, piss, cum, and shit. I know I am expected to dial-up my tone on these word choices, but it is paramount for me to be as straightforward as I can in describing what had happened on this van and this woman.
You see, the objective of this man in doing this is to make Carol feel helpless and scared. Now, we can argue all day long as to why he did this to Carol, although he hadn't done any of these straining torture to his other victims. However, I refuse to be a part of such a dialogue, for that would just be a waste of time. What I'm trying to point out here is that the man is more than willing to work with people regardless of how unsanitary they might seem. Also, the man is even willing and not at all reluctant to perform harrowing things to people if push comes to shove. Some of us do not have the same stomach as Subject 1, and to be quite honest, that indifference of his in seeing graphic sceneries of people suffering from their excrement is something lacking in the Organization at present. This means that Subject 1 is perfect, not only on the prospect of being the face of our group, but he's also capable as a leader that can handle backdoor deals. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.
Back on track, the man started feeding Carol in her third day chained on the man's bed. The poor innocent lady felt afraid, tired, humiliated, hungry, and thirsty. Among all those complaints that she had, she's also feeling extremely horny after receiving nine shots of aphrodisiac drugs through the syringes. Soon, instead of food, Carol started begging the man to scratch the itch lurking within the deep confines of her female member. She also started to feel a bit of a peculiar craving, but not for the taste of a good meal. It seemed that the more she licked her ball gag, the more she wanted to have something bigger, something better, something longer and something sweeter to lick profusely, though, his stomach is growling so. All this time, the man ignored all of the qualms and protestations that Carol has. She would remain there begging to have her holes touched while she craved to lick something she couldn't understand. As time passes, instead of asking for food, Carol would instead beg to have more of the man's syringes, which he complied every time she asked. This would prove to be a bad idea for Carol because it just made the itchiness in her body to strengthen in ways she never imagined. Seeing this is also such a huge pain in the ass for the man. After all, Carol would jump around the bed and squirm like a newly caught fish while continually begging to be scratched deep inside her hole as more aphrodisiac doses were given to her as she requested.
Again, this further proved my point that the man would be a good face for our Organization. And I mean, look at him! Remember, you guys, the customer is always right! He's just demonstrating that! Look at him! Such an excellent work of customer service he's showing us. Not to mention, we do sell a lot of drugs and other related paraphernalia in our shops. He's more than knowledgeable in drug-related products than we had first thought, and the repulsive behavior of his customer does not taunt him. He remained calm throughout the process, taking notes of her behavior along the way, and giving himself a proper reflection as to what approached he would do next, but not going against her wishes.
On the fourth day of his endeavors with Carol, the man decided to feed her a proper meal finally. Bacon, eggs, three-layer pancakes, a toast with butter on top, and two pieces of luncheon meat. A big, heavy meal, enough to feed a person who's hungry enough to devour an entire horse.
However, the man does not intend to give this to her easily.
See, he has a plan. He did not really think of it thoroughly, but nonetheless, it surprisingly worked. Perhaps we can attribute this to the already fallen psyche of Carol.
"Do you want to eat, Carol?" The man asked, while deliberately putting the breakfast plate a few inches away from her nose. This made her smell the intoxicating aroma of the food she had never seen nor tasted for quite a while. "I bet you're hungry, huh?"
Finally realizing how hungry she was, Carol begged while groaning and moaning with her ball gag on her mouth. Seeing this made the man chuckle, showing her his irresistible smile, which made the itch within Carol to intensify. After smelling the meal in front of her and after seeing the man's refreshing smile, Carol finally could not take the strength of the itch she's feeling all over her body. Thus, she thrashed about all over the bed once again. This reckless action of hers made her hit the plate in front of her with her head. Thus, the food that she's about to eat fell on the bed.
"Aw, shucks." The man said with a sarcastic tone as he showed an exaggerated frown. "That's too bad! Now you don't get to eat anymore. Bad girl. Bad, bad girl."
Carol squirmed as if begging for the man's forgiveness.
"Aww! Poor girl! Do you want me to cook for you again?" The man said, still with that mocking, sarcastic tone of his.
