A Serenade for the Innocent
63 The Plan
Enter through the backdoor.
Meet with the bar owner.
Give the drug to the owner.
Make Special Agent William Callahan faint.
Drag him into the van.
Off his head.
Do the same thing to the other one.
And fly to another country with Justin.
That's the plan that Subject 1 had concocted with the aid of Justin. Both of them knew that this plan is... shaky and downright unremarkable, but it was a good start if they really wish to deal with this problem. Before the formulation of this downright unreliable plan, Justin had suggested that they should just flee while the feds were still not sniffing around their turf. Subject 1 respected this idea and deliberated its pros and cons before ultimately denying it and deciding to go through the plan that they had already made.
Our team agreed with Subject 1's decision. After all, the man and Justin have already gone this far. There's no other way for them to escape this hell hole without gaining some attention on the people around them who already have their eyebrow raised. Besides, no matter what they would do, the chances that the FBI would catch them is profound no matter what plan they would decide to initiate. If they would be found anyway sooner or later, they might as well send a message to the upper echelons of the FBI by killing the agents that they had sent to nab him, the so-called Oregon Butcher. It would be a fitting end to his story; heck, I'm already seeing the Netflix docu-series about it.
However, that's not necessarily the reason why Subject 1 denied Justin's advice of fleeing without shedding further blood. You see, he's a simple, simple man. He did not make any real deliberation when deciding on how they would face the FBI threat. He just really wanna fuck people up, and to be honest, even if they would flee somewhere far or in a different universe altogether, the man is so used to the absolute thrill of game-ending someone that he would definitely find a way to kill another person wherever he might go.
His logic is simple. He just doesn't wanna leave Salem without burning the FBI's bridges down. He wanna fuck people up real good until he would secure a fair amount of sin to have a throne down there in hell.
Thus, on the following night, when Subject 1 attempted to murder Justin, both of them marched on towards the bar. Justin led the way towards the bar; Subject 1 thought that it would be an obscure place but was instantly rendered speechless when he saw that it was actually the same bar that he frequently visited. Subject 1 never really went here anymore after that Jean incident. Justin had been visiting this bar by the time he heard about the rumors that one of the two detectives frequently visited this bar three to five times a week. After two weeks of visiting the bar daily, Justin had found out that Special Agent William Barnes would go to the bar almost every day around 9 to 11 pm and would leave the establishment around 2 to 4 am with no real factor or variants affecting the length of his stay or the time in which he would decide to leave.
Barnes loves sitting on the bar area; in fact, Justin has concluded that he might have a hatred towards the other tables inside the establishment because he would rather stand somewhere while drinking his usual whiskey or bourbon and wait for one of the patrons sitting on the bar to stand up and leave. He would entertain someone who wishes to speak with him only when he was sitting on the bar.
Justin had also found a rather interesting fact about William Barnes. He would immediately dismiss any women who would talk to him, but he would happily speak with other men—particularly some tall, slender, and strikingly handsome men—for hours. He would even leave with those men earlier; Justin had also found out that William Barnes would willingly enter these men's places, probably to hook up with them. This fact alone was the reason why Justin suggested to Subject 1 that perhaps using the drug to a man like William Barnes, who would willingly go to anyone's home for some casual sex, would be an overkill. Nevertheless, Subject 1 refused this suggestion, saying that he would rather use the drug no matter how cooperative William Barnes is because it's much more interesting that way.
And I mean... He's not wrong! He's gonna murder a federal agent, might as well spice it up some more. It's much more interesting that way for the people who would watch his documentary on Netflix in the very, very near future. 2021 maybe? Well, he needs to be caught first, so maybe 2025? Ooh! Oooh, I know! Let's do a competition on who can make the bestest title for a Netflix documentary! The winner will get a blender—oh god, I want a blender.
Anyway, they decided to see through the plan until the very end without much changes. Before the bar opens, Justin and Subject 1 had already arrived at the backdoor of the bar. Since Justin and the owner of the bar knew each other since they were young, the bar owner happily allowed them to enter and hear what they had to say.
Thus, their first problem had already hit their way.
