With 'legitimate' proof that I was only fighting in self-defense I conjured my Yinfire to block any Divine energy he shot towards me while unsheathing the greatsword from my back. Unlike in the Dreamscape the Hero had his artifacts and was clearly much more powerful because of it, however I could feel a strange strength running through my body that seemed hungry for that very power.

With my sword out, fending off his attacks became much easier and allowed me to counter attack, though even if I managed to get past the defense of his shield the armor was much stronger than anything else I'd had to deal with so I wasn't able to do much damage. It also had a self restoration function much like my equipment did, but I doubted that it was from any of Hiroshi's Skills and more just because the equipment was excellent.

This was even more clearly demonstrated as when I did get lucky and manage to push through his defense and draw blood, he would have to take a moment to perform a healing spell, or use a consumable of some sort to otherwise deal with the wound. Of course the fact that he was a Hero meant that his mana was quite high, and I was pretty sure that he either had an artifact or some other item that allowed access to a subspace storage area as he didn't seem to have a bag of any sort that I could see.

We clashed a few more times and despite the fact that he held the edge in just about every aspect he was severely lacking in two critical areas, energy conservation and combat experience. A melee fight was far more strenuous than it would appear from movies and other fictitious works. I had the advantage in that my stamina and endurance was higher than should be naturally possible, and to make matters even more unfair, anytime I hurt an opponent I sapped some of their stamina and replenished mine.

There was nothing to be said about his experience and the technique of how he fought. There was no style or variation, he simply used the Skills as one would in a game, without ever getting accustomed to how it should feel naturally. His attacks were mechanical and without life, but the overwhelming power and speed behind each made them deadly. He simply overwhelmed whoever he fought, leaving them unable to fight back and so when I showed up and was able to survive his might the flaws and defects of his abilities became extremely clear.

To make matters worse he had no situational awareness focusing only on the enemy in front of him, not noticing the elaborate web I was spinning around the grove to contain him, even as we exchanged blows and our energies collided. I imagine that if there had been anyone to watch the both of us going all out against each other it would surely be mistaken as the Demon Lord versus the Hero. The Hero with clean and pure white and gold energies that clashed against my black and purple flames that decayed any life they touched.

The once lively grove was now withered and dead as I leeched the life from the plants and ground and turned the area desiccated and inhospitable. I also had to admit that I was definitely more like a Demon Lord anyway, while I wasn't that cruel or out for some horrid goal, I didn't have the interests of the greater good in mind at all, only the well-being and enjoyment of me and those close to me.

The Hero in front of me was probably closer to a Demon Lord as well though, since it really only seemed like he cared about what he could get out of the Hero position rather than helping out those who needed it. Unfortunately for him the only thing coming out of his position and arrogance was an unfortunate and painful fate.

I could hear him breathing heavily both from exertion and frustration. He'd wounded me in ways that would have been fatal to normal people, but unless you could end my life in a single strike or disable me I would simply wear you out until you were weak enough for me to win against. And like a fly that was buzzing towards an unseen spider web, the Hero had walked face first into my trap and was soon going to pay the price.

It had taken quite a bit of effort to set up the web that hung invisibly just above us and just as the Hero dived towards me for another exchange of blows I dropped it on him like a net, and much like a fish out of water, he struggled as the web suddenly bound him, though that only made it worse as the threads tighten and completely restrained him. Not wanting to give him a single opportunity I wrapped him in a webbed cocoon that only left his helmet exposed, which I promptly removed as I strung him up.

I took some extra time to set up a silky hammock-style chair that I relaxed in as I used Thread Manipulation to bring him face to face with me. In spite of my arousal, I smiled viscously and licked my lips as I crossed my legs, hoping that the arrogance in Hiroshi's eyes would last some time.

"So Hero-kun, are you ready to tell me all about what I want to know?"

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