Carol nodded profusely with her eyes wide open as if it was about to pop out of her skull.
"You want it so bad, girl? You want to eat?" The man said with a more monotonous tone but with a hint of excitement on his eyes.
He then placed three of his fingertips on her flat stomach, making the poor lady twitch as if she had just received a dose of an electric shock. Seeing this had excited the man so much, more than he had previously expected. Thus, while the woman twitches and groans softly with his fingertips on her stomach, he slowly moved his hands until the tip of his fingers were caressing the smooth yet sweaty skin of Carol, further exciting the woman. When his fingers finally reached the few spaces above her pubic hair, she started to raise her upper body along with her bottoms while trying her hardest to push her head back onto the surface of the bed.
"The man then climbed on top of Carol's breast and knelt in front of her face. He took a pillow from below the bed and pushed it below her head, forcing her to face the outline of his hardened bulge. Okay, bear with me here, guys; I know this looks weird, but we are still conducting a company-related presentation. This is not porn. I repeat, this is not porn.
The man then took the woman's ball gag out of her mouth, and the first thing she did was to gasp as hard as she could before closing her mouth shut. The man then pulled his zipper down, revealing to her the great length of his member. He saw that Carol still had her lips tightened shut while the man reached out for a jar of peanut butter on top of a nearby cabinet. The man then smeared the peanut butter on the skin of his hardened genitalia, taking a few deep breaths as he spread it all over it. Okay, yeah, fine, this part is not needed in my report, but I don't know, I wanted to add it in, okay? I get it, it looks like porn, but we had to suffer seeing this sight over and over for the past few months, and we're just asking for some reciprocity by making you guys see it too! This is how adults do things, okay? I swear, this is going somewhere. Moving on, the man continued to smear the peanut butter all over his... uh, god, I'm starting to lose ways of describing dicks without actually saying the word, you know, dick or penis or... gah, whatever, you get the point! He spread all the peanut butter all over his dick. Okay? Not a really good thing to see, right? Are you still gonna complain that your jobs are harder than us? I don't think so, right? Can we move on? Okay, we're moving on now, jeez.
"If you want to eat," The man intoned as he grabbed Carol's chin with his peanut butter-filled hands. "Then, you have to clean my cock really well first, and then we can talk properly about the things you need."
Look at that, ladies and gentlemen! If that is not what business-minded person sounds like, then I don't know what is! See! I told you I was going somewhere! Take that HR! Hah! Moving on this bitch!
Yeah anyway, Carol sucked his dick. It's kinda big, so she had a hard time doing the thing, so she ended up choking on it a lot, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda. I mean, you don't want me to demonstrate how women choke on huge dicks, right? No? Okay, HR told me to be ready for a choking demo. Glad that's unneeded. Anyway, next slide, yeah. So, when he started gobbling on the man's dick, that was when she realized that the thing she wanted to lick is something as big as the man's dick.
You might be aware that this is the effect of the aphrodisiac that the man gave Carol. So yeah, yadda, yadda, yadda, lots of sex. Oh, also, the man gave Carol thirty-three syringe shots of that same aphrodisiac drug, and like, isn't that fucking insane!? I thought she's gonna die on the twentieth one, but she ended up begging for more instead of dying! But yeah, that's not really important, next slide, please. Yeah, more sex, you know the drill with this guy. Blah, blah, blah, next slide please, not really important daily lives stuff. Okay, yeah, stop on this slide, this one's pretty important. So in week two, the man decided to take Carol's chains off, and interestingly, she didn't escape, which I think is super stupid! But whatevz, next slide, please. Oh, and by the way, he tortured the poor innocent lady for almost three straight weeks.
And yeah. She died.
What? You're expecting this to have a good ending? Come on; you're better than that!
Also, some of you might have noted that I said 'almost' earlier. Yeah, that's true, the man did torture Carol for almost three weeks. Almost because on the day when it was about to hit the third week, Carol killed herself by sucking a large tube lying around the van, killing her after she sucked on the damn thing until it crushed her heart.
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