This is… a diary?

Wen Xia’s first reaction was to suspect that he was dreaming, and looked at it again—

September x, 20xx, sunny

On the first day of school, Wen Xia came to Class A. I don’t know why my tablemate changed positions with Wen Xia, but I think it’s a good change, that is…

Wen Xia talked to me, and I was too nervous to answer him properly.

He is not dreaming.

It was Lin Feng Qi’s words.

Wen Xia’s brain function for a while. He recognized that it was Lin Feng Qi’s handwriting. He could read every word of this sentence, but it was like a book from heaven.

He felt a little dizzy.

The reflex nerves slowly told the brain that he had discovered something extraordinary…

A diary is a diary.

Lin Feng Qi’s diary.

Wen Xia’s heartbeat was a little faster, especially when he realized what he had just seen, he felt blood rushing upwards.

He looked away from the diary, looked up at the bookshelf and began to struggle.

Do you want to continue watching? Does he want to peep at the diary? This is very bad… No one likes their privacy being spied on by others.

But if you don’t read…

The contents of this diary are so interesting.

If he didn’t read it, it would be as uncomfortable as if someone had said half of a sentence, and then took it back abruptly, saying “it’s nothing, you still don’t know” with an intriguing expression.

It’s like a milk cat’s paws are scratching in his heart.

…Forget it, it’s not good, it’s not good!

Wen Xia Xin swayed, put the diary in his arms on the ground, pushed the dog’s head away, picked up the diary and looked at it.

He turned to the front. Although this diary was well protected, it could be seen that it had a considerable sense of age. It had been used for a long time. The first date was even when Lin Feng Qi was in middle school. Wen Xia turned back quickly, and after this period of time, he felt a sense of guilt in his heart,but he still continued.

Finally, he turned to the high school section.

The number of words in Lin Feng Qi’s diary also adheres to his usual style, and there will be no large paragraphs of narration, but the style of painting is… completely separated from himself.

for example–

20xx x month x day, sunny

I found a cat at school. It was a few months old. It was very cute. It actually let me rubbed it’s belly.

so cute. I want to have a cat in the future.

Another example-

20xx xx day, cloudy

I went to see the kitten today and found that two boys were going to grab him. I scared them away and got a little angry.

But why do they seem to be afraid of me? They ran away as soon as I got there. Do I look scary?

Wen Xia remembered that there were stray cats in the school, and there were more than one. He also rescued a kitten with a broken leg at the beginning. After sending it to the hospital, the doctor’s diagnosis was basically certain that it was broken by someone, but he didn’t know if it was the cat with a broken leg. There would be no follow-up to this matter because they are not caught except that Wen Xia was angry for more than half a month.

The kitten was adopted later, and he occasionally went home and passed by the hospital to ask about it. The doctor said that it was doing fine in the new home.

The above are all when Lin Feng Qi first entered school. He is like a child with great curiosity and freshness about the new environment. Every day, he records new things he sees and hears in his diary. This part is actually a bit cumbersome. Yes, Wen Xia wanted to fast-forward to the place where his name appeared in the back, but felt reluctant.

He wanted to see more of the different Lin Feng Qi – what he could not see and had completely forgotten at this time.

Then he saw one day—

20xx x month x day, light rain

I found a kitten with a broken leg in the grass. It was very pitiful. It didn’t look like it was accidentally broken. I don’t know if it was man-made.

I bought a ham sausage for it, and made a simple cat litter for it. I hope it can survive tonight.

A cat with a broken leg?

Wen Xia’s heart skipped a beat. When he picked up the cat with the broken leg, the little guy was indeed packed in a small cardboard box. The cardboard box was placed in the grass and covered with a folded piece of paper. The short-sleeved shirt is used as a canopy, and the short-sleeved clothing is uniformly worn during military training. A small gap is left in the “canopy” for the little guy inside to breathe fresh air, and there are half of eaten ham in that box.

So this is what Lin Feng Qi did?

He continued to look down.

20xx x month x day, light rain

I went to see the kitten after school today and brought water and goat milk, but when I went there, someone else found the kitten, it was a boy, and he finally took the kitten away. I was a little worried, and I followed along and saw that he took the kitten to the hospital.

It’s good, the little guy can live.

The cost of the veterinary hospital is definitely not small. The boy is very kind. When he left, he didn’t care that the kitten was dirty, and he carried it in his coat. I don’t know if he has enough money, if not, I think I can bear a little.

