A Serenade for the Innocent
58 Patricia
Patricia must have been the accumulation of everything that Subject 1 dislikes to see in a partner. It's also a reflection of how twisted he is as a person. This worked as an enhancer to showcase how much of a twisted and fractured person the man is.
He likes pale people, for he could not stand the sight of colored skin. He loves it when his partners are subservient and submissive, who wants nothing but to say yes and would only say no under his command. He likes them to be readily available to be used whenever he wanted a hole to dump his load on. And he viewed everyone else as people below his shoe, so he absolutely cannot stand people who dare think that they see the same view. He is ruthless, old-fashioned, bigoted, and firm. Subject 1 is the accumulation of what the modern man thinks is wrong. A mesh of all errors that a postmodern philosopher dared to reject on a daily basis. He is not a person that a reasonable company would hire. No sane person would ever look at him in the eye after what I had presented today. However, I want to remind you about something.
We are anything but normal and sane. We are working people who ruled without law and governed without a code. We are the Organization. We are an independent fraction. The man is not at all the worst that we have seen, for we could offer so much worst. Now, when it comes to hiring people, we must also understand that the environment and the people you will be working with is a significant factor that the employer must put into perspective while they consider if they should hire you.
We could have presented you the purest of the pure or the nobles among all the righteous souls, but what would our current employees say to the new recruit? What would this new moral employee say to the old workers? These are important questions. And you know what? None of them would get along! You won't hire a person with nyctophobia if you are very well aware that they will be working in a dark space. We certainly would not even consider a socially awkward person to handle our customers. And in no universe will I ever present a lawful person in front of all of you knowing full well how wicked and depraved every member of our Organization is.
We want all of us to get along, we want to create an environment where everyone could find common ground. All we need is a meticulous person who could handle leadership works and can very much interact with people and convince them to be a part of us.
This man, ladies and gentlemen, is more than just perfect. There is no word in the English language that could describe how well he fit in the jigsaw puzzle that is the Organization.
Funnily enough, we have saved more people from different worlds and possibilities more than the people who abide by the rules in a daily.
And as Justin tied Patricia as tight as he could and as Subject 1 waits in anticipation for what he would do to this person without snapping them in half, the world came to a halt. Total standstill, nobody breathed, nobody moved. All had their eyes at this very moment.
For the new prey had opened her eyes. And none of us knew what she would do.
Unlike Justin, he is not at all ready to comply. She screamed at the top of her lungs until they could hear her throat audibly deteriorate into a raspy state so much so that her voice now sounded like nails grating a chalkboard. She struggled around until the table started shaking, making a loud sound that would definitely alarm anyone standing near the shop, something that Justin would never even dare to do in the remainder of the pathetic life that he would lead. Patricia is someone that the man would never even bat his eye on, let alone be a part of his growing sex count.
Ignoring the fact that she is not at all his type because Subject 1's mind is, like 1950's America, we can see that Patricia is confident, emotionally stable, reliable, and very, very, very against sex. She doesn't like it. At all! Nah, she hates it! She once considered doing it with women, but it still didn't work for her. Subject 1 and Patricia just wouldn't get along. Having said that, the man just can't do it; he can't even imagine looking at Patricia's eyes as he explored her body, he can't do it! Subject 1 doesn't have the patience to deal with her complaints while he does whatever he wants to do. All the man ever wanted is someone who would submit to his every whim, albeit he would dispose of them once he's bored.
And I'm sure none of you would be surprised to hear that Subject 1 did not succeed in having sexual intercourse with Patricia. Not because he can't; the man very much can if he just tried, but he didn't do it for various and many, many reasons, and ignoring the fact that the man is just borderline racist, he also hates, absolutely despises people who fight back. He hates dogs that bark; he hates employees that complaints; he hates neighbors who have a lot to say; he absolutely flips out whenever he encounters people who fight back instead of just letting it happen.
And Patricia is angry. She is beyond the point of forgiveness that not even gods and goddesses could stand on her way once she escapes the grasp of the rope which bound her. Patricia had seen what rape did to most of her friends, online and in real life. She had read many of the brave confessions that people made on the internet about their experiences with abusive men. She would not allow this nobody to do whatever he thought he could do to her. Patricia regards herself too highly to let herself to bow down to anyone just because she had been backed to the corner. She is determined to deal with this man, and she would not allow this day to end unless this man would end up rotting in a jail cell, and hopefully, somewhere in death row.
