I awoke in pain, I had not expected my Awakening to be such a large event, though I wagered neither had my mother since she failed to prepare any kind of countermeasure. Besides the pain, the first thing I noticed was the sound of birds chirping, a sound I'd not heard at all since I had come to this world. As my eyes opened I had to squint as it was unusually bright, though once my eyes adjusted I found out why.

I was in an unfamiliar place, not just that, but it was a proper room. There was a moment of panic as I looked through the clear glass window to see a sprawling city before my eyes. How had I ended up here? Had I been dreaming before, and am now back to reality? I shook the thought away, my memories clearly showed that up until I had woken up here I had only been in the webbed cave with the Arachne, Ashara, my mother in this life. Judging by the fact that I had no recollection of making my way here, it was entirely possible that my mom had been worried about how long I was taking to wake up after my Awakening and brought me to a city for treatment. 

The room I was in was clearly made for humanoids, the door was far too small to fit allow an Arachne in. The rest of the room was sparsely decorated, but it didn't particularly feel like a treatment ward, it was more akin to a high class hotel room. I wandered the room for a bit, eventually finding a white one-piece dress, hanging in a wardrobe. It was the only piece of clothing in the room, and the first piece of actual clothing I'd seen in this world.

I didn't know enough about this world, but the dress seemed to be high class. I hadn't cared much for fashion in my past life, but my hands had touched some of the finest products available. While it's craftmanship was rather lacking, the material used to make it was quite good. It wasn't quite as comfortable as the silken items my mother made, but it was pretty close to some of the more expensive brands back on Earth.

I awkwardly donned the dress, slightly embarrassed as I it fell just below my knees. Despite the fact that physically I was a female, I still felt more like a man, so it almost felt like I was cross-dressing, not something I would have ever done previously. Despite that fact I thought I was adjusting rather well, though that was probably due to the fact my memories came back when I was extremely young. While not completely foreign, a woman's body worked quite differently than a man's and I could still recall the embarrassment and confusion of learning the the basics of my new body.

Using a mirror I glanced at while I was searching the room I examined myself, it was the first time actually seeing my new appearance. My silky raven black hair that was quite long and unkempt and horizontally pointed ears were somewhat familiar as they were features I could at least touch. I still had some baby fat so my face was somewhat round, but I could definitely see that my features would probably be rather sharp when I grew. If my mother was any indication I'd probably turn out quite pretty, but I currently had mixed feelings, and I was currently far too underdeveloped to really be able to properly rate myself.

My most noticeable and outstanding feature were my eyes, they were completely different from my mother's, and even seemed somewhat demonic. My sclera was black as a void, not something I could call "eye whites" by any means. Likewise my pupils were dark and slit, similar to felines or some reptiles. My irises were violently vibrant violet, almost as if they gave off their own source of light.

I  took a moment to run my hands through my hair, making it look somewhat presentable, before I sat back on the bed and began to concentrate. My awakening had momentarily slipped my mind, but now was the time to finally see my Status in this world.

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