Also, he’s good looking. I have never seen such a clean boy.

I don’t know what his name is?

20xx x month x day, overcast

I saw that boy at school today. He is in class 9 and has many friends around him.

I heard his friend call him Wén Xià, I don’t know which two words are, but the pronunciation is very nice. I wanted to drop by and ask him about the kitten, but it would be too abrupt, and… I asked my classmates, his family is rich, maybe he doesn’t need my share.

By the way, he looks good when he smiles.

From the beginning of these two paragraphs, there will be records of similar length from time to time, as if the people who write the diary suddenly have a lot more desire to talk.

Wen Xia was a little stunned. After what Lin Fengq Q wrote in his diary overlapped with his own memories, he realized that this time was far earlier than the first time he saw Lin Feng Qi before the mid-term results bulletin board.

The two diaries are September 15 and 16, and the mid-term is in early November.

September x, 20xx, sunny

The biggest gain today is to know which two words his name means.

Smell of summer.

It’s good to hear.

In the rest of the diary, Wen Xia appeared more and more frequently. Probably because the two didn’t know each other and didn’t have any contact, Lin Feng Qi’s daily records are full of a long-term sense of distance from the sidelines, such as:

September x, 20xx, heavy rain

I saw Wen Xia in the cafeteria today.

He is also in a good mood today. I don’t know why he is happy in such bad weather?

September x, 20xx, sunny

In the physical education class in the afternoon, I saw Wen Xia. He looks very happy today too.

Today I went to the pet hospital to see the kitten, and the kitten is in much better condition. It is a good thing.

September x 20xx, showers

Grandpa’s condition has worsened again, and I don’t know if he can survive the Chinese New Year. My mother also needs surgery, and today I heard my father discussing with her about selling the house.

Fortunately, Wen Xia also smiled today. I admire his carefreeness.

I hope he will always be this happy.

Then, the time comes to November.

November x, 20xx, sunny

I went to see the rankings today. I bumped into Wen Xia and was stepped on by him, but it didn’t hurt. He apologized to me. “Sorry” was the first thing he said to me. Memorable.

From a close distance, his eyelashes are very long and his eyes are bright like colored glaze.

Fortunately, I walked fast, otherwise he might have heard my heartbeat.

November x, 20xx, overcast, strong wind

I met Wen Xia again in the canteen today, and lined up next to him, so that he can see me occasionally when he turns his head?

I hope he can see me.

November x, 20xx, snowing

It snowed today, the first snow of the year. Wen Xia seemed to be wearing a little less clothes. When I saw him during morning exercise, he sneezed, but he added clothes in the afternoon.

don’t catch a cold…

In the next half year, almost all of them were similar diary entries. There was no contact between them, but Wen Xia could be found in every diary entry written by Lin Feng Qi, sometimes even if it was just a short “Wen Xia laughed today” , will be recorded in a solemn manner. He recorded less and less of the hardships at home, as if he silently digested them in his stomach. Moreover, he never recorded in his diary the gossip or even malicious ridicule about his family situation in the school.

Only good things remain in his diary.

For example, the candy he ate, the sense of accomplishment he got from thinking hard to solve a difficult competition question, and the one-kilometer physical test that refreshed his own record…

For example, Wen Xia.

The word “Wen Xia” written on the tip of his pen is like a good medicine to heal the soul.

The paper rustled from page to page.

The cold winter has passed, the grass and trees are first born, and then the branches and leaves are lush, the cicadas are singing everywhere, and the new leaves turn yellow and go to cessation. It’s September again, sophomore year of high school.

September 1, 20xx, sunny

On the first day of school, Wen Xia came to Class A. I don’t know why my tablemate changed positions with Wen Xia, but I think it’s a good change, that is…

Wen Xia talked to me, and I was too nervous to answer him properly.

——Here is the content of the diary that Wen Xia first saw.

Wen Xia remembered that after changing his seat, he sat down and said with confidence, “Are you Lin Feng Qi? Hello, my name is Wen Xia.”

Lin Fengqi turned his head and gave him a cold look, as if it didn’t matter who was around him: “Hello, I came from Class 9, and I may have some knowledge and not know something, can I ask you?” He asked again.

Lin Feng Qi was silent for a while before he said, “…whatever.”

Wen Xia recovered and continued to look down.