Not only that, but Patricia had shared a strong bond with Justin in the short time that they had spent working together in this shabby shop in the middle of nowhere. She viewed this job as another one of those gigs that she would soon quit once the owners start to realize that it just wouldn't work. Patricia seemed to have misunderstood the situation, though, for she is also mad after seeing the state of Justin. Her poor coworker is still kneeling on the ground, shaking in fear as he looked at both of them. Patricia thought that maybe this poor guy had gone through a lot and was now traumatized to no return, which we all know is nothing compared to the truth.
Justin is shaking because he's a little pussy ass loser who doesn't know anything else other than to cry, shiver, and allow people to use him. He is absolutely hopeless, but he is not at all traumatized.
He is shaking because he knows that Patricia would definitely die if she kept rousing Subject 1's anger, and the man is definitely getting angrier the more he sees her defy all of his commands.
Whenever Subject 1 says, "Shut up!" He expects them to do so without question. However, when she said that to Patricia, she just became more hostile and even more uncooperative. Justin is shaking because he knows what the man is capable of doing. He wanted to save Patricia, but he doesn't want to disobey his owner. It's a dilemma that only a person like Justin could face. And what did he do as a way to make himself useful for any of them? Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.
Fucking nothing.
He just kept shivering and crying like the little pussy ass bitch that he is. Incompetent. Useless. That's what Justin is, and this is very much a demonstration of that.
I know what you're thinking right now, the Organization could have smoothly gone there and aided the man by killing Patricia right there and then. We have the resources to do it, we have the tools to make it look natural, and we have all the reasons to make the higher-ups understand our impromptu decision. We do not want to lose a perfect candidate for this position, after all. It would not be a waste of resources for us to do so; I mean, I'm sure all of you can already agree that Patricia's story is just unneeded and a huge headache. You have been paying attention to me for about a few minutes now, and so far, the only thing I'm doing is prolonging the presentation. Absolutely nothing is going on, nothing is happening. It's a colossal waste of time! If we kill Patricia now, it will save all of us the trouble of seeing this boring chapter unfold.
It did not reveal anything else that we don't know about Subject 1 yet, and it doesn't help us evaluate what other things the man could offer us because this is the first time he had encountered defiance as strong as what Patricia is giving us. Not only is this a bad information to show, but it also doesn't make Subject 1 look good since this scenario makes it look like he's angry at Patricia because of her skin color and not because of her strong personality. Now, that is not necessarily a problem that we cannot fix, but it's still something that our other members might keep in their mind.
I rejected my team's suggestion of intervening with this confrontation. After all, we could learn something from this.
And not by helping the man...
But by turning that logic around.
What would happen if a defiant victim managed to escape? How would he be able to get away from a sticky situation?
So we helped Patricia. He sliced the rope that bound her, and as she struggled, she started to realize that the tie that kept her from doing her act of vengeance had become undone.
And now she's free.
For a few seconds, all three of them remained silent with widened eyes as they look at Patricia, unbound, and equally as shocked as all of them.
"The... Fuuuck!?"
And then she kicked him.
Patricia kicked Subject 1 with all the anger stored with her body, and Subject 1, still astonished upon the sudden development of this scenario, was left speechless after seeing the sheer agility of the way Patricia's legs traveled from the ground towards his dumbfounded face. Justin's jaws remained dropped as all of these unfolded before him, still as useless as ever as he saw his owner fell on his stomach.
Patricia then subdued the man by pulling both his hands and placing them on his back. She used the rope that was still wrapped around her hands to tie the man's arms, hearing the man scream as she pressed her arm further up his back. Patricia then used the weight of her feet to push the man onto the floor, making the man squirm and grunt as he felt this strong woman pin her down on the cold, concrete floor.
Thus, the first person to have ever defeated the man emerged, and she is none other than Patricia Thompson.