The bar owner, who was cradling his young daughter in his arms at the time, was against the idea of helping two people in drugging one of his customers. Not only because of the ethical implication of it that would obviously give him some guilt-ridden nightmares, but it would also be bad for his business. Nevertheless, Justin pushed him on, saying that he doesn't have to do it ever again for him, and it would not affect his business since the man that they're trying to catch is, and I quote, "a salacious little bitch who would gobble any cock he sees." Which, to be fair, is true. That quote alone made me like Justin a lot, although he's no one to talk cuz he's just as cock-hungry as William Barnes.
The bar owner was quick to point this out too when he chuckled after hearing what Justin had said, as we can see on this clip right here. "Damn, you really said those words in front of my baby daughter!" The bar owner scoffed jokingly. "You have a lot of nerve to be saying that about some random homo when I bet you're far, far worse than him. Far worse!"
Justin dropped his tense shoulder and smiled wryly after hearing what the man had said. He then placed his arms on Subject 1's legs. "Of course. I'm better too."
Subject 1 doesn't like the way Justin provocatively talks to the bar owner this way, and he growled subtly at him. Justin tightened his grip on Subject 1's legs, pleading him to endure this bit of humiliation to ensure the success of their plan. One way or another, Subject 1 finally agreed to one of Justin's suggestion after thinking about the gravity of the project they're trying to do.
Justin then continued with his legs crossed. "Why don't we talk about this matter in your room? Just the two of us. Like old times."
"Like old times, eh?" The bar owner said while biting his lips. He then diverted his gaze to the man sitting beside Justin as he felt his daughter waking up in his arms. "What about him?"
"Oh." Justin's hand then started to shake, and Subject 1 could feel it on his legs. "Don't worry, he doesn't mind."
Subject 1 knows by the way Justin's voice quivered that he would hate whatever he would do to this so-called childhood friend of his. He knows that Justin hated what he just said, but he had to do it to make their plan happen. Subject 1 is not the brightest man in town, but when both Justin and the bar owner left him in his lonesome in the still-closed bar and returned with Justin looking flushed while his lips were covered with a sticky fluid, even a childish person like Subject would understand what Justin had done to make this plan work.
And for the most part, it helped them a lot. When the bar opened, the third person to enter was Special Agent William Barnes. The only thing they would do is for one of them to strike a conversation with the federal agent and hope that he would bite their bait. However, with a seething anger still lingering within him, Subject 1 vowed to himself that someday, he would do all sorts of methods he could use to kill, dissect, ruin, and destroy this fat, short, and greasy-looking, little, bitchass, stupid motherfucker who owned this bar after extending his hand to "help" them.
To be honest, what shocked most of my members more was the fact that Subject 1 didn't hold resentment towards Justin. Well, not me, though. After seeing all the unusual things that Subject 1 had done with Justin, I am already expecting that he would be more worried about him rather than getting angry at him after sucking someone else's tiny peepee. And well, what can I say? I'm into cuckoldry, sooo... Netorare is good, stop judging me, okay? The fuck? Why are you looking at me like that!? No, you're definitely giving me that "oooh, she nasty!" kinda look! Oh no, don't you dare act like you didn't do it! DO NOT! You know what, fuck you, I WILL make a callout post on Twitter dot come about your bitchass! Look, it's not like I would do the cucking, okay? I just really, really like to read about it! No, I'm not being defensive! I'm just... ugh! Let's just... OH MY GOD! Let's just go back to the presentation, okay? Bunch of judgmental assholes. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.
Soon, people entered the bar one after another, but one of them decided to talk to the gloomy-looking William Barnes. Anyway, what happened next is exactly what you have seen earlier in the clip, the man worked up the courage to talk to the federal agent who was out there to nab his ass. He was feeling unusually unconfident in front of the sharp-looking special agent with his sharp gaze that could pierce through his head. The man was not surprised if he knew that the federal agent could read minds somehow, for once Subject 1 sat beside him, he could already feel the animosity the special agent was exuding, signaling that he does not trust Subject 1. Nevertheless, he still talked to him, though, he's sweating a lot as his entire body shakes.
William Barnes noticed this, and the corner of his lips perked up as he saw how hard the man in front of him tries to hide his nervousness.
"How's the case, detective Barnes?"
As Subject 1 made his remark, Justin looked at them from a nearby table intently, with all the vigor the one would not see in a captive slave.