September 2, 20xx, sunny

When I woke up in the morning, I thought yesterday was a dream, but fortunately, Wen Xia appeared in the classroom and sat beside me, so it wasn’t a dream.

I really wish the seats never changed.

Wen Xia likes to talk very much, but I don’t think he is noisy, I hope he can talk more. I love hearing him speak to me. He always smiles when he talks and is cute.

October x 20xx, cloudy, windy

Wen Xia secretly slept in class today, I found out, but I didn’t wake him up.

He is very smart, and his grades in this subject are also very good. It should be okay to sleep. But only this time, I still have to call him next time. Sleeping more often in class will become a habit.

I don’t want him to leave class A.

20xx x month x day, overcast

The girl in the next class put a love letter on Wen Xia’s desk. I saw it, and it was annoying. I wanted to take it out and throw it away… But no, it was someone else’s intention.

I accidentally said something harsh to Wen Xia, will he hate me?

I like him.

Seeing this, Wen Xia’s heart beat faster.

This is the first time the word “like” appears in the diary.

20xx x month x day, rain

Wen Xia hugged me! QAQ

Although it was just an accident… I didn’t stand firm, and he picked me up.

He is so cute.

20xx x month x day, sunny

I touched Wen Xia again, I can’t let him touch me anymore, my heart can’t take it anymore, I will die.

Is there any way to make him not so cute?

Wen Xia: “…”

Who are you?

Wen Xia couldn’t stand it anymore. He was a little dizzy and wondered if he had high blood sugar. He couldn’t read it any longer. His heart couldn’t take it any longer, and he would die.

——Who is this girl with hidden feelings in the diary? ! Lin Feng Qi? Is it Lin Feng Qi? The hell is this sweet bean Lin Fengqi?

Wen Xia trembled and closed the diary.

At this moment, he didn’t know whether he should be happy or sad. The sudden shock was so great that he couldn’t even understand his emotions.

This may be the biggest secret of Lin Feng Qi that he has discovered.

For a while, it was difficult for Wen Xia to combine Lin Feng Qi, who he had known all along, with this diary. He felt that Lin Feng Qi was Lin Feng Qi, and the diary was a diary. But the diary is not just a diary, it may also be a person who has something to do with Lin Feng Qi.

In a trance, he put the diary and book back on the shelf and left the room. Wen Xia didn’t really remember what he ate at noon. He seemed to order a takeaway at random, and he didn’t remember what it tasted like, so he left after eating.

In this state, Wen Xia didn’t feel relieved to let himself drive, so he called an online car-hailing car to the studio.

On the way, he actually received a message from Lin Feng Qi: [Just going out now? ]

Wen Xia wanted to ask how you knew, and then remembered the surveillance in the living room… Could this person be staring at the surveillance in real time? When he goes out, does he control it, and check there?

However, the words in the diary suddenly appeared in his mind at this time, and he looked stunned, and after a while, he deleted the “It’s none of your business” under his impatience.

At first, he thought that Lin Feng Qi not only didn’t like him, but maybe he hated him, but now the truth is clear, he hates a fart, Lin Feng Qi clearly likes him. But his mouth… he really doesn’t know how his thirty-seven-degree mouth can say such cold words.

Do not touch me.

Don’t look at me.

leave me alone.

Now thinking about it, should he understand it the other way around?

Come and touch me.

look at me.

do not leave me.

– fuck.

Some people hated him for opening his mouth, such as Fang Huai.

And some people like him for being such a blabbermouth, such as Lin Feng Qi.

Then suppose Lin Feng Qi actually likes him talking…? Then can he have a deeper understanding for every sentence Lin Feng Qi said now?

It is known that Lin Feng Qi observed and monitored in real time to know when he was out.

So, does it mean that Lin Feng Qi’s words are actually a kind of… concern rather than questioning?

thinking about this, Wen Xia re-entered the reply: [Why, can’t I go out at this time? ]

Big Party A: [No. ]

Wen Xia: [Then why are you asking me that? ]

no reply.

The other party is typing…

He have been typing for more than two minutes. He will stop typing for a while, and then type and then stop typing again. Wen Xia couldn’t wait any longer.

Wen Xia: [Oh, then if you think I shouldn’t go out at this time, then I’ll go out at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning. Is that fine daddy gold master? ]

Big Party A: […]

Big Party A: [I didn’t mean that. ]

Wen Xia chased after the victory: [Then what do you mean?How should I know if you don’t say it? ]

Wen Xia: [I’m not the roundworm in your stomach. ]

After sending the last sentence, Wen Xia was inexplicably a little angry.