At this point, I was already starting to reevaluate my decision, and as I saw that the man could not at all escape Patricia's arm lock, I have finally realized my terrible miscalculation. Clearly, Patricia is trained in some kind of martial arts or was knowledgeable in a self-defense program, for she had destroyed the ever-living shit out of Subject 1 in less than a minute. This is not a matter of her being the fastest person to subdue the man, no, she is the only person who ever done this in the entirety of his life. Subject 1 had never faced this kind of defeat in the hands of any of his victims.
I was about to send two of my direct associates to get rid of Patricia as fast as possible to prevent any further repercussions.
Once again...
I decided against that.
I decided... I made this decision when I saw Justin standing up as he took the metal folding chair that was just sitting around in the corner of the room and looked at Subject 1 in the eyes.
Subject 1 didn't blink as he gritted his teeth while looking at Justin approaching him weakly with the metallic, foldable chair on his hands. The man panted heavily on the floor as Patricia called the police. She then proceeded to report what happened at the sex shop and answer all of their questions. Patricia noticed how Justin was ambling towards them with the same chair that the man used against her earlier. She thought that maybe Justin would use that chair as a sort of ironic revenge against Subject 1 for what the man had done to Justin's body. She pitied him as while reported the crime to the local police authorities as her gaze locked on his weak eyes.
Not weak...
Yes. That was when Patricia started to feel that something was off.
Justin's eyes did not have a sense of weakness within it...
No, I've seen it myself... it's... it's filled with gentleness and love like her pupils had morphed into a heart shape.
And as the man looked at Justin with all the anger in his heart, as he thinks of the many ways he would kill Justin if he could just bring back time, as he refused to blink his reddened eyes to be aware of his last day on earth, Subject 1 saw Justin spoke.
"This is for you, Master."
And that was the end of Patricia.
35 strikes in the head. Once Justin stopped hitting her, he could see her skull. Justin would never have stopped if Subject 1 didn't stop Justin from further bashing Patricia's head. The man calmed Justin's never-ending strikes by hugging the cashier personnel's body as tender as Subject 1 could with his lips touching his neck... The neck of the man he owns, his property.
When the man looked at Justin, he was panting like crazy with the broadest smile on his face. "Was I a good boy, Sir?"
"Yes," the man said as he fixes Justin's ruffled hair. "You did so well, Justin. I am so, so proud of you, my little Justin."
"Aha... Ahahaha... hahaha..." Justin started laughing weakly as he starts striking the air in front of him with the foldable metal chair in his hands, seemingly thinking that he was still hitting the man who dared to defile his owner.
The man saw this, and at this point, he was not just pleased with Justin, he was enthralled by him; this pathetic lowlife of a cashier personnel had enraptured him so much that would even dare say that Cupid's bow had landed on his stone heart. Subject 1 wanted to calm Justin's already erratic state, and he did so by kissing him; this is the only time Subject 1 kissed any of his victims. No, you don't understand what I'm saying. I know that the man had used his lips to touch another person's lips before, but this is different, I mean, this guy, Justin, is the only person that Subject 1 truly kissed with the intention of loving the taste of his lips, not because it was the conventional thing a person does during sex. When Subject 1 saw Justin's lips, he couldn't keep himself, and he really, really just wants to kiss him and never stop even if it meant throwing away his ability to breath. The absolute devotion that Justin showed Subject 1 charmed the man so much that he couldn't let go once he felt his tongue moves along with Justin's tongue.
Justin, at this point, had reached further than the state of nirvana as he dropped the foldable metal chair on the ground. The only thing he cared about is how good his owner's tongue felt as it played all over his mouth.
When their lips moved away from each other, Subject 1 slowly diverted his gaze towards the real victim of today's hunt.
"Poor Patricia." The man said before spitting on the back of the steadfast lady's head as he felt Justin's warm embrace. Without further ado, Subject 1 stomped on Patricia's phone and kissed Justin again as the man discovered a newfound addiction within the confines of this cashier personnel's mouth.
"I want you to listen to me, Justin." The man said as he wrapped his arms around Justin's bare body. "The police are coming, and they will definitely catch me."
"Oh, no..." Justin exclaimed with all the sadness in his heart.
"Yeah, it's bad, but we can fix it."
"H-how...?" Justin whispered as he grabbed onto the man's T-shirt, willing to give everything that he has just to prevent his owner from falling into the hands' of the authorities.
"Can I trust you?"