Meet with the bar owner.
Give the drug to the owner.
Make Special Agent William Callahan faint.
Drag him into the van.
Off his head.
Do the same thing to the other one.
And fly to another country with Justin.
That's the plan that Subject 1 had concocted with the aid of Justin. Both of them knew that this plan is... shaky and downright unremarkable, but it was a good start if they really wish to deal with this problem. Before the formulation of this downright unreliable plan, Justin had suggested that they should just flee while the feds were still not sniffing around their turf. Subject 1 respected this idea and deliberated its pros and cons before ultimately denying it and deciding to go through the plan that they had already made.
Our team agreed with Subject 1's decision. After all, the man and Justin have already gone this far. There's no other way for them to escape this hell hole without gaining some attention on the people around them who already have their eyebrow raised. Besides, no matter what they would do, the chances that the FBI would catch them is profound no matter what plan they would decide to initiate. If they would be found anyway sooner or later, they might as well send a message to the upper echelons of the FBI by killing the agents that they had sent to nab him, the so-called Oregon Butcher. It would be a fitting end to his story; heck, I'm already seeing the Netflix docu-series about it.
However, that's not necessarily the reason why Subject 1 denied Justin's advice of fleeing without shedding further blood. You see, he's a simple, simple man. He did not make any real deliberation when deciding on how they would face the FBI threat. He just really wanna fuck people up, and to be honest, even if they would flee somewhere far or in a different universe altogether, the man is so used to the absolute thrill of game-ending someone that he would definitely find a way to kill another person wherever he might go.
His logic is simple. He just doesn't wanna leave Salem without burning the FBI's bridges down. He wanna fuck people up real good until he would secure a fair amount of sin to have a throne down there in hell.
Thus, on the following night, when Subject 1 attempted to murder Justin, both of them marched on towards the bar. Justin led the way towards the bar; Subject 1 thought that it would be an obscure place but was instantly rendered speechless when he saw that it was actually the same bar that he frequently visited. Subject 1 never really went here anymore after that Jean incident. Justin had been visiting this bar by the time he heard about the rumors that one of the two detectives frequently visited this bar three to five times a week. After two weeks of visiting the bar daily, Justin had found out that Special Agent William Barnes would go to the bar almost every day around 9 to 11 pm and would leave the establishment around 2 to 4 am with no real factor or variants affecting the length of his stay or the time in which he would decide to leave.
Barnes loves sitting on the bar area; in fact, Justin has concluded that he might have a hatred towards the other tables inside the establishment because he would rather stand somewhere while drinking his usual whiskey or bourbon and wait for one of the patrons sitting on the bar to stand up and leave. He would entertain someone who wishes to speak with him only when he was sitting on the bar.
Justin had also found a rather interesting fact about William Barnes. He would immediately dismiss any women who would talk to him, but he would happily speak with other men—particularly some tall, slender, and strikingly handsome men—for hours. He would even leave with those men earlier; Justin had also found out that William Barnes would willingly enter these men's places, probably to hook up with them. This fact alone was the reason why Justin suggested to Subject 1 that perhaps using the drug to a man like William Barnes, who would willingly go to anyone's home for some casual sex, would be an overkill. Nevertheless, Subject 1 refused this suggestion, saying that he would rather use the drug no matter how cooperative William Barnes is because it's much more interesting that way.
And I mean... He's not wrong! He's gonna murder a federal agent, might as well spice it up some more. It's much more interesting that way for the people who would watch his documentary on Netflix in the very, very near future. 2021 maybe? Well, he needs to be caught first, so maybe 2025? Ooh! Oooh, I know! Let's do a competition on who can make the bestest title for a Netflix documentary! The winner will get a blender—oh god, I want a blender.
Anyway, they decided to see through the plan until the very end without much changes. Before the bar opens, Justin and Subject 1 had already arrived at the backdoor of the bar. Since Justin and the owner of the bar knew each other since they were young, the bar owner happily allowed them to enter and hear what they had to say.
Thus, their first problem had already hit their way.
