Well then... I guess I have to explain to you what exactly our family does every week in Plural Heights.

Your voice is, oh, so soothing, Mother. You make me feel as if I'm being swooned just by listening as it courses through my veins. Oh... What a beautiful—

Are you not interested in hearing about the program anymore, boy?

I-I am, Mother, truly, I am! P-please, continue!

Very well. I shall reiterate to you the many things we do while we spend our time here in—

God, what a beautiful body.

Excuse me?

I want to shoot all of my seeds inside of your fucking baby-makers so fucking bad until you stop begging me to dump three litters more of dick milk inside of your hole.

My son, we are talking about our schedule here! Focus.

Look at that filthy mouth of yours, smiling at me smugly like the ungrateful little bitch that you are. I bet you think you're better than me just because you have all these good shit all around you, huh?

Focus, boy, focus, listen only to my voice, and look up at the stag above my head.

I would ruin your mouth so fucking hard till you choke and puke out of your smug mouth pussy. Look at you crossing your legs like that as if you're not gonna spread them anyway to any man who would ask. You're just like any female out there, but you're drowned into thinking that having all of this "career" shit makes you better than a man.

I see. I knew that this mind hack thing would stop working soon, but I never thought that it would fail that fast on you.

Finally acknowledging your alpha now, huh, girl? Why are you looking at me like that, huh? What's up with that pointed look? A female like you should already know that I'm far superior to you, physically and mentally. That's why we managed to invent everything you're using right now. What? Can't speak anymore, huh? I don't know what you did to me, but I don't really appreciate you hacking through my brain like that—

"Snap out of it!" I felt her palms hitting my face hard like a ball just hit me on my cheeks.


Wha... What happened? What happened to me? I remembered talking to Veronica, but I... I can't remember much of it. It felt all so surreal. Was she really talking inside of my head?

"I did a minor miscalculation earlier," Veronica said with a scornful but somehow melancholic look on her face. However, from my viewpoint now that I'm looking up at her while she stood before me, I could only conclude that her gaze contained nothing but disgust. "While I was doing my best to release the strength lying within your subconsciousness, I managed to tap on a... I guess we can call it a major flaw in your mental structure."

"Huh? I'm sorry, miss V, but I really can't remember much of what we were doing earlier, I think I must have dozed off." I said in rapid-fire succession as I saw Veronica explain whatever is happening as I saw a crease forming further and further between her eyebrows. "I didn't sleep much last night, so I... well, I did manage to sleep a bit earlier when I got here, but well... Huh." I then started mumbling beneath my breath. "Why am I sleeping earlier again?"

As I had those thoughts running through my head, Veronica heaved a shallow sigh as she sat beside me on the sofa with her legs tightly closed. "It must have been because I didn't know you much, but if you attend more and more of our weekly meetings, then we will be able to support you better as time goes on." She then slightly moved her hips to pull her body away from me a bit, which hurt me somehow strangely. "If you're still interested, then we can continue talking about the schedule that I explained earlier."

"Oh, yeah... The schedule, shucks, yeah, I remember now. Sorry, we should really get on with it now; I don't want to waste your time anymore."

Veronica then slowly breathed a sigh of relief as she searched through the many files inside of her folder. As she did so, the room was once again covered in silence, well, save for one thing.

"Slurp, slurp, shuuck, bleghbleghblegh!" The sound of Jimmy licking and massaging my feet rang throughout the ghastly silence surrounding us. God, he's such a fucking homo freak; I can't believe I was supposed to be meeting this weird fuck today, so thank god, Veronica came along with him. Look at him, happily licking my soles clean as if he owns it. Fucking ugly ass motherfucker really thinks he can mess with my feet just because he can. I want to be polite, so I'm letting him do whatever he damn please, but I'm really on the verge of beating the shit out of him the more I see him happily sucking my toes with a sex-craved aura seeping out of his dead eyes. Fucking disgusting! I want to go home already, if not for this female sitting beside me. Shit. I really wish that I hadn't come. This is so fucking uncomfortable.

Perhaps my disgust manifested itself in my facial expression because when Veronica looked at me, she instantly cleared her throat and called out Jimmy's name before saying, "Why don't you wait for me outside of the mall, for now, James? I'll give you your next orders later."

With his own spit still painting the area around his face, Jimmy released my feet from his gentle grasp before standing up with a relaxed grin on his face. Fucking bastard must have loved spending about an hour of his time down there since he looked like he just acquired nirvana or some shit.

"Yes, Mother," Jimmy mumbled with a bow before leaving the room.

"Now then, perhaps our conversation earlier didn't work because you weren't feeling relaxed by the fact that Jimmy is the one doing the massage. Maybe next time, I can arrange for someone better." Veronica uttered, still with a sharp look on her face devoid of joy, but at least, her voice sounded calmer now.

"Oh, please, don't bother anymore. I really am okay with just talking like this." I said as I subtly tried the wipe the spit on my feet on the carpet.