"I'll give my life to you!" Justin replied with the smile of a broken man as he looked at Subject 1 with eyes filled with nothingness. "Yes, Sir. You can trust me."
He likes pale people, for he could not stand the sight of colored skin. He loves it when his partners are subservient and submissive, who wants nothing but to say yes and would only say no under his command. He likes them to be readily available to be used whenever he wanted a hole to dump his load on. And he viewed everyone else as people below his shoe, so he absolutely cannot stand people who dare think that they see the same view. He is ruthless, old-fashioned, bigoted, and firm. Subject 1 is the accumulation of what the modern man thinks is wrong. A mesh of all errors that a postmodern philosopher dared to reject on a daily basis. He is not a person that a reasonable company would hire. No sane person would ever look at him in the eye after what I had presented today. However, I want to remind you about something.
We are anything but normal and sane. We are working people who ruled without law and governed without a code. We are the Organization. We are an independent fraction. The man is not at all the worst that we have seen, for we could offer so much worst. Now, when it comes to hiring people, we must also understand that the environment and the people you will be working with is a significant factor that the employer must put into perspective while they consider if they should hire you.
We could have presented you the purest of the pure or the nobles among all the righteous souls, but what would our current employees say to the new recruit? What would this new moral employee say to the old workers? These are important questions. And you know what? None of them would get along! You won't hire a person with nyctophobia if you are very well aware that they will be working in a dark space. We certainly would not even consider a socially awkward person to handle our customers. And in no universe will I ever present a lawful person in front of all of you knowing full well how wicked and depraved every member of our Organization is.
We want all of us to get along, we want to create an environment where everyone could find common ground. All we need is a meticulous person who could handle leadership works and can very much interact with people and convince them to be a part of us.
This man, ladies and gentlemen, is more than just perfect. There is no word in the English language that could describe how well he fit in the jigsaw puzzle that is the Organization.
Funnily enough, we have saved more people from different worlds and possibilities more than the people who abide by the rules in a daily.
And as Justin tied Patricia as tight as he could and as Subject 1 waits in anticipation for what he would do to this person without snapping them in half, the world came to a halt. Total standstill, nobody breathed, nobody moved. All had their eyes at this very moment.
For the new prey had opened her eyes. And none of us knew what she would do.
Unlike Justin, he is not at all ready to comply. She screamed at the top of her lungs until they could hear her throat audibly deteriorate into a raspy state so much so that her voice now sounded like nails grating a chalkboard. She struggled around until the table started shaking, making a loud sound that would definitely alarm anyone standing near the shop, something that Justin would never even dare to do in the remainder of the pathetic life that he would lead. Patricia is someone that the man would never even bat his eye on, let alone be a part of his growing sex count.
Ignoring the fact that she is not at all his type because Subject 1's mind is, like 1950's America, we can see that Patricia is confident, emotionally stable, reliable, and very, very, very against sex. She doesn't like it. At all! Nah, she hates it! She once considered doing it with women, but it still didn't work for her. Subject 1 and Patricia just wouldn't get along. Having said that, the man just can't do it; he can't even imagine looking at Patricia's eyes as he explored her body, he can't do it! Subject 1 doesn't have the patience to deal with her complaints while he does whatever he wants to do. All the man ever wanted is someone who would submit to his every whim, albeit he would dispose of them once he's bored.
And I'm sure none of you would be surprised to hear that Subject 1 did not succeed in having sexual intercourse with Patricia. Not because he can't; the man very much can if he just tried, but he didn't do it for various and many, many reasons, and ignoring the fact that the man is just borderline racist, he also hates, absolutely despises people who fight back. He hates dogs that bark; he hates employees that complaints; he hates neighbors who have a lot to say; he absolutely flips out whenever he encounters people who fight back instead of just letting it happen.
And Patricia is angry. She is beyond the point of forgiveness that not even gods and goddesses could stand on her way once she escapes the grasp of the rope which bound her. Patricia had seen what rape did to most of her friends, online and in real life. She had read many of the brave confessions that people made on the internet about their experiences with abusive men. She would not allow this nobody to do whatever he thought he could do to her. Patricia regards herself too highly to let herself to bow down to anyone just because she had been backed to the corner. She is determined to deal with this man, and she would not allow this day to end unless this man would end up rotting in a jail cell, and hopefully, somewhere in death row.