Yes, he is not a roundworm in Lin Feng Qi’s stomach. How could he know what he was thinking? It’s really like what Ye Shixue said. It would be irritating to the point of death, and if it pays off a little bit, he won’t take it at all!

Who knew that his words had to be reversed to understand!

Assuming Lin Feng Qi didn’t keep all those words in his diary, but said it, can they be together?

The more Wen Xia thought about it, the more… wronged he felt.

The phone was silent for half a minute, then vibrated gently.

Big Party A: [You… how are you? ]

Big party A: [The monitoring in the living room has not seen you get up since the morning]

Big Party A: [I’m not sure…]

With the first one, the second and third replies jumped out very quickly, as if they were a little flustered and eager to explain.

But it was enough for Wen Xia to understand what he meant.

He really cares.

Wen Xia replied: [I’m fine, I overslept in the morning. Thank you for your concern. ]

Big party A is typing…

Big party A: [Hmm. ]

The largest party A continues to type…

Big Party A: [That’s good. ]

The last three words made Wen Xia feel a little better.

When he arrived at the studio, Liu Feisi rushed over with tears in his eyes: “Boss! Boss, you are here! We will call the police if you don’t come!”

Wen Xia: “Listen to your own bullshit.”

Liu Feisi: “I’m serious!”

Everyone’s eyes were focused, and Ah Deng was more serious: “This is indeed true. We called you and you didn’t answer, and you didn’t reply. We were all wondering if something happened to you.”

“It’s nothing. I didn’t sleep well last night. I didn’t hear the alarm clock ringing in the morning. I overslept.” Wen Xia said.

Liu Feisi’s eyes lit up: “Is that it…”

Wen Xia looked at him.

Liu Feisi smiled: “Boss, the boss has to have an explanation for his absence from work, isn’t that right?”

Ah Deng nodded, rarely agreeing with him: “I agree with this.”

The other three also raised their hands: “Second!”

“Okay,” Wen Xia said simply, “I will treat you to dinner tonight?”


Liu Feisi: “Boss, how about going to that revolving little hot pot last time?”

Wen Xia asked the other four, “How about you?”

“All right!”

“I want to eat seafood…”

“Then you decide first by luck?” Wen Xia said.

The girl who wants to eat seafood is a 3D modeler. She is very capable at a young age. This time she is recruiting for the role of “Flower of the End”. Everyone usually calls her Yaoyao.

Liu Feisi scolded: “No way, boss, you know that I’m not that lucky…”

Yaoyao: “No, no, no, someone is afraid?”

“Damn, who’s afraid?” Liu Feisi was the most insufferable, “Isn’t it just a rock paper scissors, come on!”

Two games and three wins, the result ended with Liu Feisi’s three-game defeat.

Yaoyao: “Seafood, good!”

Liu Feisi had tears in his eyes, and said something in his mouth: “Rotating hot pot… Rotating hot pot…”

“Okay, be normal,” Wen Xia kicked his chair, “How is your work in the morning?”

Liu Feisi restrained his jokes and said seriously for a second, “On my side, the bug that I debugged last time has been fixed.”

Ah Deng raised his hand: “The UI has also been adjusted according to what you said last time.”

Yaoyao: “I still want to change the effect of 3D rendering, boss, come and have a look.”

Wen Xia walked by and said, “It seems that your boss’s absence doesn’t matter.”

“That won’t work,” Liu Feisi said. “We’re all relying on you for dinner.”

Between work in the afternoon, Wen Xia booked a seafood buffet nearby, and then sent a message to Lin Feng Qi: [I will go back later tonight, although it is a bit cheeky to say that, but if you go home early, please help me take care of it Wen Dage, okay? ]

He originally thought that Lin Feng Qi hated Wen Dage, but after reading the diary, he understood that… That’s why Lin Feng Qi doesn’t speak well? In fact, he really likes Wen Dage? After all, he wrote something like “I want to raise a cat in the future” in his diary.

Wen Xia found that he seemed to be able to slowly connect Lin Feng Qi and the diary now.

Time is such a magic medicine that anything outrageous is acceptable in the end.

He even regrets not reading the entire diary now. Wen Xia knew it was wrong to think so, but Lin Fengqi’s diary was a little too interesting.

