It didn't take much longer for the Hero to be defeated and for us to be ejected from the Dreamscape. However, even though the assessments were over there was still plenty of material that needed to be finished for the orientation. There was a grounds tour that led everyone across each of the three school sections and showcased some of the available classes as well as where each type of class could be found.

Besides the obvious combat classes that I was excited to get into I was also very interested in each of the crafting classes, of which there were all manner of. While I wasn't sure of the requirements for each, I had the Artifice Skill, something I'd been unable to accomplish anything with since I lacked the proper facilities to test it out and I hadn't wanted to tell Alcrem about it, lest he question where I got such a Skill.

Once we had been through the main campus grounds we were taken over to cafeteria where we were served dinner. Marian and Elaine rejoined me and my sisters at this point with some interesting news. The headmaster had called essentially all the present nobility in for what was basically a job offer. Besides material payment, various boons for their children were offered for anyone that was interested. It seemed that both Marian and Elaine had taken up positions, along with quite a few of the others who attended.

After dinner was a welcome ceremony where every student was called to attend. There was the introduction of new teacher, which Marian and Elaine were a part of, a welcoming speech by the headmaster, and all of the standard fare that accompanied a welcoming ceremony. Once the ceremony was finished the assigning of dorm rooms began. While students that had attended before had merits and could choose to upgrade their conditions, all of the new student body were simply assigned the lowest tier of room available.

Well not quite all the new students, the children of the nobles who took a position, which meant me, Kali, and Gabriel, among others, got a small upgrade. While the rooms would still be shared they were far better than the lowest tier and had a variety of beneficial enchantments applied.

Much to my surprise, I was not assigned a standard dorm like my sisters, but rather to a somewhat remote and unique dorm. I wasn't the only one however and from the other new students that were assigned here I understood that it was likely due to my appearance that I was here. The others who were assigned her were Elves, or at least of Elvish descent as their pointed ears indicated. 

Unlike the other dorms, the East Lily Dorm, as it was named, seemed more like a traditional Japanese hot spring resort nestled deep in a forest. There were some obvious differences from traditional Japanese architecture, such as the fact that the entire building was grown and shaped from still living plants, but it still had the same kind of aesthetic. Like the other dorms, there was only a single gender in this dorm, though apparently the male version of this dorm, the Green Carnation Dorm, was nearby.

In addition to the Elven students, I was shocked to learn that there were a few Spiritas living here as well, they weren't students, but rather the caretakers and overseers of this dorm. They were responsible for the growth and care of the building as well as maintaining the open air baths and the grounds in general.

The room I was assigned to was somewhat spacious, though that was likely due to the fact that the space was well utilized. There furnishings were quite sparse, a bed, desk, dresser, and some shelving, each side of the room mirroring the other, though one was currently more barren than the other.  I began to unpack and get settled in slowly converting the more barren side of the room into something that wasn't unowned. It didn't take too long for me to finish and as I did the door to the room opened as an Elven girl made her way into the room.

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