There was an awkward moment where me and Arya just looked at each other awkwardly before she lowered her head towards me. "I apologize for the incident before and I'm sorry to intrude." I blinked a few times trying to process what was going as Arya raised her head and peeked through the gap between me and the door. "May I come in?"

Without thinking I opened the door and allowed her to walk in before coming to my senses. "Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean by intrude? And why all the luggage?"

She had set down her bag and turned to look at me with clear confusion written on her face. "Duke Alcrem didn't inform you?"

I shook my head, having no idea what she was talking about. I'd gotten a letter from him not too long ago, but it had only mentioned a surprise, which I had thought were the scrolls I received, and that he was extremely satisfied with the reparations he'd bargained for.

Arya's brow furrowed cutely for a moment before she released a breath. "I don't know why, but my father was insistent that you and I should be married, obviously both of us are too young for an official marriage, so for now we're simply fiancés. The whole reason they got the Headmaster to give you a personal estate was so that the two of us could live together, improving our relationship and securing a better space so my condition can affect less people." Her tone had slowly lost the light and polite demeanor she'd had at first and by the time she was done speaking she sounded just as blunt and abrasive as the first time I'd met her.

I continuously ran my hand through my hair as I listened to her explanation. I doubted she was lying since her voice betrayed that she was somewhat against the idea, but it wasn't like either of us had a choice in the matter. On top of that, unlike the Elven dorm, there wasn't any protection set up here, which meant it was completely possible that I or Reine could cause another incident. I would be fine, but Reine was a different case, and while I immensely enjoyed her company I didn't want to risk her life over it, which meant I would need to send her back to the manor. Though that would probably be for the best as I didn't know how Arya would react to her fiancé, even one that wasn't her choice, having sex with another girl while she was around.

Besides the fact that Arya's condition was something I could deal with, I couldn't figure out why her father would want the two of us together. As far as the Elves were concerned same-sex relations weren't a problem, though I didn't know if that applied to Arya given her crotch, though since she at least looked female and was in the women's dorm I'd assumed it did. And while typically looked down upon, same-sex relations for humans wasn't illegal or anything, but I couldn't imagine what Arya's father could have said or given to convince mine to agree.

In the end it didn't matter what I thought about the situation, the decision had been made and I'd have to convince both Alcrem and Kavir if I wanted it to change. Besides the fact that I would have to send Reine back to the manor, I actually didn't mind the situation. Arya might be abrasive and come off rude or haughty, but I knew that was probably a defense mechanism to prevent people getting close to her. After all, the closer two people were the more likely something could occur that would trigger her condition, especially with how open and communal Elvish culture seemed to be. Plus, she was a perfect source to help me understand the Yin scrolls and could guide me in using them properly.

It didn't take long for me to catch Reine up as she had been listening for the majority of the time, it wasn't like there was that much space so it would have been stranger had she not. She was quick on the uptake and as I expected didn't put up resistance to being sent away as she understood that Arya represented an unknown form of danger that was ineffective against me.

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