Just thinking about it, Lin Fengqi replied: [How late? ]

Oh, the little one, do you want him to go home sooner?

Wen Xia: [I don’t know. ]

Big Party A: [Hmm. ]

Just “hmm”? Wen Xia was not happy about this.

Wen Xia: [Oh, I’m wrong, maybe I won’t go back tonight. ]

Big party A replied in a second: [? ]

He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry!

Wen Xia replied in a hurry: [? ]

Big Party A: […]

The biggest party A: [Then what about your cat? ]

Wen Xia: “Aren’t you still at home? I will trouble you tonight. If you are bitten again, you can keep the evidence, and I can give you money at any time.” ]

Big party A was silent for a while.

Soon, Big Party A said again: [Have you forgotten our schedule. ]

Big party A: [This schedule is with your consent, I think it is necessary to act according to the plan. ]

Big party A: [According to the schedule, from 9:00 to 9:30 tonight is parent-child interaction time. ]

Good guy, why is he sending so many messages?

Are you in a hurry?

The more Lin Feng Qi is like this, the more confident Wen Xia has in planning strategies. He is now convinced that Lin Feng Qi probably doesn’t like Liao Xingshen, but still has a heart for him! Otherwise, why do you have to turn a big corner to find yourself married? Otherwise, why don’t you not take off the ring when you put it on? Those who didn’t know would think it was welded.

And that weird pet friendship schedule… Let’s just say that it didn’t look like the Lin Feng Qi he knew would do! Okay, now it all makes sense.

Wen Xia: [Things are dead, people are alive, is your life only a plan? Can you guarantee that you will follow your plan all the time? ]

Big Party A stopped talking.

Wen Xia: [That’s it, I will continue to work, thank you in advance for taking care of Wen Dage. ]

Looking up from the mobile phone screen, Wen Xia was startled by Liu Feisi by the desk: “Is something wrong?”

Liu Feisi approached with a serious face, looked at his boss carefully, and said, “Boss, is there something wrong with you?”

Hearing that, the other three who were concentrating on work also stopped their work at the same time, and quietly paid attention to the movement here.

“Boss, you’re laughing, I’m familiar with it,” Liu Feisi said. “My dad laughed like that when talking to my mom.”

“Really?” Wen Xia asked.

“Yes.” Liu Feisi nodded heavily.

Wen Xia smiled and said, “My dear son, tell me what you have to do with me within three seconds, or else just go back to your workstation for dad.” After speaking, he stretched his head to look at the other three, “It’s also my fault that our workstations are too close together, isn’t it? Let’s move the rest to the next area tomorrow. The five of us should be spread out, and how about one of us working outside office?”

The three quickly retracted their ears.

Well, yes, the majesty of the boss is still there.

Wen Xia thought with satisfaction.

On the mobile phone, Lin Feng Qi was blocked by him and could not speak anymore. Wen Xia made an inch, and happily sent a circle of friends: [Tonight will be a happy night ^^]

Setting range: Only Lin Feng Qi is visible.

He was sure that Lin Feng Qi would follow the circle of friends because they had common friends, such as the high school monitor or something. He also watched Lin Feng Qi’s we chat moments.

Thinking about it now, the one he liked seems to be the monitor who is showing off his cat.

Lin Feng Qi really likes cats… Ah Mo was bought by mistake.


Just after putting the information on Lin Feng Qi’s table, Zeng Yuan, who was about to leave, was startled by the voice, and quickly turned around and asked nervously, “Mr. Lin, what’s wrong?”

The man behind the desk was silent for a while, and his expression seemed to be a little stunned. It took two or three seconds to recover, and said lightly: “It’s okay.”

Zeng Yuan stepped carefully: “Then… I can continue to work?”

Lin Feng Qi: “Yes.”

When the office door closed again, he bent down and picked up the phone on the ground.

The phone screen is intact, but the tempered film is cracked. The interface was still stuck on the latest circle of friends posted by Wen Xia.

Lin Feng Qi stared at this dynamic and couldn’t help but get anxious.

What does it mean? Pleasant evening? Why happy?

Wen Xia said he won’t be going home tonight… What does it mean?

And this “^^”, he looked forward to Wen Xia’s circle of friends, and did not see any news that would bring such obvious joy!

Has he dated anyone? Who is it? Liao Xingshen? Or Fang Huai?

