I was quite troubled by the thick member in front of me, it was quite clear to me that Steria was still asleep as I could see Arya's arms tightly wrapped around her, while her paws occasionally twitched. Were it not for the oddity poking me, I would almost think Steria was an oversized cheetah that was tamed, as it felt like she were more akin to a cat than a monster. 

I tried to ignore the feeling, but soon my doubt and curiosity overwhelmed me and I couldn't help but trace the phallic appendage to its source. Ever so carefully, I lifted Steria's back paw, doing my best not to wake her as I examined her unusual anatomy. Much to my relief, she did indeed have the necessary bits to be considered female, and from what I could tell, it seemed what was sticking out from her was not actually a penis, but something else, as unlike with Arya, there was no sign of any of the other male genitalia other than the strange meat rod.

I vaguely recalled seeing something about spotted hyenas from Velen's world in one of the records I'd searched through while looking for information on feline beasts and monsters. Much like the Khetoran, they were a matriarchal society, and the women had a pseudo-phallus, though unlike Steria's, it was always out, and functioned nearly identically to a real penis, with the exception of releasing semen. I didn't have enough knowledge of animal anatomy to truly understand what exactly was happening in Steria's case, but it would probably be fine to ignore it.

With my concerns laid to rest and my curiosity satisfied, I extracted myself from the bed and stretched. Instead of the usual agility training, there was something I wanted to make. I'd gotten the idea while we were coming back yesterday, though it wasn't something that would only affect me, but getting permission was future Vell's problem, I just focused on producing the needed silks and carapace as I whittled away the time waiting for the other two to wake up.

Arya had always been weak to mornings, though there had been some improvement once we started having sex as she no longer had raging hormones for someone she couldn't touch despite our lack of distance, so I was quite impressed when I heard her yawn, followed by her footsteps as she made her way closer to me, her warm arms eventually coming to rest around my neck as she leaned herself on me.

I ceased working with my physical hands but continued on using Thread Manipulation as I shifted around so I could give her a kiss as we exchanged morning pleasantries. She continued to lean on me while looking at the strange object taking shape before me. "What are you making?" she asked, her warm breath tickling my ear.

"Armor and a saddle for Steria." I replied as I focused my attention back on the project.

I could feel Arya shift around a bit as she thought about my answer. "Armor is understandable, but why a saddle too?"

"I had this idea when we were coming back here yesterday. Steria isn't a small cat, she should be able to hold one or two people and the Khetoran are based on speed and agility, what kind of creature would make a better mount? Plus, it would go a long way in town to prove that she isn't a threat. Though, if I'm being honest, those are just excuses, I just wanted to give it a try."

I knew Arya was shaking her head internally at me, but I also knew that she found my eccentricity endearing, it was one of the things that allowed us to be together in the first place, though it had only been getting worse since we'd left school. I blamed Ilya, she was the one that encouraged me to do whatever the fuck I wanted, as befitted my nature. Spending time in the wilderness without any civilization was probably accelerating the pace at which I stopped caring about the rules and taboos of society, something that I had once only been barely keeping myself in check about anyway.

It was around an hour before noon when I heard Steria finally begin to shift and wake up. It didn't take long before I heard her stretching before her paws quietly tapped over towards me, her soft furred face rubbed against me a few times before she spoke through our bond. "Master, there's a problem." I could tell she was concerned by not only her tone, but the bond also transmitted some of her emotion as well.

I completely stopped working as I heard her and gave her my full attention. "What's wrong?"

Her legs shifted around awkwardly while she lowered her head, a hint of embarrassment flowing through our bond. "I need to... I... There's...." she continually stopped and started before going silent. I could only imagine that if she were humanoid that she'd be standing with a flushed face trying to avoid my gaze while stammering those words. Until she suddenly released a torrent of words without pause. "Ineedtoreleasemysexualdesire."

I shook my head, not quite able to understand what she said. "Sorry, what? I'm pretty sure I heard something about sex in there, but how is that ever a problem?"

