A Serenade for the Innocent
98 Seed
"Hey," Nicole mumbled as she laid naked on top of me.
"Yeah?" I said with a satisfied grin on my face as I panted loudly after what I considered to be a worthwhile exercise that I haven't done for a long time.
"Let's get married," Nicole replied with a soft giggle as I felt her licking the sweat on my chest. I want to be your wife."
"What? I..." I said with a confused look on my eyes as I felt Nicole continue to mess with my hardened nipples.
"I want to have your babies. When I first met you, I already know that I wish to dedicate my life to being your subservient little girl in the house." Nicole continued as she slowly gets up, straddling my lap, which was enough to have all my blood return into my lower half. "I want to be the mother of your many, many children. Please, baby, you already fucked me; I know you liked me! You just have to say yes, yes, yes, please. Say, yes!" Nicole uttered as she dropped her petite body, letting her lady cave swallow the entirety of my manhood. She kept speaking those words of affection as all of the blood in my head started to leave my head and travel down into the area that Nicole had conquered.
"I'm not... Ahhh! I'm not sure if... oh god, that's so good..." I tried to utter a few words of protestation, but every time I did so, Nicole would tighten the grip of her insides all over the shaft of my member, which is enough to make her squeal and make me lose all sense to blabber a five-word sentence.
Mary's claws dropped onto the bed, as her spit starts to fall onto my face, slowly dripping into my skin like the web of a black widow ready to eat her prey up for dinner. Her hands clawed around my face as if she was about to grab me whole and crush my skull but still continue to make love to my already decapitated corpse. Her sweat starts to intermingle with mine as a sticky texture starts to swallow both of us whole like we're entangled into a toxic goo that will soon melt us both whole.
"Marry me! Marry me! Marry me!" Nicole kept repeating and repeating with increasing intensity coming from her tone as she also quickened the pace in which she rode my body. At that very moment, I had realized that her role in this world was indeed to become mine, my woman.
Her face was filled with utter ecstasy as she rode my lap. She would raise her body slowly, making her wet flesh caress the shaft of my manhood until it reached the tip and swiftly dropping her ass onto my waist, taking the entirety of my length balls deep. Every she would do this, her lips would turn into an o-shape that would make her reddened face flush even more! Her sweat covers her entire face like it's a dripping hot caramel that would soon thaw her skull.
And that ticked the switch in my head that I was trying my hardest to suppress.
I remembered how my mom would tell me that I am a son of a god. As a member of a Christian brotherhood who vowed to serve the lord, body and soul, I must dedicate myself to treat my body like a temple and only sacrifice the sanctity of my sex life to the right person after marriage. Those were everything my mother told me, and it was all legitimized by the pastor in our local parish. They all said that a man must only embrace a woman when he had already vowed to the lord that he should stay with her forever.
But Veronica also told me to denounce every poison those little insects in the church kept telling me, and what better time to do that but now?
I dropped Nicole's body onto the bed and pinned her down further into the sheets with gritting hands. "You wanna be my bitch that bad, huh?" I said as I pulled her hair, making Nicole moan even further like a horned up little pig. "Begging for my dick like a fucking whore. Nah, not 'like,'" I continued to drill the entirety of my strength into her hole as the anger in me rises into an almost unbelievable level, turning my body into an unbelievable red color. "you are a whore, Nicole! My whore! MINE!"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.
"Yes, yes! I want you! I need you, sir, I want to be yours! I want to be your wife, sir, make me your wife. I want to serve you and give you many children and fix your home forever and ever and ever!" Nicole uttered as she started to move her hips rhythmically as I continued to plow through her tight little baby-makers.
"Fine!" I screamed, spilling a few of my spit out of my trembling lips. "If you wanna be my little bitch that bad, then fine! I'll fuck you all day, and you'll never, ever, ever be able to say 'no' to me ever again! You want to be my wife that bad, huh? Then yeah! I accept, bitch; I'll be your owner!" I suddenly felt a rising tightness coursing around my scrotum, making my legs shake as I allowed my hidden inhibitions to conquer my body.
"Thank you very much, siiiir!" She mumbled as I felt my semen course through her insides.
I then allowed my body to drop onto the bed beside Nicole as our fatigue took the better of us. That was when I finally realized what I have done; I looked at Nicole, and she looked back at me with a relaxed smile as she started to mumble with her hands on her stomach.
"You'll be a father soon."
I gulped my spit into the back of my throat as my jaws slowly dropped. Fuck. I just impregnated a woman I had met yesterday. This is fucking nuts!
I raised my head with my head laying on my hands, trying my very best to find the most logical solution to this shit show that I had just thrown into my already shitty life. FUCK! I just met this lady yesterday. FUCKING YESTERDAY, ME!? SHIT! My heart didn't have the time to relax because after pounding nonstop earlier for fucking the shit out of this female Plural Heights member that I had just impregnated just now, I am now thinking about the many hundreds of ways this day could end. I haven't even started my job in Jimmy's company yet, and I'm already here trapping myself in a marriage with a stranger. I don't know her; I don't know her address, I don't know her favorite color, I don't know her favorite music, I don't know what food she likes, heck, I don't even know her surname!