The bar owner, who was cradling his young daughter in his arms at the time, was against the idea of helping two people in drugging one of his customers. Not only because of the ethical implication of it that would obviously give him some guilt-ridden nightmares, but it would also be bad for his business. Nevertheless, Justin pushed him on, saying that he doesn't have to do it ever again for him, and it would not affect his business since the man that they're trying to catch is, and I quote, "a salacious little bitch who would gobble any cock he sees." Which, to be fair, is true. That quote alone made me like Justin a lot, although he's no one to talk cuz he's just as cock-hungry as William Barnes.
The bar owner was quick to point this out too when he chuckled after hearing what Justin had said, as we can see on this clip right here. "Damn, you really said those words in front of my baby daughter!" The bar owner scoffed jokingly. "You have a lot of nerve to be saying that about some random homo when I bet you're far, far worse than him. Far worse!"
Justin dropped his tense shoulder and smiled wryly after hearing what the man had said. He then placed his arms on Subject 1's legs. "Of course. I'm better too."
Subject 1 doesn't like the way Justin provocatively talks to the bar owner this way, and he growled subtly at him. Justin tightened his grip on Subject 1's legs, pleading him to endure this bit of humiliation to ensure the success of their plan. One way or another, Subject 1 finally agreed to one of Justin's suggestion after thinking about the gravity of the project they're trying to do.
Justin then continued with his legs crossed. "Why don't we talk about this matter in your room? Just the two of us. Like old times."
"Like old times, eh?" The bar owner said while biting his lips. He then diverted his gaze to the man sitting beside Justin as he felt his daughter waking up in his arms. "What about him?"
"Oh." Justin's hand then started to shake, and Subject 1 could feel it on his legs. "Don't worry, he doesn't mind."
Subject 1 knows by the way Justin's voice quivered that he would hate whatever he would do to this so-called childhood friend of his. He knows that Justin hated what he just said, but he had to do it to make their plan happen. Subject 1 is not the brightest man in town, but when both Justin and the bar owner left him in his lonesome in the still-closed bar and returned with Justin looking flushed while his lips were covered with a sticky fluid, even a childish person like Subject would understand what Justin had done to make this plan work.
And for the most part, it helped them a lot. When the bar opened, the third person to enter was Special Agent William Barnes. The only thing they would do is for one of them to strike a conversation with the federal agent and hope that he would bite their bait. However, with a seething anger still lingering within him, Subject 1 vowed to himself that someday, he would do all sorts of methods he could use to kill, dissect, ruin, and destroy this fat, short, and greasy-looking, little, bitchass, stupid motherfucker who owned this bar after extending his hand to "help" them.
To be honest, what shocked most of my members more was the fact that Subject 1 didn't hold resentment towards Justin. Well, not me, though. After seeing all the unusual things that Subject 1 had done with Justin, I am already expecting that he would be more worried about him rather than getting angry at him after sucking someone else's tiny peepee. And well, what can I say? I'm into cuckoldry, sooo... Netorare is good, stop judging me, okay? The fuck? Why are you looking at me like that!? No, you're definitely giving me that "oooh, she nasty!" kinda look! Oh no, don't you dare act like you didn't do it! DO NOT! You know what, fuck you, I WILL make a callout post on Twitter dot come about your bitchass! Look, it's not like I would do the cucking, okay? I just really, really like to read about it! No, I'm not being defensive! I'm just... ugh! Let's just... OH MY GOD! Let's just go back to the presentation, okay? Bunch of judgmental assholes. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.
Soon, people entered the bar one after another, but one of them decided to talk to the gloomy-looking William Barnes. Anyway, what happened next is exactly what you have seen earlier in the clip, the man worked up the courage to talk to the federal agent who was out there to nab his ass. He was feeling unusually unconfident in front of the sharp-looking special agent with his sharp gaze that could pierce through his head. The man was not surprised if he knew that the federal agent could read minds somehow, for once Subject 1 sat beside him, he could already feel the animosity the special agent was exuding, signaling that he does not trust Subject 1. Nevertheless, he still talked to him, though, he's sweating a lot as his entire body shakes.
William Barnes noticed this, and the corner of his lips perked up as he saw how hard the man in front of him tries to hide his nervousness.
"How's the case, detective Barnes?"
As Subject 1 made his remark, Justin looked at them from a nearby table intently, with all the vigor the one would not see in a captive slave.
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