Steria's paws scratched against the floor. "I need to release my sexual desires." Her words were methodical and monotonous as she forced herself to say them.

I could only blink in confusion for a moment before I recalled how I'd been awoken this morning. "Won't it just go away? That's usually the solution when you're in a situation that you can't deal with it at the moment."

Her cat-like head shook. "Not for the Khetoran apparently. The reason they have so many males around is not only a show of dominance, but also to vent their unrelenting sexual desire. At least, that's what my instincts and fragment memories are telling me."

I now fully understood her predicament, I knew exactly what it was like to be extremely horny only to have no relief for extended periods of time. At the same time I cursed my decision to turn the rest of the males into Experience for Arya and Steria, but there was no way to change what happened, so I could only help her deal with it. "I understand, I'll help you."

Steria became flustered as I removed the loose robe I'd been wearing as I knelt beside her. "Wai- Wha- I didn't-" however her words cut off as I reached my hand under her and grabbed the stiff member she was sporting. It was hot and thick, and I was actually amazed that this thing somehow hid itself when it wasn't in use. Its size was somewhere between Arya's cock, and my ovipositor, but it was hard to tell as it seemed to constantly pulse and fluctuate.

I began to gently stroke as I wasn't familiar with the sensitivity or how tough Steria's member was, but it didn't take too long to find the right amount of pressure and speed as evidenced by the noises that were something between a growl and a purr that she was making. I slowly sped up which caused Steria to involuntarily thrust as she sought to maximize her pleasure, it was almost like she was turning into a wild animal, even though I knew she wasn't.

Soon enough she wasn't able to keep herself upright and lowered to the ground and rolled over, giving me even better access as I skillfully worked my hands and fingers against Steria until I felt her shake as her climax approached. I turned the intensity up a notch and I was certain that if she could actually vocalize words the noises she was releasing were sure to be full of curses as I soon felt her pulse violently as it expelled a cloudy and thick liquid that resembled semen but wasn't.

Not only was the expulsion at quite the velocity, but the amount that shot out was incredible as well, and if it weren't for the fact that I had Thread Manipulation and Multitask I was positive that it would've painted the walls, not that one would notice since they were both white. I deftly used threads to cover and protect things even as I funneled all the fake sperm into a single container.

I could only shake my head as I heard Steria's gasping breaths and saw the faintly glowing marks that Corruption caused. It didn't seem as if this was enough to fully trigger it, but it was pretty clear that Steria wasn't against it, but failed to meet the criteria, whatever they were. As her breathing calmed I looked at the makeshift silk and carapace container full of her false semen. I couldn't be sure since the container wasn't exactly the best I'd ever made, but there was probably around a cup(250ml) of the stuff. Even with her size, I thought it to be an obscene amount, it would definitely leak out if she was to do that inside something.

I rubbed Steria's fur a bit before standing up and draping the robe back over myself as I made my way to an opening in the nest, planning to dispose of the excess fluid, only to pause just before I poured it. Once again my curiosity had won me over as I dipped a finger in the still warm ejaculate. It was technically bodily fluid, so Essence Sharing should work with it theoretically, and if it didn't at least I knew. I stuck my now covered finger in my mouth and rolled my tongue around the sweet and pleasant tasting liquid.

I must have involuntarily moaned in delight as I suddenly felt Steria rub against my side. "What are you doing?" her voice was full of alarm and her emotion was worried as she looked at me.

I smiled mischievously as I looked straight in her eyes. "It's delicious." I said before taking the container and chugging it down like the final few gulps of a milkshake, a satisfied seductive breath escaping my lips as I pulled the container away and licked my lips. "Next time, I'll do something even better, okay?"

I could feel the embarrassment flow through our bond as she called me a pervert and idiot, but I only chuckled mirthfully to myself. If a handjob wasn't enough to trigger Corruption then I could only move on to more obscene acts. The sooner Steria had a humanoid form the better, plus now I had a perfect excuse to have her let me ride her.

Arya came back soon after to find me petting Steria's head as it laid in my lap, a look of content across her face at the break we had been enjoying so far.

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