For Wang Le, being rich means two things.

First, there is a lot of money.

Second, there are many women.

Judging from his own experience, rich people must be greedy for novelty.

Especially in this day and age.

When looking for women, they like to look for college students.

Like those women who live in a world of prostitution, no matter how beautiful you are, they are not interesting anymore.

Wu Hao's background is getting more and more terrifying.

But Wang Le was so stubborn that he just couldn't get over it.

After being beaten up and hospitalized for a week, my psychology was almost dark.

He sat there, silent, thinking silently in his mind, and already thought of someone who could help design it.

That person's name is Chen Shunli.

He is the person in charge of the Summer Youth Club.

In fact, he is just a pimp.

A more upscale pimp.

He has a group of peripheral women in his hands.

There are people of all kinds.

But all peripheral women have one characteristic, that is, they are beautiful.

And absolutely original.

The biggest skill of these peripheral women is to seduce men crazily and ensure that theyNot to be slept with.

Whoever lasts longer will make more money.

But once she had a relationship with a customer, that woman would be expelled from the Summer Youth Club.

There are many outer circles.

Only Chen Shunli's club is the most expensive and the most secretive.

Wang Le knew that it was purely because his young and coquettish stepmother Lin Yanyan came from the Summer Youth Club.

"Hey, hey, Brother Le, I’m calling you."

Suddenly, Gong Hao on the side reached out and pushed him twice.

"ah? What?"

"Why are you in a daze? Sun Xiaoqing wants to relive old dreams with you, you……"

"Damn you, Wen, get out of here. I have something to go."

Wang Le pushed Sun Xiaoqing away, stood up and left.

"Wang Le, Wang Le."

Gong Hao shouted twice, but he didn't call back. He couldn't help but murmured to himself in confusion:"What's going on? Was your head teased by a slap in the face?"



Wang Le went home.

He only knew Chen Shunli, but he didn't know his contact information.

The system of Summer Youth Club is very strict.

You will never contact strangers casually without an introduction from an acquaintance.

Even though Wang Le is one of the four young masters in Yanjing, he has never had the opportunity to contact the Summer Youth Club.

If I have to say the reason, it actually has something to do with Lin Yanyan and Wang Yongzhi.

None of them want Wang Le to have anything to do with Summer Youth Club.

Because if he is not careful, Wang Le may come into contact with his young stepmother's former sister, which would be very embarrassing.

Not only Lin Yanyan was embarrassed, but Wang Yongzhi was also embarrassed. arrive home.

As soon as Wang Le entered the room, he shouted:"Sister Lin, Sister Lin."

In the Wang family, neither Wang Le nor Wang Yan called Lin Yanyan their mother, they both called her Sister Lin.

This was also one of the ways Wang Yongzhi was able to quell the opposition of his son and daughter.

"Sister Lin, where is the person?"

"Here, here, what are you doing yelling? Lin

Yanyan, wearing a nightgown and a facial mask on her face, walked out of the bedroom upstairs and said angrily:"What are you doing?""

"Where is my dad?"

"go to work. Do you think everyone is as idle as you?"

"Aren't you also just idle at home?"Wang Le glanced sideways at her.

Although he has long acknowledged this stepmother, every time he sees her wearing a nightgown, he can't help but glance at her.

The body inside that nightgown is really enchanting.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Am I just idle? Am I not conditioning my body at home? How can you have a baby without conditioning?"

"Humph, my dad is almost sixty, do you still expect him to have that function?"

Wang Le curled his lips and smiled.

"Do you know how advanced medicine is now? Did you know there is a technology called in vitro fertilization? As long as your father is not dry, you can have children, do you understand?"

Lin Yanyan sat on the sofa in the living room.

Wang Le glanced at her a few times, then suddenly sat aside with a smile, lowered his voice and said:"Sister Lin, we have something to discuss."

"I have no money"

"It's not about money"

"Fresh. You didn't come to me for money."

Lin Yanyan looked at him with a strange expression.

"Sister Lin, as long as you do me this favor, I will not ask you for money in the future, but will return it to you. How about that?"

"What help?"

Lin Yanyan said doubtfully.

"Introduce me to Chen Shunli"


Lin Yanyan immediately frowned.

"Sister Lin……"

"Nothing can be said. Your dad doesn't want you to come into contact with that person either."

"Leave my dad alone. Let’s talk about you now, I know about you, even if I come into contact with Chen Shunli, I won’t have any opinion about you. What are you afraid of?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me, it won't work."

Lin Yanyan was very determined and stood up to leave.


Wang Le suddenly shouted, which made Lin Yanyan tremble all over and stood in shock.

"What did you... call me?"

"mom. Wang

Le walked up to Lin Yanyan and said seriously:"From now on, you are my mother." As the saying goes, a son does not think his mother is ugly, and a dog does not think his family is poor. You are my mother, I won’t dislike you"

"Okay, you Wang Le, in order to get to know Chen Shunli, you even called me mom. Lin

Yanyan's eyes lit up.

She looked at Wang Le and giggled:"I really underestimated you.""

"Mom, tell me your contact information quickly and help me introduce you."

"let me consider it"

"Don't think about it. You introduce it to me and I will do you another favor."

"What are you busy with?"

"Get rid of my father and let him fully cooperate with you in giving birth to a son.

Lin Yanyan was stunned:"How do you handle this?""

"Oh, you are so stupid. If my father didn't care about me and my sister, how could he not have children with you? Do you understand that he has been deliberately avoiding getting you pregnant?"


Lin Yanyan was suddenly shocked.

"Don't think that you can succeed just because my dad agrees to go to the hospital with you. If my dad is deliberately trying to fool you, you have no idea."


Lin Yanyan fell silent.

If this is really the case, then I would be so miserable

"Mom, stop inking. I will definitely help you if I say I will. If you can still give me a sister, I promise to treat her as my own sister. If you give birth to a younger brother, we can discuss the family property later. I've said that I've got this job, can you help me?"

"Help. Brat, mom will believe you this time. Lin

Yanyan smiled.

She peeled off her mask and turned around, saying,"Ale, please remember this." Summer Youth is different from the outer circles you have come into contact with before, so be sure to keep your mouth shut"

"Do not worry."

Lin Yanyan returned to the bedroom and took her mobile phone.

After making phone calls in the bedroom for a while, she came down with a business card.

She handed the business card to Wang Le:"Here, Chen Shunli's phone number"


Wang Le took the business card excitedly:"Have you introduced it to me?""

"Well, I've already called. After a while, you can contact him yourself."

"Okay, bye"

"Hey, people who have come into contact with Summer Youth are not allowed to inquire about it. Lin Yanyan said with a strange expression.

"Haha, don't worry. I'm not interested in your business right now."

Wang Le quickly left with a sneer on his face.

At the door of the living room.

Lin Yanyan hummed softly with a cold face:"Huh, old guy, you are playing tricks on me. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow and have you check it out."

PS: Chapter 2 is here! A lot of data has been lost recently. Guys, please support me!

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