
Wu Hao took Ye Tiantian to United Family Hospital again.

Anyway, we own the hospital, so we can come whenever we are free.

Food poisoning can be a big or small thing. The key is that the little cousin is a rare person, and Wu Hao doesn't want her to leave any sequelae.

So I checked again.

Fortunately, his physical signs are recovering significantly.

And the diarrhea has completely stopped.

After the examination, Ye Tiantian was in good spirits today, and Wu Hao was going to take her home directly.

The two people walked out of the hospital and came to the car parked on the roadside.


Wu Hao's cell phone suddenly rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Lin Yanyan calling again.

This woman is so interesting.

Wu Hao answered the phone and pushed Ye Tiantian into the car


"Hello, Mr. Wu, are you in the hospital?"

"Yes, but getting ready to leave"

"Wait for me, wait for me. Oops, I'm on the other side of the road, getting ready to go there. You think it's annoying, but the taxi dropped off for me as soon as it reached the other side and turned around without saying anything."

Wu Hao frowned and looked to the opposite side.

Sure enough, he saw Lin Yanyan preparing to cross the road.

Fortunately, the light was green.

"Don’t you have a car?"Wu Hao asked casually

"Alas, my car was taken away by my eldest daughter. It was really too much. He drove away without telling me, so I had to take a taxi."

"Eldest daughter?"

"She is my husband’s eldest daughter, Wang Yan"

"and you……"

Before Wu Hao finished speaking, he suddenly heard a harsh sound of brakes and screams.

There was also a burst of messy noise from the mobile phone microphone.

Wu Hao suddenly turned around and rushed to the roadside.

It's over.

Lin Yanyan was hit by a car.

An SUV ran through a red light at a very high speed and hit her with great accuracy, knocking her away at least seven or eight meters.

"There was a car accident. Go and have a look."

"someone got hit"

"Oh my god, my waist is deformed."

"Can't survive? Is this driver crazy? He is still laughing. Didn't he even look at the traffic lights?"


Countless people gathered around to watch.

Someone also called the police.

Ye Tiantian also rushed out of the car and exclaimed in a low voice:"Brother, someone was hit.""


Wu Hao's face was ugly.

He silently put down his mobile phone.

The moon waxes and wanes, and people have their fortunes.

You never know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

This kind of accident... suddenly.

Wu Hao's eyelids twitched. Jumping, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a very familiar figure across the road.

He was tall and tall.

He was wearing a long black coat.

He wore a baseball cap on his head and big sunglasses on his face.

Although he was tightly covered, Wu Hao could barely catch a glance. You can tell, isn't that Wang Yan?

At that moment, a bright light flashed in her mind.

Lin Yanyan said that her private car was driven away by Wang Yan, but Wang Yan appeared here?

Is it a coincidence?

Wang Yan didn't notice Wu Hao.

She just looked at the place where the incident occurred silently, then turned around and slowly walked away.

The driver who hit the person never got out of the car or drove away, but looked at him with a look of joy. He looked left and right in the car, and then looked again. He looked like... a retard!

Wu Hao put away his cell phone and playfully stared at Wang Yan who was walking away.

Black Mamba Queen.

She is so vicious.

Her methods are sharp and ruthless, and there is no leakage.

Brother If she dies, she will find a way to kill her stepmother as soon as possible to avoid future troubles.

In this way, unless Wang Yongzhi marries another one, everything in the Wang family will belong to her.

Wu Hao shook his head and reached out to drag Ye Tiantian back to in the car

"Man, that driver feels like a fool. He also ran a red light and hit someone without even trying to save him. He was still laughing while sitting in the car. It was so scary."

Ye Tiantian said with lingering fear.

"That's a fool"


"Okay, stop reading. Be careful when crossing the road in the future and always pay attention to the vehicles on both sides. Traffic lights are not omnipotent."

Wu Hao said, starting the car

"Alas, this is Yanjing, I thought such a thing would not happen. In our hometown, people in small cities often run around when crossing the road, but drivers are very good at giving way to pedestrians."

"Yanjing is not a paradise either. When there are more people, there are more lunatics and fools. gone."

The sports car slowly left the parking space and quickly left the scene of the incident.



On the way back, the two had breakfast.

After sending Ye Tiantian back to the courtyard, Wu Hao drove straight to the East Fourth Ring Road.

Today’s check-in location is SKP shopping mall.

SKP is one of the most iconic fashion and luxury department stores in the world, and it should be regarded as the most profitable large shopping mall in Yanjing at present.

There are various trendy luxury jewelry stores from around the world.

The mall has a strategic location, dense crowds, and is also a place where wealthy people in the East District gather.

Therefore, this place can also be regarded as a paradise for rich people.

If you want to buy a brand-name bag or watch, you don’t have to worry about buying fakes here.

Soon, Wu Hao arrived at the SKP shopping mall.

After parking the car, he stood in the large square in front of the shopping mall and took a few glances. He felt that the SKP shopping mall was indeed very luxurious and crowded.

Today is neither a weekend nor a holiday, and the door is still busy with people coming and going.

When you walk to the door, the system prompts.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in. You will receive a sign-in gift package.】

【Open the gift bag】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the permanent property rights of Yanjing SKP Mall】

【Congratulations to the host for getting a discount card for the world's top ten luxury brands included in the mall】

【Card name: VVIP discount card. Including Hermes, LV Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Versace, Prada, Ferragamo, Armani, Christian Dior, Fendi (Fendi), Gucci (Gucci)】

【Ding, the mall’s revenue from the previous quarter has been transferred to the host account. The total amount is 3.5 billion. 】

After listening to the notification tone, Wu Hao's cell phone buzzed.

3.5 billion was transferred to the bank account.

Earnings for a quarter.

Wu Hao put away his phone with a smile and walked into the mall.

What is it like inside this world-wide benchmark industry?

I've never been here before.

Because I really can’t afford to go shopping

【Ding, all the files have been prepared. Please wait a moment, and someone will deliver the files to the host. ]

PS: Chapter 3 is here!

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