"Well, then. I'll start with our agenda on day 1." Veronica looked down on the papers she took from her envelope. "Oh, and you know that you can use the towels there on that table next to you, right? You're ruining the carpet."

I stopped trying to take the saliva off my feet momentarily. I then squirmed in embarrassment, feeling my face getting hotter as I took the towel that I had used earlier. I then started wiping my feet thoroughly while Veronica began to speak.

"During the first day—so in your case, that's during every Saturday—we will be having our community enrichment episodes where we focus on integrating you inside of the Plural Heights family through various exercises," Veronica uttered with the same domineering tone she always had. Still, she refused to look at me unlike earlier. "we call this day our weekly spiritual healing session."

I nodded my head as I wiped my feet, not really listening anymore since I just want to get out of here as fast as I can.

"Our day starts at 10 am, where we will have several breathing exercises and stretching activities to relax our mind and body both at the same time," Veronica said while gently moving her hands and fingers around her bosom to simulate what it looks like the act of breathing. "Because we in Plural Heights believe that our spirit will be able to accept a sip of the world's earthly energy and grant us the ability to store a higher sense of power inside of us to unlock our inner strength through meditation and to have a calm mind."

I then saw a smile creep through Veronica's face subtly, which she then instantly pulled out before taking the paper she was reading back into her folder.

"The rest of the day, we will only be spending in having you understand yourselves and your peers inside of the greater community here in the Plural Heights family. There, we will cleanse the poison that the people who control the world feeds you every day through the media, art, and, of course, religion."

After hearing this, I suddenly looked up at Veronica, intrigued a bit by what she had just said.

"I'm sure you're curious about what I mean when I said 'people who control the world.' Well, worry not because we will be discussing so much more about this topic in full detail once you attended your first day here at Plural Heights. All you need to know is that we will be there to remove and debunk everything that your religion and the media you're consuming had said to you in order to poison your head." She said as she leaned her body towards me, making me jump after taking a bit of whiff of her sweet perfume. God, she smells so good; I could almost swear that her scent was like that of a crushed cherry, which inevitably made me want to eat her whole.

"I... I see..." I mumbled as I diverted my gaze away from her scrutinizing eyes.

"Tell me, boy, are you born in a Christian family?" Veronica uttered, still gazing at me, although I am no longer looking at him with my entire body trembling in fear.

"Yes. My mother's family is a devout Christian household." I replied as honestly as I could. However, I realized that I must have been too honest and blurted something more than what she had asked. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.

"There goes the problem, see? You may call yourself an atheist, but I'm sure that there's still a bit of a religious poison sleeping within your heart right now. We don't want to wake that up and turn you into another one of their sheep in the church. Our job here in Plural Heights is to cleanse that completely until there's nothing left to taint your soul." Veronica said before grabbing my shoulders tightly, making me squirm in heat. "Do you understand?"

"Yes." I could only mumble as I slowly looked at her eyes only to take it away because of the sheer terror her gaze exudes.

"Good." She then moved her body away from me as she slowly tapped on my legs thrice with a smile. I gritted my teeth with my mouth closed tightly when I felt her hands on me. "Next is our order of business during the second day, so that's Sunday for you."

Veronica continued to explain the schedule to me without a hint of stopping as if she had already concluded that I would most definitely attend these two-day sessions that she's talking about. Sure, I may be interested, but the way her tone releases a sense of certainty made me feel like she's not only giving me two choices here: "Yes, I will attend." or "No, I will not fail to attend your session."

"I have to admit that you might feel a bit odd about what we usually do during the second day, which is definitely normal for newcomers. However, I want to reassure you that we will not do anything that you will hate during these procedures. All of the things that you will see, feel, hear, smell, and taste will all be consensual and safe for your body and your partner's."

"Wait, wait, wait," I said with a dumbfounded chuckle. "These all sound so weird to me. What exactly are we talking about here."

"Don't worry about it. We wouldn't be doing anything weird unless you're into it." Veronica continued without a change in her expression.

"I still don't understand. Are we still talking about your group?" I said almost stuttering after hearing this sudden development.

"I am serious, boy. We value your time here with us, and we won't do anything that would do you hard or displeasure. We also checked thoroughly every week before each session if one of them have some kind of disease." Veronica said while carefully taking the folder on the table beside her again. She then showed me numerous documents, which showed detailed information of a few people along with their pictures. Jimmy was one of them.

"I don't get it, really." I said as I looked at all of the documents, gazing at the part that says 'Disease,' and the document said that they were all negative. I then looked up at Veronica again as I mumbled. "Can you please elaborate?"

"I'm talking about sex, boy," Veronica mumbled as she placed her folder on a table beside her. She then placed her hands on her lap, moved her body to face my direction, and smiled gently like that of a mother seeing her grown son. "You will be having sex with one of my top affiliates."

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