And I...
"It's okay, baby," Nicole uttered as she slowly hugged me from behind. She slowly laid her head on my shoulder as her trembling arms wrapped around my shoulders. "I always wanted to start again after the death of my children, and I..." She then sighed as she lightly tapped her lips on my cheeks. "If you want,
can get an abortion."
"What?" I turned my head towards her direction after hearing that bombshell that she had just thrown at me. "No, no, no, no! Fuck! What are you saying?" I said while the idea of killing my child that's still forming around Nicole's belly started to make my body tremble out of control. I began to lose my breath after all these thoughts suddenly poured through my head. "What are you saying, Nicole? What the fuck are you trying to tell me?" I said as I gently held her cheeks with both my trembling hands, but my voice roared with all the seeping anger welling within me. I am so fucking confused, so, so fucking confused. What is she trying to say? Why is she saying that? "We're not getting that abortion... Nicole, we are not going to abort our child."
Nicole gasped. "Then..." Her face started to beam as she looked at me as tears begin to dampen her pretty big eyes. I began to fix her ruffled hair as her tears finally allowed themselves to jump out of the confines of her eyes.
"I'm marrying you, Nicole," I said with a smile, but something deep inside me was trying to pull those words away from my lips. Alas, they went out, and that last bastion of rationality in me finally gave up. "I'm gonna be your husband, Nicole," I said that but it almost pained me like hundreds of prickling needles inside of me, but I still uttered those words like I'm puking hundreds of sharp glass shards.
Nicole then embraces me from behind with her head still on my shoulder. I continued to sit on the soft king-size bed that is conveniently placed in a shady room in the backstage of the Plural Heights mall cinema. I then remembered that Veronica said she had something for me in this room. Was this it? Was this the gift that she told me to take? All of those realizations build within me. I start to feel like I'm losing myself and the colors of my life. Thus, as this dimly lit room surround us with a sharp fluorescent light, I could feel my body slowly losing any semblance of hues or saturation as Nicole remained embracing me with her soft body.
No, scratch that.
I don't even know if it's really soft.
I can't feel it.
I can't feel her. I can't feel anything.
"You're going to be a father," Nicole said, as her voice enraptured my blank mind. "we should tell Jimmy about this before you do your oath-taking for Plural Heights membership."
"... yeah..." I simple mumbled, but I don't even know at this point what I was doing.
I just impregnated a woman I barely know, plunged my seed deep into her womb... I...
Who am I?
"Yeah?" I said with a satisfied grin on my face as I panted loudly after what I considered to be a worthwhile exercise that I haven't done for a long time.
"Let's get married," Nicole replied with a soft giggle as I felt her licking the sweat on my chest. I want to be your wife."
"What? I..." I said with a confused look on my eyes as I felt Nicole continue to mess with my hardened nipples.
"I want to have your babies. When I first met you, I already know that I wish to dedicate my life to being your subservient little girl in the house." Nicole continued as she slowly gets up, straddling my lap, which was enough to have all my blood return into my lower half. "I want to be the mother of your many, many children. Please, baby, you already fucked me; I know you liked me! You just have to say yes, yes, yes, please. Say, yes!" Nicole uttered as she dropped her petite body, letting her lady cave swallow the entirety of my manhood. She kept speaking those words of affection as all of the blood in my head started to leave my head and travel down into the area that Nicole had conquered.
"I'm not... Ahhh! I'm not sure if... oh god, that's so good..." I tried to utter a few words of protestation, but every time I did so, Nicole would tighten the grip of her insides all over the shaft of my member, which is enough to make her squeal and make me lose all sense to blabber a five-word sentence.
Mary's claws dropped onto the bed, as her spit starts to fall onto my face, slowly dripping into my skin like the web of a black widow ready to eat her prey up for dinner. Her hands clawed around my face as if she was about to grab me whole and crush my skull but still continue to make love to my already decapitated corpse. Her sweat starts to intermingle with mine as a sticky texture starts to swallow both of us whole like we're entangled into a toxic goo that will soon melt us both whole.
"Marry me! Marry me! Marry me!" Nicole kept repeating and repeating with increasing intensity coming from her tone as she also quickened the pace in which she rode my body. At that very moment, I had realized that her role in this world was indeed to become mine, my woman.
Her face was filled with utter ecstasy as she rode my lap. She would raise her body slowly, making her wet flesh caress the shaft of my manhood until it reached the tip and swiftly dropping her ass onto my waist, taking the entirety of my length balls deep. Every she would do this, her lips would turn into an o-shape that would make her reddened face flush even more! Her sweat covers her entire face like it's a dripping hot caramel that would soon thaw her skull.
And that ticked the switch in my head that I was trying my hardest to suppress.
