Author's Note: 18+

The first semester of classes passed by in what felt like a flash and I soon found myself at our family's manor in the capital enjoying the winter break with a warm fire and my family. It wasn't actually all that different from actually being at school since both Marian and Elaine had taken up positions as instructors and Kali and Gabriel were also students, so we all saw each other rather frequently. The largest difference was that I was reunited with Reine and having a servant attend to one's every need was indeed different than doing it yourself, it made me appreciate her more than I had before.

She'd been my servant for five years now and during that time we'd rarely been separated for more than a few hours at a time. During that time she had always kept a somewhat distant attitude as befitting someone in her position, and just as I had grown and began to mature so had she also grown, leaving her childish appearance behind as she became an adult. It didn't however, escape my notice that her attitude towards me had subtly changed. While she still kept some distance, she stuck much closer than usual and offered no rebuttals to my teases other than lightly blushing.

I didn't know if it was the six months of separation that had caused this, or something else entirely, but I wasn't against it, rather I found this change to be quite cute. Not being one to let an opportunity slip me by I innocently suggested we share a bed as unlike the duke's estate there wasn't a separate connected room for personal servants, so she'd be quite a distance if I wanted her for something during the night. It wasn't an unusual suggestion as I usually teased her about it, but unlike those times, I was actually giving a serious offer. I wasn't sure if she sensed that, or that her resistance to the idea had greatly weakened, but she accepted after only a few moments of consideration.

The both of us lay in the bed with neither side making a move. I had hoped Reine would make the first move, but whether it was from anxiety or a sense of professionalism she lay on the opposite end of the bed, leaving a large gap between us. I slowly rolled over until my chest brushed against her back, before raising my head to whisper in her ear. "Why so distant? You were so clingy earlier?"

I could feel her body gently shiver as by breath tickled her ear. "I don't know what you mean." She whispered back, keeping her voice as even as she did so.

"Is that so? Did you think I wouldn't notice your lingering caress during our baths, or the fact that you took small whiffs of my hair while you brushed and dried it?" I whispered teasingly.

"I-" She began as she quickly turned over only to pause at the minimal distance between our faces. Her eyes were filled with confusion as she looked at me. "I don't understand it. I though I didn't have any interest in such things, yet strangely when you were gone it felt like a piece of me was missing." Her voice was strained and there were tears forming in her eyes.

I brought my hands up and gently wiped her eyes before resting them beside her head. "I won't say that I love you. But I can promise that as long you wish for it, we can be something more than just master and servant, even if that isn't-" I was suddenly cut off as Reine placed her lips over mine, her tongue invading my mouth as if she wanted to explore every nook and cranny.

After a moment we separated, our breathing heavier than before. "I don't care what we are, just let me stay with you." Reine whispered. I smiled and ran a hand through her hair before I stood up on the bed.

"Nera Garso Pabegimo Ploto Desimt Kvadratas" I chanted creating an area around the bed that would prevent sound from escaping for a few hours. "Now we can be as loud as we'd like." I said while lowering myself over Reine, my hands slowly making their way under her nightgown and shifting it off her while exploring her body.

Reine had always appeared slender, but now that I was feeling and looking at her practically bare body I noted she was actually extremely fit. She somehow reminded me of a panther, or perhaps a lioness, lithe and surprisingly agile. This didn't stop either of us as she also pulled off my nightgown soon leaving the both of us in only our panties.

As the experienced one I took the lead as I stole her soft lips once again while letting my hand wander before eventually settling on her breasts. She was on the more modest side but to my somewhat smaller hands they were a perfect fit as I lightly massaged them and began to tease her nipples as well. As our lips parted once again I began to work my downwards, teasing her with my tongue as my mouth made its way to her breast. My right hand also moved on, caressing her body as it came ever closer to her most precious place, though I refrained from actually getting too close and instead teased her.

Reine's breathing had clearly quickened and she had tried to move her hands to her vagina as if she couldn't wait to find release, but I stopped her on all occasions, taking my time as I sucked and gently nibbled her nipples. Her moans were growing louder and less spaced when I finally moved away from teasing and placed by hand on the damp cloth covering her crotch.

I gently ran my hand back and forth over, careful not to put too much force in before suddenly stopping all my movements. "Do you want me to continue?" I whispered bringing my face back towards hers. Reine trembled as she looked at me, a deep flush across her face before nodding. I smiled before giving her another kiss and moving my hand underneath her panties as I slowly entered her warm and wet flesh.

Reine quivered as I began to gently and slowly explore her with my finger, her mouth separating from mine as she gasped. It didn't take much longer for me to find her weakest spots as I slowly brought her to a climax. "Ah, Vell~~" She screamed in pleasure as I felt her convulse and tighten around me. At some point her arms had wrapped around me and I could feel her nails biting into my skin, not that I minded as it wasn't actually painful.

After Reine released me I withdrew my hand from underneath her panties and made the mistake of licking her love juice from my finger. It wasn't bad, rather the opposite was true, it was good, but not in a normal way. The best comparison would be the first glass of cold water after a hard day of work under the scorching sun. I couldn't help but think this was another effect of either one of my Skills or Gifts, they seemed to have many sexual effects after all.

It didn't take long for me to finish off the substance from my finger and I suddenly found myself rather thirsty. Without a second thought I moved down Reine's body and stripped her panties off much to her confusion. "Wait, I'm still sen-" I paid no heed to her as I plunged into the watering hole before my face, my tongue reaching outwards and entering Reine's soaked vagina.

As I sucked and licked I could feel my body being invigorated along with Reine's body once again beginning to tremble. It didn't take much longer before she once again screamed my name and a flood of love juice entered my mouth. After separating myself from her I saw that she was looking at me with a slight glare. "You're not being fair, let me please you too."

"Sorry." I said as I crawled my way back up her body and kissing her deeply once again. "The night's still young, we've got plenty of time."

I wasn't sure how long we spent lost in our passion, but we eventually fell asleep in each others embrace.

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