Not only that, but Patricia had shared a strong bond with Justin in the short time that they had spent working together in this shabby shop in the middle of nowhere. She viewed this job as another one of those gigs that she would soon quit once the owners start to realize that it just wouldn't work. Patricia seemed to have misunderstood the situation, though, for she is also mad after seeing the state of Justin. Her poor coworker is still kneeling on the ground, shaking in fear as he looked at both of them. Patricia thought that maybe this poor guy had gone through a lot and was now traumatized to no return, which we all know is nothing compared to the truth.
Justin is shaking because he's a little pussy ass loser who doesn't know anything else other than to cry, shiver, and allow people to use him. He is absolutely hopeless, but he is not at all traumatized.
He is shaking because he knows that Patricia would definitely die if she kept rousing Subject 1's anger, and the man is definitely getting angrier the more he sees her defy all of his commands.
Whenever Subject 1 says, "Shut up!" He expects them to do so without question. However, when she said that to Patricia, she just became more hostile and even more uncooperative. Justin is shaking because he knows what the man is capable of doing. He wanted to save Patricia, but he doesn't want to disobey his owner. It's a dilemma that only a person like Justin could face. And what did he do as a way to make himself useful for any of them? Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.
Fucking nothing.
He just kept shivering and crying like the little pussy ass bitch that he is. Incompetent. Useless. That's what Justin is, and this is very much a demonstration of that.
I know what you're thinking right now, the Organization could have smoothly gone there and aided the man by killing Patricia right there and then. We have the resources to do it, we have the tools to make it look natural, and we have all the reasons to make the higher-ups understand our impromptu decision. We do not want to lose a perfect candidate for this position, after all. It would not be a waste of resources for us to do so; I mean, I'm sure all of you can already agree that Patricia's story is just unneeded and a huge headache. You have been paying attention to me for about a few minutes now, and so far, the only thing I'm doing is prolonging the presentation. Absolutely nothing is going on, nothing is happening. It's a colossal waste of time! If we kill Patricia now, it will save all of us the trouble of seeing this boring chapter unfold.
It did not reveal anything else that we don't know about Subject 1 yet, and it doesn't help us evaluate what other things the man could offer us because this is the first time he had encountered defiance as strong as what Patricia is giving us. Not only is this a bad information to show, but it also doesn't make Subject 1 look good since this scenario makes it look like he's angry at Patricia because of her skin color and not because of her strong personality. Now, that is not necessarily a problem that we cannot fix, but it's still something that our other members might keep in their mind.
I rejected my team's suggestion of intervening with this confrontation. After all, we could learn something from this.
And not by helping the man...
But by turning that logic around.
What would happen if a defiant victim managed to escape? How would he be able to get away from a sticky situation?
So we helped Patricia. He sliced the rope that bound her, and as she struggled, she started to realize that the tie that kept her from doing her act of vengeance had become undone.
And now she's free.
For a few seconds, all three of them remained silent with widened eyes as they look at Patricia, unbound, and equally as shocked as all of them.
"The... Fuuuck!?"
And then she kicked him.
Patricia kicked Subject 1 with all the anger stored with her body, and Subject 1, still astonished upon the sudden development of this scenario, was left speechless after seeing the sheer agility of the way Patricia's legs traveled from the ground towards his dumbfounded face. Justin's jaws remained dropped as all of these unfolded before him, still as useless as ever as he saw his owner fell on his stomach.
Patricia then subdued the man by pulling both his hands and placing them on his back. She used the rope that was still wrapped around her hands to tie the man's arms, hearing the man scream as she pressed her arm further up his back. Patricia then used the weight of her feet to push the man onto the floor, making the man squirm and grunt as he felt this strong woman pin her down on the cold, concrete floor.
Thus, the first person to have ever defeated the man emerged, and she is none other than Patricia Thompson.
At this point, I was already starting to reevaluate my decision, and as I saw that the man could not at all escape Patricia's arm lock, I have finally realized my terrible miscalculation. Clearly, Patricia is trained in some kind of martial arts or was knowledgeable in a self-defense program, for she had destroyed the ever-living shit out of Subject 1 in less than a minute. This is not a matter of her being the fastest person to subdue the man, no, she is the only person who ever done this in the entirety of his life. Subject 1 had never faced this kind of defeat in the hands of any of his victims.
