Wu Hao sat on the sofa to relax his mind and body.


The phone suddenly rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was my mother calling.

Pick up the phone

"Hello, Mom"

"Son, are you busy?"

"You're not busy, tell me, what's the matter?"Wu Hao rubbed his temples

"Haha, your father and I have made plans to retire early and enjoy the happiness in Yanjing with you. Wu Hao was stunned for a moment and said curiously:"

What's the matter? You suddenly figured it out?""

"Well, it's mainly your dad who's been frustrated recently."

"What happened to him?"

"The coal resources here have been exhausted, and the mines have long been facing bankruptcy. In the past two days, a formal notice was issued that all mine employees would go home and be unemployed, and only receive a monthly subsidy of 300 yuan.

Wu Hao shook his head and sighed:"Isn't that just unemployment?""

"yes. He worked hard all his life and dedicated everything to the coal mine. As a result, when I was approaching old age, I lost my job before I could even retire."

"So there's no arrangement or anything like that in the mine?"

"What are the arrangements? Those officials have all satisfied themselves, and now they have all given up. No one cares about these ordinary employees at all. That's why your dad is so frustrated.

Wu Hao said helplessly:"I have told you a long time ago that you will come to Yanjing to enjoy the blessings." My dad had to go back. Look, I'm so frustrated now that I want to come here"

"Son, you don’t understand."

On the phone, Lin Jing's voice sounded a little vicissitudes of life:"I'm still open to your mother, and I'm happy to go and enjoy your life with you. But your dad is different. He is a man with extremely high self-esteem."

"What does this have to do with self-esteem?"

"Silly son, your dad is not even fifty yet, so it’s still early to retire. He knows that you are now successful in your career, and he feels that it would be embarrassing for him to join you so early because he has the skills to do so."

Wu Hao nodded:"I understand."

"If only you understood. Anyway, he doesn't have any psychological burden now. The place where you have worked hard all your life is gone. Just in time, it would be nice if I could come to you as soon as possible"

"OK, I get it. I told my dad that he can work in Yanjing as long as he still has physical strength and energy. I'll show you the house in the next few days."

"Son, as you said last time, just buy a farmhouse in the suburbs. It doesn’t have to be too expensive, you still have to save the money to marry a wife.

Wu Hao smiled and said,"I know." You don’t have to worry about the money for marrying a wife."

"That'll do. I have trusted my son"

"Then if you leave, won't my uncle and the others be lonely?"

"What's lonely? Your uncle and the others are also planning to move to the Magic City. Your cousin said he would take some money to make a down payment and then buy a smaller apartment for them to live in."

"Oh, that's not bad either"

"By the way, your aunt and your wife may also have plans to go to Yanjing. After all, the two of them are just sweet girls.

Wu Hao's face darkened:"My aunt?" Are they coming to Yanjing to buy a house?"

"Don't underestimate them. Your aunt is picky, but she can save money. Your uncle also makes a lot of money doing engineering. They both said that buying a small building in the suburbs of Yanjing shouldn't be a big problem."

"Haha, that’s so lively"

"It's better to be lively. Otherwise, I would be lonely if I went with your dad. You don't have to worry about your aunt's family's affairs. They are smarter than your father and I and can make money."

"I didn't even think about it. Come on, my dear mother, I’ll find someone to show you the house, so I won’t tell you more."

"What a mother-in-law, you are so poor. Then you go about your business and I won’t disturb you."

"Well, bye!"

After that, he hung up the phone.

The old couple thought about it, it's good.

Come here early and be closer, so you don't have to worry about it all the time.

Wu Hao picked up his phone, opened the web page, and directly searched for houses in the suburbs of Yanjing. , began to search.

At the same time, in the next bedroom.

Ye Tiantian, who had been huddled in the quilt, picked up her phone and sent a message to Liu Sisi.

Tiantian: Sisi, you really bought that poisonous shell on purpose. Did I eat it?

After a long time, my phone buzzed.

Sisi: I'm sorry. I didn't know it was poisonous. The store owner only said that you can't eat it because it will cause diarrhea.

Tiantian: Why?

Sisi: I'm jealous.

Tiantian: What are you jealous of?

Sisi: Jealous that you have such a handsome, rich, and considerate brother.

Tiantian: Isn’t Brother Liu also handsome, rich, and considerate to you?

Sisi : It’s different.

Tiantian: What’s different?

Sisi: It’s just different. I just want to see Brother Wu a few more times and talk to him more. When you are sick, he will come to us more often..

Seeing this text, Ye Tiantian felt a chill in her heart.

She hesitated for a long time before replying.

Tiantian: You look like this, it’s really scary.

Sisi: Tiantian, I’m sorry, I hope you can forgive me. But, I don't regret everything I did. Today, Brother Wu slapped me, and I was very happy.

Looking at the phone screen, Ye Tiantian sighed softly.

Then she replied with a simple 'bye' icon, and then Blocked Liu Sisi.

Although she was sad, her thoughts were too terrible.

Ye Tiantian couldn't accept it.

She put down her phone, lay weakly on the bed, looked up at the ceiling and was in a daze.

Does her brother have magic power?

How can a girl be so crazy?

PS: Chapter 3 is here!

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