I awoke extremely warm despite the heavy snowfall I could see the silhouette of due to the morning sun. When I attempted to shift my position to get up for the day a few arms entangled me from under the silken blankets I was covered with along with three voices who were groaning, and I was sure at least one of them asked for five more minutes.

Today was the last day before winter break so I wasn't that worried about attending class, but I'd already missed more than I should have so I planned to put some effort in going today. The three girls I had played with last night obviously didn't feel the same way, not that I could blame them as I didn't imagine they felt energized after the sexual activities we'd partaken in. However I didn't plan on wasting the day away in bed so I gently wriggled my arm out of the soft flesh that had it restrained and threw off the blanket allowing the chill to attack my body as well as the bodies of the three girls who were revealed as the blanket fluttered to the ground.

The blue haired on my right and the green haired on my left curled up closer to me trying to avoid the cold as the Elven one who'd been sleeping with their head near my stomach wriggled her way up my body trying to keep warm. It didn't take long for them to stir and began to awake from the chilly winter air.

"Come on wake up you three." I said as I prodded them and worked my way out of their grasps. They looked around sleepily as I managed to escape them and headed over to a dresser I'd built. I began to get dressed only to get annoyed as once again I was unable to fit into the bra I'd chosen. While I had been dealing with the hormones of puberty for a while, it wasn't until recently that my body really began to change.

At the beginning of the year I'd been closer to flat than busty, but that had since changed, and if Ashara was anything to go by I'd probably be on the larger side, something I wasn't really looking forward to it as the larger my boobs got the harder time I had fighting exactly how I was used to. If it had been gradual I don't think it would be that big of an issue, but it seemed my body liked to grow quickly in short bursts. Thankfully my Skills helped correct the issue to an extent so while it was somewhat troublesome it wasn't impossible to overcome.

I spent some time modifying the bra with my claws and a few tools I had lying around so I was able to fit inside. Once I was dressed I headed back to the bed where the other three had also gotten dressed. They looked at me with a look somewhere between reverence and lust and kneeled as I approached. "Thank you for blessing us Mistress." They said in unison.

My Alluring Blood Fiend Title had been lost and in its place was Heavenly Night Fairy. It wasn't that different from the one I had before being called a fiend, but its implications had changed. I didn't mind either way and it wasn't something that really mattered in the long run since the Title itself offered no benefits.

Sitting through the last of the classes before the break was always boring but I managed to make it through and was soon on my way to the manor where Reine would be waiting for me. However as I made my way across the campus and the exit closest to the Noble District I saw Marian waiting just outside the gate.

She'd taken the last few months off due to her feeling unwell so I was surprised to see her here especially in the biting cold. As I made my way through the exit she walked towards me smiling and gave me a hug. "It's been a while, you seem to have grown again Vell."

I hugged back and thought that she wasn't wrong, I'd probably gained an inch in height and at least a fourth in my chest size. "It's good to see you too mom, why did you come? I would have been at the manor shortly."

She released me from the hug and looked me over for a moment. "What, I can't spend time with my daughter?" Her tone was sarcastic so I just looked slightly exasperated. Seeing my expression made her smile brighten. "I wanted to go shopping and thought it would be nice to go with you for once. Besides, even when you're at the manor you have to spend some time at the school and you don't slack off on your Skills either so I barely have a chance to talk to you about things besides school."

I smiled as I decided to indulge her for a while, it was true that I hadn't actually spent that much time with her, especially once Arya had come into the picture. As we began to head to the Commercial District I felt Marian reach over and entwine her fingers through mine, a warm and welcome sensation in the cold.

We spent a few hours making our way around the Commercial District without actually buying that much. Most of the tailors were inferior to myself and those that weren't charged stupidly exorbitant prices since not only was their work good, but you were also buying for the name, just like the designer goods in Velen's life.

I did however manage to score very good prices on some gemstones from a street vendor, in fact the local flea market was where we ended spending the most money as Seshat's Library was the perfect appraisal Skill, since the price of goods were usually recorded somewhere, I could get a good idea of what was worth it and the leeway we had to haggle.

As the sun began to set we decided to just have dinner at a local restaurant since Marian had said she'd be out with me and it was likely that dinner would be over by the time we made our way home. While we'd spent most of the day catching up and laughing over memories I found there was plenty more to talk about while we ate.

It wasn't until we were waiting for desert that Marian suddenly became serious as she looked me directly in the eyes. "You're very popular in certain circles, Heavenly Night Fairy."

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