I was about to send two of my direct associates to get rid of Patricia as fast as possible to prevent any further repercussions.
Once again...
I decided against that.
I decided... I made this decision when I saw Justin standing up as he took the metal folding chair that was just sitting around in the corner of the room and looked at Subject 1 in the eyes.
Subject 1 didn't blink as he gritted his teeth while looking at Justin approaching him weakly with the metallic, foldable chair on his hands. The man panted heavily on the floor as Patricia called the police. She then proceeded to report what happened at the sex shop and answer all of their questions. Patricia noticed how Justin was ambling towards them with the same chair that the man used against her earlier. She thought that maybe Justin would use that chair as a sort of ironic revenge against Subject 1 for what the man had done to Justin's body. She pitied him as while reported the crime to the local police authorities as her gaze locked on his weak eyes.
Not weak...
Yes. That was when Patricia started to feel that something was off.
Justin's eyes did not have a sense of weakness within it...
No, I've seen it myself... it's... it's filled with gentleness and love like her pupils had morphed into a heart shape.
And as the man looked at Justin with all the anger in his heart, as he thinks of the many ways he would kill Justin if he could just bring back time, as he refused to blink his reddened eyes to be aware of his last day on earth, Subject 1 saw Justin spoke.
"This is for you, Master."
And that was the end of Patricia.
35 strikes in the head. Once Justin stopped hitting her, he could see her skull. Justin would never have stopped if Subject 1 didn't stop Justin from further bashing Patricia's head. The man calmed Justin's never-ending strikes by hugging the cashier personnel's body as tender as Subject 1 could with his lips touching his neck... The neck of the man he owns, his property.
When the man looked at Justin, he was panting like crazy with the broadest smile on his face. "Was I a good boy, Sir?"
"Yes," the man said as he fixes Justin's ruffled hair. "You did so well, Justin. I am so, so proud of you, my little Justin."
"Aha... Ahahaha... hahaha..." Justin started laughing weakly as he starts striking the air in front of him with the foldable metal chair in his hands, seemingly thinking that he was still hitting the man who dared to defile his owner.
The man saw this, and at this point, he was not just pleased with Justin, he was enthralled by him; this pathetic lowlife of a cashier personnel had enraptured him so much that would even dare say that Cupid's bow had landed on his stone heart. Subject 1 wanted to calm Justin's already erratic state, and he did so by kissing him; this is the only time Subject 1 kissed any of his victims. No, you don't understand what I'm saying. I know that the man had used his lips to touch another person's lips before, but this is different, I mean, this guy, Justin, is the only person that Subject 1 truly kissed with the intention of loving the taste of his lips, not because it was the conventional thing a person does during sex. When Subject 1 saw Justin's lips, he couldn't keep himself, and he really, really just wants to kiss him and never stop even if it meant throwing away his ability to breath. The absolute devotion that Justin showed Subject 1 charmed the man so much that he couldn't let go once he felt his tongue moves along with Justin's tongue.
Justin, at this point, had reached further than the state of nirvana as he dropped the foldable metal chair on the ground. The only thing he cared about is how good his owner's tongue felt as it played all over his mouth.
When their lips moved away from each other, Subject 1 slowly diverted his gaze towards the real victim of today's hunt.
"Poor Patricia." The man said before spitting on the back of the steadfast lady's head as he felt Justin's warm embrace. Without further ado, Subject 1 stomped on Patricia's phone and kissed Justin again as the man discovered a newfound addiction within the confines of this cashier personnel's mouth.
"I want you to listen to me, Justin." The man said as he wrapped his arms around Justin's bare body. "The police are coming, and they will definitely catch me."
"Oh, no..." Justin exclaimed with all the sadness in his heart.
"Yeah, it's bad, but we can fix it."
"H-how...?" Justin whispered as he grabbed onto the man's T-shirt, willing to give everything that he has just to prevent his owner from falling into the hands' of the authorities.
"Can I trust you?"
"I'll give my life to you!" Justin replied with the smile of a broken man as he looked at Subject 1 with eyes filled with nothingness. "Yes, Sir. You can trust me."
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