Lin Feng Qi felt that he couldn’t not think about it, he couldn’t sit still in the office.

He picked up Liao Xingshen from the friend list: [Are you free tonight? ]

Liao Xingshen: [Why? ]

Lin Feng Qi: [Do you have any plans? ]

Liao Xingshen took a while to say: [No. What happened to Ah Mo? ]

Lin Feng Qi stared at the word “no”, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

He told himself to calm down.

Lin Feng Qi: [Do you have an appointment with someone? ]

Liao Xingshen: [? ]

Liao Xingshen: [No, how do you know? ]

Lin Fengqi: “…”

Lin Feng Qi’s heart was half cold.

He didn’t even have the courage to ask, is it with Wen Xia?

Yes, compared to him, Wen Xia should like Liao Xingshen more.

Cheerful, easy-going, gentle… He can also treat cats, Liao Xingshen is indeed much better than him, not to mention that they are well-matched, and the parents of both parties are very satisfied with each other, so it is normal for Wen Xia to fall in love with him.

Perhaps only Liao Xingshen can heal the emotional wound that Fang Huai brought him.

And he… will always make Wen Xia unhappy.

He also made Wen Xia angry last night.

Lin Feng Qi thought about it, and his eyes gradually became red.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is a beautiful clear autumn day.

And his figure is reflected in the backlight, forming a lonely silhouette in front of the glass window.

After getting off work, Wen Xia led the four of them from the studio to the seafood buffet.

The taste of this seafood buffet is delicious, except that it is slightly expensive, there is nothing wrong with it. It is completely affordable for the current Wen Xia.

But being able to afford it is one thing, whether or not you can afford it alone is another—

Zou Boyan came late, and when he arrived, seeing that they had all eaten, he immediately screamed: “It’s too much! You didn’t wait for me?”

Zou Boyan is not like Wen Xia’s family. He is a son and a brother. He escaped from the secret room by himself and made some other small investments. Even if he doesn’t rely on his parents, he is also a rich man. He usually has nothing to do when he is free. He just likes to roam around and have fun. He went to Wen Xia’s studio most often. After going a lot, he has almost become the invisible sixth person in the studio. He can’t do anything except eat and drink. Everything else is fine.

Don’t look at Wen Xia’s studio with bad eyes, even if there are only five people, there are a lot of things. Just the rest area, there are lazy sofas, snacks and games, everything is complete, except that the specifications are of course a little smaller than those of large companies, but it is also suitable for personal use.

“It’s alright if you come,” Liu Feisi, who was the least reluctant to eat a seafood buffet at the beginning, had a prawn stuffed in his mouth. “Actually, it’s the most appropriate time for you to come to the checkout.”

Zou Boyan: “Fuck you.”

The weather is getting colder, and it is very comfortable to eat a meal of hot seafood or hot pot on this day. Except for Ah Deng and Zou Boyan who were driving, everyone else drank some wine, including Wen Xia.

After they finished filling their stomachs with food and drink, the twilight has long disappeared outside, and the neon lights on the streets and alleys start the hustle and bustle of the night.

The two girls in the studio drank less and said they could go back together, but Wen Xia was not at ease and asked Ah Deng to send them off. Liu Feisi was the one who drank the most and was the most friendly, and he was the one who was talking about food addiction. Zou Boyan lifted him up and walked out with Wen Xia.

Liu Feisi was so drunk that he was already unconscious. Ah Deng had already escorted the two girls away first, and there was no one else around, so Zou Boyan asked Wen Xia, “What’s the big deal?”

As he said, he and Wen Xia could almost be said to have grown up in a pair of trousers, so how could he still be unclear about Wen Xia? Seeing him like this today, something must have happened.

Wen Xia’s alcohol intake was acceptable, and he looked the same as usual, except that his ears and face were a little red.

“I think you were right last night,” he said.

“What?” Zou Boyan thought for a while, “Don’t you mean… I said that you still have expectations for Lin Feng Qi?”

Wen Xia nodded.

Zou Boyan fell silent until the elevator “ding” sounded on this floor

When the building stopped, he said, “Is there a reason?”

Wen Xia briefly recounted what happened in the diary. Of course, he didn’t mention the specific content, but only said that he found out from the diary that Lin Feng Qi once liked him.

“…You also said it was,” Zou Boyan said calmly, “How long has it been? Eight years, do you think people will not change in these eight years?”

