The sky had just begun to darken when the first of the guests began to arrive. Thankfully, despite being the supposed reason for the gathering, I didn't actually have to make my appearance until later, though most of that time was actually spent helping everyone get properly dressed, as well as doing my best to pound basic etiquette that needed to be observed. As the Duke's guests, there was some leeway on their actions, but there was still a minimum amount of respect and such that had to be shown when dealing with other nobility, even if they were lower ranked.

I wasn't too worried about Arya or Ashara, but Steria was rather blunt towards others, a perfect trait for a warrior, but one not suited for the battlefield that was dealing with nobles. However, I could really only hope that she didn't make a major issue, as I heard a knock on the door as a maid said that it was soon to be my appearance. I resigned myself to the fact and made a final check over everyone before heading towards the ballroom.

As we approached the dull roar of many people talking became louder and louder until we were just outside. Marian and Alcrem were already near the door, though if one didn't know better they could have been strangers with the distance and lack of warmth between the two. It seemed their relationship had soured even further, not that such a thing bothered me, rather it would be easier to take Marian with me if they weren't close.

I was both impressed and annoyed however, when the two put on the act of a faithful couple, and if it weren't for the fact that Arya's arm was entwined with mine, I might have instinctively lashed out, but I could only grin and bear it for the moment. I watched with clenched teeth as they entered the ballroom and were announced, followed by Ashara, then Steria, before finally me and Arya passed through the door.

It had been awhile since I heard anyone use either mine or Arya's full name, though I was quite surprised at the fluency of the servant doing the announcement, especially since he appeared rather young, and was clearly not an Elf himself, however I wasn't able to pay much mind to him as the ballroom had gone practically silent save for the quartet playing music. I had assumed something would happen when we entered, but I hadn't thought it would have been such a big deal, though the more I thought about it, the more I realized how bizarre it must have appeared to the regular nobles.

Not only did we appear as both being Elves at first glance, but we had a stark contrast of colors. Whereas I was Yin, she was Yang, and not only I had specifically designed our dresses to reflect that, but our physical features reflected that as well. On top of that, we were both women, likely the only pair of same-sex lovers to come from a Duke's house, but since Arya could be considered of similar status, there wasn't any problem other than the fact that Alcrem could have used one of the male heirs.

As we reached the bottom of the steps and stepped onto the ballroom floor, the guests began to murmur and the conversations slowly resumed once more, though the two of us were also accosted by all manner of people. Some were the foolish sons of middle nobility who didn't realize the pecking order, seeking us out thinking they could take us both and tie their house in, others were people I vaguely recognized, who whispered a Title I had once possessed, and others still, who acted in good nature, or wanted to gossip about the relationship between two women, some who were curious, and some who were envious.

However, after dealing with a majority of the more annoying people who continued to seek me and Arya out, two people I was quite familiar with greeted me. A man about my age, with dark hair and a blindfold over his eyes, a knowing smile tugging at the corner of his lips, The Third Prince of the Rymiz Kingdom, Taylor Rymiz. Him alone was enough to skyrocket interest in me, however, many people were just as focused on the other person.

A chocolate skinned Elf with long white hair, who shuffled embarrassedly back and forth without looking me right in the face. However, it would be impossible for me not to recognize who she was, even though it had been over three years since I had seen her last, I could still recall the feel of her skin against mine, and the gift of the black book she had given. To see Ellie here was beyond my wildest imagination of the night could have gone, yet here we were.

I found myself at a loss for words, I hadn't thought I would see either of these two again, especially Ellie as we had parted on unsure terms and I had never intended to seek her out in case it brought up issues from her past. Thankfully the prince spoke first and eased the awkward tension that was permeating the air.

"It has been a while Vell, I see the relationship with your sisters has gotten worse, a natural thing with neglect, though it looks as if you have many more bonds now than you did, a good sign."

I knew his ability to see the Thread was better than mine, but it was still impressive to hear him talk about things he didn't have any way of knowing otherwise, though I felt like he had gotten more cryptic since the last time we had spoken. I wanted to make some kind of remark back against him but he suddenly held his hand up, silencing my attempt at speaking and cutting my train of thought away, only to realize moments later that he was actually just hailing a servant to grab a drink, or perhaps some food. 

As if the ballroom had some strange cosmic force, the one who happened to respond to the prince was none other than Reine, a light blush across her cheeks as she presented a tray with several drinks on it. However, it seemed her embarrassment was significantly distracting as when she made her way to present me the tray she slipped on something, the tray careening to the ground, much of the liquid splashing against me while the glasses shattered upon the ground.

I had, however, at least caught her, and prevented her from falling, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as she gently pushed on me, her face even redder than before. However, her expression suddenly changed as I felt something pierce into my abdomen, before what felt like tendrils expanded from it and caused my body to involuntarily seize as I crumpled to the floor like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

I couldn't understand what was happening as a feeling of intense drowsiness overcame me, just as I heard people began to shout, the emotionless face of Reine glaring at me even as Elli and Arya tackled her, however I felt too weak to do anything as my vision faded and I lost any awareness of my surroundings.

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