Wu Hao also went crazy.

It seems that since the body has been modified by the system, it is easy to fall into various corresponding environments and become crazy and unable to extricate itself.

For example, I learned how to drive a car.

As a result, every time I touch the car, I have the urge to drive wildly.

For example, I learned to play the piano.

Once I touch a piano or electronic keyboard, I can't help myself.

Another example is learning to fight.

When you meet a master like Xu Zhengyang, you can't help but want to defeat him, regardless of the consequences.

Even every time he takes action, the murderous intention in his heart will involuntarily increase.

Skills are refined through ignorance.

In the bar.

Because the song"The Specter" ignited the atmosphere to the top.

After the song, everyone was sweating profusely and their legs were weak as if they had lost all strength.

Such is the atmosphere in the bar.

Those who like clubbing like this feeling of exhaustion after a wild wave.

Kind of like doing that kind of thing.

After finishing the song, Wu Hao pushed the electronic keyboard, patted the shoulder of the keyboard player next to him, jumped off the stage and returned to his seat.

People around were screaming and howling.

Everyone was cheering for Wu Hao.

DJ Xiao Gao also jumped off the DJ booth, squeezed all the way to the corner, looked at Wu Hao and stretched out his hand:"Hi, my name is Gao Xu, others call me Xiao Gao"

"Wu Hao."

Wu Hao shook hands with her.

This girl looks like the kind of boxer. She has bronze-colored skin all over her body and is quite toned.

She is wearing a small vest that exposes her waist and abdomen.

Visually, her body fat rate is extremely low..

She has a very beautiful vest line and abdominal muscles on her lower abdomen.

She has an oval face.

Her eyes are big and bright.

This black girl has an extroverted personality at first glance.

"Mr. Wu plays the piano very well. This is the first time I heard someone can play"The Spectre" completely on an electronic keyboard."

"You're also very good at DJing. It was also the first time I felt this kind of atmosphere in a bar."

Wu Hao smiled

"So do we know each other?"

Xiao Gao's eyes lit up.

"Forget it"

"Then buy me a drink."

Xiao Gao picked up a bottle of beer from the table and gestured to Wu Hao

"Xiao Gao, I think you should have a drink with the resident band member. It's not easy to go out, you can make people choke. If you don't come over for a drink, they probably won't be able to sing tonight."

Wu Hao smiled and patted Xiao Gao's arm.

Then he gestured with his mobile phone:"I'm going to make a call."

After that, he turned and left.

Gao Xu was slightly startled.

He blinked at Wu Hao's back, then turned and walked towards the singing stage.

At the entrance of the bar.

When Wu Hao squeezed out, he heard the joy in the venue. Then he heard the band's music slowly playing.

He walked out of the door.

It was extremely hot outside.

Wu Hao found a deserted corner and dialed Ye Tiantian's number.

It took him a long time to get through.

"Hey, Tiantian, what are you doing? Why so slow?"

"Oh, I'm on a video call with Sisi"

"Has she settled down?"

"OK. Her brother's house is also quite big, with four bedrooms and two living rooms, but it is just next to the Fifth Ring Road. She said she regretted going to her brother's place.

Wu Hao said with a smile:"There are subways everywhere in Yanjing, it's the same everywhere.""

"Hehe, that’s how I comforted her at first. It turned out that she insisted on seeing where I lived, so I made a video call with her. The result, hahahahaha……"

"Why are you smiling like this?"Wu Hao has a black streak on his head.

"Brother, Sisi was hit hard. She almost ran over, but I refused. Upon hearing this, Wu

Hao quickly asked:"Are you sure you refuse?""


"That's good. She can't come over and live with you anymore."

"I knew. After all, this is your house, brother, not mine, nor is it rented. It’s not like she doesn’t have a place to live, so I won’t let her come over. and……"

"And what?"

"And I always feel that Sisi's attitude towards you is getting weirder and weirder, and she seems to really like you. Wu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry:"

If there is such a sign, please let her kill it as soon as possible." I definitely won't like little girl movies. Let her die as soon as possible"

"Well, I'll ask her if I get a chance."

"Okay, stop talking about her. Let me ask you, have you had dinner? What time did you get up? He never called me"

"Brother, don't worry. I've finished eating them all. The refrigerator in your home is like a treasure chest. I ate all the lobster and scallops in your refrigerator. There are also two large steaks, which I fried myself."

"You...can, very well. Wu

Hao was relieved and said with relief,"Okay, don't forget to take the medicine." Drink more hot water and go to bed early at night"

"Brother, when will you come back?"

"I don’t know, probably around midnight"

"Oh fine. Then I'll go to sleep first"

"Well, hung up"

"Bye, mua!"

Hearing her voice, Wu Hao quickly hung up the phone.

Little Devil.

When he put away the phone and stood up to go back, he suddenly vaguely heard someone saying his name.

Who is it?

Wu Hao looked back, as if Behind the bar.

He stood up and walked a few steps back. When he came to the corner of the bar, he leaned out and took a quick look.


Wang Le?

Why is he here too?

And he was sneaking up with a guy wearing glasses and a double ponytail. The middle-aged man with a mustache was talking.

Just now, his name definitely appeared in their conversation.

Wang Le should have called it out.

But now their voices were lowered again.

Wu Hao's brows gradually wrinkled.

Tonight Coming here was purely a whim. How did Wang Le know that he was here?

And it seemed that he wasn't in the bar before, right?

Or maybe he didn't notice him?

Soon, Wang Le finished talking to the man, and the two of them walked out of the back door. Entering the bar again.

Wu Hao blinked, turned back, and entered the bar through the front entrance again. When he walked to the corner seat, Wu Hao gathered his thoughts, scanned around with his eyes, and began to observe all the details in the bar.

Still didn't see Wang Le.

He was not in the hall, but he knew he was here.

This kid probably had no good intentions. The ghost lingered again and again, and a trace of murderous intention slowly floated deep in Wu Hao's heart.

He returned to his seat..

Wu Hao continued to drink with a calm demeanor.

A few minutes later, there was a sudden commotion around the bar in the distance.

It seemed that someone had gone to the bar to drink.

When Wu Hao was lowering his head in thought, Wang Wencai, who was drinking red-faced, suddenly whispered excitedly:"Brother Wei, Mr. Wu, look, there's a little star here."

"Little star? Who?"

Wei Lai turned his head in surprise.

Wu Hao also raised his head and glanced at the bar.

Two or three people were drinking at the bar, surrounded by a beautiful girl wearing a black skirt and big sunglasses.

Wu Hao looked at it for a long time and said doubtfully:" Is that a starlet?"

"Why, don’t you recognize Mr. Wu?"

Wang Wencai looked in disbelief.

"Well, I have always paid little attention to the entertainment industry. Apart from the celebrities I see on TV every day, I really don’t know anyone else."

"No wonder then. Wang

Wencai approached Wu Hao, lowered his voice and laughed softly:"Mr. Wu, that woman's name is Gu Liya, also called Aya." She just debuted in the first half of the year and is a beautiful girl from the territory. Already signed with China Vision Jiahua Media Group"

"You know it quite clearly, right?"

Wu Hao glanced at him

"Hey, I'm her fan. Even though I am older, I am still very fashionable. That girl's looks instantly surpass those of the so-called beauties nowadays, and she has great potential."

"Can you see the potential now?"

Wu Hao murmured and looked at the girl carefully.

It just so happened that the girl picked up a cocktail and took a sip while looking around.

The two people's eyes suddenly met.

PS: Fourth Chapter is here! Please give me votes, flowers and rewards!

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