Wen Xia said, “Then you think I’ve changed?”

Zou Boyan turned to look at him: “Changed. You’ve changed a lot.”

“Yeah, I’ve changed so much, don’t you always remind me not to get sick?”


Zou Boyan was choked by him, frowned and said, “It’s different. I know you, I know you must…”

“Then do you know Lin Feng Qi?” Wen Xia said, “Anyway, I don’t think I know him well.”


“So…I want to try it first.”

Zou Boyan thought that he was going to try chasing Lin Feng Qi because he was drunk, and he almost scolded him with Liu Feisi on his shoulders. Then he saw Wen Xia taking out his mobile phone and making a call.

The call was quickly connected, and the other party seemed to have been waiting for this call for a long time. The man’s voice was as flat as ice as always, but there was a hint of hesitation: “…Hello?”

“I drank,” Wen Xia said. “I didn’t drive out in the afternoon. Are you home? Come pick me up if you can drop by.”

“Okay,” Lin Feng Qi replied in seconds, “You send me the location.”

The phone hung up, Zou Boyan hesitated: “Old Xia, you…”

Wen Xia said his stand and said calmly, “If he doesn’t change, I can also stay the same.”

Wen Xia felt that he was still sensible.

Yes, he had expectations for Lin Feng Qi, maybe he really couldn’t let it go, and he still liked him a little bit, but he was no longer Wen Xia, who was sixteen or seventeen years old. if Lin Feng Qi doesn’t like him anymore, then he has nothing to lose, and can continue to be the party B who is lying down and taking the money. That diary is the key to fulfilling a dream of his younger self.

If Lin Feng Qi still likes…

Oh, then he has to think about it.

Is the hardship of three years in high school for nothing? Young Master Wen’s principle of dealing with things does not allow such a thing to happen.

Zou Boyan: “Then I’m here to accompany you?”

Wen Xia: “Let’s go, remember to transfer the money to me.” It means to pay for the buffet. Before Zou Boyan came, he paid it all in advance.

Zou Boyan: “Come on.”

Zou Boyan left with Liu Feisi in his arms. People came and went in the brightly lit commercial district at night, and Wen Xia stood on the side of the street quietly.

About twenty minutes later, Lin Feng Qi appeared in his field of vision. Vehicles on the pedestrian street couldn’t get in, so he could only park the car outside and came over to find Wen Xia.

He didn’t know if it was because the wine was surging, Wen Xia always felt that he couldn’t really see his figure, as if it merged with the street lights behind him, separated the next second, and then got closer.

Until he came to him,

Wen Xia finally saw his face clearly, he looked down, stopped for a few seconds on Lin Feng Qi’s thin turtleneck sweater, and suddenly reached out and tugged at his collar.

Lin Fen Qi froze abruptly, as if frightened by this action, his neck visibly tense.

“Where did you come from?” Wen Xia asked, squinting, “Company or home?”

“Home.” When he spoke, the man’s Adam’s apple rolled.

“I am here and you are relaxing at home?”

“…just got home.”

“Oh, am I not bothering?”

Lin Feng Qi looked at him, his voice was very soft: “No.”

“What did you say? Your voice is so low, you haven’t eaten, have you!”

“…” he really hasn’t eaten yet.

Lin Feng Qi hesitated for a while, then stretched out his hand to gently support Wen Xia’s shoulder: “How much did you drink?”

“Why do you care how much I drink?” Wen Xia sneered, “Who are you?”

The man’s eyes flickered slightly when he looked at him, and after a while, his lips moved, and he said two words in a very soft voice.

Originally, after drinking alcohol, his ears were not very sharp. This person was still speaking softly, and Wen Xia was very displeased: “What are you talking about, can you speak louder?”

Under the brocade lamp at night, Lin Feng Qi’s cold eyes seemed to be dyed with the warm color of the lamp.

He fixedly looked at Wen Xia, at Wen Xia’s ears and cheeks stained by alcohol. Wen Xia’s eyes were still the bright same with the one in his memory, reflecting his own figure and the lights behind him. It is transparent, like putting a round of dawn in the eyes.

Probably because he was drunk by now, Lin Feng Qi took a deep breath and whispered, “I’m your… husband.”

T/N: Forgive me if I butcher something since the chapter is just too long and I don’t want to cut it since this is the revelation part. Just correct me if you see something wrong.

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