Time always seems to fly by when one is busy, and busy would be an understatement for how much I was doing in a day. My regular lessons understandably took up much of my time, but I also spent nearly all my free time working on Skills I didn't plan on showing off anytime soon. This included Life and Space Magic and my slowly expanding list of strange Skills.

It was around three in the afternoon, and as usual at this time, I was locked into a heated mock battle against Kalista. Over the years I'd grown closer to the twins, though Gabriel still kept herself at arms length. Kalista on the other head was hotheaded and arrogant. We'd developed something of a rivalry, and this arena was were we let it all run wild.

"I'm going to burn you to a crisp if you don't pay more attention!" I heard her yell, her fiery red hair flowing in the wind as she tossed a a quick bolt of fire my way. She was a classical mage and her proficiency with fire allowed her to forgo any formations or chants when using it, which made her a formidable enemy.

I scoffed at her arrogance, I knew just how much leeway I had when dealing with her. I simply lifted my left arm and used my hand to swat the flaming mass aside. "Come on Kali, you know you need to use something stronger than that to cause me any real damage." I retorted, as the burnt flesh of my hand burst into purple-black flames as it quickly healed itself. Since I was hiding my Wisdom and therefore my mana pool, I refrained from shooting my own bolt of dark flames back, instead preferring to rush straight towards her with the dull training sword I was wielding.

My Skills essentially made me a berserker, especially if I wasn't using much magic or some of my Racial Skills. I relied on a combination of Superhuman Regeneration, Pain Nullification and Masochism to ignore damage while closing in with a melee weapon. I didn't particularly like relying on Masochism as it almost felt like I was cheating, but it and Quickened Recovery, which had become Superhuman Regeneration, were my fastest leveling skills, and I had no way of turning either of them off.

The duel continued in a stalemate with neither me nor Kali able to land a decisive blow until we both suddenly froze. "How many times do I have to tell you two to hold back?" A sultry female voice echoed over the arena, shortly followed by the clacking of heels against the stone walkway leading into the area. I immediately recognized our magic instructor Elaine Netikras, a woman who could be best describe as lewd.

A slit dress that was essentially a piece of Y-shaped fabric in the front with another cloth tied to the back, exposed her curvaceous figure and left very little to one's imagination. Her long legs were clad in thigh high heeled boots made from a dark leathery material that matched her detached sleeves. Long dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun, which only accented her seductive gaze as she looked at the two of us.

"The formation for this arena isn't easy to keep maintained you know, how much do you think the duke spends every time the two of you fight?" She sighed as I felt the force restraining my body release. Kali was also released and we both just glanced at each other, a silent agreement that we would finish another time, before bowing towards Elaine. "We're sorry, instructor." We said in unison.

I could tell that Elaine was exasperated with us, or was at least acting like it. Unlike the rest of the people in the duke's estate I knew that Elaine was far more than she let on, in fact I'd wager I knew more about her than Marian did. Despite the fact that Amare's holy symbol hung around her neck and she had the Title of Amare's Devoted, she was a demon, a succubus to be precise. 

Ironic then, that she was ex-communicated for being overzealous and somewhat radical with Amare's doctrine rather than because she was a demon, one of 'humanity's enemies', but it wasn't exactly like anyone was able to tell anyway since she had a Racial Skill that allowed her to blend in among normal people. The only reason I knew was because when she saw my Status she had decided to reveal hers in good faith, and because she was certain I had been blessed by a Divinity related to Lust, despite my Status not indicating such.

Unfortunately, she didn't have any advice on Essence Drain other than to use it frequently, not something I was currently allowed to do. I was only just over ten years old at this point, and while the beginning signs of puberty were starting to hit me, Marian said it was still too soon.

Kali and I raised our head as Elaine tapped her staff against the floor. "I'm sure the two of you are eager to resume your duel or get into some other mischief, but your father is requesting that you go see him. Gabriel is already on her way there, so I'd suggest the two of you to hurry up." She said as she turned on her heel, the two pieces of cloth that her dress consisted of swaying greatly, but not quite enough to expose anything.

It wasn't often that Alcrem called for his children, usually he just watched over us with discerning eyes. Being summoned made my heart beat slightly faster with anxiety, but I knew there was little choice so I quickly stood and began making my way towards his office, Kali following close behind.

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