I remembered how my mom would tell me that I am a son of a god. As a member of a Christian brotherhood who vowed to serve the lord, body and soul, I must dedicate myself to treat my body like a temple and only sacrifice the sanctity of my sex life to the right person after marriage. Those were everything my mother told me, and it was all legitimized by the pastor in our local parish. They all said that a man must only embrace a woman when he had already vowed to the lord that he should stay with her forever.
But Veronica also told me to denounce every poison those little insects in the church kept telling me, and what better time to do that but now?
I dropped Nicole's body onto the bed and pinned her down further into the sheets with gritting hands. "You wanna be my bitch that bad, huh?" I said as I pulled her hair, making Nicole moan even further like a horned up little pig. "Begging for my dick like a fucking whore. Nah, not 'like,'" I continued to drill the entirety of my strength into her hole as the anger in me rises into an almost unbelievable level, turning my body into an unbelievable red color. "you are a whore, Nicole! My whore! MINE!"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.
"Yes, yes! I want you! I need you, sir, I want to be yours! I want to be your wife, sir, make me your wife. I want to serve you and give you many children and fix your home forever and ever and ever!" Nicole uttered as she started to move her hips rhythmically as I continued to plow through her tight little baby-makers.
"Fine!" I screamed, spilling a few of my spit out of my trembling lips. "If you wanna be my little bitch that bad, then fine! I'll fuck you all day, and you'll never, ever, ever be able to say 'no' to me ever again! You want to be my wife that bad, huh? Then yeah! I accept, bitch; I'll be your owner!" I suddenly felt a rising tightness coursing around my scrotum, making my legs shake as I allowed my hidden inhibitions to conquer my body.
"Thank you very much, siiiir!" She mumbled as I felt my semen course through her insides.
I then allowed my body to drop onto the bed beside Nicole as our fatigue took the better of us. That was when I finally realized what I have done; I looked at Nicole, and she looked back at me with a relaxed smile as she started to mumble with her hands on her stomach.
"You'll be a father soon."
I gulped my spit into the back of my throat as my jaws slowly dropped. Fuck. I just impregnated a woman I had met yesterday. This is fucking nuts!
I raised my head with my head laying on my hands, trying my very best to find the most logical solution to this shit show that I had just thrown into my already shitty life. FUCK! I just met this lady yesterday. FUCKING YESTERDAY, ME!? SHIT! My heart didn't have the time to relax because after pounding nonstop earlier for fucking the shit out of this female Plural Heights member that I had just impregnated just now, I am now thinking about the many hundreds of ways this day could end. I haven't even started my job in Jimmy's company yet, and I'm already here trapping myself in a marriage with a stranger. I don't know her; I don't know her address, I don't know her favorite color, I don't know her favorite music, I don't know what food she likes, heck, I don't even know her surname!
And I...
"It's okay, baby," Nicole uttered as she slowly hugged me from behind. She slowly laid her head on my shoulder as her trembling arms wrapped around my shoulders. "I always wanted to start again after the death of my children, and I..." She then sighed as she lightly tapped her lips on my cheeks. "If you want,
can get an abortion."
"What?" I turned my head towards her direction after hearing that bombshell that she had just thrown at me. "No, no, no, no! Fuck! What are you saying?" I said while the idea of killing my child that's still forming around Nicole's belly started to make my body tremble out of control. I began to lose my breath after all these thoughts suddenly poured through my head. "What are you saying, Nicole? What the fuck are you trying to tell me?" I said as I gently held her cheeks with both my trembling hands, but my voice roared with all the seeping anger welling within me. I am so fucking confused, so, so fucking confused. What is she trying to say? Why is she saying that? "We're not getting that abortion... Nicole, we are not going to abort our child."
Nicole gasped. "Then..." Her face started to beam as she looked at me as tears begin to dampen her pretty big eyes. I began to fix her ruffled hair as her tears finally allowed themselves to jump out of the confines of her eyes.
"I'm marrying you, Nicole," I said with a smile, but something deep inside me was trying to pull those words away from my lips. Alas, they went out, and that last bastion of rationality in me finally gave up. "I'm gonna be your husband, Nicole," I said that but it almost pained me like hundreds of prickling needles inside of me, but I still uttered those words like I'm puking hundreds of sharp glass shards.
Nicole then embraces me from behind with her head still on my shoulder. I continued to sit on the soft king-size bed that is conveniently placed in a shady room in the backstage of the Plural Heights mall cinema. I then remembered that Veronica said she had something for me in this room. Was this it? Was this the gift that she told me to take? All of those realizations build within me. I start to feel like I'm losing myself and the colors of my life. Thus, as this dimly lit room surround us with a sharp fluorescent light, I could feel my body slowly losing any semblance of hues or saturation as Nicole remained embracing me with her soft body.
No, scratch that.
I don't even know if it's really soft.
I can't feel it.
I can't feel her. I can't feel anything.
"You're going to be a father," Nicole said, as her voice enraptured my blank mind. "we should tell Jimmy about this before you do your oath-taking for Plural Heights membership."
"... yeah..." I simple mumbled, but I don't even know at this point what I was doing.
I just impregnated a woman I barely know, plunged my seed deep into her womb... I...
Who am I?
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